Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition

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  • @boomzilla Dammit! I was only 5 feet off. Now we have to use the stairs.

  • @boomzilla How even?

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @boomzilla How even?

    Fucking physics, how does it work.

  • Java Dev

    @boomzilla said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:


    Well, it's a change from peeling the top off under a 11'8 bridge.

  • Train vs. pickup. (Spoiler: The pickup lost.)

    Off-roader stalls his truck on a remote track. Declines assistance pushing his truck off the track; decides to work on it where it is. Train approaches. Off-roader now asks for help. Too late. Nobody hurt, but it was too damn close.

    Norfolk Southern Train Hits Classic Pickup Truck at Nemo, Tennessee – 12:44
    — Delay In Block® Productions

  • @HardwareGeek Funny how there was even no sound of the collision to be heard. The train just got there and then the car was gone.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @boomzilla How even?

    Not very. It's quite odd.

  • @boomzilla Video:

  • @HardwareGeek … playing without sound recommended (nothing said, just a funky sound-track).

  • Attention, pedestrians!
    Beavers are dangerous animals, and may threaten you while you use this path.
    Seen on a foot- and cycleway along the Main river east of Frankfurt.

  • @BernieTheBernie said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Attention, pedestrians!
    Beavers are dangerous animals, and may threaten you while you use this path.

    That's not what it literally says though. Literally it says “Warning! danger of tree and branch breakage due to beaver damage”.

  • :faxbarrierjoker:

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    I swear to dog, if a driverless car is cruising at 1 mph under the speed limit in the fast lane, I'm calling the cops on it repeatedly.

    Edit: /. snippet because paywall

  • @izzion I'm confused by your definition of a "limit".

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @Rhywden said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @izzion I'm confused by your definition of a "limit".


  • @izzion said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I swear to dog, if a driverless car is cruising at 1 mph under the speed limit in the fast lane, I'm calling the cops on it repeatedly.

    In many places I've driven, that would require running over the stopped cars in front of it.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    In the roadway between parking lots near the mall / shopping area:

    1. Dingus McBiggus pulls out from a service lane without seeing me coming when he should have yielded but not so late as he’s going to cause a crash
    2. DMB then stops in the middle of the oncoming lane of traffic when he realizes his first mistake
    3. I go around DMB at a reasonable rate of speed to clear the lane of travel so he can be on his merry
    4. DMB finished his left turn, rolls down his window, and flips me off while shouting something (to my health, no doubt)

    I love how his two driving errors are reason to question my driving capabilities.

  • I assume you know the old joke about the motorist complaining that everyone else is going the wrong way.

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  • @boomzilla 102 PSI (7 bar) ... Does that guy use racing bike tires on his car?

  • @Zerosquare said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I assume you know the old joke about the motorist complaining that everyone else is going the wrong way.

    Like that guy from East Frisia (some where in Northern Germany; we use to joke about them) who told his friends in the pub that he won't go England: they are driving on the left side of the road (instead of the right side), and he saw that it is far too dangerous when he tried it on the (German) motorway between Emden and Leer...

  • @BernieTheBernie said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @boomzilla 102 PSI (7 bar) ... Does that guy use racing bike tires on his car?

    I was going to :um-actually: but then I realized you're probably taking about those silly things with pedals.

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  • ♿ (Parody)


  • Considered Harmful

    @BernieTheBernie said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @boomzilla 102 PSI (7 bar) ... Does that guy use racing bike tires on his car?

    I've seen higher pressures being used lately, but...

  • Status: confused. We all like car analogies[citation needed], so here's a car story that needs to be explained with computer analogies instead.

    A 10-year-old Citroen starts misbehaving in traffic jams. The longer the jam, the worse it gets: first, the clutch gets squeaky; later, it gets hard to engage the first gear. One time the clutch pedal somehow got stuck in the middle position. Thankfully, it was possible to manually pull it up and succeed to get this thing moving on the next try without annoying our fellow jam-sitters too much.

    It was annual service time anyway. The mechanic tells us it may be the dust cap of the clutch cylinder, since there's evidence of brake fluid slowly leaking from it, we okay the replacement and drive the car home without any problems. Maybe the clutch feels a bit softer than usual?

