UI Bites

  • It's readable to me too, but it may not be to everyone:

    contrast checker.png

  • And using black text instead gives a contrast ratio that's twice better:
    contrast checker 2.png

  • @Zerosquare said in UI Bites:

    So Apple hasn't heard about accessibility and minimum contrast. Wonderful.

    I am pretty sure they heard about it, and even have it in their UI guidelines somewhere. But then they apparently choose to hire ignorant designers and overrule the QA because 😍*pretty*🤤. Google caught the same brainworm.

  • @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    because 😍*pretty*🤤. Google caught the same brainworm.

    Where has Google been keeping that version? Is it hiding behind the Material design?

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    I wish it was feasible for software to treat users as adults.

    it is feasible.

    what isn't feasible is software treating developers of extensions/plugins/apps(for Operating systems) as Adults.

    because these developers and/or their management structure, has proven time and time again that if you give them the freedom to behave like adults, then they'll use that freedom to behave like assholes that want to ruin the whole thing for everyone.

    so you can't treat those plugin/extension/app authors like adults. and unfortunately when doing that it often means you fail to provide the user with the optimal experience, either because you had to disable or not implement functionality the user wanted in order to protect the user from the developers, or because the developers decided to turn around and serve your hostility towards them towards the users in an attempt to make themselves feel better, and/or to force you to relax the restrictions preventing you from stealing everything the user has.

    it's sad that we cannot trust other develoeprs to act with Honor, but when the pro capitalist regeime in control of the world only rewards the assholes and other scum..... I really cannot blame those that are just trying to make a living playing the only game that they stand a chance of coming out ahead on.... even if in reality the game is designed so that they best they can really expect to do is tread shitwater water

  • @Vixen said in UI Bites:

    you had to disable or not implement functionality the user wanted in order to protect the user from the developers

    I.e. treating the user like a child. Children aren't allowed to drink and smoke and get into legally binding contracts, in order to protect them from the harmful effects that could come with those activities. Adults are free to do those things, and be responsible for the consequences to themselves and those around them.

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    I.e. treating the user like a child.

    That depends on whether you consider user hostile actions from third party developers a passive danger, in your analogy a user smoking tobacco, or if you consider user hostile actions from third party developers an active danger, to put it into your analogy a mugger pointing a gun at the user.

    I, through painful and repeated real world experience see the danger as active. You appear to see the danger as passive. I can only hope that you are correct, or failing that that you learn of your error before that active danger strikes you personally.

  • Banned

    @Zerosquare said in UI Bites:

    And using black text instead gives a contrast ratio that's twice better:
    contrast checker 2.png

    I find the black text harder to read than the white text. :mlp_shrug:

    Biology is so irreproducible. I hate it.

  • @Vixen My point is that no matter what nefarious things an extension may be up to, you have to add it to your browser before it can do anything. It's like inviting a vampire into your house. But the problem is that most users can't be treated like adults in this situation, because they don't know or care about security and privacy implications of adding whatever to your browser; they just want to block ads or get discounts or whatever the extension says it does. So while I (and, I think, most users on this forum) would be able to figure out when a sketchy extension puts an extra button that redirects to facebook.com-botnet.cn, the general public does need to be protected from that sort of thing. Or better educated 🌈 🦄 🐖🦋

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    don't know or care about security and privacy implications of adding whatever to your browser

    The know part applies even to those who understand and care. Ok, so you are careful and you don't add every flashy nonsense, but when you want to add something that looks genuinely useful to you, information about what can be trusted that could itself be trusted is in severely short supply.

    Traditionally the answer to shortage of trust have been laws and courts, but we are still struggling with applying it online. And constructs like lex mercatoria that saved medieval merchants through the period when kings were inapt don't work anymore because the Internet has way outgrown the monkey sphere.

    … and then we don't apply even the tools to support lex mercatoria. We would at least need the applications, extensions, plugins etc. to be signed by some identity that is not a dime a dozen even if it was not tied to real world identity too tightly so that trust and distrust could be usefully announced and such announcement wasn't easy to escape.

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    most users can't be treated like adults

    So the problem is software doesn't treat users like adults because it cannot safely treat them like adults?

    I..... I'm having a major case of cognitive dissonance trying to figure out what your point actually is given this conversation....

    Am I missing exchanges in this conversation that you can see but are hidden from me? Am I shadow banned by someone so I can't see their posts and those posts would give me the context I'm missing?

  • @Bulb It also gets hairy when existing popular extensions get change ownership and suddenly Stylish is sending all your shit to China where before you could trust that it wouldn't.

  • @Vixen My original point was that it was infeasible to treat browser users like adults, because of all the problems we've now enumerated

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    @Bulb It also gets hairy when existing popular extensions get change ownership and suddenly Stylish is sending all your shit to China where before you could trust that it wouldn't.

    Yes. But preventing that to happen silently would be relatively easy and not restricting the possibilities of either authors or users.

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    @Vixen My original point was that it was infeasible to treat browser users like adults, because of all the problems we've now enumerated

    so your statement that started this was one of regret that things must be this way, not of (possibly impotent) rage that things dare to be the way what they are?

