WTF Bites

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    Where the fuck did these security questions come from?? Is there another login that I have forgotten about?? is going on here?

    See my :wtf: posts about UMB elsewhere...


    @Polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    My wife just sent me a message. She is finishing her enrollment for her MFA and has to list an emergency contact. One of the options for relationship to emergency contact is apparently "deceased spouse".

    That might make them hard to get ahold of in case of emergency.

    What have you (not)done lately? Could it be a veiled threat/promise?

    Edited to reflect real world spouse issues.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    For me, one of the most surprising results was the stack of paper

    That was surprising... I think my day may be shot now...

  • @heterodox said in WTF Bites:

    One of the three credit bureaus refuses to give me my credit report online each year;

    They ignored me when I tried doing that. Because their verification questions don't match reality.

  • I don't know what "Overflight" or "Oculus Browser" are, but my phone keeps trying and failing to install them and I don't see any way to tell it to quit.

  • The wireless mouse my employer purchased for me when I started my current gig is quite possibly the worst mouse ever made. Besides not being ergonomic, which I asked them for, it has the following rather egregious defects:

    It goes to sleep. Deep sleep. Jiggle the mouse to wake up the laptop; nothing happens, because the mouse has gone to sleep before the computer does. There is no configuration (that I've ever been able to find, anyway) for the sleep delay. Once it is asleep, movement will not wake it up; only a button click or wheel scroll will wake it up (maybe). It swallows the event that wakes it up, which is good, just in case the pointer happens to be positioned over something catastrophic like "Restart Now" when it goes to sleep. A button or wheel event "maybe" wakes it up because a button event does, but a wheel event only half wakes it up; it appears to be awake (it sends movement events to the system), but it still swallows the next button click.

    The scroll wheel is extremely flaky. It is, at best, a 60/40 chance whether the scroll will be in the direction I'm moving the wheel or the opposite. Trying to scroll with the mouse wheel is like 1-D Brownian motion. Maybe I'll eventually get a net drift in the desired direction, maybe not, but in any case the random jitter while scrolling makes ⛔👶 loading an image-heavy thread look like a paragon of stability.

    I bought myself a wired USB ergonomic mouse, which I use at my desk. I only use this 💩 when I need a mouse away from my desk.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    I bought myself a wired USB ergonomic mouse

    That's what I do now. I don't even bother trying to expense it. When I move on, it comes with me...

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    The scroll wheel is extremely flaky. It is, at best, a 60/40 chance whether the scroll will be in the direction I'm moving the wheel or the opposite. Trying to scroll with the mouse wheel is like 1-D Brownian motion.

    The joys of cheap hardware encoders and/or firmware developers who don't know how to handle encoders properly. It more-or-less work when the product is new, then progressively get worse and worse as it ages.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    I bought myself a wired USB ergonomic mouse

    That's what I do now. I don't even bother trying to expense it. When I move on, it comes with me...

    Replied to in relevant thread:

  • Java Dev

    Geforce Experience wants me to upgrade to Super.


    If that's representative of the experience I think I'll pass...

  • Banned


    Sounds very expensive. Like i9 or something.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @coderpatsy said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra Accidentally their 3 key? .5 feet is 0.1524 meters.

    3 is usually pretty far to reach from 0. Even using the numpad, it's pretty odd to either accidently punch in 3.5 instead of 0.5, or attempt to punch .5 when they clearly punched 0.15.

    3 is pretty close to . on the number pad

  • d23bc335-cd3a-4759-be17-6cc949ce2388-image.png

    Yes, I know I've already installed it. I was trying to update it, prompted by the Play Store telling me there was an update available. Don't try to pin this on me not knowing about installing apps, Google.

  • :facepalm:

    Warning: auto-playing video

  • Banned

    @TimeBandit I'm feeling a strong deja vü. Haven't they alreado done that last year?

  • They did, and reverted the change later.

  • @TimeBandit For now you can still undo it without an extension by disabling:


    We'll see how long that lasts.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Parody said in WTF Bites:


    The Blizzard Way™

  • How many bytes are in a Megabyte?

  • Java Dev

    @TimeBandit Not content with just hiding http, they are now going to hide www even though www could be a completely different site than the one without www? (Which would be horribly :doing_it_wrong: but technically possible.)

    The more these changes made by the Chrome devs, the happier I am sticking to Firefox.

  • I finally decided to look into the accepted ways to authenticate yourself to do online stuff with the Spanish government.

