The Official Status Thread

  • 0_1483822221926_upload-f5b445aa-6e76-47c2-a7ef-040cdfe83b19

    Status: Well, that's a helpful error message. Now I know exactly which program crashed.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Minor car repair done. (Actually, this morning, but forgot to post.) I'd have thought that when I spent hundreds of dollars in (probably unnecessary) repairs to pass my smog check a couple of years ago, they'd have replaced the obviously broken part that was almost certainly the cause of the problem, but apparently not (or else it broke again, which is certainly possible; it drove fine of a couple of years).

    Went to auto parts store down the street. Guy tapped keys on his computer for a minute, then mumbled, "Sorry, dealer item." Yeah, heard that before. Last time I tried to get parts through the dealer, they never arrived, and I wound up getting them online.

    Pulled up website of online store I ordered from last time. Found the part I needed. Oh, I probably ought to replace part B, too, and it's only like $4. Paid extra for shipping so they'd get here by today.

    Part A came Wednesday, and part B arrived yesterday. Brake light also burned out, and I had a spare from last time I had to replace one. So take care of both repairs before I go to work this morning.

    The necessary repair is the easiest possible repair you could ever need to do on this engine. Pull one end to disconnect; pull other end to disconnect; throw broken part in trash. Pick up new part A; push one end into hole; push other end over connector. Done. It took me longer to find the package of disposable gloves I had to avoid getting my hands greasy than it did to make the repair. Actually, it took a little longer than that, because I couldn't quite figure out what to with part B, which should have attached to part A; turns out I didn't need it because it was included as part of the part A assembly. But for $4, I'm not going to complain too much about buying a part I didn't need.

    Now I can accelerate without the engine knocking, and stop at a red light without shifting into neutral to keep the engine from stalling. :) And I can drive 100 miles to have "Christmas" breakfast with my daughter tomorrow morning. (She spent actual Christmas with her boyfriend's family, and due to her work schedule didn't have a chance to get together until New Year's Day, but my car was acting up, and I didn't think it was ok to try to drive it that far.) If only the cheapo OBDII reader I bought actually worked, so that I could reset the check engine light, I'd be all set.

    You said all that, and never said what part it actually was...

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    Disconnect the battery for 15 minutes, you'll have the same result.

    True, although if I haven't fixed all the problems, I'd kinda like to be able to find out what issues are left, so I'd still like it to work.

    If you haven't fixed all the problems, the code will come back and you can be sure that it is a recent code and not an old one that is still hanging around.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said in The Official Status Thread:

    never said what part it actually was...

    @Polygeekery said in The Official Status Thread:

    Part A


  • @RaceProUK said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Drinking milk from a wine glass because fcuk convention :D


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: WTF, the version of ffmpeg installed on my server apparently doesn't have libmp3lame, so instead of using the most powerful PC in my house to do it, I'm stuck on my Windows laptop, which apparently does have a version of ffmpeg that has it. :wtf:

    I REALLY don't want to go through recompiling this crap, but it's looking likely if I don't want to spend double the time recording to re-encode it in the proper format (because why would OBS output straight MP3 files?).

    I know! Let's have a race! Which can complete faster: Compiling ffmpeg, or using old laptop to do the encode!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:


    Apparently a dependency can't be installed because it's installed.

    pkg-static: perl5-5.18.4_24 conflicts with perl5.18-5.18.4_24

  • Status: Wishing that whoever hacked the NES Classic had delayed announcing it until the furore died down and it was available to purchase at normal retail price instead of hugely inflated scalper price.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:


    Apparently a dependency can't be installed because it's installed.

    pkg-static: perl5-5.18.4_24 conflicts with perl5.18-5.18.4_24

    Wow, google's fast!


    This site must be a pretty hot topic...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:


    Apparently a dependency can't be installed because it's installed.

    pkg-static: perl5-5.18.4_24 conflicts with perl5.18-5.18.4_24

    Wow, google's fast!


    This site must be a pretty hot topic...

    Removed perl (I think), insomuch that make tried installing it again.


