WTF Bites

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    The diameter of a softball is 3.8 inches, and the circumference can range from 11 to 16 inches.

    That's not how diameter and circumference work.

    Toby Faire, a diameter of 3.8 inches gives a circumference of 11.34 inches which is in the range of 11 to 16 inches.

  • Now that I think about it... the article doesn't explicitly say the ball is spherical, does it? So I guess it could be ellipsoidal, and thus have a different circumference depending on how you measure it :half-trolleybus-br:

  • @nerd4sale …except … the article goes on to say there are three variants with 11, 12 and 16 inch circumference respectively (I :doing_it_wrong: and looked).

  • @Bulb Well, I did not read the article, so.... 😦

  • @nerd4sale quite right, reading TFA is usually a WTF, so perfectly on topic.


    Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-22 um 17.06.16.png

    Why? Why would you take a png image and pretend its an svg?

  • @topspin possibly because whoever made it was given the PNG and told to convert it to SVG. Which would qualify but be :trwtf: in its own right.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Why? Why would you take a png image and pretend its an svg?

    It’s not, though, is it? It’s a perfectly acceptable SVG. One with embedded PNG data, sure, but that doesn’t make it not-an-SVG.

    I grant you that it would probably be better to just use the PNG directly instead of embedding it in an SVG, though.


    @Gurth I'm not sure what pedantically-correct point you're trying to make here. It's a PNG, base-64 encoded and with a trivial SVG wrapper around it.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin Needful doing has been done, task closed complete, billed 5 hours.

  • :phb:: I've read this article that says modern websites should use SVG images instead of PNG. You have until next Monday to implement this.
    👨💭: Well, I could spent hours vectorizing and cleaning up everything... or....

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @Gurth I'm not sure what pedantically-correct point you're trying to make here.

    The point I’m trying to make is that it’s not pretending that a PNG is an SVG — it’s using an SVG that happens to have a PNG image inside of it. Which, I agree, is pretty pointless if that’s the only thing it does, like here.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Gurth It's pretty much this:

    🧒: Mom! I want an SVG!
    👩: We have an SVG at home.

  • @dkf said in WTF Bites:


    🧒: Mom! I want an SVG!
    👩: You have a perfectly good PNG at home.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

  • That was still a thing?!

  • @Zerosquare feels like a candidate for the :belt_onion: thread.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    That was still a thing?!

    I like how this is universally the first reaction, literally everywhere I've seen it posted.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Why? Why would you take a png image and pretend its an svg?

    They use bitmap-in-SVG for the covers of ePub books to force eReaders to scale the cover image to fit the screen sensibly. (The preserveAspectRatio property is part of it.) The bitmap image is usually a separate file, though, not a data URL.

  • @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    That was still a thing?!

    Some of my older forum accounts still list my ICQ number as a way to contact me, along with AIM and MSN and others. It's been at least a decade since I've run Trillian, though.

    My ICQ number was six digits, as was my Slashdot one. That was probably cool at some point, and lame before (and after) that. :)

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status: pebkac, silly user.

    It would help if you expect Ethernet to work that you have the switch it's plugged into turned on.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Edit: Where am I?

  • Damn, the location service crashed again.

    *reboots @Tsaukpaetra*

  • Considered Harmful

    I was trying to submit an order on this website, but the validation kept saying they don't accept prepaid cards.

    I noticed a ~50ms delay before the message appeared.

    Sure enough, when I hit submit before the validator fired, the order went through.

  • error, faster than a speeding bullet Javascript.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    I noticed a ~50ms delay

    Godspeed, savior :mlp_salute:
    People like you notice sshd taking a bit longer than usual.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    I noticed a ~50ms delay

    Godspeed, savior :mlp_salute:
    People like you notice sshd taking a bit longer than usual.

    Finally something that justifies getting that 500Hz gaming monitor.


    @error said in WTF Bites:

    they don't accept prepaid cards.


    Sounds like they want to charge you more afterwards.

