UI Bites

  • @Vixen Shirley you mean 🥢

  • @GÄ…ska said in UI Bites:

    @hungrier I thought I'd never find something more annoying than infiniscroll. But damn, this reverse infiniscroll is pure genius!

    What do you mean? I thought that was infiniscroll...?

  • Banned

    @djls45 did you click ?

  • @GÄ…ska I did on the single post page...

    . . .

    Oh! That* is horrible!

    * Upside down infiniscroll, but the page only loads more content when you're at the bottom of the page (top of the content).

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Mason_Wheeler said in UI Bites:

    it doesn't take all that much time at all for them to get sticky enough that shaking the bottle or striking the bottom of it fails to knock one loose,

    Yes!!!! This is so damn infuriating!

    I mean, I don't take gummy supplements, why do you look at me like that?

  • @TimeBandit said in UI Bites:

    @Mason_Wheeler said in UI Bites:

    the fact that such a solution is even necessary is :trwtf: here.

    No, :trwtf: is an adult taking vitamins for children

    Meh. The bottle doesn't advertise them as being for children. So maybe that's tr:trwtf:?

  • Fake News


    :conspiracy theory: Maybe they're labeled "vitamin supplements" so that adults addicted to gummies can claim it's for their health?

  • @JBert said in UI Bites:

    :conspiracy theory:


  • UI Bite of my day So, Nintendo just sent me an email asking me to participate in a survey about an upcoming game.

    Okay, I can do that. Click on the link, select country, enter age and...



  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    Opera has a sidebar that's got a bunch of bullshit enabled by default (which can be disabled, good on them), as well as quick buttons to access your settings and stuff:

    tldr: Tree Tabs uses the extension sidebar, separate from the main sidebar


    The Tree Tab extension for Opera does its thing in a pane that's exposed by a sidebar button.
    (no big fancy trees yet)

    The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted that the sidebar with Tree Tabs looks a bit different from the Opera sidebar. That's because it's a more different sidebar, called the "Extension bar"

    Why can't the TreeTabs extension bar button (the only thing I've ever seen the extension bar used for) be part of the normal sidebar? Why does it even need to be a thing at all?

    So now there's been a new Opera update, and my wish came true, the extension sidebar is no more and now Tree Tabs lives in the main sidebar:


    However, there's one big problem: That screenshot shows the minimum width for the tree tabs sidebar. It can expand wider, but can't go below 320 px, at least by resizing it or through any options that I can find. The best I can do is unpin it and only pop it up temporarily to switch tabs.

    :3px: :picard-facepalm:

  • @hungrier Looks like someone else has a similar complaint to mine about the sidebar width. And hey, that's a familiar looking forum.

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    @Zecc Complains about rabbits in the thread, username checks out.

    @Vixen Keep the card, just please give back my pants.

    /me attempts to conceal stolen pants.... with 90% success rate

    "What pants?"

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Best use of active desktop was pranking people by taking a screenshot of their desktop, setting it as a wallpaper, and then hiding all icons.

    Uh... Active Desktop is totally not a requirement for this. You can do it all the way down to 3.1 IIRC, though some parts are slightly different.

  • Another minor issue with the new Opera sidebar update.

    It includes a "bookmarks in sidebar" feature, which you might guess shows your bookmarks as a sidebar. You'd be right, it does do that. But unlike, say, the bookmarks bar, you can't launch bookmarklets from it. It seems to me like it should be the most obvious thing, but it doesn't work.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    you can't launch bookmarklets from it.

    🤔 Is it because it attempts to open them in a new tab? I wonder if that's an option...

  • @Tsaukpaetra You're right, it does. There doesn't seem to be any option for it.

    While testing that I also discovered another related thing, which I'm not sure if it's because of a bug in Tree Tabs, something with the new sidebar, or what. Sometimes, when I open a new tab, it doesn't show up in the tree tab list. I don't see any pattern to it; usually new tabs will show up, but sometimes I'll open a tab and it, along with any child tabs, won't be anywhere in the list

  • @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    @hungrier Looks like someone else has a similar complaint to mine about the sidebar width. And hey, that's a familiar looking forum.

    It looks like they censor dialogue/conversation/(oh, what's that word? It's just on the tip of my tongue!) that might not be civilized, too:

  • Java Dev

    @djls45 Yelling at the support team (or unpaid community support) doesn't make the problem go away faster. To me, that's no worse than bleeping out cursewords.

  • @PleegWat said in UI Bites:

    @djls45 Yelling at the support team (or unpaid community support) doesn't make the problem go away faster.

