WTF Bites

  • @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    Antivirus software can also trigger this error

    I wonder what percentage of virus-like behavior is just anti-virus software injecting itself into other processes and breaking. I know Google Chrome had a lot of trouble with that for a while when they were trying to disable access to most of the Windows API in renderer processes to make the browser more secure.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1.5 times and 4 times of the physical memory that your computer has, respectively. For example, if your computer has 1GB of RAM, the minimum Pagefile size can be 1.5GB, and the maximum size of the file can be 4GB.

    I have my pagefile set to 2 GB. I have 24 GB RAM. So, that means 24 * 1.5 = 2. I see no problems with that calculation!

    You seem to have difficulty with the words "up to", favourite weasel words of broadband providers, government and any tax-payer-funded sockpuppet health charity.

  • @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1.5 times and 4 times of the physical memory that your computer has, respectively. For example, if your computer has 1GB of RAM, the minimum Pagefile size can be 1.5GB, and the maximum size of the file can be 4GB.

    I have my pagefile set to 2 GB. I have 24 GB RAM. So, that means 24 * 1.5 = 2. I see no problems with that calculation!

    You seem to have difficulty with the words "up to", favourite weasel words of broadband providers, government and any tax-payer-funded sockpuppet health charity.

    ISPs are also fans of "starting at".

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    This post is deleted!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    ISPs are also fans of "starting at".

    Not round here they're not. Otherwise they'd actually be held accountable for their advertising.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    You seem to have difficulty with the words "up to", favourite weasel words of broadband providers, government and any tax-payer-funded sockpuppet health charity.

    It's almost up there with “up to […] or more!”, which really annoys me.

  • Java Dev

    @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1.5 times and 4 times of the physical memory that your computer has, respectively. For example, if your computer has 1GB of RAM, the minimum Pagefile size can be 1.5GB, and the maximum size of the file can be 4GB.

    I have my pagefile set to 2 GB. I have 24 GB RAM. So, that means 24 * 1.5 = 2. I see no problems with that calculation!

    You seem to have difficulty with the words "up to", favourite weasel words of broadband providers, government and any tax-payer-funded sockpuppet health charity.

    I must have missed that wording when I wrote my post. I blame monday morning. At least I know that the "up to" from my ISP is because I am on shit-tastic DSL right now, which will be sorted once I have had the fiber installed.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    ISPs are also fans of "starting at".

    Not round here they're not. Otherwise they'd actually be held accountable for their advertising.

    Where I live it is usually used with reference to the price and not the speed

  • kills Dumbledore

    @vault_dweller said in WTF Bites:

    @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    ISPs are also fans of "starting at".

    Not round here they're not. Otherwise they'd actually be held accountable for their advertising.

    Where I live it is usually used with reference to the price and not the speed

    Car adverts are bad for that

    The new Nissan Timecube. From £14,995*

    *model shown Timecube X with optional glovebox, rubber tyres and reverse gear. Recommended price £50,045

  • @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    @rhywden said in WTF Bites:


    How exactly does their business model make sense to any reasonable investor? Flat rate of $10 to be able to see one movie per day? And the participating cinemas get paid in full by the company?

    It's a great deal for movie goers. It's also a great deal for the cinemas. But I dare say next to impossible for MoviePass to make money under any kind of arrangement.

    I mean, sure, new companies will have a period where they incur losses. But this kind of loss rate?

    I wonder if their plan is to corner a large enough contingent of the moviegoers that they can renegotiate their arrangements with the cinemas and name their own price...

    From the end of the article:

    Over the past few months, MoviePass has offered a few different explanations as to how it plans to make money. Last year, Lowe told Variety that the company needed to get more subscribers in places like “Kansas City and Omaha,” where average ticket prices are lower than in Manhattan and LA. Farnsworth told Wired that MoviePass can sell the data it obtains for targeted marketing efforts for movie studios. In the past, MoviePass has sent subscribers promotional emails and push notifications for movies like I, Tonya and Death Wish, while blocking movies like Red Sparrow for users in some markets.

    The company also seems to be banking on user loyalty and trying to use its subscribers as leverage for revenue-sharing with big theater chains like AMC. According to Deadline, MoviePass has been trying to get a $3 cut of tickets it sells at AMC theaters, plus 20 percent of concession profits. But, as The Verge’s Bryan Bishop wrote in January, MoviePass’ claims about its importance to theaters have been significantly overstated.