    A few days later, it's my relative's turn to drive. He presses the clutch pedal (feels really soft now), starts the engine and finds out that the pedal does nothing; the car's in gear no matter what he does. He brakes and stalls and decides to try again. Somehow avoiding damage to either the car or the curb, after a few tries, he realises that the clutch is now working as it's supposed to be, and it hasn't misbehaved since.

    :wtf: is going on?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @aitap said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    so here's a car story that needs to be explained with computer analogies instead.

    I know next to nothing about cars, but sounds to me like the clutch itself, inside the gearbox, might not be receiving all the network packets the pedal is sending.

  • @aitap sounds like either the master or slave cylinder is fucked up. Given that it's a hydraulic system, which the leaky brake fluid suggests.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    You’re using a Commodore 64 (manual transmission) in the modern Windows (automatic transmission) world and need to upgrade :trollface:

  • Java Dev

    @izzion said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    You’re using a Commodore 64 (manual transmission) in the modern Windows (automatic transmission) world and need to upgrade :trollface:

    It not having a clutch pedal or shift lever doesn't mean it doesn't have a clutch.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    True, I should have used Mac for the automatic in the analogy, it’s much more prone to hiding the guts of the operating system from you in favor of patting you on the head and saying “who’s a good boi???? uwu”

  • ♿ (Parody)


  • @Carnage Thanks for the reply!

    @Zecc Oh no! How do I reset the firewall settings?

    @izzion At least all my files are actually where I left them 🐠

  • @aitap said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    here's a car story that needs to be explained with computer analogies instead.

    You should sell the car to the automotive equivalent of @Tsaukpaetra and get a new one. :half-trolleybus-br:

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  • @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @aitap sounds like either the master or slave cylinder is fucked up. Given that it's a hydraulic system, which the leaky brake fluid suggests.

    If the clutch is leaking brake fluid, there is something terribly wrong anyway.
    An excellent analogy with Windows.

  • @nerd4sale said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @aitap sounds like either the master or slave cylinder is fucked up. Given that it's a hydraulic system, which the leaky brake fluid suggests.

    If the clutch is leaking brake fluid, there is something terribly wrong anyway.
    An excellent analogy with Windows.

    Not necessarily. Hydraulic clutches can use brake fluid, since it is just a heat tolerant hydraulic oil. Some use engine oil instead.

  • @aitap said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    it hasn't misbehaved since.

    :wtf: is going on?

    An air bubble in the hydraulic system? Air is compressible, whereas hydraulic fluid isn't. So it makes the system "soft".

    I know that brake fluid is supposed to be changed by pumping in fresh fluid to displace the old one, instead of draining the system entirely. Because this way you don't introduce air bubbles in it. But that's about how much I know about it...

  • @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Man Charged w/ 157 MPH in a 65 MPH Zone – 11:22

    Either the video is just long as fuck for no good reason, or there is much, much more to the story than just "going 157 mph in 65 mph zone..."

    Filed under: if only there was an easy way to find out

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    is just long as fuck for no good reason

    :um-actually: YT has a different advertising revenue profile for videos that are longer than 10 minutes, so shorties are to be avoided.

  • Fake News

    @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Filed under: if only there was an easy way to find out

    If you read faster then you listen then there's a potential solution in checking the "transcript".

    Basically any time YouTube generates automatic subtitles (or creators upload their own), it will also generate a text version. It's hidden somewhere in the YouTube interface behind a triple-dots menu.

    Here's the text for this video:

    0:00 welcome once again to lato's law here's
    0:03 steve lato i've done a couple stories
    0:05 before about people speeding excessively
    0:07 and to make the news you got to put up
    0:09 some big numbers and i'm not saying i'm
    0:11 encouraging this in fact um if you get
    0:13 caught doing something like this and
    0:14 they throw the book at you
    0:16 you got that coming to you so uh philip
    0:18 sent me you know so steve check this out
    0:20 out of minnesota but it's a guy from
    0:22 cedar rapids so the story is being
    0:24 reported out of iowa from kayhawk new
    0:26 country khak bob james wrote story cedar
    0:30 rapids man charged with going 92 miles
    0:33 per hour
    0:34 over the speed limit
    0:36 92 over
    0:38 cedar rapids man got an eye-popping
    0:40 traffic ticket a few weeks ago up there
    0:42 in minnesota
    0:43 according to the ticket written by
    0:47 the minnesota state patrol
    0:49 the man from cedar rapids is charged
    0:51 driving
    0:52 157 miles per hour in a 65.
    0:55 now that was a zone on a minnesota
    0:57 highway last month it happened just
    0:59 after 10 45 in the evening
    1:02 of thursday may 29th and that is a key
    1:05 fact i had a law professor who if you
    1:08 started telling him the facts of a case
    1:09 would stop you and go is that a key fact
    1:12 and the fact that this is happening at
    1:14 night
    1:15 is a key fact we'll get back to that
    1:18 in the summary of the citation which is
    1:21 actually shown on the ticket itself
    1:23 which is now a public record
    1:25 the minnesota state trooper says that
    1:27 he visually observed a vehicle at a very
    1:31 high rate of speed and he described the
    1:33 vehicle as a 2007 yellow dodge charger
    1:36 a trooper said the vehicle was traveling
    1:38 at a steady speed of over 120 miles an
    1:41 hour maybe 121 122.
    1:44 the troopers said they attempted to
    1:45 catch up the vehicle however the vehicle
    1:47 was too fast and actually reached speeds
    1:50 of
    1:51 157 miles per hour the citation then
    1:55 went on to say the vehicle being pursued
    1:57 was pulling away from me
    1:59 going 138 to 140. so these numbers are
    2:03 all over the place but they are all too
    2:04 high as you might guess
    2:06 so an olmstead county sheriff's deputy
    2:08 finally got the driver
    2:11 who was identified as a 23 year old man
    2:13 from cedar rapids
    2:14 and got them pulled over according to
    2:17 the state trooper the man claimed he
    2:19 didn't realize he was going quote that
    2:20 fast
    2:23 and was in a hurry to get home to a
    2:25 family member
    2:26 that's a real vague excuse
    2:29 i'm in a hurry to get home to a family
    2:30 member now he may have been more
    2:32 specific in his story and the police
    2:34 officer summarized it that way but the
    2:36 fact he didn't realize he was going that
    2:38 fast when he is going double the speed
    2:40 limit and more
    2:43 indicates that either someone's got a
    2:44 very very bad grasp of reality or they
    2:48 might not be telling the truth the
    2:50 sister station of cayhawk which is k
    2:53 rock in rochester first report of the
    2:56 story it's kroc not to be confused with
    2:57 kroq in los angeles
    3:00 as uh anybody who can look at the ticket
    3:02 can see the man was charged with two
    3:04 things
    3:05 speeding and reckless driving and that's
    3:08 an important distinction which i'll also
    3:09 get to in a minute according to the
    3:11 county attorney
    3:13 there will be a court date at the end of
    3:15 this month
    3:16 now the question is is 92 over
    3:20 the most we've heard of
    3:22 well there was the story that happened
    3:24 back in 2004 and it was heavily disputed
    3:28 but at that time the police wrote a man
    3:32 a ticket
    3:33 for going 205 miles per hour on a
    3:36 motorcycle and i remember the story and
    3:38 i also have friends who've got bikes who
    3:40 said that is not possible on that bike
    3:43 so
    3:43 that would have been a 165 mile per hour
    3:47 over the speed limit ticket 165 over
    3:50 uh meanwhile in iowa
    3:53 a man from council bluffs was driving
    3:55 his motorcycle through a construction
    3:57 zone
    3:58 at 89 miles per hour back in 09
    4:01 and that then turned into
    4:04 a uh
    4:05 vehicle chase some sort
    4:07 because he attempted to outrun law
    4:08 enforcement which he failed to do
    4:09 because we're talking about this now
    4:11 and an iowa state patrol aircraft
    4:13 actually got involved in that one that
    4:15 man was charged and convicted of driving
    4:17 188 miles per hour
