Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?

  • Oh goody, he has an invite link too:

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Off topic again: The downvote on that was uncalled for, guys.

    Does, like, your pet get kicked every time there's a downvote? Who gives a shit.


    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    I click that shit and get:

    Do you know what makes this large reward possible?
    Yes. How do I get invited?

    I heard from a good source that people aren't getting lied to about getting money, and this method of finding users makes them trust you without fail.



    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Off topic again: The downvote on that was uncalled for, guys.

    Does, like, your pet get kicked every time there's a downvote? Who gives a shit.

    At least some people do. I don't give much of a shit, but more than zero. It wasn't my post, but a newbie's. And there was discussion about it right in this thread, so it's IMO okay to point it out.
    And, your lack of participation in the voting notwithstanding, you're not one to complain here, considering how you gets insanely aggravated about things nobody else cares about or means any harm with.

    blakeyrat: Look at my new toy.
    gąska: This is only useful for hobbies right now, doesn't yet make sense for professional use.
    blakeyrat: Why do you insult me in my threads?

  • @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    At least some people do. I don't give much of a shit, but more than zero.

    Then you're an idiot. Oh noes I'm going to get downvotes! I'm so scared!!!

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And there was discussion about it right in this thread,

    Yeah it was stupid then, too.

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And, your lack of participation in the voting notwithstanding, you're not one to complain here, considering how you gets insanely aggravated about things nobody else cares about or means any harm with.

    You should find one of my threads, any of them in the last, say, 2-3 years. Look at the first 10-20 replies to it. Look at the sheer intense amount of negativity and hatred people come out of the woodwork to post any time I decide to share my thoughts with the community. You should try being me for a few minutes. Just try it.

    Yeah, we all know I'm a stupid idiot moron dumbass etc. etc. But I don't have to hear it every time in every thread, it gets a little tiresome. And my complaints about it are perfectly valid-- even if you agree that I'm a stupid idiot moron dumbass, you have to admit having the exact same content (calling me a stupid idiot moron dumbass) in every single thread is boring as fuck.

    I'd be overjoyed if people just decided to skip it next and and either went away or talked about the actual thing I posted.

    In any case, gamification is fucking retarded. What a fucking waste of neurons for you to even spend a microsecond thinking about that nonsense number.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    At least some people do. I don't give much of a shit, but more than zero.

    Then you're an idiot. Oh noes I'm going to get downvotes! I'm so scared!!!

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And there was discussion about it right in this thread,

    Yeah it was stupid then, too.

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And, your lack of participation in the voting notwithstanding, you're not one to complain here, considering how you gets insanely aggravated about things nobody else cares about or means any harm with.

    You should find one of my threads, any of them in the last, say, 2-3 years. Look at the first 10-20 replies to it. Look at the sheer intense amount of negativity and hatred people come out of the woodwork to post any time I decide to share my thoughts with the community. You should try being me for a few minutes. Just try it.

    Yeah, we all know I'm a stupid idiot moron dumbass etc. etc. But I don't have to hear it every time in every thread, it gets a little tiresome. And my complaints about it are perfectly valid-- even if you agree that I'm a stupid idiot moron dumbass, you have to admit having the exact same content (calling me a stupid idiot moron dumbass) in every single thread is boring as fuck.

    I'd be overjoyed if people just decided to skip it next and and either went away or talked about the actual thing I posted.

    In any case, gamification is fucking retarded. What a fucking waste of neurons for you to even spend a microsecond thinking about that nonsense number.



    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Then you're an idiot.

    blakeyrat: goes on to complain about people calling him an idiot.

    Oh noes I'm going to get downvotes! I'm so scared!!!

    And apparently can't read, since it wasn't my post!

    Look at the sheer intense amount of negativity and hatred people come out of the woodwork to post any time I decide to share my thoughts with the community.
    I'd be overjoyed if people just decided to skip it next and and either went away or talked about the actual thing I posted.

    And I've given you an example where people did just that, talk about the things you posted without any negativity at all, but you took something that wasn't even directed at you as a grave insult about how much of an idiot you are. Maybe try not taking everything personal, for a change

  • @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And apparently can't read, since it wasn't my post!

    Yeah it was my post. You just read it. Was that confusing somehow?

  • Java Dev

    Something people have not touched on yet is how controlling the currency is also good for a country to be able to stimulate the economy and keeping it stable. And by keeping a currency limited to a country it gets much easier to adapt to changes in the national economy. The massive problem with the Euro is that is has to adapt so so many wildly different economies. So when Greece tanked its economy, strong countries like Finland had to get dragged down along with it.