    ===>  Installing for perl5.20-5.20.3_15
    ===>  Checking if perl5.20 already installed
    ===>   Registering installation for perl5.20-5.20.3_15 as automatic
    [namp] Installing perl5.20-5.20.3_15...
    The /usr/bin/perl symlink has been removed starting with Perl 5.20.
    For shebangs, you should either use:
    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    The first one will only work if you have a /usr/local/bin/perl,
    the second will work as long as perl is in PATH.
          This port has installed the following files which may act as network
          servers and may therefore pose a remote security risk to the system.
          If there are vulnerabilities in these programs there may be a security
          risk to the system. FreeBSD makes no guarantee about the security of
          ports included in the Ports Collection. Please type 'make deinstall'
          to deinstall the port if this is a concern.
          For more information, and contact details about the security
          status of this software, see the following webpage:
    ===>   texi2html-5.0_1,1 depends on package: perl5>=5.20<5.21 - not found
    *** [build-depends] Error code 1

    This is BS. I think my ports collection is still borked, last time I tried it the BAD happened. But, WTH, why not try updating it again.

    Lets see... how to do that...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Lets see... how to do that...

    # portsnap fetch
    Fetching 7941 patches....

    Oh yeah... this will be a day-long thing, won't it?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:


    Status: Hacking the Makefile so it doesn't believe it needs perl5...

    Edit: And apparently overwriting openssl with a slightly newer version of itself:

    Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
            openssl: 1.0.2j,1 -> 1.0.2j_1,1

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I know! Let's have a race! Which can complete faster: Compiling ffmpeg, or using old laptop to do the encode!

    Yeah, epic fail on the compile. So much for the ease and simplicity of ports... :sadface:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I know! Let's have a race! Which can complete faster: Compiling ffmpeg, or using old laptop to do the encode!

    Yeah, epic fail on the compile. So much for the ease and simplicity of ports... :sadface:

    After much trial, tribulation, make config trollery, and installing packages by both ports itself and pkg, I finally did it!

    And the encode only took about 2 minutes.

    4.5 hours of work to compile and then encode, or 47 minutes to just encode (on a crappy machine).

    Well, now in the future it should be easier, right?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Annoyed?

    I got flat out microagressed (I think that's the right term?) by my father. Apparently I was supposed to volunteer myself to help out cleaning the backyard and removing a palm tree. I didn't, because I have no endurance and attempting to do so would mean I would sleep in tomorrow, resulting in further frowns (can't win), but no, it's my fault for not being a team player and not "trying".

    Got flat out told I would have been useful... for my weight.

    Fuck off with that shit. If you wanted me, you would have made a stronger effort than to mention "oh by the way, we're going to be cleaning tomorrow" at 11:15pm just before going to bed.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Replying to a random podt bc mobile doesnt have reply to thread btn. Fuck mibile

    Not dead. Sick for a couple dats of work and also laptop broken. Took five fuckin minutes to log in wuth mibile

    Fuvk the mobile user experience with every atom in all universes, past present future and other-- known unknown or fuzzy-- in this and all other realities real or theoretical

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    Replying to a random podt bc mobile doesnt have reply to thread btn. Fuck mibile

    Not dead. Sick for a couple dats of work and also laptop broken. Took five fuckin minutes to log in wuth mibile

    Fuvk the mobile user experience with every atom in all universes, past present future and other-- known unknown or fuzzy-- in this and all other realities real or theoretical

    I could lend you a remote desktop, then you could enjoy the desktop experience on mobile!

  • @Polygeekery said in The Official Status Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    Disconnect the battery for 15 minutes, you'll have the same result.

    True, although if I haven't fixed all the problems, I'd kinda like to be able to find out what issues are left, so I'd still like it to work.

    If you haven't fixed all the problems, the code will come back and you can be sure that it is a recent code and not an old one that is still hanging around.

    Yes, but if the stupid ODBII reader doesn't work, which it doesn't, I don't know what the code actually is. Simply knowing it's recent isn't really all that helpful.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election


    Progress! No persistence yet - it's using mock values underneath - but the basic interface is there for adding an entry to the underlying db.

    Filed under: @flabdablet's control theory weight loss system

  • FoxDev

    Status: Wondering why the latest Chrome, Opera, and Firefox all delegate handling emoji to Windows 10, but neither IE nor Edge do :wtf:

  • @RaceProUK For IE I think that's because Win7 does not have emoji out of the box Actually I just checked Win10 also don't have it until anniversary update, so it's better to just let the browser render it for more consistent behavior.

    For Edge, maybe because the team that developed this feature want to have them rendered just in black and white?

  • FoxDev

    @cheong And yet, they're processed properly in the tab name:

  • @cheong said in The Official Status Thread:

    @RaceProUK For IE I think that's because Win7 does not have emoji out of the box Actually I just checked Win10 also don't have it until anniversary update, so it's better to just let the browser render it for more consistent behavior.

