WTF Bites

  • WTF of my day: Finished the disciplinary hearing about a heated argument which ended in one girl slapping the other

    One of the two girls (let's call her Girl A) is essentially what would be called "legally innocent" as we were not able to find any major factor wherein she contributed to the escalation. Mind, she didn't de-escalate but that's hardly something we want to punish.

    The other one (Girl B)... let's just say that she didn't exactly make her case.

    After the incident, our vice-principal called the two girls in for a talk. The violent one swore up and down that she had never done anything like this before, didn't swear like a sailor in her previous schools and generally is a fine and upstanding citizen. Also, she was provoked because the other girl had thrown a basketball into her face.

    Turns out that said "direct throw" was a rebound because Girl A had missed the hoop, hit the ring in the process and the ball promptly bounced off into a random direction. If Girl B had been paying attention she wouldn't even have been hit (also, this was a 2 on 2 basketball competition so it's not as if there were a lot of things to be distracted by). She then promptly demanded an apology rather aggressively, cursed Girl A out when she basically said: "What for?" and then slapped her, because, and I quote: "She was going to attack me so I had to get my attack in first!"

    So this already doesn't look good. But, as a matter of procedure, we also get Girl B's school records from her previous schools - this is not done by default deliberately as we want to offer pupils a "clean slate". But if something major happens or if we are recommending therapy then we are actually legally required to get those records.

    Now, you may remember that she swore she never done this before? Yeah. Normally, said records are a thin binder with maybe 10 pages in them. Hers was the size of a small book (about 200+ pages). Full of disciplinary hearings, class meetings and incidents where she cursed at teachers.

    When confronted with the apparent discrepancy she then stated: "But that was before I came here? I've never done this here before!"

    I'm not sure that she understands what "never" means. Also, she only started here three months ago. And five weeks of that were an apprenticeship so she wasn't really at school. Also, another three weeks have to be subtracted because she was "ill" (she had a doctor's statement for that, so not much we could do about that. And yes, I know, but there are doctor's statements and "doctor's statements". Did you know that we're also legally required to accept backdated statements?)

    Plus, she's part of a trio of troublemakers. So another point against her.

    And then her mother came to her rescue: "But she had problems with her teacher in the other school! And she was bullied! And the chemistry was all wrong!"
    Yes, and now your daughter has issues. We get that and we commiserate.

    But instead of doing something about that, you simply hoped that your daughter's issues would simply go away? Also, with the sheer number of incidents, I'm not really sure that you're correct there - because that would mean that every single school and 90% of your teachers were against you.

    So, basically, it was a classic case of external attribution: "It's not my fault, it's always the others!" Which the mother helps feed. And, of course, now we are also included in the list of their enemies.

    But that won't be our problem anymore - we recommended that she'll be transferring to another school and that she undergoes some psychological training to deal with her issues. We have special therapists trained to deal with just such cases so maybe they'll be able to convince her to do a therapy.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    records from her previous schools

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    But that won't be our problem anymore - we recommended that she'll be transferring to another school

    How many schools are left on the list?

  • @PJH If she wants to pursue the degree she's aiming for then there are exactly zero left.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    the degree she's aiming for

    1. Given the behaviour described, I got the impression these were young adolescents you were talking about, not adults.

    2. What's the subject?

  • @PJH Didn't find a better word than degree, sorry. Generally, it's a trading school - a general mix of mathematics, law and economics.

  • @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    And then her mother came to her rescue: "But she had problems with her teacher in the other school! And she was bullied! And the chemistry was all wrong!"
    Yes, and now your daughter has issues. We get that and we commiserate.

    And thus, another SJW is born.

  • @Rhywden Yeah, that's a mess. A classic mess. One of the few genuinely bad kids I've dealt with in 6 years here was like that. Nothing was ever her fault. Didn't turn in work? Blamed someone/something else. Yelled at someone? They did something to deserve it. She never went as far as to hit anyone, but working with her was a constant battle.

    One of the others was a smart, manipulative, arrogant, entitled jerk, but that's a different story.

  • Android just decided it was totes cool to update "Google Play Services" over mobile data, and close Chrome while i was using it to do so, which took 10 seconds to become responsive again after I relaunched it, and also lost all incognito tabs because fuck you that's why.

    Yes, I like to leave NSFW stuff open in incognito tabs to look at it later. I don't think my browser should punish me for that.

