WTF Bites

  • Considered Harmful

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier Unrelated:

    $ whereis docker-compose
    docker-compose: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    $ docker-compose up -d [service]
    bash: /usr/bin/docker-compose: No such file or directory


    Also :wtf:: in another terminal tab, it works no problem. A couple hours ago, it was working everywhere.

    hash -r

    @error_bot xkcd server problem

  • 🔀

  • @Choonster said in WTF Bites:

    My company started using Time Doctor for tracking work hours. Whenever I search for information about it, I get results for Doctor Who.

    One of the times where a product name should have something out of an alphabet soup included.

  • Eigen's Documentation:

    By default, it runs in in-core mode. To enable PARDISO's out-of-core feature, set:
    solver.pardisoParameterArray()[59] = 1;

    Apparently that's important enough to mention in the docs, but not important enough to write a one-line wrapper around so that the next person reading the code sees something like solver.set_out_of_core_mode( true ) rather than parameter #59 being set to 1. (The underlying library, the PARDISO thing, caters to Fortran folks, so at least they have something of an excuse for pulling that kind of crap.)

    This was unrelated to what I was after in the docs. Which didn't include the information that I was looking for, it was much quicker and useful to just skim their sources.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    Apparently that's important enough to mention in the docs, but not important enough to write a one-line wrapper around so that the next person reading the code sees something like solver.set_out_of_core_mode( true ) rather than parameter #59 being set to 1.

    Apparently, some people deal with these things by doing something like:

    // I think you get the picture of what comes next...

    which “helps” by putting more paint on the cesspit rather than actually making the world less miserable.


    @cvi horrifying, Eigen is otherwise pretty nice to use in my experience. Is that part in the experimental module?

    I remember some years ago trying to experiment with PARDISO to see if it would speed up our solver. But I gave up unsuccessfully when I couldn’t even get their examples to run without either crashing or producing obviously wrong output. (No idea why, you’d think examples would be self-contained enough to just work)

    Addendum: it was the Intel MKL version (because I already link to that and assumed it’s superior like their BLAS), but tells me that was a bad and outdated choice.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    you’d think examples would be self-contained enough to just work


  • @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    // I think you get the picture of what comes next...


    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Is that part in the experimental module?

    Don't remember, and too :kneeling_warthog: to look it up. Wasn't my code, I took a brief look for a colleague because things weren't working. I don't regularly use Eigen myself. I had the impression that it was pretty neat, but I don't know how it has held up in the last few years. (The state of the documentation/library reference was a bit discouraging, IMHO.)

    producing obviously wrong output

    That sounds familiar. (Pretty sure it was the Intel version.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cvi It might be 58 in the FORTRAN code…


    @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    I don't regularly use Eigen myself. I had the impression that it was pretty neat, but I don't know how it has held up in the last few years. (The state of the documentation/library reference was a bit discouraging, IMHO.)

    I don’t have much beef with the documentation, but I’m mostly using the core dense stuff, nothing fancy like PARDISO bindings. And I guess it’s not that great when you want to dive into the nitty gritty implementation details, those are very opaque.

    It is a pretty nice library IMO. Reliable, well optimized and used by the scientific computing people, so definitely a top choice when we started using it a decade ago, certainly better than even older things like boost uBLAS. I’m not sure if in the meantime the alternatives have caught up or surpassed it. I think Blaze sounded like a modern contender that I should check out if I had the time.
    I am starting to get worried about the state of maintenance/development, though. The latest release was well over a year ago, and besides their link to “for questions ask SO” the forums are outdated and their IRC chat room seems to be completely deserted. :sadface:

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    @Choonster said in WTF Bites:

    My company started using Time Doctor for tracking work hours. Whenever I search for information about it, I get results for Doctor Who.

    One of the times where a product name should have something out of an alphabet soup included.

    I dunno, a bing search for "time doctor" seems to work fine


    @Jaloopa said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    @Choonster said in WTF Bites:

    My company started using Time Doctor for tracking work hours. Whenever I search for information about it, I get results for Doctor Who.

    One of the times where a product name should have something out of an alphabet soup included.

    I dunno, a bing search

    Expected porn. Disappointed.

  • headphones

    And just like that, without draining battery, resetting or anything, they started working again. The only thing I can think of is that yesterday my phone spontaneously rebooted, and after that I powered it off and back on. Maybe that works better than rebooting the phone normally

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:


    And just like that, without draining battery, resetting or anything, they started working again. The only thing I can think of is that yesterday my phone spontaneously rebooted, and after that I powered it off and back on. Maybe that works better than rebooting the phone normally

    My guess is the two Bluetooth stacks didn't agree on a good protocol with controls, and retarded to something more basic.

  • @Jaloopa said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    @Choonster said in WTF Bites:

    My company started using Time Doctor for tracking work hours. Whenever I search for information about it, I get results for Doctor Who.

