WTF Bites

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    So this is all userland scripts, as if run from a terminal once the system is up and the boot process is over.

    … so it should be the same as if you logged in with ssh immediately after it boots? And yet it works from manual ssh and not the automatic one… Ok, that's a :wtf_owl:.

    Yes. And it wasn't a timing issue--sleep 20 did nothing.

    Fortunately, my team lead (aka the one making the decisions) decided, after being thoroughly stumped, to just alter the ticket to do something much simpler (although a bit more tech-debt, since it delays our consolidation of docker repositories until we can resolve this issue).

  • WTF of my day: Some people are mindboggingly stupid.

    So, we have Office365 licenses enough for every pupil of my school. Due to GDPR we cannot hand them out nilly-willy but the pupil needs to actively ask them for it. Until two years ago we did the account creation by hand (I had joined that effort a bit prior to those two years).

    Then I thought this method to be stupid and created a website which did that stuff for me. It gets the pupil's infos from the LDAP and then inserts an account via the Microsoft Graph API into O365.

    The only snag: Currently it's still semi-manual due to the "legacy" accounts, i.e. the ones who were done by hand. But I simply do a quick search if the user already exists and if not, it's one click of a button.

    This also means that there's a waiting period between the pupils signing up, me getting around to pushing the button and the pupil then getting the login credentials for O365.

    I just got a message from one pupil: "I cannot login!"

    My reply: "What does that mean exactly? And where?"

    And I get a screenshot of my site with the text which states: "You've successfully signed up and now need to be patient for the account details to be verified. You'll automatically get an email once that's done."

    I'm not sure what is incomprehensible about this text or how it does evoke the feeling that she "cannot login".

  • @Rhywden It's a message on a computer screen. You'd have to be some kind of technical wizard to be able to even read it, much less comprehend it.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    Yes. And it wasn't a timing issue--sleep 20 did nothing.

    That means that things are definitely being done in the wrong order, rather than it being that was accidentally. That's actually useful evidence, you know…

  • Considered Harmful

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Some people are mindboggingly stupid.


    how it does evoke the feeling that she "cannot login".

    She's :technically-correct:, at the moment.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    WTF Bite Status: The dropdowns in Azure DevOps Classic Pipelines (because using YAML pipelines is :trwtf:) don't work correctly in Chrome, but they do in Edgium. Depending on which dropdown you're working with and which version of Chrome, the drop down either won't populate with anything other than the selected value or will populate but when you pick a new value, it doesn't actually change and it returns to showing the old value as selected.

    (Granted, this miiiiight be uBlock or something crazy, but I don't have any JS-blocking plugins in Chrome -- only uBlock Origin, which doesn't show any triggers on my ADO pages. And a couple collegues have experienced similar Chrome problems, with different sets of plugins installed. I have no plugins in Edge though, so can't completely rule a plugin problem out, I suppose.)

  • @izzion said in WTF Bites:

    can't completely rule a plugin problem out, I suppose

    IIRC Chrome does not run plugins in private window (by default; you can explicitly approve them), so you could try it in that.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    And I get a screenshot of my site with the text which states: "You've successfully signed up and now need to be patient for the account details to be verified. You'll automatically get an email once that's done."

    I'm not sure what is incomprehensible about this text or how it does evoke the feeling that she "cannot login".

    Well, she was :technically-correct:. Maybe this was her way of signalling she wanted her details verified so she could login.

  • I am currently working on very :wtf:-worthy project:

    • We are to configure, build, and debug for specific use-cases, a software we develop.
    • There is an integrator, who is responsible for the base system and the final delivery. They subcontracted development of the device.
    • At the start of the project, we told the integrator that the software is built with ptxdist or yocto. This is needed to take care of the various libraries it is linked against. No, they don't have that.
    • Instead, they have something build from AOSP core. Ancient. Version 4.0!
    • They sent us a device (I'll call this one ‘target’ as more devices are involved down the line) it to test on, but
    • They didn't send us the other device to test against (the software implements some communication protocols). We can another device running simulator for most tests though.
    • The devices are connected through gateway, because they actually use different physical layers.
    • They sent us the gateways, but they didn't send us the connecting wires (the physical layer is new to our team).
    • The gateways they sent us don't work anyway, so more sending hardware there and back ensues to find a working one.
    • They didn't give us access to the bootloader of the target. Instead, they gave us a Windows GUI utility (i.e. not usable on the headless Linux build servers) that sends it system updates over network.
    • Only documentation to the flash utility is in Chinese. At least the buttons are in Engrish.
    • The utility sports a ‘Change Object’ button that changes background (it's just a single dialog with bunch of buttons and entry boxes). Does not appear to have any other effect.
    • When selecting folder with the image to flash, the (system filechooser) dialog shows a bunch of non-existent folders in addition to the ones that need to be selected.
    • A week ago they sent us an image where they integrated some components we asked them for.
    • Colleague showed me how to use the flash utility and we flashed the image. It appeared to have worked.
    • Well, today I wanted to re-flash the device to get back to clean state, which did clearly not work.
    • I realized that last week it probably flashed the system partition, but not the initramdisk where important part of the change was…

  • … actually, last week it didn't work either, but I didn't check it carefully.