    TLDR: they hope to make money by

    1. Getting more subscribers in places where tickets are cheaper (and maybe where people go to the cinema less often?).
    2. Negotiating a cut of the ticket and concessions profits from the theaters.

  • @DCoder said in WTF Bites:

    Eventbrite is cancer:


    Source: @branaby

    Basically: "We (and whomever we say) can do anything we want with your stuff, and you are responsible for all third-party permissions necessary to do so."

    I guess that's one starting point for contract negotiations. 🤷🏻♂

  • @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @blakeyrat I'd like to thank whoever at Twitter made their tweet-embedding code for making me read every tweet you posted twice.

    If you use a tracker blocker, it shows only the text for each linked tweet:

  • The GPL, applied to foodstuffs...

  • area_can about suing the ad blockers out of existence? WPP Digital President and Xaxis Chairman David Moore, who also serves as chairman of the board of directors for the IAB Tech Lab, points out, the ad blockers "are interfering with websites' ability to display all the pixels that are part of that website; arguably there's some sort of law that prohibits that." Mr. Moore was careful to add that he's "not by any means a lawyer, but there is work being done to explore whether in fact that may be the case."

    I'm not a lawyer either, but I don't think it's a stretch at all to make some sort of case.

    Look at it this way: What would Hearst and its advertisers do if someone went around slicing ad pages out of magazines with an X-Acto knife? What would Clear Channel Outdoor and its clients do if someone ripped down all the subway posters or painted over billboards? They'd call the police, that's what.

    If I bought a copy of a magazine and cut the ads out in the privacy of my own home, then who cares? Is it illegal for me to choose not to look at billboards? On the web, the client gets the final say in everything. I don't see how the fact that someone is giving out a machine (for free!) that lets me cut those ads out in the privacy of my own home changes anything.

    The idea that each third party or megacorp gets to decide how you can and can't interact with their web page is terrifying, because we know they're all going to fill their pages with ads and coin miners. ugh.

  • 🚽 Regular

    The 'online services' bit seems to be at least partially incorrect, my colleague just went to to lunch and couldn't use his card physically.

    Edit: Just seen TSB's tag-line: 'We're not like other banks'. Very true, I got money out of my bank today :trollface:

  • @mott555

    Ubuntu Cola

    A cola often confused with open-source colas is Ubuntu Cola. Although its name may lead to confusion with the open-source Ubuntu operating system distro, Ubuntu Cola is not an open source cola.

  • @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @Atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    Antivirus software can also trigger this error

    I wonder what percentage of virus-like behavior is just anti-virus software injecting itself into other processes and breaking. I know Google Chrome had a lot of trouble with that for a while when they were trying to disable access to most of the Windows API in renderer processes to make the browser more secure.

    For most people? N → 100%
    But most people also find the costs of antivirus software to be worth decreasing the incidence probability of (other) malware.

    Filed under: Better the malware you know...

  • @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1.5 times and 4 times of the physical memory that your computer has, respectively. For example, if your computer has 1GB of RAM, the minimum Pagefile size can be 1.5GB, and the maximum size of the file can be 4GB.

    I have my pagefile set to 2 GB. I have 24 GB RAM. So, that means 24 * 1.5 = 2. I see no problems with that calculation!

    You seem to have difficulty with the words "up to", favourite weasel words of broadband providers, government and any tax-payer-funded sockpuppet health charity.

    The wording "minimum [...] up to" implies that it's not really a minimum, according to the normal meaning of the word.

  • @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    TLDR: they hope to make money by

    1. Getting more subscribers in places where tickets are cheaper (and maybe where people go to the cinema less often?).
    2. Negotiating a cut of the ticket and concessions profits from the theaters.

    Yes. For nr. 1 to work, however, they'd need to find cinemas with ticket prices less than $10. Good luck with that one.

    And the second one? Yeah. The cinemas will be thrilled to cut their already tight margins even more.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @rhywden It depends on how much additional traffic they're driving to the theaters. Obviously not everyone buys concessions but at least some of them will. Of course, you have to first prove that they'll get that additional traffic.

    And Moviepass is gambling that they'll be able to do that in time before they run out of money.