    And i misread your perceived emotional state, leading to this conversation and my increasing cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile your words with my perception of your emotional meaning......

    Yep. That sounds like a thing I would do....

  • @Vixen said in UI Bites:

    so your statement that started this was one of regret that things must be this way, not of (possibly impotent) rage that things dare to be the way what they are?

    Pretty much. I want this thing that could be potentially dangerous, but it's not allowed for mostly valid reasons

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    @Vixen My original point was that it was infeasible to treat browser users like adults

    It is entirely possible, provided you target experimented users only. You know, like Mozilla could be doing with Firefox, instead of turning it into a Chrome-wannabe.

  • Gmail appears to have an integrated spellchecker now. That would be useful, except that it flags every single word as misspelled and wants to correct every single word to the word "experience." :wtf_owl:

  • Maybe their new slogan is "Experience the Gmail experience"?

  • Fake News

    @mott555 said in UI Bites:

    Gmail appears to have an integrated spellchecker now. That would be useful, except that it flags every single word as misspelled and wants to correct every single word to the word "experience." :wtf_owl:

    It just makes for more... 🕶 😐

    ... experienced emails. 😎

  • @Atazhaia said in UI Bites:

    I was held hostage by bad UI the other day. A program had automatically updated itself and put up a dialogue of the "Program has been updated. Computer needs to be restarted to finish the install." with the options of OK and Cancel. I press cancel. "System needs to be rebooted for the changes to take place." Sure, fine. Not a critical program. It can wait until I shut off the computer for the night.

    But no. Upon pressing OK it just put up the first dialogue box again. Pressing Cancel this time just made it reappear. Keeping on pressing Cancel just brought it back infinitely. So I had to reboot the computer if I wanted the stupid thing to go away. Grr.

    CTRL-SHIFT-ESC is your friend.

  • @Gąska said in UI Bites:

    Biology is so irreproducible. I hate it.

    On the contrary. Reproducing is one of the things that biology does best!

  • Banned

  • 🔀

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said in UI Bites:

    Gmail appears to have an integrated spellchecker now. That would be useful, except that it flags every single word as misspelled and wants to correct every single word to the word "experience." :wtf_owl:

    Does it then want to change all instances of "experience" to "chicken"?


    @PleegWat said in In other news today...:

    Woman's life is saved by a heat photo made in a museum of illusions


    Fucking web devs. :rolleyes:

  • @mott555 said in UI Bites:

    Gmail appears to have an integrated spellchecker now. That would be useful, except that it flags every single word as misspelled and wants to correct every single word to the word "experience." :wtf_owl:

    It's improved a bit, but it must use a simplified dictionary. Half the technical words as well as a few not-quite-common but proper English words are flagged as spelling errors.

    I wish I could just turn it off. Along with half of everything else in Gmail.

  • @mott555 Why would they even put it in in the first place? If they're really worried about proper spelling in your email, is there any modern browser that doesn't have its own spell checker built in?

  • Below is part of YouTube's interface. It looks like I have Super Chat and Super Stickers disabled, currently, right?
    I should untick those "Disable" options so that I can enable those features.

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Both screenshots are from Safari on iPhone.

    Mobile is Different™.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    fake home button

    I was

    A) Wondering what the fuck that was
    B) Laughing because of course apple would add overlay UI that's not likely detectable by the website it's covering up.
    C) Wondering if the keyboard being open is also still not detectable and so hopefully you weren't depending on the lower half of whatever was just covered up.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    B) Laughing because of course apple would add overlay UI that's not likely detectable by the website it's covering up.

    The browser is able to avoid it (and does so with its own UI controls) but opts to use that space for the viewport after hiding the controls.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @loopback0 said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    B) Laughing because of course apple would add overlay UI that's not likely detectable by the website it's covering up.

    The browser is able to avoid it (and does so with its own UI controls) but opts to use that space for the viewport after hiding the controls.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    publish human interface guidelines for iOS.

    Oh, so now it's website's responsibility to cater to Apple? Fuck that!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    they also lack physical buttons and they started that stupid fad with on-screen buttons.

    The on-screen buttons don't overlap content at any time however. 🖕

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    The on-screen buttons don't overlap content at any time however. 🖕

    But the content does overlap them occasionally -- for example when you try to press the back button and you get a popup at the bottom of the screen asking if you want to update now and then you hit the update button by accident and can't use the phone for the next 10 minutes because the "enter pin to confirm" screen which shows next doesn't have those buttons and is non-cancellable, not to mention that entering wrong PIN on purpose doesn't abort but just delay each following PIN entry attempt until you either give up and enter the right PIN to confirm the update or power off the phone to abort it. In either case you lose whatever important you were doing on it seconds before.

    Pics or it didn't happen. I don't believe you.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Maybe your Android phone doesn't show update notification popup at the bottom of the screen?

    No. Notifications are shown from the top of the screen, and if you miss them, the go into the "window shade".