    Here's the deal

    • Everyone gets an electronic ID card (DNIe) with a chip and also NFC for some reason. This was meant to solve the problem once and for all (lol). Of course, it's worthless without having a smart card reader.
    • There's a website/service (Cl@ve) that's also meant to solve this problem, by working as authentication platform for other websites. You can verify your identity directly to it to get an account or use any of the other methods through it.
    • And if that's not good enough for you, then there's about two dozen different public and private entities that also emit digital certificates that are also accepted.

    Talk about overkill!

  • Update: turns out they have an Android app that connects with a Windows app to let you use your phone as a reader for the DNIe.

    You can connect through WiFi or USB, but USB just plain doesn't work. Then it took me 5 tries to get the darn ID card to read. Then when I finally got it working, I go to the website to authenticate and when sending the response, Edge shows an error that says the TLS connection is not secure enough. So I had to repeat the whole thing in Internet Explorer.

    So after you've authenticated yourself to Cl@ve with your ID card, and given them your email and mobile phone, you get a password right? Or set a password? Wrong. You get a PDF file (make sure you don't hit "cancel" on that download, or you'll have to go through the whole thing again). On page 2, after a long text, there's an activation code that you can use on another website to set the password.

    And in that second website there's the weirdest fucking CAPTCHA I've ever seen.

    To continue, you must write in the space below which word of the list corresponds with 4-1
    Nineteen: Three: Peach: Badminton: Olive:

    Followed by a blank text box. This seriously stunned me for a minute. First because I didn't understand the question, then because of how bad and useless it is.

    And then I got a server error and decided to give up for today.

  • Java Dev

    @anonymous234 And then I compare to how it works in Sweden. We got a unified standard called BankID. The easiest way to use that is the mobile app version. To get it you download the app to your phone. Then log into your bank. Go to the BankID management, issue new BankID, follow the instructions for mobile version (open app, then enter a number for identification iirc), choose a PIN, then done.

    Then to use it, tend to work like this: Go to site that uses it. Open app to authenticate login or whatever. Enter PIN. Done.

  • @Atazhaia Well, unfortunately around here we have a certain 3 billion euro company with a reputation for producing Indian quality software at European prices that makes almost everything the government uses.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    @TimeBandit Not content with just hiding http, they are now going to hide www even though www could be a completely different site than the one without www? (Which would be horribly :doing_it_wrong: but technically possible.)

    If you're really :doing_it_wrong: you could serve a different site on https than http.

    Filed under: I've seen this on shared hosting where multiple sites use the same IP address.

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    @Atazhaia Well, unfortunately around here we have a certain 3 billion euro company with a reputation for producing Indian quality software at European prices that makes almost everything the government uses.

    I used to think that approach was specific to the Eastern Corruptsylvanias. But apparently we are not that special.


    There is such more that unites Europe then at first glance ...


  • @Luhmann I've heard an opinion that we hoped to learn better ways from the West, but instead our corruption spread there. But I suspect it was never absent anywhere in the first place.

  • 🚽 Regular


    What was the terrible password?


    What the hell is a strong password Cisco :wtf_owl:

  • Java Dev

    @Cursorkeys said in WTF Bites:

    What the hell is a strong password Cisco




  • Banned

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    @Atazhaia Well, unfortunately around here we have a certain 3 billion euro company with a reputation for producing Indian quality software at European prices that makes almost everything the government uses.

    I used to think that approach was specific to the Eastern Corruptsylvanias. But apparently we are not that special.

    Here in Poland, we also have big software company that thrives on government contracts, and makes products of absolutely expected quality. Its CEO has come up with what's now one of the most quoted sentences in the industry: "every programmer can be replaced by a finite number of students".

  • @Gąska But Poland does count as an Eastern Corruptsylvania, so it's somewhat more expected there :trollface:

  • Banned

    @Bulb it's more of a Central Corruptsylvania. Not nearly as bad as Ukraine, but still pretty bad.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @Gąska But Poland does count as an Eastern Corruptsylvania, so it's somewhat more expected there :trollface:

    True. What's unexpected is that government e-things work quite well and authentication is easy and may be merged with your bank auth. I guess it wasn't made by said company (too :kneeling_warthog: to check).

  • Java Dev

    @Luhmann said in WTF Bites:


    While that is what most password entry boxes show, I doubt it's actually a good password.

  • Banned

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    What's unexpected is that government e-things work quite well and authentication is easy and may be merged with your bank auth.