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    And then her mother came to her rescue: "But she had problems with her teacher in the other school! And she was bullied! And the chemistry was all wrong!"
    Yes, and now your daughter has issues. We get that and we commiserate.

    And thus, another SJW is born.

    Naw, it's more of a classic shifting-the-blame-attitude that the mom taught her daughter.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    One of the others was a smart, manipulative, arrogant, entitled jerk, but that's a different story.

    Ah, and there's our next politician...

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    One of the others was a smart, manipulative, arrogant, entitled jerk, but that's a different story.

    Ah, and there's our next politician...

    Heaven help us all if so. Although right at the end he showed signs of realizing what a jerk he'd been, but...

  • Considered Harmful

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    Android just decided it was totes cool to update "Google Play Services" over mobile data, and close Chrome while i was using it to do so

    I also hate when it does that, but... hasn't it always been like that? It has been for me, certainly on 5, 6 and now 8.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    Android just decided it was totes cool to update "Google Play Services" over mobile data

    Oh, hai - are apps still doing that? 4 years ago:

    (And for when G+ finally dies):
    0_1542355072764_Screenshot from 2018-11-16 07-57-31.png

    And no, I didn't get a straight answer from them, not that the thread looks that coherent now since the AirDroid account replies seem to have disappeared.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    In one of our environments, we have DB Visualizer installed. I use this for customer data calls where I need to get up to date information that's not readily available via a canned report. So I run a query, export to clipboard and paste that into Excel. Cool.

    Of course, there are a ton of options when you do this, and one of them is how to treat null values. They give you a choice of (null) (the default), <null> and [null]. But no blank value. Fortunately, you can manually edit it and just erase all the characters, but seriously?! It's a minor PITA every time I have to do this, because I definitely don't need the questions of, "Hey, what does null mean?"


    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    "Hey, what does null mean?"

    It's latin for Idiot.

  • Java Dev

    @boomzilla Ridiculous. After all '(null)' IS NOT NULL. And '<null>' IS NOT NULL. And '[null]' IS NOT NULL. But '' IS NULL.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @PleegWat I spy an Oracle user!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    I'm trying to edit text remotely and within five minutes I have twice started mistyping symbols, first because the remote layout was "helpfully" changed, then because the local layout was "helpfully" changed.

    So this just happened.

    • Hit Shift+2 to type ". " was typed.
    • Hit Ctrl+V to paste a string. String was pasted.
    • Hit Shift+2 to type ". ª was typed.


    No combination of Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win and Space make the keyboard language switch, if you're thinking I mispressed keys.

  • Ten million JavaScript monkeys, ten million typewriterskeyboards…


    Source: /r/ProgrammerHumor

  • Considered Harmful

    @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla Ridiculous. After all '(null)' IS NOT NULL. And '<null>' IS NOT NULL. And '[null]' IS NOT NULL. But '' IS NULL.

    You could also use the PHP definitions, whereby null < -1 and null == 0.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @PleegWat I spy an Oracle user!

    👋 It's true!

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    OK, whatever, I'm going to assume that all makes sense. Here's the bizarre part: those savings products can actually be implemented as a bank account or as insurance. So you can get an Individual Long-Term Savings Insurance plan that works exactly like an investment and does not insure anything in any sense of the word.

    Sound like it is insurance though? You are the one providing the insurance, and the gains in the account are premiums - claims?

  • @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    No combination of Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win and Space make the keyboard language switch, if you're thinking I mispressed keys.

    By default, alt + shift does.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @hungrier Only if you hold them for a bit. And no, it did not make it switch. I tried.

  • @Zecc Maybe you're thinking of sticky keys or something. It switches the language right away for me. And also has reminded me to turn off the shortcut on my work computer, because apparently I hadn't done it, or Windows 10 put it back at some point.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    Maybe you're thinking of sticky keys or something.

    Possible. But the bottomline is Alt+Shift didn't toggle the layout, nor did Win+Space.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Today a user says their computer is running slowly. I ask how long they have noticed this and they say it has been going on for a while and keeps getting slower and slower. I ask if they have rebooted recently, they say that they have. I open up task manager to see if anything is chewing up a lot of resources and then I see the uptime. 128 days and change.

    Hmmmmmmm, I think I found the problems. The first is a PEBKAC error and the other is that now we need to find out why this Win10 machine has not automatically rebooted for updates at some point in the last 128 days.

