WTF Bites

  • I get a message along the lines of

    Please don't rename db columns "Randomly", Even though I agree with the rename you have broken the UI.

    I am thinking:

    • You have written zero fucking tests.
    • Why is the UI dependant on DB structure. There is Entities, DTO and Models (with matching Repo, Services, Controllers).
    • You approved my Pull Request with the changes you are complaining about. The whole point of the PR process is minor mistakes like this are caught.


  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    Why would I purposefully do things that annoy me?

    You could be suffering from Blakeyrat's syndrome.

  • Considered Harmful

    @kazitor said in WTF Bites:

    @Carnage said in WTF Bites:



    I'm partial to the constant reinvocation of the same accessor, myself, that's the mark of authenticity that.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    Status: This warning message makes me think it's a bad idea to use "Capture" to take a snapshot of a VM for possible restoration later. Am I wrong?


    Does it mean that the currently running VM immediately becomes unusable, but the captured one can be used instead (as long as it's been generalized)?

    No idea! I'm scared to try it!

    So copy the VM (i.e. manual backup), and then try?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    Status: This warning message makes me think it's a bad idea to use "Capture" to take a snapshot of a VM for possible restoration later. Am I wrong?


    Does it mean that the currently running VM immediately becomes unusable, but the captured one can be used instead (as long as it's been generalized)?

    No idea! I'm scared to try it!

    So copy the VM (i.e. manual backup), and then try?

    Nah, easier to spawn a toss-away VM and try it.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    toss-away VM

    The Department of Redundancy Department approves.

  • @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    I get a message along the lines of

    Please don't rename db columns "Randomly", Even though I agree with the rename you have broken the UI.

    I am thinking:

    • You have written zero fucking tests.
    • Why is the UI dependant on DB structure. There is Entities, DTO and Models (with matching Repo, Services, Controllers).
    • You approved my Pull Request with the changes you are complaining about. The whole point of the PR process is minor mistakes like this are caught.


    That is cutting it close to the point where I'd file a bug report on the UI design depending on system layers it has no business even being aware of.

  • @Lorne-Kates they're coming for you

  • Personal WTF of my day: So one of my brothers thinks he has a problem with the email forwarding his website does. He's not technically apt enough to diagnose it so he asks me to take a look.

    Okay, no problem, just need your login credentials to access the configuration tool and logs for your site?

    Ten minutes later he calls me back to tell me that he now needs to change the password because he opened his email program, typed in the first three letters of my name and then blindly accepted whatever autocomplete suggested.

    Which was not my email address.

    Seriously, his first question to me was: "Say, female_version_of_my_name@some_weird_site is not your email address?" :wtf:

  • The WTF is Me: Through some horrific unexplainable error of copy-paste, I somehow just bought an advertisement that links to a horribly-outdated Minecraft mod instead of my novel. :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk:

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    The WTF is Me: Through some horrific unexplainable error of copy-paste, I somehow just bought an advertisement that links to a horribly-outdated Minecraft mod instead of my novel. :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk:

    If NPM has taught us anything, you can just offer that modder $25 and a coupon for some chicken nuggs, and he'll give you complete control of that URL and let you do anything you want with it.

  • Fuck Angular. Fuck their team, fuck their libraries, fuck their documentation, fuck typescript.

    Problem 1:

    The typings file for Angular 7 is incorrect. In their Http library.

    Consider the following:

    I have a tabbed separated values file. I am using this code to download it. This code works.

    You will notice ts-ignore. This is a compiler directive to ignore the compilation error.

    // @ts-ignore
    return this.http.get<string>(url, { observe: 'response', responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).map((response: HttpResponse<string>) => response);

    The typings file says responsetype: 'arraybuffer' is essentially read-only (I have no idea what the equivalent is in TypeScript). But it actually isn't, but the compiler itself shit and moans about it. So I omit it.

    Now you maybe forgive for thinking you can do something like this.

    return this.http.get<ArrayBuffer>(url).map((response: HttpResponse<ArrayBuffer>) => response);

    If you don't set that responsetype: 'arraybuffer. If the response type is text, it will assume even though the type you are passing into the HttpReponse Generic is ArrayBuffer. Even though if you look in the default responseType for something that is array buffer it is arraybuffer, it won't work even though the intellisense from doc comments says it does.

    Angular 7 http library will always try to parse anything that comes back as JSON, doesn't matter if you are telling it you are expecting a blob / text etc. So every-time it tried to map the response object it died. Howeve it being angular js, instead of telling you the actual error you have half a page of nonsense in your JS Console.