    Though it's not entirely WTF-free either. For example, if you don't set up "trusted profile" in ePUAP (the cool e-thing @MrL talked about), you can still file your taxes via internet - you get authenticated by providing your last year's income, previous year's income, and either the previous year's overpayment or underpayment amount. And it must be either overpayment or underpayment - if your end year balance was zero, you cannot use this method. Nobody knows why, but that's how it is.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    And then I got a server error and decided to give up for today.

    I love it when there's a happy ending. 🤗

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    What's unexpected is that government e-things work quite well and authentication is easy and may be merged with your bank auth.

    Though it's not entirely WTF-free either. For example, if you don't set up "trusted profile" in ePUAP (the cool e-thing @MrL talked about), you can still file your taxes via internet - you get authenticated by providing your last year's income, previous year's income, and either the previous year's overpayment or underpayment amount. And it must be either overpayment or underpayment - if your end year balance was zero, you cannot use this method. Nobody knows why, but that's how it is.

    Huh? I authenticated my filings this way multiple times and all you have to provide is your income from previous year. No problems with zero balance either.

  • Banned

    @MrL e-PIT or e-Deklaracje? I was talking about e-PIT.

    Yes, we do have multiple separate, totally incompatible systems of filing taxes online, each with its own sets of idiosyncrasies.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL e-PIT or e-Deklaracje? I was talking about e-PIT.

    Yes, we do have multiple separate, totally incompatible systems of filing taxes online, each with its own sets of idiosyncrasies.

    :wtf_owl: I never even heard of e-PIT. Huh, TIL.

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    And it must be either overpayment or underpayment - if your end year balance was zero, you cannot use this method. Nobody knows why, but that's how it is.

    Oh, that's very easy. When you file your declaration, you either have underpayment (negative or positive) or not (when it's 0). When you don't have it, there's nothing to persist, right? Right, so null is written in underpayment column.

    Then, when you want to log in, your input is compared to persisted data. And what is any number compared to null? It's an error.

  • Banned

    @MrL you think you have this case all wrapped up, but you forgot one thing...


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL you think you have this case all wrapped up, but you forgot one thing...


    Well sure, they are separate columns in their own table after all.

  • @Cursorkeys said in WTF Bites:

    What was the terrible password?
    What the hell is a strong password Cisco

    Cisco expects an über password, which must contain an umlaut, a whitespace character, and at least one character of at least 2 different non-Latin alphabets each.

    QV&Ä タ%Dfvv68fगrbn


    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    Yes, we do have multiple separate, totally incompatible systems of filing taxes online, each with its own sets of idiosyncrasies.

    Interesting. Considering the German tax laws are a WTF of epic proportions (allegedly the tax code alone is larger than the complete set of laws for most other countries), I never had any problems with filing electronically.
    The tax software is free (commercial alternatives are available), almost usable (there's actually helpful descriptions of every field for normal humans), and I can sign my tax declaration with a certificate file without additional hardware.

    Now, if doing that is a good idea is of course another question.

  • Banned

    @topspin I have no spouse, no children, no real estate, no registered business, and no other special exemptions, so my tax case is very simple.

  • Fake News

    @Cursorkeys said in WTF Bites:


    What was the terrible password?


    What the hell is a strong password Cisco :wtf_owl:

    @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    Cisco expects an über password, which must contain an umlaut, a whitespace character, and at least one character of at least 2 different non-Latin alphabets each.

    QV&Ä タ%Dfvv68fगrbn

    Your faith in Cisco is disturbing.

    I would rather bet that it removes all symbols, numbers, duplicate characters, and casing and thus complains that qvdfrbn is way too easy to guess.

    Filed under: I was trying to come up with crazier schemes, but I still want to be able to sleep at night

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @JBert said in WTF Bites:

    I was trying to come up with crazier schemes, but I still want to be able to sleep at night

    I'm surprised they don't sort the resulting characters for your convenience.


    @dkf Reduce the password to a 36 bit field marking which letters / numbers are present or not. 🏆

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @JBert said in WTF Bites:

    @Cursorkeys said in WTF Bites:


    What was the terrible password?


    What the hell is a strong password Cisco :wtf_owl:

    @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    Cisco expects an über password, which must contain an umlaut, a whitespace character, and at least one character of at least 2 different non-Latin alphabets each.

    QV&Ä タ%Dfvv68fगrbn

    Your faith in Cisco is disturbing.

    I would rather bet that it removes all symbols, numbers, duplicate characters, and casing and thus complains that qvdfrbn is way too easy to guess.

    I think they're just looking at length and comparing that to their alleged max of 64 characters.

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