  • Considered Harmful

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    they don't accept prepaid cards.


    Sounds like they want to charge you more afterwards.

    Which is exactly why I'm doing that.


    Unhinged Rant Status: Internet Hellscape.

    I'm at my mom's place again today, checking computer stuff. I already was there last week, which already brings me to the first aside before I even started: Windows is doing nothing but updates. Last week her computer was so sluggish as to be almost unusable, and it turned out that was because it was installing updates again. A shitload of these things running at the same time (downloading shit, TrustedInstaller-ing shit, MsMpEng-ing shit, etc., all trying to ram through the same door). Took 2 hours until it finally settled down and become usable again. You'd think that means it's good for a while? No, of course not. When I started it today, it was of course doing more of this stuff again. Task Manager showed it running "Setup" at 100% disk usage, and telling it to open "properties" to show which "setup" it is of course does nothing. Multiple times, because definition of insanity, yadda yadda. It's also running half a dozen processes of Edge (Edge isn't running for fuck's sake) and its corresponding updaters. This whole fucking OS consists of nothing but self-serving updaters and telemetry. I'd really prefer to disable any kinds of updates at all. (Yes, topspin, we know you're a moron who doesn't understand security. You need all these constant updates because they make the OS more secure. Yet it does nothing but update all the time, and somehow still never gets more secure.) Anyway, that was just the prelude.

    So the reason I'm online in the first place: My mom has internet over DSL and TV over cable. Cable TV used to be included directly in the utilities bill from the land lord, so there was really no choice about that. As of this year, there's new legislation that, starting July 1st, this is no longer allowed. Land lord asked if she still wants to keep it that way voluntarily, to which she agreed because it's simpler and maybe cheaper than getting an individual contract. Well, surprise, 4 weeks before the cut-off date they just told here that, uh, too much work, can't/won't do that. Go get your own.

    Now there's several possible options. Keep it the way it is right now (with personal contract), book IP TV from the DSL ISP, get internet over cable, or throw it all out and use free DVB-T.

    The first thing I checked was the Vodafone website to figure out how much the cable TV contract would cost. Because of this change in legislation they're hoping to make a bunch of money and even have been running ads about all of this on TV for a few months. "Go to our website and check your options ASAP." Well, I tried to do this, again, and the results are the same as months ago: You enter your address, you curse at their widget because entering the address doesn't work, you have to select one of the suggestions out of the dropdown that appear when you type slow enough (i.e. when you type Foo Bar Street, it'd show "Foo Bar St." if and only if you haven't typed too far yet, which only works at granny typing speed), you get it to work and check. "Sorry, service at your address is currently handled through your land lord. We can't tell you about available options yet." Okay, then why the fuck are you running ads telling me that if that exact thing is my scenario I should check options? And how fucked up is your price-gouging structure that you can't show me what the price would be without entering my exact address? N.B.: It's not about availability, I know it's available, obviously. I just want to know what it'd cost. Also, if you happen to close the tab and open it again later, it stores your input in a cookie or something, so you can't just check again for a different place. While it tries to load that it shows a Vodafone-logo loading overlay, which blocks the webpage and never actually finishes loading. Yet another website that only becomes usable because of my "kill sticky overlay" bookmarklet.

    Then there's going all cable. It's a clusterfuck of options, all of which sounds like Giga TV XL Chocolate X-Cream Sundae Browny like they're from Starbucks/Burger King and of course all cost €19.90. For 6 months, then like €59 from the 7th month, then even more from the 10th month. Just fuck off with your scam pricing. I hate Vodafone anyway, from personal experience.