    • also, the files to be flashed are wrapped in somewhat strange way. 7zip recognizes them as the appropriate archive types (ext4 for the disk image, gzipped cpio for initramfs), just complaining there are data beyond end of archive, but the native tools (e2fsck, gzip) don't recognize them; it looks like 7z is also searching for the start of archive and does not say anything about there also being data before start of it.

  • Considered Harmful

    I know, the I-Hate-Oracle Club is :arrows:.

    grant read on FOO.BAR to BAZ

    ORA-02224: EXECUTE privilege not allowed for tables


    I had to ask a DBA what that meant. Apparently it actually means the user doesn't exist.

  • @dcon So I finally installed 20H2 on my work PC. It was a surprisingly quick update, I was surprised.

    The bug in question was not fixed, Remote Desktop still changes size on maximize/restore.

  • @ChaosTheEternal said in WTF Bites:

    The bug in question was not fixed, Remote Desktop still changes size on maximize/restore.


    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden It's a message on a computer screen. You'd have to be some kind of technical wizard to be able to even read it, much less comprehend it.

    Apparently works offline, too, now:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @ChaosTheEternal said in WTF Bites:

    The bug in question was not fixed, Remote Desktop still changes size on maximize/restore.

    I have the opposite problem; Remote Desktop does not change resolution unless I magic-encant it on the right monitor using the right settings.

    Then again, I'm still on 1903...

  • a9fdec23-367c-48f4-b853-ec2f03cbb4cc-image.png

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Yes, that will totally fix the problem...


    Flagged for neglecting the opportunity to title a thread “The Future of Fucking”

  • @kazitor No Fucking Please, We're Austrian.

  • Java Dev

    Got a questionnaire about my latest visit to the emergency room at the hospital. One of the questions was:

    Would you recommend the emergency room to anyone in your situation?

    Would I recommend someone with a potentially serious medical condition to go to emergency ASAP? Especially one where a nurse has said ambulance transport is on the way? Hmm...

  • They must have hired a former member of MS analytics team:

  • @Zerosquare You've never had a conversation with a Linux evangelist :trollface:

  • It's the kind of memories I try to repress.

  • @ 2020-11-27 14:03:

    Once your order is confirmed, the credit card used to place your order will be charged. You will have 8 days to pick up your order. @ 2020-11-27 14:45:

    Your order must be picked up before store closing hours on 11/29/2020
    Prices are subject to change after 11/29/2020*.

    Your credit card has not been charged.

    *Promo Code pricing may expire prior to this date

    So, you buy something online, to be picked up at your local store. 42 minutes later, it's not only confirmed; it's ready to be picked up. Pretty good service. Except you haven't actually bought it yet, you only have 2 days instead of 8 to pick it up, and the discount price that you thought you paid for it may expire before even the earlier date by which you must pick it up.

  • @HardwareGeek The first one is their policy for business-as-usual, the second one is their policy for Black Friday, and because they're in the middle of a catastrophic implosion the unpaid intern forgot to update the first e-mail?

  • Fake News

    @TwelveBaud said in WTF Bites:

    they're in the middle of a catastrophic implosion

    Seriously, I don't know how the fuck they're still in business. The one by here is a ghost town whenever I go, which is hardly ever these days.

  • f0f34e8f-0436-4a8d-9ee7-1ae091a0a9de-image.png

    Clicking the greyed-out looking Install button does nothing, as expected. No problem installing the app from the play store on my phone, just the more convenient one in my browser where I had already found the thing.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:


    Clicking the greyed-out looking Install button does nothing, as expected. No problem installing the app from the play store on my phone, just the more convenient one in my browser where I had already found the thing.

    It's because you need to sign in again. :trollface:

  • @Atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    Got a questionnaire about my latest visit to the emergency room at the hospital. One of the questions was:

    Would you recommend the emergency room to anyone in your situation?

    Would I recommend someone with a potentially serious medical condition to go to emergency ASAP? Especially one where a nurse has said ambulance transport is on the way? Hmm...

    The rating scale goes something like this:

    • 3/5 = I am still alive.
    • 5/5 = I am alive and none of my organs has been harvested.

  • Wayfair, you're drunk


  • Lubar Massage? Is it something that's done by dwarves?