  • @Polygeekery Maybe the uptime tracker is the one and only place where the "Restore my apps after reboot" feature actually works?

  • 0_1542400262410_e435fc3d-a45f-41e8-9890-9e50247d4898-image.png

    Wait, what?

  • I have been tasked with writing a web interface for a physical model developed in our lab.

    The model is available as a library, but the library has evolved from a standalone application, so right now the only official way to initialize it is to pass the path to an INI-file to the constructor. Thankfully, the original author of the model is here to help, too; he understands the need for proper API and he's going to add a proper constructor and a bunch of setters, he just needs to submit that one article that's really overdue...

    Now, normally I quietly hate client-side scripting for not entirely rational reasons, but this time I had to agree that a zoomable interactive plot is the only good way to present the output of the model, and set to learn some JavaScript and DOM API. I found a list of a few tens of JavaScript plotting libraries, discarded some of them because they were graph visualization libraries, discarded more of them because they were not interactively zoomable, discarded even more of them because they hung the browser for minutes on a relatively tame 10000-point plot and ended up with 4 libraries that fitted my requirements. 2 of them seemed to have been abandoned in 2013-2014, another one was more than 2M in size, so I chose dygraphs.

    As for the backend, I chickened out of making the decision on the toolset and instead presented my colleague with a choice between writing the whole thing in C++ and using SWIG to generate a wrapper between his library and a high-level language usually associated with Web development. My colleague, knowing only C and C++, chose the former. And about the only way to write a web application in C++ is [Fast]CGI (unless you count wt).

    So, the model only offers a C API; the server only needs to output JSON with the data to be interactively plotted by client side script, so we don't need any stinkin'^W templating engines. Also, the (somewhat costly) initialization is not really possible to do until we get the model parameters from the user, so there isn't much to gain by having a constantly running process, as opposed to CGI spawn-per-request model.

    Am I TRWTF here? Does my choice of C++ and CGI make sense, given the situation?

  • Banned

    Why the fuck is there dramatic background music in a fucking Audacity tutorial!?

  • @Gąska to annoy you :trollface:

  • @aitap I think it makes sense.

  • 0_1542417129013_fb410e5f-bd28-4747-ba6d-15e107582b5a-image.png

    Yeah, no, I don't think so.

    *clicks "Dismiss"*
    *clicks "Dismiss" 20 more times*

    (nothing changes)

    Ah. Whatever.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @aitap said in WTF Bites:

    I chose dygraphs.

    Link is dead. Bluehost says no go,

  • @cvi BTDT. Then I closed that window and opened it again. No longer there!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    WTF Bite: The one who wanted better feedback when I was testing functionality passively refuses to give me any kind of useful feedback when I ask for it. Ugh.

    Sample convo:

    🧝♂ Creating [a scheduled] event [in the game] never completes.
    Tsaukpaetra Uh... okay? I'm able to do it just fine. Can you give more detail, like, what kiosk were you using, what event were you trying to create (as much info as possible), when, where, how, you know, so I can try it myself under a debugger and see what's going on?
    🧝♂ I don't pass any null values. It just never finishes. I did other events, and that worked fine. Now, nothing works.
    tsaukpaetra (grumbles thinking "Just give me the fucking values") Okay fine (since you're not going to give me information anyways), let's try this: After you try making the event, are other database-oriented things no longer possible, for example, spawning inventory items?
    🧝♂ No, everything works fine.
    tsaukpaetra Then it isn't a database problem. Referring this ticket to 💂♂ to fix his code.

    Now, it's entirely likely that the creation logic is actually failing on the database side due to incorrect assumptions (more likely, the stop-processing signal is probably being raised for the purchase and the whole thing being reverted because of overlapping events), but that's tangential to the actual subject of the ticket, and since he's being a dick and not giving me what I asked, I'll wait for the ticket that actually relates to the problem (which will inevitably come after 💂♂ fixes his code, I'm sure).

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    passively refuses

    Judging by the 'null values' comment it might be a misplaced desire to 'help' by attempting to distil and troubleshoot the issue in their head first without the skills to do so.

    I have a user like that, he likes IT and wants to help but only has superficial knowledge...generally he just breaks things, but his heart's in the right place

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Cursorkeys said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    passively refuses

    Judging by the 'null values' comment it might be a misplaced desire to 'help' by attempting to distil and troubleshoot the issue in their head first without the skills to do so.