    For Edge, maybe because the team that developed this feature want to have them rendered just in black and white?

    It's a shame there isn't a way to indicate whether you wanted them to render as color emoji or text-style emoji... oh wait.

    Now if it just worked consistently...

  • Garbage Person

    Oh good. My father has decided to become one of THOSE parents. You know. The ones that are really into getting scammed for shitloads of money.

    $6000 credit card charge for a matchmaking agency. A quick google shows the local news did one of their Scammer Expose's on them last year.


  • @RaceProUK said in The Official Status Thread:

    @cheong And yet, they're processed properly in the tab name:

    I think I posted somewhere (or maybe that was IRC) that Internet Explorer is the only mainstream browser on Windows 10 that treats tab titles with emoji in them properly.
    It adds ellipses when the title doesn't fit (unlike Chrome and Edge) and doesn't mangle multibyte characters (unlike Firefox).

  • FoxDev

    @aliceif That clip's of Edge

  • @RaceProUK Yes, and as you see, it does not indicate that the tab title has been cut off.
    It's shit.

  • :belt_onion:

    @aliceif Techincally, Chrome shows when it's been cut off, it just does it poorly.

    It's faded out.



    Status: House Shopping. Last time was 7 years ago, but I hope this is the last time.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dse said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: House Shopping. Last time was 7 years ago, but I hope this is the last time.

    Don't give up! You still have life before you! There are people out there, people who love you! Somewhere!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Maybe I should turn on the device more often?

    Or not, time to see if rollover banking works!


  • area_can

    @Tsaukpaetra download all the prons!


    @bb36e said in The Official Status Thread:


    Google does not even suggest porns, it assumes it is the same thing with first link helpfully pointing to xvideos.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @bb36e said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra download all the prons!

    Not the 4k ones! That would use up the cap in seconds!

    I'd have to stick to 360p to get any appreciable amount.

    Besides... why? I got all the tron I need already!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I like the Cyborg skin, but for the fact that the default foreground color is a little too dark grey...

  • area_can

    @Tsaukpaetra back in the day to save bandwidth I had to make do with 4 by 3

    Not the aspect ratio, actually 4x3

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @bb36e said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra back in the day to save bandwidth I had to make do with 4 by 3

    Not the aspect ratio, actually 4x3

    At that point, might as well have stuck to text....

    NSFW? In case you were monocurious...

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     .....       ..:  ..:   ......:::::IIHHHHHHHIIIIIHHMMMMMMMMHHMMMMMMHII::'


    @bb36e said in The Official Status Thread:

    Not the aspect ratio, actually 4x3

    Pixels 😲 or inch?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dse said in The Official Status Thread:

    @bb36e said in The Official Status Thread:

    Not the aspect ratio, actually 4x3

    Pixels 😲 or inch?



    @Tsaukpaetra People who watch prons on their tiny phnoes! now I understand em.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dse said in The Official Status Thread:

    I understand em.

    Not even designers understand em...


    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dse said in The Official Status Thread:

    I understand em.

    Not even designers understand em...

    If you design er you wont need to understand em

  • Status: Vacation is over. Back at work.

    le frog - YouTube – 00:08
    — TheWatchman127

  • area_can

    @Tsaukpaetra 😌😳

  • I swear coffee just has a delayed effect on me.

    I drank 4 cups at 10am and am starting to feel the effect right now at 14:50.

  • @Tsaukpaetra If you want to go for the extra Blakeypoint, perhaps next time you fix someone's mistake you should blame it on the original coder's shoulder aliens.

  • @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    Replying to a random podt bc mobile doesnt have reply to thread btn. Fuck mibile

    Not dead. Sick for a couple dats of work and also laptop broken. Took five fuckin minutes to log in wuth mibile

    Fuvk the mobile user experience with every atom in all universes, past present future and other-- known unknown or fuzzy-- in this and all other realities real or theoretical

    Uh, @Lorne-Kates? Why did you give @lucas1 your password?

  • 🚽 Regular

    Project file contains ToolsVersion="12.0". This toolset may be unknown or missing, in which case you may be able to resolve this by installing the appropriate version of MSBuild, or the build may have been forced to a particular version for policy reasons. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="4.0".
    What the complete fuck. This compiled 10 minutes ago. FFS

  • @Cursorkeys said in The Official Status Thread:

    Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="4.0".

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