    I've pretty much got to the point where I never want to do web development again. I am going to learn how to build UWP apps or something, because this is a cluster fuck. If this is the future I don't want any part with it.

    Problem 2

    So I have an EventEmitter for inter component communication. Essentially this allows you to bubble an event to the parent component.

    e.g. If you have Form in a Dialog box. You form would could be a child component of your dialog. Pretty standard stuff.

    Say you wanted to send some data to the Dialog Component on Form submit. You would have something like this in your child's component class.

    submitFormr: EventEmitter<FormData> = new EventEmitter<FormData>()
    //Snip some code in your component
    submitForm(form: FormData): void {;

    In your parents markdown you would have

    <my-dialog-component submitForm="anEventHandler($event)"></my-dialog-component>

    myFormSubmitHandler will be an event handler and event will have whatever is in your form object.

    Sounds pretty sensible right? Well no. If myFormSubmitHandler was called getMyFormData. Won't work.

    Now also exportMyFormHandler also doesn't work. I tried the code in an Angular 4 works fine. So somewhere in their code they must be ignoring anything that looks like a keyword in handler names.

    This wasted me about 2 hours today.

  • And then the murders began.

    @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:


    Well there's your problem.

    (Give me browser-managed full form postbacks or give me death.)

  • Considered Harmful

    @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    I've pretty much got to the point where I never want to do web development again. I am going to learn how to build UWP apps or something, because this is a cluster fuck. If this is the future I don't want any part with it.

    Creating Angular might've been a long-term investment. 🚎


    @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    Fuck Angular.

    How can I FTFY when you've already FTFM?

  • @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    Fuck Angular. Fuck their team, fuck their libraries, fuck their documentation,

    Fuck Angular. I don't even care what problem it caused this time, fuck Angular πŸ’― .

    fuck typescript.
    The typings file for Angular 7 is incorrect. In their Http library.

    Hey now… the Angular team fucked upΒΉ their typings, and it's the fault of TypeScript?

    ΒΉFor what it's worth, I think if such a core type were incorrect, there'd be a reported bug… but hell, it's Angular, so there might be a bug that's being cheerfully ignored.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @DCoder said in WTF Bites:

    @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    Fuck Angular. Fuck their team, fuck their libraries, fuck their documentation,

    Fuck Angular. I don't even care what problem it caused this time, fuck Angular πŸ’― .

    I'd join in, but it does absolutely nothing relevant for anything I'm working on…

  • @DCoder the problem with typescript is that it gives you an illusion of being a properly typed language. It isn’t. It is still JavaScript and I’d rather just deal with JavaScript for all the faults it has.

  • Considered Harmful

    @sweaty_gammon Have you tried kotlin.js?

  • @pie_flavor I rarely get the chance to build stuff the way I want.

  • @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    your parents markdown
    <my-dialog-component submitForm="anEventHandler($event)"></my-dialog-component>

    :pendant: Either you're from Australia or you're using Markdown in a context that's way out of its league...

  • Banned

    344b3850-7d37-4424-853b-24945520da61-obraz.png is Twitter's CDN, right? They must really hate my no 3rd party cookies setting.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:


    1. Missed opportunity.

  • @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    @DCoder the problem with typescript is that it gives you an illusion of being a properly typed language. It isn’t. It is still JavaScript and I’d rather just deal with JavaScript for all the faults it has.

    That's the reason I gave up on TypeScript - I spent more time tinkering with the Typings than actually writing code.

  • @Rhywden the more I used the less impressed I am

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I've the afternoon off and seeing as I have no plans I started fucking around with my old employers site for kicks and giggles. Was on the site twenty minutes when I managed to submit a 100kb string for postcode. :wtf: also managed to change the postcode on another user. :wtf: :wtf: How did I access another user you may ask? Well unauthenticated public facing apis and subtracting 10 from the id number I was assigned. I have the feeling I know the developer who wrote this. Probably the same one who threw a shitfit when I pointed out these problems in another part of his code about a month before I left. Some people should be shot.

  • @sweaty_gammon A policy I try to push for everywhere I work is that the person who authors a PR and the person who reviews it have entirely equal responsibility if there turns out to be something wrong with it after it's merged. Sometimes that makes review slower and more difficult; I think that's a good thing.

    Bitching at somebody for a problem caused by a PR you reviewed is bullshit; I share your rage.