    … and sometimes can even make said unpaid support team quit


    Update: In this case he fortunately got a replacement. But don't count on it every time…

  • Did someone say "Hey @hungrier, lets hear more about this new Opera update with the sidebar"? No? Well too bad.

    There are, and have been, a bunch of shortcut buttons in the sidebar to take you to e.g. the settings page, downloads, extensions, etc. Either in this update or another recent one, they made Bookmarks and History open inline in their own sidebar panel. The history one is pretty good: it shows your history with the timestamp, url, favicon and title. It also has a "clear history" button and a link to go to the full history view. The bookmarks one shows your bookmarks, and allows you to edit them, but only the title and not the url. So not perfect, but it has a full view link where you can get the old one.

    It seems natural that they would make a sidebar panel for Downloads as well. It has a button in the sidebar already, there's not a great deal of information or actions that it needs to offer; sounds like a perfect fit for its own inline panel, so you wouldn't have to open the full view. But they don't have that.

  • Considered Harmful

    @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    Did someone say "Hey @hungrier, lets hear more about this new Opera update with the sidebar"? No?

    I thought this was the Launchy course...

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Did this to a colleague at work who wasn't locking his workstation. He never left it unlocked again after that prank.

    Amateur. You're supposed to send an email (from his computer) to the whole department saying "Hey guys, I'm buying donuts for everyone"

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    taking a screenshot of their desktop, setting it as a wallpaper, and then hiding all icons.

    I did this to an entire computer lab in junior high. I also hid the Start Menu/Taskbar. Got called into the IT person's office and was given the briefest shoutdown of my life: "Are you trying to make my life more difficult?!?!"


    @mott555 said in UI Bites:

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    taking a screenshot of their desktop, setting it as a wallpaper, and then hiding all icons.

    I did this to an entire computer lab in junior high. I also hid the Start Menu/Taskbar. Got called into the IT person's office and was given the briefest shoutdown of my life: "Are you trying to make my life more difficult?!?!"

    Our lab computers were still running a 9x based OS, which didn't have actual user account security, only some policy based hacks that prevented some things. As these were not enforced by the kernel, I "hacked" it by replacing explorer.exe (or whatever it was that implemented them) by a patched version.
    I got told "I know that was you. Don't do it again.", but with a smirk that looked more like "well done".

  • @topspin We had a bunch of Windows 95 systems with NetWare. 100% of the security solutions put in place during my tenure were completely my fault (though the bar is pretty low when you only have 250 students K - 12). When I graduated, the IT guy basically told me "You caused a lot of trouble but I'm glad it was you and not someone with bad intent" since everything I did was basically a result of boredom.

  • @topspin said in UI Bites:

    Our lab computers were still running a 9x based OS, which didn't have actual user account security, only some policy based hacks that prevented some things. As these were not enforced by the kernel, I "hacked" it by replacing explorer.exe (or whatever it was that implemented them) by a patched version.

    I just carried a floppy with Poledit.exe on it 🤷♂

  • @TimeBandit said in UI Bites:


    Is that so you can type Ä…?


    @hungrier said in UI Bites:

    @TimeBandit said in UI Bites:


    Is that so you can type Ä…?


  • @hungrier The main reason was the the screen resolution was locked at 640x480 :trwtf:

  • From their shitty hardware to their pathetic software, schools computers are a perfect introduction for kids to the joy of IT :wtf:s .

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    we had this. It had 256 KB RAM, Hitachi Z80 clone, and it was running CP/M.

    That was dated even for 1987 standards 🍹

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Once again, datetimes are hard...


  • @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    Once again, datetimes are hard...

    I see that on my phone all the time (well, my text response appears above my friends message because they're sorted by time). Because AT&T's clock is 2 minutes behind everyone I send texts to.

  • @dcon Funny. Colleague (at another company we are subcontracting for, in Baden-WĂĽrttemberg) complained today that his clock is two minutes behind. But he's inside their paranoid intrantet, using whatever NTP server they configure. But they configure a long shitton of them, so hell knows where the one used actually is.

  • Apple, previously: It Just Works™

    Apple, today:

  • Java Dev


    Discord on macOS: Following Apple's best practices when it comes to translating the program.


    Because why pick one language when you can do two and mix'n'match freely!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Atazhaia To be fair, it says that section could be better 🎺

  • @Atazhaia said in UI Bites:

    Because why pick one language when you can do two and mix'n'match freely!

    This is a reason why I never set computers to my native language—nothing is ever translated completely and the result is a mess.

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    I guess that goes for any other language as well.