    At no point should there ever be an interactable notification in the lower section of the screen. At best, you might get a "toaster" for short status messages that are not actionable.

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    if you don't believe me that's your problem, not mine

    Why is that my problem? The onus is on you to prove your claims, not for me to... not prove it false? I don't understand what you're point is.


    That should be happening automatically by dint of most screens claiming their DPI is 480 or greater and thus what would be a 16x16 icon on a typical PC becomes bigger than my fat ass-thumb.


    So in other words, no hamburger menus. Fuck every website and mobile app then!

    On this forum, even if we disregard the part which gets under the home button, the page and post navigation controls are too close to each other and too small of a target for comfortable touch on a mobile device.

    Now that's a valid complaint, and easily fixable regardless of IOS or whatever.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:


    Well it's not like Apple doesn't publish human interface guidelines for iOS. It's just that some developers are lazy SOBs who never read such things and rely on UCDD pattern.

    You mean like Apple's own developers when they're developing Safari?

    It's up to the browser to handle the "safe area" not the content.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    No. Notifications are shown from the top of the screen, and if you miss them, the go into the "window shade".

    Sorry for the confusion, this is actually a menu that pops up at the bottom asking if you want to install update now or later. That should be shown in the middle of the screen and it should be dismissable with "Ask me later", not modal until you pick "Update now" or "Update later" which both lead to non-cancellable PIN entry screen.

    Then fuck Huawei for being fucktards. :mlp_shrug:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    Why is that my problem?

    Because you are asking for impossible proof as a way to dismiss my complaint.

    Don't make impossible to prove claims, don't have an impossible claim to prove. :mlp_shrug:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    That should be happening automatically...

    If you take a look at the right example marked with X with a bunch of densely placed icons at the bottom, you will see that just resizing those icons to become larger targets would not work because some of them would end up out of screen and the touch surfaces would still be too close to each other. So no, you can't automatically fix idiotic layout, hence Apple guidelines.

    I don't see your point? With most UI toolkits a toolbar with buttons that extend past the limits of the toolbar get shuffled off into a sub-menu or other element (think: Three dots on Android). It's automatic unless you intentionally fuck it up.

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    So in other words, no hamburger menus. Fuck every website and mobile app then!

    Pretty much.

    So then devs don't need to worry about IOS since it doesn't want them anyways. 🎉

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    Now that's a valid complaint, and easily fixable regardless of IOS or whatever.

    Well then I hope someone picks it up and fixes it. Paging @boomzilla -- can you put this forum UI complaint into Bugs so it can eventually be fixed some day?

    Threads are free. Do it yourself, lazy bum!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @LB_ said in UI Bites:

    Below is part of YouTube's interface. It looks like I have Super Chat and Super Stickers disabled, currently, right?
    I should untick those "Disable" options so that I can enable those features.

    A wild discobool appears!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Paging @boomzilla -- can you put this forum UI complaint into Bugs so it can eventually be fixed some day?

    Oh, sure, I could. But I don't understand the alleged bug enough to be motivated to do so. I've fallen asleep three times trying to figure it out from reading what you wrote. Make a FREE!!!11 thread yourself if you think it's an actual NodeBB/WTDWTF bug.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    publish human interface guidelines for iOS.

    Oh, so now it's website's responsibility to cater to Apple? Fuck that!

    That document, at least as much as I read of it, is for app developers, not web developers. If you're developing an app for iOS, you should probably take note of Apple's guidelines. If you're developing a website, you probably want to make it usable on mobile, but vendor-specific mobile? 🖕

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    It's automatic unless you intentionally fuck it up.

    I think you underestimate the ability of incompetent devs fuck things up unintentionally.

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Paging @boomzilla -- can you put this forum UI complaint into Bugs

    one does not just ask @boomzilla to do work.

    But then that wasn't asking.... was it? that was..... that was almost demanding.....

    And that being the case..... would you mind signing this updated last will and testament leaving the entirety of your worldly possessions to the fellowhood of the vulpine-kind?

    why? oh, no reason. No reason at all. Nothing to worry about.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    It's automatic unless you intentionally fuck it up.

    I think you underestimate the ability of incompetent devs fuck things up unintentionally.

    I never said it was accidental.

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Can I paw-print it instead?

    As long as it's legally binding..... sure!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Why the fuck does this program list the CDs horizontally?


    Fucking retarded devs....

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    this program

    Apparently couldn't handle... something, and duplicalterated the Music folder names...


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    not using Exact Audio Copy for CD ripping?

    Doesn't support the auto loader I have. :mlp_shrug:

    @levicki said in UI Bites:


    Jokes on you, I don't have either at the moment!

    Apparently couldn't handle... somethingNTFS Junction Points, and duplicalterated the Music folder names...

    Nope! That is one of the folders I don't have a redirector for.

  • @LB_ said in UI Bites:

    Below is part of YouTube's interface. It looks like I have Super Chat and Super Stickers disabled, currently, right?
    I should untick those "Disable" options so that I can enable those features.

    Do the labels change (to "Enable...") if they're unchecked?

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