    Okay, let me check the ISP (Telekom, parent of T-Mobile). They have different packages with or without TV. You have to enter your address here, too, to get a list of options. Fair enough, here, since this is actually about availability / connection speed. Of course, this has the same retarded UX that doesn't work if you just enter the street name. In fact, by the time I had entered the street and tabbed to the street number, it had emptied the fucking street I typed because, well fuck you. And then emptied the street number I had just typed because I guess there's no such number on (null) street or whatever. Having entered the address, their pricing only tells you what it'd cost as a new customer. Could you just list the prices for an existing customer on that page, too? No, of course not. You have to login to the customer center for that. Digging through contract paper work to find the customer data and logging in. Now I'm in the customer center, but that is just generic and doesn't show me the info I was just asked to log in for. So I guess I start navigating to their package list again from here, while being logged in. Click the navigation for Internet+TV, it asks me to check my address again. How about you use the one I've not only entered before but which I'm also logged in with? Oh, and the address widget has three options: switching from different provider, new customer, and log in as existing customer. I am already logged in you fuckers, what do you guess? I navigate through their different packages a bit and it shows that stupid thing all the time while I browse. At some points the fucking widget even adds a captcha because apparently I checked the availability for this address too often. How can this be so wrong?! Well yeah, anyway, all their packages suck and the prices are too high.

    Last but not least I checked DVB-T availability. The website for checking that says "sorry, can't check this for your address, but here's a helpful map with three different shades of extremely light green, where light green is perfect reception and even lighter green is bad reception". Exactly where my mom lives is a suspicously transparent hole of no reception at all. Surprise. :surprised-pikachu:

    I'm not sure how ISPs manage to have such extremely shitty websites that don't work without hacking their HTML/JS, can't handle normal user input and don't manage to remember what location you're looking for even though you're already logged in. And don't handle a query about the exact scenario they are running TV ads for.

    For every 10 minutes I spend on the internet, I need another 20 minutes just to type up rants about the idiocy of it all. And that's still missing at least 80% of the things we've just come to take for granted or that I've forgotten in the time it took me to write. At some point my mind will just implode into a blakeyrant black hole.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good rant ; would read again.

  • I'm glad I don't have a TV. Keeping my mobile phone and home internet working is about as much telecommunication companies I can tolerate without going on an unhinged rampage.

    ("Hey - here's the price per month. Oh, that's for the first N months, after which it will go up to $other_price. Also, on the first of march each year, we will increase the price by Y automatically, and we haven't decided what Y is yet. Oh, and btw, all that only applies if you sign up for $too_many_months." ... Go eat shit.)

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    I'm not sure how ISPs manage to have such extremely shitty websites

    because they know you're stuck with their shit.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Arantor said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    I'm not sure how ISPs manage to have such extremely shitty websites

    because they know you're stuck with their shit.

    phone company sketch - we dont care - Tomlin – 01:06
    — Lb

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:


    What about satellite TV? It comes with some setup costs, but then it worx.


    @BernieTheBernie installation hassle, needs land lord approval (which you’re not likely to get when cable is installed).

  • @topspin FWIW, I switched my Mom over to live TV streaming and they adjusted OK. They had fiber-based Internet available; the separate fiber Internet + live TV streaming services ended up costing half as much as cable TV+Internet combined service.

    I have no idea what streaming options are available where you/they are, of course, and I'm used to DSL being pretty slow Internet, but if there's a workable combination for their location I'd recommend it.

    My Dad decided cable TV was too expensive and just uses an antenna to get our area's digital over-the-air broadcasts. I don't remember what kind of Internet they have.


    @Parody problem is that the DSL is only 16mbit (:wtf:) and even at that speed not particularly reliable. It’s fine for streaming Netflix etc. when it works. Cable TV normally works without issues, so maybe cable internet would also work better (while being much faster). But it might as well not be, and I’ve had really bad experience with Vodafone in the past.
    So probably we’ll go with the devil you know and all the problems than trying for a bunch of new problems.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Clicked the Close button in Excel (because I was done with it) and this popped up:



  • Considered Harmful

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @Parody problem is that the DSL is only 16mbit (:wtf:) and even at that speed not particularly reliable.