    One of the times where a product name should have something out of an alphabet soup included.

    I dunno, a bing search for "time doctor" seems to work fine

    And the 🦆s seem to find the right thing even without quotes.

  • Java Dev

    :wtf: from the systems employed by work: The login session is on a strict timer and if it runs out you will be logged out. It does not matter if you're in the middle of a chat, video call or typing a document. You will be kicked out of the system and have to log in again. This is kinda annoying because it always happens in the middle of workdays. And the sessions lasts for a few days, so it's hard to tell when exactly this will happen.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    The login session is on a strict timer and if it runs out you will be logged out.

    Recently encountered this with a security product meant to secure file access. Dafuq.

  • Java Dev

    @Tsaukpaetra Yeah. And of course there is no warning. It will just kick you out and put you on the login screen. Even the planning tool, for all its faults, will only log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity and it does at least attempt to put up a warning with a timer. (Only that the timer is most likely broken and you may have been logged out already even when it says 1 minute remaining.)

  • Java Dev

    I think something went wrong with the latest xkcd...


  • Banned

    @Atazhaia according to explain xkcd:

    As of 5:23am UTC on 4 May 2020 a glitch caused the comic image to display at 4682 pixels wide when viewed on non-Retina/HiDPI screens.

  • @Gąska At 11:52 ET this appears to still be the case


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @hungrier I killed 30 seconds being amused by moving Firefox between the internal Retina display on my laptop and an external non-Retina display and watching the image change from tiny to massive and back again.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    this appears to still be the case

    I don't know how to get this to happen. Is it purely the screen size?


    I don't have the fox of fires installed to try that though...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra It's working normally now.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @loopback0 said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra It's working normally now.

    I had hoped... Oh well.

  • Considered Harmful

    Westworld S3 finale

    Rehoboam's grep program seems to have two critical bugs:

    1. data searched is permanently deleted
    2. arbitrary commands can be executed if embedded in searched data

  • Fake News

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    grep program

    data searched is permanently deleted

    You had one job...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    searched is permanently deleted

    Find all the mutants!

  • Java Dev

    Friend had this happen at work:

    👨: Can you give me the elevator pitch?
    👩: No, I don't like elevators.

  • Java Dev

    Friend also had this exciting conversation happen:

    👩: But I don't want to look for jobs, I just want the money [for being in a job-finding activity] so I can spend my life travelling.
    👨: And how are you planning to afford travelling without having a job to get an income?
    👩: Well, if I work I don't have the time to do travelling.

  • From the DHL tracking page
    I can delete my shipment? :wtf: does this do? I really don't want to try it.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    From the DHL tracking page
    I can delete my shipment? :wtf: does this do? I really don't want to try it.

    I believe it removes it from your personal list of tracking numbers. Do it after you get the item(s).

  • Fake News

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    From the DHL tracking page
    I can delete my shipment? :wtf: does this do? I really don't want to try it.

    Woah, careful, you might delete the Deutsche Post DHL!

  • I want to export a slide from Powerpoint as an image. There's a handy feature where you can export one or multiple slides to PNG (or JPEG if you prefer having your content low-pass filtered). Default resolution is 1280x720. So far so good.

    I would like to get 1920x1080 resolution images though. Quick search on Google, and there's this relevant looking article in Microsoft's documentation. Sweet.

    Step one even seems relevant, "Step 1: Change the export resolution setting". But things go downhill from there:


    Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur.

    Oh. Wait. We're going to mess with the registry settings? For changing the export resolution of PowerPoint slides?

    1. Exit all Windows-based programs.
    2. Right-click the Start button and then Run. (In Windows 7, select Start, and then Run.)
    3. In the Open box, type regedit, and then select OK.
    4. Locate one of the following registry subkeys, depending on the version of PowerPoint that you're using:
      <snip />
    5. Click the Options subkey, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click DWORD Value.
    6. Type ExportBitmapResolution, and then press Enter.
    7. Make sure that ExportBitmapResolution is selected, and then click Modify on the Edit menu.
    8. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, select Decimal.
    9. In the Value data box, type the value of the resolution that you want such as 300. Or, use the parameters in the following table.
      <snip table that doesn't contain 1920x1080/>
    10. Select OK.
    11. On the File menu, select Exit to exit Registry Editor.

    In all honesty though, that's probably easier to reproduce than attempting to find that one option that they managed to squirrel away somewhere in their ribbons.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    modify the registry

    ... Why the fuck is an export setting in the goddamn registry?!?

  • Fake News

    @Tsaukpaetra It could have started life as a rogue feature, until some customer rep from Microsoft was in a hurry to fulfill a customer request and harried devs until they spilled the beans.

    Of course, that only explains why it isn't removed by now; the reason for the lack of a configuration UI is likely a lack of interest when a "known workaround" is present.