    I have a user like that, he likes IT and wants to help but only has superficial knowledge...generally he just breaks things, but his heart's in the right place

    Yeah, I did that in my head as well and am about 88 percent sure that the issue is in the database stored proc that the code calls, but since he's "helpfully" ignoring me, I'll "helpfully" point him away. This is the same guy that I had a spat with because I was testing functionality and he refused to tell me how to accomplish the test (i.e. how to accomplish X task) because he thought testing was getting user feedback on how it "felt" to do the task and how long it took to "figure it out".

    In contrast, I got assigned a ticket that essentially read "Importing bundles doesn't set ImgURL". I said, "Hey can you give the file you tried importing so I can test?" and he did.

    Boom, simple.


  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    @aitap I think it makes sense.

    Thank you.

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    Link is dead. Bluehost says no go,

    Well, the repo has commits in this year. I hope the author is okay and didn't desert the project.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @aitap said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    Link is dead. Bluehost says no go,

    Well, the repo has commits in this year. I hope the author is okay and didn't desert the project.

    Ah, I figured it out. You linked https. It's not.

  • @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    I'm trying to edit text remotely and within five minutes I have twice started mistyping symbols, first because the remote layout was "helpfully" changed, then because the local layout was "helpfully" changed.

    So this just happened.

    • Hit Shift+2 to type ". " was typed.
    • Hit Ctrl+V to paste a string. String was pasted.
    • Hit Shift+2 to type ". ª was typed.


    No combination of Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win and Space make the keyboard language switch, if you're thinking I mispressed keys.

    Did the string on the clipboard contain locale or font information?
    WYSIWYG editors will often do something like this with typefaces, colors, and other font style attributes.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @aitap said in WTF Bites:

    Am I TRWTF here? Does my choice of C++ and CGI make sense, given the situation?

    I'd be getting the web interface to run the model as a subprocess (to simplify cleaning the whole thing up and make sure that any instability due to users' parameters doesn't bring the whole service down) and then it's trivial to handle since you can use any convenient language to bodge together the INI file and set it all running. (Even needing the file in a fixed location is manageable via VMs. Bonus: you get to call yourself a Cloud Application with almost no extra effort at that point.) It's all pretty simple unless you're wanting to also give them interactive access to the model; interactive access is entirely doable (via socket tunnelling and so on) but it's quite a bit more fiddly than a simple batch processing interface. Overall, I suppose it's a bit like CGI, but with a bit more adaptation before the subprocess launch. (One tricky bit: you need to be careful with the actual process launch, which can momentarily use quite a lot of resources due to the usual chunkiness of web servers relative to their hosting machine.)

    I wouldn't write a web application entirely in C++. It's not impossible to do, of course not, but it is miserably provided for via existing libraries by comparison with so many other languages.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    I wouldn't write a web application entirely in C++. It's not impossible to do, of course not, but it is miserably provided for via existing libraries by comparison with so many other languages.

    👋 Master Server Client is a Windows-specific c++ application that hosts a teensy webserver. You may have heard me talk about it in the Status Thread...

  • 0_1542480151702_2197929d-851e-4d65-a754-9ebfd4aad6bf-image.png

    Why answer at all then?

  • @hungrier: to win Amazon-pointzzzzzz?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    I'm trying to edit text remotely and within five minutes I have twice started mistyping symbols, first because the remote layout was "helpfully" changed, then because the local layout was "helpfully" changed.

    So this just happened.

    • Hit Shift+2 to type ". " was typed.
    • Hit Ctrl+V to paste a string. String was pasted.
    • Hit Shift+2 to type ". ª was typed.


    No combination of Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win and Space make the keyboard language switch, if you're thinking I mispressed keys.

    Did the string on the clipboard contain locale or font information?
    WYSIWYG editors will often do something like this with typefaces, colors, and other font style attributes.

    I don't think Notepad (from which I copied) and Visual Studio (to where I pasted) do WYSIWYG.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zecc [insert blakeyrant]

  • Considered Harmful

    I click a link in Discord: opens in Chrome immediately. I click a link in MS Word: busy cursor for three seconds, silence for two more, and then it opens. I initially thought it was an underhanded 'switch to Edge' tactic, but nope, it does the same thing for Edge too.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Word has to run the link through the VBA interpreter to figure out which application on your computer it has to use to open it, and stop to check your license and telemetry settings on VBA startup 🚎

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