    Global economics is complicated shit, and Q can impossibly deal with the national economics of every single country. And I don't think every single country will hand over control to this new currency. And most people don't want to deal with the headache of juggling two different currencies at the same time, so they will keep using the majority currency. So all Q does is come with the promise of the same marginal increase of convenience as the Euro but with 1000x the headaches of the Euro and none of the backing.

    And for the payment app thing? Oh, we got one of those in Sweden. Only it's tied to your bank account and uses the local currency and was backed by all major banks from the start.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And apparently can't read, since it wasn't my post!

    Yeah it was my post. You just read it. Was that confusing somehow?


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Here’s my invite link:

    I click that shit and get:

    Do you know what makes this large reward possible?
    Yes. How do I get invited?


    Yep, my link expired, so the incentive is gone and won't be coming back, looks like.

  • Java Dev

    Let's check out the @initiativeq website so I also can rant a bit about this bullshit. Oh, yeah. I also get a 6s load time. Impressive to manage that on a HEDT PC running an Intel Extreme CPU + GTX 1070 GPU. But whatever.

    For example, open your wallet and count how many different cards you have, and how much cash you have to carry around.

    Oh, I got some small amount of cash. Think I paid for something with cash like 3 weeks ago. Maybe I do one cash-based transaction/month at most. Cards? The three most important and accessible is driver's license (doubles as ID card), debit card and bus pass. As I assume you mean cards I use to pay for shit with: I got one.

    The technology already exists to replace your wallet with a fast and secure digital payment method.

    Unlike the fast and secure payment method that my card already is? Oh, yeah, I got an app too, as mentioned in my other post. The card is faster, though. Especially on a contactless terminal. I just need to whip it out and wag it a little and done in a couple seconds. The app will always take longer as I need to take out the phone, unlock it, start the app and fiddle with it. So yeah. And you did mention something about using an RFID tag instead of an app? Like, as mentioned, we already got built-in pretty much all debit/credit cards in the EU already. Good job inventing something that already exists in a much more convenient form. Maybe that advanced space age technology will reach you in the US about a decade from now.

    Additionally, the current payment networks were designed decades ago and their usage causes inefficient processing, fraud and rigidity — all of which translate to high costs.

    And you don't think it has been continually evolved and improved upon since then? So you're going to invent something brand new to compete with something that has been around for 60 years? And if history is something to go by you're going to be making the exact same mistakes made 60 years because reinventing the wheel tends to bring back the problems already fixed.

    Here are just a few examples: NFC on smartphones instead of a plastic card to authenticate account holders;

    Although you already gave NFC on a plastic card as a valid option to NFC on the smartphone. I can also think of several benefits to the plastic card option and very few to the phone option.

    MFA methods to make payments more secure;

    Already got that for both my card and the app. If I want to make a payment online with the card or make a payment with the app it has to go through the bank 2FA system to verify the transfer. Weird how those things that you are proposing already exists and are in use with this 60yo system you want to replace.

    AI to reduce fraud;

    Already exists in banking overall.

    one global currency to eliminate currency exchange fees;

    Which are so tiny that's pretty much a non-issue for the vast majority of people.

    digital transactions to make transactions faster, safer, and cheaper.

    The transactions already are digital. You can't make them more digital than they already are.

    Once buyers and sellers have a better option than credit cards, they would naturally prefer it whenever possible

    Of course. But there's still no better or more convenient option so yeah. Because the card is still more convenient than the app, except for the use cases the app excels at. (Giving a small amount of money to a friend for example.)

    According to the equation of exchange in Economics, a currency’s value can be calculated using the amount of money in circulation and the frequency with which it is used (known as ”velocity of money”).

    Thus, estimating $20 trillion in transactions, and using the global average velocity of money, would give all Qs in circulation a value of several trillion dollars.

    Or "We read these theories and created this concept on a napkin while out drinking a friday evening.". Because this very much sounds like a poorly thought out idea by people whith no actual degree or knowledge of economics. And also, if we apply this logic the reverse way, this would also mean all currently existing currencies would lose several trillion dollars of value. Dunno if that would really being doing the world economy any good to be honest, depending on the speed of migration to Q.

  • @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @hardwaregeek said in Money from nowhere?:

    A complex number is the sum of a real number and an imaginary number.

    Visual comprehension fail. I couldn't see the black part of the transparent image against the nearly-black background my current theme presents.

    Bitcoin manage to trick people into thinking it was scarce.