  • @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    I want to export a slide from Powerpoint as an image. There's a handy feature where you can export one or multiple slides to PNG (or JPEG if you prefer having your content low-pass filtered). Default resolution is 1280x720. So far so good.

    I would like to get 1920x1080 resolution images though. ...

    (Removed: change the registry to get the resolution you want since PowerPoint uses lengths like a layout application instead of pixels like a bitmap one.)

    If you don't need too many, starting the slideshow and doing Alt-Print Screen would work just as well.


    @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    There's a handy feature where you can export one or multiple slides to PNG

    For unfantomenel reasons this feature has been in a not quite-on-target-but-landing-in-the-pile-of-dogshit-next-to-it state since 2003 or something.
    Just forget it existes and take a fucking screencap of your slide.

  • Considered Harmful

    Screencapping slides manually is :trwtf:. At least deploy a container with NodeJS + Redis that will serve as a backend to your slide-capping Perl script.


    Last week I got an email from SuSE that

    On May 5th, your SUSE account will migrate over to a new system that will require you to activate your account and create a new password.

    I didn't even remember I had a SuSE account. Probably needed to build something for a customer running a stone-age SLES on their server, with gcc 4.x. :rolleyes:
    Anyways, today comes that second email and I click the link to activate my "new" account. After the usual garbage with insecurity questions, I'm greeted to this page, plus a little notification in the 🔔 that I can't even see anymore now that I closed it.

    Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-06 um 09.21.15.png

    Two things on this page are in German, the "start" in "start app" and the privacy protection ("Datenschutz") link at the bottom, the rest is English or Product Name English. And the garbled notification that I can't reproduce was some weird mix of German and English that probably resulted from a needful Google Translate translation.

    I have no idea why these links are "apps", but hey, at least I can create and manage new tabs full of them, as well as change their "settings" when I hover over the "button".

    Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-06 um 09.33.46.png

    The settings include helpful things like showing my password (for that "app") and auto starting the app on login. Of course, it tells me "Your password for SUSE Customer Center is managed by your IT administrator and cannot be displayed" (:wtf_owl:) and starting the app, as expected, just opens a new tab at "". Which promptly tells me I'm not logged in.

    Well, good thing is no part of this actually showed me my password, which would be :trwtf:2.


  • @JBert said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra It could have started life as a rogue feature, until some customer rep from Microsoft was in a hurry to fulfill a customer request and harried devs until they spilled the beans.

    Of course, that only explains why it isn't removed by now; the reason for the lack of a configuration UI is likely a lack of interest when a "known workaround" is present.

    Because customers now have implementations relying on the registry hack.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Carnage said in WTF Bites:

    @JBert said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra It could have started life as a rogue feature, until some customer rep from Microsoft was in a hurry to fulfill a customer request and harried devs until they spilled the beans.

    Of course, that only explains why it isn't removed by now; the reason for the lack of a configuration UI is likely a lack of interest when a "known workaround" is present.

    Because customers now have implementations relying on the registry hack.

    Storing the configuration in the registry makes sense (assuming you've accepted it into your life, which since you're on Windows, you should have). Not having it as an option in the interface when you export stuff is painful.

    640KB1280x720 should be enough for everyone!

  • From today's "Pictures you can use as a dictionary's explanation" we give you: "Alex, I'll take Jobsworth for 5,000":


    The projector has always been there, by the way.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Pictures you can use as a dictionary's explanation

    I'm actually completely not comprehending this picture as an explanation of anything.

  • @Tsaukpaetra Look where the projector is projecting to. The stage lights are a recent addition from last week - the problem is that due to Covid-19 we weren't able to properly supervise the idiots.

    I'm also not sure why those stage lights were added in the first place. We could use them ... at our actual stage.

  • @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    We could use them ... at our actual stage.

    👷: (turns paper over) Oops. We installed them in the wrong room.

  • Java Dev

    From the Windows 10 ARM-based PCs FAQ:


    OpenGL 1.1 was released in 1997. Yeah.

  • Banned

    @Atazhaia I believe that's what the default Windows graphics driver supports on regular PCs. Chances are the docs were written by a hopeless idiot who has no clue how computers work.

  • @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @Atazhaia I believe that's what the default Windows graphics driver supports on regular PCs. Chances are the docs were written by a hopeless idiot who has no clue how computers work.

    As I understand it, the only chipsets supported by Windows on ARM are Qualcomm's and Microsoft's (which is derived from Qualcomm's). Neither of those supports OpenGL at all, so the support is what the underlying OS can provide for you. That's DirectX or old OpenGL.

    In theory someone could create chipsets/drivers that support OpenGL, if Windows on ARM takes off.

  • @Parody said in WTF Bites:

    if Windows on ARM takes off

    The jokes thread is :arrows:

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