    4:20 so again we are not condoning this stuff
    4:22 we're simply talking about it because
    4:23 it's in the news one thing you have to
    4:25 realize though and the reason i
    4:26 mentioned it being at night is that a
    4:29 lot of people hear that a car can go
    4:31 fast they'll say oh that car can do 150
    4:34 that car can do 200.
    4:36 and a car might be physically capable of
    4:38 doing that but it doesn't mean it's safe
    4:40 to do that there's two problems that
    4:42 immediately come to mind and the first
    4:44 is if you are doing oh i don't know
    4:48 157 miles per hour
    4:50 and you're on a nice
    4:52 highway out in the middle of nowhere and
    4:54 it's perfectly straight and flat
    4:56 and then a deer walks out into the road
    5:01 the closing speed with that deer is a
    5:03 very high number
    5:04 and
    5:05 evasive maneuvers at those speeds are
    5:08 difficult and can be dangerous and if
    5:10 you hit the deer at that speed it won't
    5:12 be fun for either you or the deer
    5:14 and that's just one of many things that
    5:16 can happen there can also be debris in
    5:19 the roadway if you hit a bolt or a chunk
    5:22 of scrap metal
    5:23 a small one a little piece of scrap
    5:25 metal that big hits one of your front
    5:26 tires
    5:27 at that speed and gouges it
    5:31 it's not going to develop a slow leak
    5:33 that will give you a lot of time to pull
    5:34 over and get it fixed
    5:36 it might pull you over but it's gonna
    5:37 pull you over quickly and so there's all
    5:39 kinds of things that can happen but the
    5:40 other thing is
    5:41 and and i've heard of stories of this
    5:43 happening before where kids in
    5:45 particular but it can be anybody who's
    5:46 driving recklessly driving at night
    5:49 driving really really fast the distance
    5:52 that you can see with your headlights
    5:55 actually becomes less meaningful the
    5:57 faster you're going because the amount
    5:59 of stuff in that zone that you can see
    6:02 is coming at you so quickly that if
    6:04 something appears in your headlights
    6:06 you've got almost no time to react to it
    6:08 and they talk about over driving your
    6:10 headlights that is you know driving so
    6:11 fast that your headlights aren't
    6:13 actually showing you the part of the
    6:14 road you need to see so you're here your
    6:16 headlights illuminate to here but you're
    6:18 going so fast that something pops up
    6:20 here you can't see it yet and by the
    6:22 time you can see it it's too late
    6:25 so that's the problem with driving that
    6:26 fast at night
    6:28 so that's that's one concern the other
    6:30 concern of course is things you can hit
    6:31 the roadway and i've been on roads
    6:35 before i-75 in the northern half of
    6:38 lower michigan there are some sections
    6:40 that are so straight and so flat and so
    6:43 wide that at night it's tempting it's
    6:46 tempting
    6:47 to open it up
    6:48 but
    6:49 you'll be zooming along and you'll see a
    6:51 deer by the side of the road and your
    6:52 thought is that deer just wander out
    6:54 into the road it happens it happens and
    6:56 in fact i was on that stretch of road
    6:59 last night
    7:00 coming back from a conference i spoke at
    7:02 the upper peninsula
    7:03 and i saw
    7:06 eight or ten deer milling about near the
    7:09 side of the road just milling around and
    7:11 in fact a bunch of deer recently have
    7:13 given birth it's that time of year here
    7:16 so i saw
    7:17 mom and child by the side of the road
    7:20 very very
    7:21 peaceful looking scene but that's
    7:23 because they're not in the road they're
    7:25 off on the side so it's very very
    7:27 dangerous to drive that fast but the
    7:29 guy's been charged with a speeding
    7:30 ticket and a reckless driving thing and
    7:33 you've got to understand this also
    7:35 in our society there's three things that
    7:37 you can get charged with basically
    7:38 speaking in this situation and that is a
    7:40 civil infraction a misdemeanor or a
    7:43 felony now a felony arising from this
    7:46 ain't going to happen unless you run
    7:47 somebody over with your car and you
    7:48 charge you with some kind of you know
    7:50 negligent vehicular homicide or
    7:52 something i'm just making stuff up there
    7:54 but the point is you killed somebody of
    7:55 your car maybe but generally speaking
    7:58 most people think of speeding tickets
    8:00 and other traffic infractions as
    8:02 simple civil infractions and most of
    8:05 them are so you get a ticket for doing