    It is scarce as long as you ignore all forks and the continuous creation of new altcoins.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    You should find one of my threads, any of them in the last, say, 2-3 years. Look at the first 10-20 replies to it. Look at the sheer intense amount of negativity and hatred people come out of the woodwork to post any time I decide to share my thoughts with the community. You should try being me for a few minutes. Just try it.

    You reap what you sow. You are an intensely negative person, so you engender negative responses to your topics.

    Seriously, it is that simple. No bullshit, no trolling, just honest feedback.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And apparently can't read, since it wasn't my post!

    Yeah it was my post. You just read it. Was that confusing somehow?

    Dude, you are currently being a fucking cockhole. How do you expect people to respond?

    • Tell you how great you and everything about you is?
    • Be a cockhole in return?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And I don't think every single country will hand over control to this new currency.

    Not to mention that what they are wanting to do will be illegal in most of them.

    Including the USA.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    6s load time

    I blame combination super-cheap hosting (it's a shared box) and it delays by design.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    it delays by design.

    If it delays by design then their designer needs to be beaten with a rusty shovel.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @sockpuppet7 said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @hardwaregeek said in Money from nowhere?:

    A complex number is the sum of a real number and an imaginary number.

    Visual comprehension fail. I couldn't see the black part of the transparent image against the nearly-black background my current theme presents.

    Bitcoin manage to trick people into thinking it was scarce.

    It is scarce as long as you ignore all forks and the continuous creation of new altcoins.

    How does this in any way relate to what I said?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @polygeekery said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    it delays by design.

    If it delays by design then their designer needs to be beaten with a rusty shovel.

    Yeah. I think it's some kind of misguided attempt for a dramatic reveal. If they managed to autoplay a drumroll I wouldn't be surprised.

  • :belt_onion:

    @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    How does this in any way relate to what I said?

    @sockpuppet7 never says anything relevant to the post to which he's replying. If he does, presumably he then deletes it.

  • Java Dev

    @polygeekery said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And I don't think every single country will hand over control to this new currency.

    Not to mention that what they are wanting to do will be illegal in most of them.

    Including the USA.

    Oh, right. I forgot about that little detail. Even if we limit them to just being yet another payment processor they would need to get registered as a financial institution in every country where they want to do business. Which from their stated goal is all of them. According to the rules in Sweden, the cost of applying for a permit as a company that handles electronic money (as I guess what this falls under) is about $15000 just for the application. And then there is a yearly fee if they get approved. If they'd count as a bank, though, the cost of applying for that permit is $45000. And they'd be put under the same supervision and have to follow the same rules as every other financial institution.

    And if we assume every country (where they are allowed to open) have similar rules and fees that's quite a lot of money. And they'd have to adapt to the laws and regulations of every country. And what about the countries where they will not even be allowed to open? They will not be allowed to operate there meaning their goal of becoming a global payment processor will fail because of that.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @polygeekery said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And I don't think every single country will hand over control to this new currency.

    Not to mention that what they are wanting to do will be illegal in most of them.

    Including the USA.

    Oh, right. I forgot about that little detail. Even if we limit them to just being yet another payment processor they would need to get registered as a financial institution in every country where they want to do business. Which from their stated goal is all of them. According to the rules in Sweden, the cost of applying for a permit as a company that handles electronic money (as I guess what this falls under) is about $15000 just for the application. And then there is a yearly fee if they get approved. If they'd count as a bank, though, the cost of applying for that permit is $45000. And they'd be put under the same supervision and have to follow the same rules as every other financial institution.

    And if we assume every country (where they are allowed to open) have similar rules and fees that's quite a lot of money. And they'd have to adapt to the laws and regulations of every country. And what about the countries where they will not even be allowed to open? They will not be allowed to operate there meaning their goal of becoming a global payment processor will fail because of that.

    Well, beyond that they are wanting to institute their own currency. Which is illegal in most countries. The only reason the crypto guys have gotten away with it so far is that no regulator has yet given enough of a shit and there is no real way to shut it down.

    Or not, now that I researched it a bit I am confused. Maybe it isn't?

  • @pie_flavor said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    3D-Secure was a new security layer that nobody interacted with except for payment partners and banks, so it's completely irrelevant to the discussion and I have no idea why you'd bring it up except for padding for your ridiculous argument.

    3-D Secure was a horrific trainwreck and I'm glad only one of the vendors I use uses it (Amtrak). "Yes, I'll totally trust this mysterious '' because it has a distorted Visa logo, my bank's logo, no styling, and a misspelling of my bank's name. Oh, and the only reason I know it's '' is because that's the name my browser puts in its 'is this phish?' warning." Its branding problem didn't help any either, with Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, American Express SafeKey...