  • @LaoC It probably depends on the particular location and when they last upgraded the wires a lot.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @LaoC It probably depends on the particular location and when they last upgraded the wires a lot.

    Sure, Munich suburbs get gigabit alright, but the German countryside is well known for its subpar DSL speeds. And spotty cellphone service. And moronic laws ensuring it stays that way as long as possible. And the Virgin Territorry chanceloress.

  • @LaoC said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @LaoC It probably depends on the particular location and when they last upgraded the wires a lot.

    Sure, Munich suburbs get gigabit alright, but the German countryside is well known for its subpar DSL speeds. And spotty cellphone service. And moronic laws ensuring it stays that way as long as possible. And the Virgin Territorry chanceloress.

    And this is a country where all farmers, gardeners and even ordinary folk have their own datacenter in shed!

    (Yeah, I know, dad jokes... for those who don't know: Rechen=rake, Zentrum=center, Rechenzentrum=datacenter)

  • Java Dev

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    the DSL is only 16mbit (:wtf:)

    16 millibit? :wtf: indeed.


    Fucking PowerPoint. If I copy a quote character (because I hadn't disabled the fucking smart quotes feature; I have now) and paste it again, would you fucking paste the quote already instead of gaslighting me with pasting a quote followed by a blank space?

  • @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    the DSL is only 16mbit (:wtf:)

    16 millibit? :wtf: indeed.

    You joke, but... Kubernetes use proper SI prefixes, so when I accidentally set memory limit to 4000m instead of 4000M, it dutifully set the memory limit to 4000 millibytes :facepalm:

    :trwtf: is that the reported error was "No space left on device" :wtf_owl:
    Took me a while to notice that this error happened in an attempt to read a file.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @Kamil-Podlesak said in WTF Bites:

    @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    the DSL is only 16mbit (:wtf:)

    16 millibit? :wtf: indeed.

    You joke, but... Kubernetes use proper SI prefixes, so when I accidentally set memory limit to 4000m instead of 4000M, it dutifully set the memory limit to 4000 millibytes :facepalm:

    :trwtf: is that the reported error was "No space left on device" :wtf_owl:
    Took me a while to notice that this error happened in an attempt to read a file.

    The things you would have figured out if you had read the entire source and built it by hand like Stallman intended, instead of using a precompiled binary 🍹

  • @izzion said in WTF Bites:

    @Kamil-Podlesak said in WTF Bites:

    @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    the DSL is only 16mbit (:wtf:)

    16 millibit? :wtf: indeed.

    You joke, but... Kubernetes use proper SI prefixes, so when I accidentally set memory limit to 4000m instead of 4000M, it dutifully set the memory limit to 4000 millibytes :facepalm:

    :trwtf: is that the reported error was "No space left on device" :wtf_owl:
    Took me a while to notice that this error happened in an attempt to read a file.

    The things you would have figured out if you had read the entire source and built it by hand like Stallman intended, instead of using a precompiled binary 🍹

    Well, to be honest, that is pretty much the only option with 4 bytes of RAM. I've written bigger applications back in high school (in the 8051 class).

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Fucking PowerPoint.

    Somewhat related: Dear Visual Studio, when I hit the Tab key, please consider that I might indeed want to insert a tab here, and not some generic name you just invented and which isn't even valid syntax at that place. It's enough that I constantly have to fight Outlook "correcting" my French because it stubbornly keeps believing that I'm writing English against all evidence to the contrary, and the "set language" toolbar widget has somehow mysteriously disappeared.

    I hate all these programs "automagically" trying to be "helpful" instead of just allowing me to clearly tell them what I want. I wish someone still realized that DWIM is not actually a viable approach to user interfaces; but I guess that ship sailed with the goddamn touch screen phones taking over the world, where the HMI is such crap that there really isn't much choice but to just guess what the user might have wanted to do.


  • Considered Harmful

    @Kamil-Podlesak said in WTF Bites:

    4 bytes of RAM

    It makes the Atari VCS look beefy.


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