    It would also be interesting to see the rate at which people go to the movies after buying their pass as a function of time of the year and months since they bought the pass.

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    I know some of those words.
    (I think that post is too inside-baseball)

    Still more comprehensible than any description of cricket, in which half the words don't even make sense.

  • @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    If you use a tracker blocker, it shows only the text for each linked tweet:

    Ah, that explains (at least some of) the difference in behavior I see between desktop and phone.

  • @izzion said in WTF Bites:

    The real solution to baseball's pace of play problem: after a certain number of 2 strike fouls, you're out.

    Why should the pitcher automatically have the advantage? Maybe if the pitcher can't get the batter out after a certain number of pitches, the batter should get an automatic walk...

  • The new Google Image Search

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    @izzion said in WTF Bites:

    The real solution to baseball's pace of play problem: after a certain number of 2 strike fouls, you're out.

    Why should the pitcher automatically have the advantage? Maybe if the pitcher can't get the batter out after a certain number of pitches, the batter should get an automatic walk...

    Foul balls are counted as strikes, though (except when there are already two strikes or when a player catches the foul ball before it hits the ground, except when the batter only barely touches the ball and goes into the catcher's glove with less than two strikes because then it's still a strike).

  • Considered Harmful

    @hungrier e_no_repro.

  • @hardwaregeek they almost always schedule double headers as day/night. That way the tickets that were sold for the postponed game can be used for one game of the double header and the tickets that were sold for the game originally on the schedule can be used for the other game.

    Also if they really want to shorten the games, I think they should count pick-off throws (made by the pitcher instead of delivering a pitch to the batter) as balls.

  • @pie_flavor Seems it's one of those A/B testing scenarios


  • @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    According to Deadline, MoviePass has been trying to get a $3 cut of tickets it sells at AMC theaters

    This is my "I called it" face.

    plus 20 percent of concession profits.

    This is my "ah-ha-ha-ha-oh, you were serious?" face.

    maybe where people go to the cinema less often?

    The whole appeal of an unlimited movie pass is to people who go often enough that they'd save money.

  • @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    Foul balls are counted as strikes, though (except when there are already two strikes or when a player catches the foul ball before it hits the ground, except when the batter only barely touches the ball and goes into the catcher's glove with less than two strikes because then it's still a strike).

    Exactly... to actually get the batter out, the pitcher has to either get strike 3 past the batter and into the catcher's glove without touching anything other than the bat, or they have to have the batter hit the ball so that it's fieldable for the out, or at least swing at it, if the catcher doesn't cleanly catch it (i.e. without it hitting anything else), as long as it's recovered and the batter tagged out with it, or thrown to first base before the batter reaches it to make a force out.

    So to get the out, the pitcher has to overpower the batter for strike three. If the pitcher can't manage that, why shouldn't the batter win the plate appearance?

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor Seems it's one of those A/B testing scenarios

    Private browsing mode is for browsing privates.

  • Considered Harmful

    Just got this in a newsletter from my son's school. Obviously someone wrote it in Word, then took a screenshot of the layout view, jay-pegged¹ the living daylights out of it and finally pasted it into the newsletter to be exported as PDF.

    ¹inb4 :giggity:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @laoc said in WTF Bites:

    Just got this in a newsletter from my son's school. Obviously someone wrote it in Word, then took a screenshot of the layout view, jay-pegged¹ the living daylights out of it and finally pasted it into the newsletter to be exported as PDF.

    Needs more wavy red lines.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    @laoc said in WTF Bites:

    Just got this in a newsletter from my son's school. Obviously someone wrote it in Word, then took a screenshot of the layout view, jay-pegged¹ the living daylights out of it and finally pasted it into the newsletter to be exported as PDF.

    Needs more wavy red lines.

    K was really wondering how "5pm in the canteen with" is more grammatically correct than "refreshments"...

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    Foul balls are counted as strikes, though (except when there are already two strikes or when a player catches the foul ball before it hits the ground, except when the batter only barely touches the ball and goes into the catcher's glove with less than two strikes because then it's still a strike).

    Exactly... to actually get the batter out, the pitcher has to either get strike 3 past the batter and into the catcher's glove without touching anything other than the bat, or they have to have the batter hit the ball so that it's fieldable for the out, or at least swing at it, if the catcher doesn't cleanly catch it (i.e. without it hitting anything else), as long as it's recovered and the batter tagged out with it, or thrown to first base before the batter reaches it to make a force out.