    @groaner said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Why do you think Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Samsung Pay are the only ones out there?

    Because the mobile world is a hellhole of walled garden bullshit?

    Microsoft Wallet and MasterCard PayPass are things too, if we limit ourselves to mobile apps.

  • @twelvebaud said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    3-D Secure was a horrific trainwreck and I'm glad only one of the vendors I use uses it (Amtrak).

    Would it then be safe to say that you were railroaded into using it?

  • @Polygeekery said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @e4tmyl33t said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Welcome to TDWTF, where snark, sarcasm, and criticism are the official currency.

    ...and I have a serious spending problem.

    Maybe you should go on a budget. 🍹

  • @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @e4tmyl33t said in Money from nowhere?:

    Welcome to TDWTF, where snark, sarcasm, and criticism are the official currency.

    Can I sell that at $60,000?

    Doubtful, you'd surely be undercut by the competition. It's a strong buyers' market around here.

    @polygeekery said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Not to mention that what they are wanting to do will be illegal in most of them.
    Including the USA.

    Interesting. In Australia the appropriate bit of law appears to be this:

    A person shall not issue a bill or note for the payment of money payable to bearer on demand and intended for circulation.

    (Penalty is 50 penalty units, currently $A10500.)

    The legal question is presumably whether Qs would be considered notes under the law. I couldn't see a definition anywhere.

  • Considered Harmful

    @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    6s load time

    I blame combination super-cheap hosting (it's a shared box) and it delays by design.

    I dunno about the design, but it's not super cheap hosting. Chrome has a tiny loading bar and you can tell when a page is done loading. It's actually 8s, but the 6s is after the page itself is downloaded.

  • @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Something people have not touched on yet is how controlling the currency is also good for a country to be able to stimulate the economy and keeping it stable.

    No, that's what governments sell you. It's bad, the government will keep our currency's value artifically low, to benefit large exporting corporations, and in detriment of all the population. All mainstream economic schools already found out that trade balance is irrelevant and protectionism is detrimental.

  • @heterodox Trebuchets are clearly the superior siege weapon.

  • @Lorne-Kates Just because their website developers didn't catter to luddites with javascript disabled, that doesn't make them incompetent.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @sockpuppet7 said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @Lorne-Kates Just because their website developers didn't catter to luddites with javascript disabled, that doesn't make them incompetent.

    But the fact it takes multiple seconds to show anything on a browser with JavaScript enabled does

  • @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Ok, first of all, that is totally a made-up name. Sincerely, Daar Tyger.

    He seems legit:

    Most of his other projects sound much more interesting than Q

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @kian said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Much as I hate to argue this, mostly because it feeds into Q's delusions, the value of money lies in motivating other people. That's all value really is. So if you can "trick" people into accepting monopoly money for work, the monopoly money has value. Money is ultimately a promise of future work by others. That promise is what carries the value, not the medium of exchange itself.

    Of course. My point has been that InitiativeQ hasn't shown any promise in getting this to happen.

    @kian said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    So in a sense, it is true that the value of a currency is worth what you think you can get with it in the future from other people.

    Yes, and this has been where @masonwheeler has been beclowning himself by smearing that bit of truth over InitiativeQ and pretending that there's any reason to believe they'll manage to convince a "critical mass" of people to start using it in lieu of what we already have.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @sockpuppet7 said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    the government will keep our currency's value artifically low, to benefit large exporting corporations, and in detriment of all the population.

    Government control over currency goes well beyond that. Is the control a good thing depends entirely on the quality of the government.


    @sockpuppet7 said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @Lorne-Kates Just because their website developers didn't catter to luddites with javascript disabled, that doesn't make them incompetent.

    More importantly (for them): the intersection of people both browsing their site with javascript disabled and registering for Q is precisely the WDWTF people who only do the latter out of amusement.
    "Javascript disabled" presumably just isn't their target audience.

  • @mrl said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Government control over currency goes well beyond that. Is the control a good thing depends entirely on the quality of the government.

    You didn't say anything here. Compiler optimized your sentence to null. Try saying how the government goes beyond that, and how a decent government would make it a good thing.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @sockpuppet7 said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @mrl said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Government control over currency goes well beyond that. Is the control a good thing depends entirely on the quality of the government.

    You didn't say anything here. Compiler optimized your sentence to null. Try saying how the government goes beyond that, and how a decent government would make it a good thing.

    I don't have access to a quality government anyway, so even if your logic is bulletproof, it doesn't affect me.

    Most governments have control over their local currency. Do they race each other in lowering currency value? No. Maybe you live in a country that does that, but it doesn't mean others do that too.