    Yes. I'm always lost when I try to support someone with language set to French

  • Java Dev

    @TimeBandit Just remember that the words are in reverse order. So instead of "Monitor Settings" it's "Le Settings du Monitor". 🚎

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Most things don't start with a same letter in Serbian and thus everything everywhere has a different sort order so finding things by muscle memory is out of the question

    Well, most UIs don't sort their menus. But then either the shortcuts no longer make any sense, because they are derived from the English terms, or they are changed, so your don't know them. So, yes, bad.

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    not to mention that you need considerable mental effort to understand how they translated certain terms.

    I even have (about quarter a century old by now) technical English-Czech dictionary which provides standard translations of most computer terms. I think it even references some standard that defines them. But nobody ever heard of it, so each application is translated differently.

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    I guess that goes for any other language as well.

    Translations to more major languages like German or French are probably a bit more consistent, but generally yes.

    @TimeBandit said in UI Bites:

    Yes. I'm always lost when I try to support someone with language set to French

    Yes, that's another issue. When looking up some error, the translated version gives much fewer results. And most software is not so reasonable to have all diagnostic messages numbered like rustc or msvc.

  • @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    I guess that goes for any other language as well.

    Translations to more major languages like German or French are probably a bit more consistent, but generally yes.

    The real problem, I say as a Mac user with UI language set to Dutch, is software from Microsoft, Adobe, hardware manufacturers and cross-platform open-source projects. All of these tend to use Windows terminology, which in Dutch often differs notably from the macOS terms for the same thing even if they’re the same in English.

    Part of it is choosing entirely different translations of the same original term: the File menu, for example, on Windows is called Bestand (“file” as in “dossier”) while on Macs it’s Archief (a noun, with the connotations of “file” as in “to put in an archive”).

    The other part is a different choice in reading the English terms: English “Open” could be construed to be in the imperative (“computer, open a file for me”) but also in the infinitive (making it short for “I want to open a file”). macOS translators assumed the former, Windows translators the latter, so on macOS the Open menu entry is Open in Dutch (imperative) while on Windows, it’s Openen (infinitive).

    Neither is more or less correct than the other, but it’s always just that little bit confusing to not find the Archief-menu and having to realise you need to click on Bestand instead.

  • @Gurth Yeah, Apple always had “creative” translators…

  • Java Dev

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    Well, most UIs don't sort their menus.

    You are forgetting virtual folders such as Control Panel -- they are sorted, and in another language the sort order is totally different.

    Only if you're a boomer who still uses the windows 9x style control panel. If you use the windows 7 style categorised control panel or the windows 10 settings page the applets are not sorted alphabetically.

  • @levicki said in UI Bites:

    Try changing your IP address here, or changing network discovery or sharing settings, or any network adapter settings:

    You can at the very least change the IP there (under Change Connection Properties). You can flick between Public and Private there as well, but anything particularly advanced does take you to the old Control Panel.

    (Inexplicably, though, the alternate DNS I use doesn't appear in the Settings app page, but does in the Control Panel settings window for the adapter. Go figure.)

    @levicki said in UI Bites:

    There are still literally dozens of settings which just redirect back to Control Panel applets. Why go the roundabout way when I can go there directly?

    I mean, it's certainly better than it was compared to the original release when the new Settings app just got in the way. Certainly it has a way to go but it's steadily becoming more useful. The issue is if they take too much out of the Control Panel, people will complain. Conversely, if they don't take things out of the Control Panel, people will also complain. They can't win.

  • @Douglasac Well, they didn't have to start replacing the control panel in the first place. There was nothing wrong with it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Douglasac said in UI Bites:

    They can't win.

    They had already won. Nobody asked them to haphazardly chase the latest metrosexual flat design fads, fail to do so and screw everything up.


    @Applied-Mediocrity said in UI Bites:

    the latest metrosexual flat design fads

    There's an Apple joke in there somewhere. 🍹

  • @Gurth And then there's the big amount of words that are synonyms in English but not in other languages, like play (a movie) vs play (a game). Or "scan" as in "look for" vs digitizing a paper document.

  • @anonymous234 said in UI Bites:

    @Gurth And then there's the big amount of words that are synonyms homonyms in English but not in other languages, like play (a movie) vs play (a game). Or "scan" as in "look for" vs digitizing a paper document.

    Synonyms are two words for the same thing. Homonyms are same word for multiple disjoint meanings.

    … especially combined with the fact the translators rarely get a context and the translation system even not being able to distinguish the cases at all. And it does not even need to be a different meaning—it's enough if the word looks the same as verb and adjective or noun, e.g. “open”.

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