    So to get the out, the pitcher has to overpower the batter for strike three. If the pitcher can't manage that, why shouldn't the batter win the plate appearance?

    Or, the other way...

    Exactly, to actually reach base, the batter has to successfully hit the ball so that it falls in fair territory without being fielded in the air, and so that they can reach first base before the ball can be fielded and a fielder in possession of the ball steps on first base or tags the batter (or have the ball leave the playing area within fair territory to be awarded a home run or a ground rule double (or triple, in Chicago), depending on how it left the playing area). If the batter can't even do that within three swings (or strikes looking), why should he be allowed another chance to win the plate appearance?


  • @izzion except that isn't true, because a walk, a balk, a hit-by-pitch, and sometimes a dropped third strike, will result in the batter reaching base safely without successfully hitting the ball into fair territory.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Balks only advance runners already on base, not the batsman.

  • @izzion this is true... unless there are no runners on base, in which case it is an illegal pitch and counts as a ball (assuming it doesn't hit the batter and they don't swing at it), and could be ball 4, which would give the batter a walk. So ha!

    But really that's a specific case of walk... you're right that I shouldn't have included balks.



    (part 1, part 2)

    So, I managed to get those retards to transfer my number. I got confirmation from the "new" provider - via a fucking text, not even an e-mail - that the number will be transferred on April 25. That's great and everything since it's fairly fast, except for a tiny little problem.


    Now I'm without cell service until god knows when, the SIM could arrive by card tomorrow, or in a few days, or fucking NEVER because they're probably sending it by post. Meanwhile, my mother is in the fucking hospital, waiting on a heart surgery, we're not sure when it's actually happening exactly, and now we can't plan for fucking anything. I visit every other day because she's on the other side of town and I have to work sometime, and I wasn't planning on a visit tomorrow, but she's going to be worried like crazy if I don't reply to her for a day. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!

    Now I'm off to buy a prepaid card in fucking Tesco at 4 fucking AM. And then the 200 crowns I'll have to pay for that card will go to these same fucking assholes, letting their shit business stay afloat for a few more miliseconds. I might just kill myself instead because I don't want to be responsible for inflicting this on the world.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blek Is your phone carrier locked? If not, you don't have to buy a prepaid card from them, do you?


    @blek Bonus: they apparently closed my self-service account on their site. Well, the account is still there (presumably for when their amazing service makes me want to buy more of their garbage), but "there are no services associated with this account".

    That's really hilarious because I have an unpaid invoice in there - last month's automatic payment didn't go through because it went over the limit. When that happens, the site helpfully offers an easy way to pay the exact amount. The problem is, they only try to do the automatic payment around the 25th of each month, and if you try to pay earlier it won't let you FOR SOME FUCKING REASON EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW IT'S GOING TO FAIL BECAUSE IT'S CLEARLY OVER THE LIMIT!



    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @blek Is your phone carrier locked? If not, you don't have to buy a prepaid card from them, do you?

    Right, that's true, I could pay unnecessary money to Vodacancer or T-Debile.

  • @blek That's why I signed up at an actual shop. Because then I got my new sim card right along with my contract data. Just had to switch the cards on the appropriate day - no chance for anything to get lost :)

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Users are complaining that they have to rename their Excel file reports from our system before they can make pivot tables. The file name includes the report version which is enclosed in square brackets. So after some quick searching:


    When opening an Excel workbook that contains square brackets in the name (e.g., "foo[1]"), the user will receive the following error message when attempting to create PivotTables using data from within the workbook:

    Data source reference is not valid


  • @boomzilla That's what you get for using crappy open-sour software 🍹

  • @boomzilla structured references to tables use square brackets, and so do external references to workbooks... it shouldn't really conflict, I think, but somehow it doesn't really surprise me that it does...

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @anotherusername Yeah. Once I saw that I understood it. Not that it makes anything better but at least it's an easy thing to work around.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    Is your phone carrier locked?

    That's much less of a thing here now. I don't know about @blek­istan though.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    @anotherusername Yeah. Once I saw that I understood it. Not that it makes anything better but at least it's an easy thing to work around.


    Or is that doubling the number of problems?


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