    Controlling currency can be also used to influence investments/savings ratio, inflation, economy cycles intensity, or to defend against attacks on exchange rates (and I'm sure I forgot about many other things). How well are those things done by different governments is a separate discussion.

  • @mrl said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Most governments have control over their local currency. Do they race each other in lowering currency value? No. Maybe you live in a country that does that, but it doesn't mean others do that too.

    There are the ones that do that, and the ones that don't mess with the currency. None of them is doing anything good to it AFAIK.

  • ♿ (Parody)


  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    What a fucking waste of neurons for you to even spend a microsecond thinking about that nonsense number.

    Except if you drop below a certain threshold, you can't post. 🦊

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Global economics is complicated shit, and Q can impossibly deal with the national economics of every single country.

    Doesn't everyone use USD?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    So you're going to invent something brand new to compete with something that has been around for 60 years? And if history is something to go by you're going to be making the exact same mistakes made 60 years because reinventing the wheel tends to bring back the problems already fixed

    I'd upvote this sixteen times if I could.

    (as opposed to one asshole who downvoted your post because they're a weak-minded cock-shitter, I guess?)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @tsaukpaetra said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Yeah. I think it's some kind of misguided attempt for a dramatic reveal. If they managed to autoplay a drumroll I wouldn't be surprised.


  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @atazhaia said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    And what about the countries where they will not even be allowed to open?

    The answer to that was posted upthread. Which was, of course, "Oh, we just will, or maybe do what existing payment networks do".

    Uh-huh. So as soon as China says "You aren't allowed to process payments to Free Tibet groups", they'll just-- umm-- :mlp_shrug:

    And when Saudi Arabia says they won't accept Qs as legal tender if the payment network also processes payments for porn?

    And when the USA says no money transfers to or from Cuba?

    And when Canada demands that anyone who transfers for than 10,000Q in a single transaction get reported to Revenue Canada-- but only when done within Canada-- so now every transaction has to be routed so it stays within the borders?

    Or when one country's PII-disclosure laws conflict with another's?

    It's such a crack-head pipedream that it doesn't survive even the barest of scrutinies.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @sockpuppet7 said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    @Lorne-Kates Just because their website developers didn't catter to luddites with javascript disabled, that doesn't make them incompetent.

    Yes. It does. Because it's a canary that the rest of the site is utter shit.

    Would this site pass an ADA check? (Because if they can't do that, their "global currency" just cut out, like, 20% of the population).

    What does this site look like to a webcrawler?

    (here's a hint)

    What does the site look like when one of the many, many CDN they rely on fails?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @topspin said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    "Javascript disabled" presumably just isn't their target audience.

    If you're going to make a global currency that everyone will use, then your target audience is "everyone".

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @heterodox said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    "A higher-up smarter than me realized it's going to look bad if a VC finds this in a precursory Google search; they told me to drop it and hope it fades away to page 2+."

    Here's my favorite thing about that.

    Go ahead and actually Google Initiative Q. Because these cock-clowns didn't before they came up with that name.

    It (or a variant of, like Q Initiative) already exists for:

    • A UK-based health foundation (#1 search result, BTW)
    • A community-based organization for Queer issues (health, sex, gender, etc)
    • A DIFFERENT Queer-support network in Kenya
    • Some sort of cryptocurrency tracker that is tracking SOMETHING called "Initiative Q Tokens", but I don't know if that's related:
    • the "on-Q initiative", a non-profit organization that does :mlp_shrug:
    • IBM Q, and initiative from IBM about quantum computing
    • Some garble false positives in other languages

    The only things Q related that shows up on page 1 is:

    edit don't forget to google "initiative Q", and click on the the link to this thread to boost the score!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @lorne-kates From an incognito window, that [blog post](It had other data to back up the causality.) was my first result. 🤣

    If I add "money" then four TDWTF links are at the top. With "currency" I get the blog and then two TDWTF links.

  • @lorne-kates If you look at the contract code, around line 20 you'll see the list of people who get Q initially, and it includes Saar and @initiativeq, so yes, it's very much related.

    Also, apparently they hope to get at least $1.56 trillion in backing capital, from "the Committee" who will have $200 billion in Q. ... Good luck with that.

    Oh, and for reference, @initiativeq is getting 200MQ, while each of us gets up to 57KQ. I don't see him getting $200M, though, so ... yeah.

  • Impossible Mission - B

    @mrl said in Initiative Q - Money from nowhere?:

    Most governments have control over their local currency.

    Unless they're in the Eurozone...

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