  • @Zerosquare it's done by TCP/IP packets, slowly flowing through the chair

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Meanwhile in the Azure-land:

    Published 10 months ago

    IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this is not a production ready library. You are required to use a browser that disables CORS checks, and will be exposing a client secret.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    Ok WhatsApp, you try again then...

  • @sebastian-galczynski said in WTF Bites:

    Hm, I am not sure what is the point of that library. We are simply using angular-auth-oidc-client and it works with Azure AD just fine. Maybe that's the reason why Microsoft gave up on that library halfway through the rewrite. But this one does have a newer version and that version does not have those issues any more. And it 1) is marked as alpha and 2) won't work for any actual user, because their browser will certainly honor CORS, so it's not like you could actually use it in production.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:


    Uhmm... This 'app' literally has one button to do one particular thing in the outlook calendar, which cannot be done without the user's account. The requirement suddenly emerged from the depths like an U-boot a day before the deadline, so we're now trying to hack something together to avoid torpedoes. What's worse, the guy who took the front-end part, seems tired and confused with all these tokens. I'm not sure he's gonna make it.

  • @sebastian-galczynski said in WTF Bites:

    Uhmm... This 'app' literally has one button to do one particular thing in the outlook calendar, which cannot be done without the user's account.

    You mean the app is literally just one button, or that it is an app that does something otherwise unrelated except for that one function that needs to do something with the user's calendar.

    If the former, it should be a userscript (fast, simple, kludgey) or a browser plugin (more work, feels cleaner) and simply inject the function into running web outlook.

    If the later, which frameworks does it use? I am sure any post-diluvial framework has a production ready OpenID Connect component, and absolutely nothing Microsoft-specific is needed. You just have to register the app in the AD and give it the correct parameters.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    You mean the app is literally just one button, or that it is an app that does something otherwise unrelated except for that one function that needs to do something with the user's calendar.

    Ok, exactly 2 buttons. The rest of the system doesn't even operate on the user's machine.

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    If the former, it should be a userscript (fast, simple, kludgey) or a browser plugin (more work, feels cleaner) and simply inject the function into running web outlook.

    Now what if the user only has a smartphone?

  • @sebastian-galczynski said in WTF Bites:

    Now what if the user only has a smartphone?

    Mobile Firefox supports plugins and there is a stand-alone Tampermonkey mobile app (the web view provides all of the browser on mobile platforms, so it just starts one with the user script added).

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Set AutomationProperties.AutomationId to ButtonX using the Name property in the XAML for the control.
    Set AutomationProperties.Name to ButtonY using the Content property in the XAML for the control.


  • @izzion XAML :trwtf: :surprised-pikachu:

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    Mobile Firefox

    Of which I'm the only user I ever met. That's not gonna fly.
    For now, we're just posting the auth token (this can be done with the old library and works) instead of one-time code. Yes, it slightly reduces security (in case of a MITM between the user and our api), but only slightly. If the client doesn't like it we will write the auth code flow from scratch.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    svn checkin comment: initial checkin


  • kills Dumbledore

    @boomzilla it's hardly going to say second checkin is it now?

  • Banned

    @sebastian-galczynski said in WTF Bites:

    Meanwhile in the Azure-land:

    Published 10 months ago

    IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this is not a production ready library. You are required to use a browser that disables CORS checks, and will be exposing a client secret.


  • @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    svn checkin comment: initial checkin


    I had to do something similar when setting up the encrypted repo things. I had to modify the .gitattributes and commit before doing anything else. Or things wouldn't get encrypted properly. So I had a bunch of git commit -m "initial setup" commits across the projects.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    svn checkin comment: initial checkin


    I had to do something similar when setting up the encrypted repo things. I had to modify the .gitattributes and commit before doing anything else. Or things wouldn't get encrypted properly. So I had a bunch of git commit -m "initial setup" commits across the projects.

    0_1510856494285_triggering intensifies kramer.gif


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    svn checkin comment: initial checkin


    I had to do something similar when setting up the encrypted repo things. I had to modify the .gitattributes and commit before doing anything else. Or things wouldn't get encrypted properly. So I had a bunch of git commit -m "initial setup" commits across the projects.

    Yeah, I was very annoyed when I had to do several check-ins in SVN to set a set of repository attributes. Like, why can't I stage the changes like anything else?

    But no, there's a series of "setting velocity repo to be noticed by the slack notified hook", "setting repo slack hook room", and "setting slack token"....

  • @boomzilla my usual messages were "initial git-crypt setup". Is that better?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Benjamin-Hall yes! It's actually useful because there is some information about what you were doing with the commit.

    Well, I guess "initial setup" isn't quite as brain dead as "initial checkin." As the gif said, I was triggered.

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