  • β™Ώ (Parody)

    @DogsB said in WTF Bites:

    I've the afternoon off and seeing as I have no plans I started fucking around with my old employers site for kicks and giggles. Was on the site twenty minutes when I managed to submit a 100kb string for postcode. :wtf: also managed to change the postcode on another user. :wtf: :wtf: How did I access another user you may ask? Well unauthenticated public facing apis and subtracting 10 from the id number I was assigned. I have the feeling I know the developer who wrote this. Probably the same one who threw a shitfit when I pointed out these problems in another part of his code about a month before I left. Some people should be shot.

    Did you ever get your pizza?

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @sweaty_gammon Have you tried kotlin.js?

    vanilla.js is better.

  • WTF bite #1: Twitter document their Tweet-length-calculation algorithm in great detail, but their docs are wrong, as I describe here:

    WTF bite #2: I couldn't find anywhere to report this bug, so had to resort to Tweeting at TwitterSupport, which will probably be ignored.

    WTF bite #3: I couldn't use my existing Twitter account for this because upon logging into it for the first time in over a year I got redirected to a GDPR consent flow which returns a 500 error. My ability to view Twitter remains broken until I manually clear my cookies.

    WTF bite #4: after doing this a few times, I discovered that my old account is actually suspended: I have literally never Tweeted from that account, ever; I only created it to use their API for work purposes. I have no idea what I was suspended for and no way I know of to find out.

    WTF bite #5: Twitter is so fucking broken that if I go to the profile of my new account at it says "@XplodingCabbage hasn't Tweeted" even though I clearly fucking have.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    @DogsB said in WTF Bites:

    I've the afternoon off and seeing as I have no plans I started fucking around with my old employers site for kicks and giggles. Was on the site twenty minutes when I managed to submit a 100kb string for postcode. :wtf: also managed to change the postcode on another user. :wtf: :wtf: How did I access another user you may ask? Well unauthenticated public facing apis and subtracting 10 from the id number I was assigned. I have the feeling I know the developer who wrote this. Probably the same one who threw a shitfit when I pointed out these problems in another part of his code about a month before I left. Some people should be shot.

    Did you ever get your pizza?

    If my wife just cooked it wouldn't of being a problem.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Cabbage said in WTF Bites:

    WTF bite #5: Twitter is so fucking broken that if I go to the profile of my new account at it says "@XplodingCabbage hasn't Tweeted" even though I clearly fucking have.

    #6. "Tweets & replies" shows the tweet even though "Tweets" doesn't.

  • @Cabbage said in WTF Bites:

    @sweaty_gammon A policy I try to push for everywhere I work is that the person who authors a PR and the person who reviews it have entirely equal responsibility if there turns out to be something wrong with it after it's merged. Sometimes that makes review slower and more difficult; I think that's a good thing.

    Bitching at somebody for a problem caused by a PR you reviewed is bullshit; I share your rage.

    I wouldn’t mind as much if he wasn’t constantly rude. He is a try hard mother fucker. I just wanna do the job and relax at the end of the day.

  • @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    @sweaty_gammon said in WTF Bites:

    @DCoder the problem with typescript is that it gives you an illusion of being a properly typed language. It isn’t. It is still JavaScript and I’d rather just deal with JavaScript for all the faults it has.

    That's the reason I gave up on TypeScript - I spent more time tinkering with the Typings than actually writing code.

    I must be doing something wrong then… I have a project with 53k sloc of TypeScript code spread over 526 .ts files, and I would never try to rebuild it without types.

  • @DCoder You probably don't have to deal with 3rd party scripts without definitions then.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Cabbage said in WTF Bites:

    WTF bite #5: Twitter is so fucking broken that if I go to the profile of my new account at it says "@XplodingCabbage hasn't Tweeted" even though I clearly fucking have.

    A message that starts with an @mention is a reply for the purposes of the reply category; i.e. only the target and people who follow both you and the target see it in their feed. That is why you will often see tweets with a dot before the @mention.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @loopback0 said in WTF Bites:

    @Cabbage said in WTF Bites:

    WTF bite #5: Twitter is so fucking broken that if I go to the profile of my new account at it says "@XplodingCabbage hasn't Tweeted" even though I clearly fucking have.

    #6. "Tweets & replies" shows the tweet even though "Tweets" doesn't.

    I believe that's because since he started the tweet with an @ it doesn't count like a normal tweet.

    Edit: :hanzo:

  • Java Dev

    Because I went to DHW I got an early access code for DHS19. Just it seems someone didn't update the purchase site properly...


    So which DH did I get a ticket for now? Also they were offering day passes for friday, saturday and sunday. DHS runs saturday, sunday and monday. Good job!