    8:07 10 miles an hour over the speed limit
    8:09 you go to court you plead guilty pay the
    8:10 fine you'll get a couple points on your
    8:12 license one or two depends on the state
    8:14 you're in
    8:14 and that driving record then is your
    8:16 driving record but it shows as a civil
    8:19 infraction so years later you go to
    8:21 apply for a job they go have you ever
    8:22 been convicted of a crime
    8:24 quite often they'll say a crime other
    8:26 than a civil infraction to indicate they
    8:28 don't care about traffic offenses now of
    8:31 course it might affect if you're getting
    8:32 a job driving getting a truck driving
    8:35 job or something like that that might
    8:36 affect you
    8:37 but
    8:38 the reckless driving is a misdemeanor
    8:40 here and in michigan in many places
    8:43 meaning that
    8:44 if you get convicted of it it's a
    8:46 criminal conviction
    8:48 and it often comes with a whole pile of
    8:51 points not just two three four i've seen
    8:53 it worth six points and you can go to
    8:56 jail for it
    8:58 so it's possible that you can go to jail
    9:01 for 30 days
    9:03 get six points oh and they'll also
    9:05 suspend your license in some states
    9:06 including michigan will you be walking
    9:08 for six months
    9:10 so go to jail pay the fine walk for six
    9:13 months and oh now you've got a criminal
    9:14 conviction so the reckless driving thing
    9:17 is what's scary here
    9:19 good news is because it's a crime you're
    9:20 probably entitled to a jury trial
    9:23 for what that's worth
    9:24 but
    9:25 it's a crazy story and of course the guy
    9:27 said he wasn't sure and did not know he
    9:29 was going that fast that fast
    9:32 and if you are in a car doing 157 miles
    9:35 an hour and don't know it
    9:37 there might be other problems as well
    9:39 but of course that may just be something
    9:40 you say to a police officer at the side
    9:41 of the road sheepishly when they got ya
    9:43 what else are you gonna do
    9:45 so philip sent me thanks a lot from
    9:47 kayhawk new country kh ak bob james
    9:50 wrote it cedar rapids man charged with
    9:52 going 92 miles per hour over the speed
    9:55 limit and he got caught and he's been
    9:57 charged with a civil infraction
    9:59 and a crime and a quick brief program
    10:02 note i have a second channel called
    10:04 steve lato vault it's where i put all of
    10:07 the old videos that i've yanked off this
    10:10 channel for whatever reason they got
    10:11 stale no one watched them they're off
    10:13 topic whatever i've got a bunch of those
    10:15 so i'm posting those one a day on a
    10:17 channel called steve lato vault i'll put
    10:19 a link to that in the description below
    10:21 this video because i've mentioned it two
    10:22 or three times i don't mention it every
    10:24 video i've mentioned it two or three
    10:25 times i've had a few people show up over
    10:27 there and go i didn't know this existed
    10:29 what's this doing here
    10:30 so there's a fine line between me
    10:33 constantly promoting something or me
    10:35 having to say oh by the way people i've
    10:37 got another channel over here so
    10:40 it's just primarily for the people who
    10:42 say steve i remember you did a video
    10:43 three years ago about something i can't
    10:46 find it what happened to it oh i took
    10:47 the video down
    10:49 but i'll post it up on the vault so
    10:51 there's a lot of cool stuff on there i
    10:52 think from a historical viewpoint
    10:54 including stuff i shot you know eight
    10:56 years ago
    10:57 [Laughter]
    10:59 milo and wolfie walking around the
    11:01 background of my videos that kind of
    11:02 thing so that's over on steve lato vault
    11:06 and i'll put a link below otherwise i'll
    11:07 talk to you later bye-bye
    11:09 thank you for watching leto's law
    11:13 what do you call a typo on a headstone a
    11:16 grave mistake

  • @izzion yeah, I remember our (no longer) resident goose :wharrgarbl:ing about videos that are between 10 and 11 minutes long (or was it 11 and 12? whatever).

    In any case, I'm putting "everything as video rather than text" as the second worst thing to ever happen to human communication, just after "social media."

  • @JBert How much more do I need to rant until someone gives me the tl;dr?

    Filed under: riding the warthog

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Filed under: riding the warthog

    Wow, you must be really going through a dry spell. I don't think even Tsaukpaetra has been desperate enough to try that out. :tro-pop:

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