    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Seriously, his first question to me was: "Say, female_version_of_my_name@some_weird_site is not your email address?" :wtf:

    Rhywda? :thonking: :thonking: :thonking:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Seriously, his first question to me was: "Say, female_version_of_my_name@some_weird_site is not your email address?" :wtf:

    Rhywda? :thonking: :thonking: :thonking:


  • @Tsaukpaetra That's just rhydiculous

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Seriously, his first question to me was: "Say, female_version_of_my_name@some_weird_site is not your email address?" :wtf:

    Rhywda? :thonking: :thonking: :thonking:

    Oh shit .. I've already seen it.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Cabbage said in WTF Bites:

    WTF bite #4: after doing this a few times, I discovered that my old account is actually suspended: I have literally never Tweeted from that account, ever; I only created it to use their API for work purposes. I have no idea what I was suspended for and no way I know of to find out.

    There was a bit of a purge a while back as an attempt to cut down on the egg avatared troll accounts. You might have been caught up in that. The account I made a while back still seems to be active but I did post from that via the API (also used it for some of those "tweet this and you might win" competitions since it has no followers to annoy)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    **:wtf: :pacman: **

    You suck, Slack.

    πŸ‘¦πŸ» I'm in a channel. I want to jump backwards to a specific date. Can I click on the date to bring up some Jump UI? Nope. Is there, like, a "calendar" icon I can click on? Nope. How about right click on channel? A Filter icon? Anything?
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» Grr.... ο†  Slack Desktop Click Jump To Date
    ο†  staaaaaaaaaaack oveeeeeeeeeeeerfloooooooooooooooooooow!
    ο…¬ The "Jump to Date" is under the motherfucking βš™ icon, asshole.
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» .......... ?
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» {clicks βš™} "Jump to Date..."
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» Under the gear icon. The gear icon that traditionally means "settings". The icon that, when I hover over it, pops up a tooltip that says "Channel Settings". Even though in the popup menu, of the 8 items in the menu, there's only a single one that lets you manipulate channel settings.

    Fuck you, Slack.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Lorne-Kates said in WTF Bites:

    **:wtf: :pacman: **

    You suck, Slack.

    πŸ‘¦πŸ» I'm in a channel. I want to jump backwards to a specific date. Can I click on the date to bring up some Jump UI? Nope. Is there, like, a "calendar" icon I can click on? Nope. How about right click on channel? A Filter icon? Anything?
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» Grr.... ο†  Slack Desktop Click Jump To Date
    ο†  staaaaaaaaaaack oveeeeeeeeeeeerfloooooooooooooooooooow!
    ο…¬ The "Jump to Date" is under the motherfucking βš™ icon, asshole.
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» .......... ?
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» {clicks βš™} "Jump to Date..."
    πŸ‘¦πŸ» Under the gear icon. The gear icon that traditionally means "settings". The icon that, when I hover over it, pops up a tooltip that says "Channel Settings". Even though in the popup menu, of the 8 items in the menu, there's only a single one that lets you manipulate channel settings.

    Fuck you, Slack.

    There was already a three dots button so they didn't want to confuse you?

    Edit: Pic demonstrating what I mean:


  • Considered Harmful


    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @Cabbage said in WTF Bites:

    WTF bite #5: Twitter is so fucking broken that if I go to the profile of my new account at it says "@XplodingCabbage hasn't Tweeted" even though I clearly fucking have.

    A message that starts with an @mention is a reply for the purposes of the reply category; i.e. only the target and people who follow both you and the target see it in their feed. That is why you will often see tweets with a dot before the @mention.

    It explains the behaviour, but is itself a WTF.
    "Hey, I want to tell you something" == "I have feedback for something you said"?

  • @Tsaukpaetra damn that's a terrible UI. Eight charms, one of which is way too big, the least important one the most visually prominent, and carelessly strewn like childrens' toys on their bedroom floor.

  • @Atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    Because I went to DHW I got an early access code for DHS19. Just it seems someone didn't update the purchase site properly...


    So which DH did I get a ticket for now? Also they were offering day passes for friday, saturday and sunday. DHS runs saturday, sunday and monday. Good job!

    Dates are hard. (Fri Jun 15 is 2018 - how's your time travel machine?)

  • Java Dev

    @dcon The dates correct, as DHS starts on a saturday. Most schools in Sweden have the first days of summer holiday that weekend, so it's most likely intentional so students wont have to miss out on the final day of school to go DH.

    They fixed the errors on the ticket sales site now, except for the day passes still being fri-sun. Also, I saved €10 by getting mine in the "exclusive" first 24H sale compared to the current early bird discount.

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