WTF Bites

  • Considered Harmful

    @lb_ Oh, that was fun. I accidentally ended up merging my BukkitDev with a brand new Curse account when Bukkit made the switch, leaving me with the wonderfully attractive username bukkit_User90998657, instead of my regular Curse account, and I couldn't unmerge them. And then it tells me I need a Twitch account to log in, so I try to merge that with my Twitch account, only for it to tell me that I already merged it with my other Curse account, the one from Minecraft Forums. BukkitDev was the one I actually cared about, so I tried to unlink them, but apparently even if you cancel all Curse access from Twitch and click 'unlink account', it still will never link with any other account. Had to email support eventually.

  • Every fucking time I dare venture into /r/php, there's some idiocy right on the front page…


  • :belt_onion:

    @pie_flavor Huh. I wonder why I haven't been hit by all this yet. I still log in with the same email address and password I registered on ages ago.

  • @dcoder the stupid. It hurts

  • Considered Harmful

    @heterodox said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor Huh. I wonder why I haven't been hit by all this yet. I still log in with the same email address and password I registered on ages ago.

    Because doesn't use Curse. But Bukkit and Minecraft Forums do.


    @dcoder said in WTF Bites:

    Every fucking time I dare venture into /r/php, there's some idiocy right on the front page…


    That seems to be the most sensible question one could ask about PHP. :mlp_shrug:

  • Who knew that programming was typo sensitive?

  • @dcoder That's not particularly stupid.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dcoder said in WTF Bites:

    /r/php, there's some idiocy

    Well there's your problem.

  • Considered Harmful

    @topspin Off-topic, Javascript have string interpolation yet?


    @gribnit I, um, have absolutely no idea?!
    Go ask @anotherusername.

  • @gribnit said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin Off-topic, Javascript have string interpolation yet?

  • area_can

    My first name ends with an 'M'. This letter was missing from my flight itinerary when I booked a flight with Air Canada. After calling them, this appears to be a very common issue. The support person explained to me that because I did not include a personal title when booking and because my first name ends with an M, the system will automatically chop it off and add a title of 'Mr.'. This is because of the way titles are handled in French.

  • :wtf:
    Even in French, it makes absolutely no sense.

  • area_can

    @zerosquare maybe it doesn't work with European French or something, over here in Quebec they speak regular French

  • Java Dev

    Apparently Dell wants me to get my christmas shopping done extra early this year.


    Save 15% now. Use the code SAVE15.
    Offer valid until July 17 2018.
    Shop Black Friday in July >

    But will I get the computer now, or will the ship it when Black Friday comes around?

  • @benjamin-hall said in WTF Bites:

    Who knew that programming was typo sensitive?


    Thanks to how the engine parsed this typo, it never caused any crashes; instead, the engine ignored the unfamiliar term.

    A classic on error resume next (giving zero fucks).

  • @cvi While I have no problem with a parser simply ignoring wrong commands instead of crashing, I have a problem with developers who either program a parser that doesn't warn you about unrecognized commands or ignore said warnings completely.

    Plus AI developers who never go: "Huh, they should be doing something completely different because we programmed it that way!"


    @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    @cvi While I have no problem with a parser simply ignoring wrong commands instead of crashing, I have a problem with developers who either program a parser that doesn't warn you about unrecognized commands or ignore said warnings completely.

    Plus AI developers who never go: "Huh, they should be doing something completely different because we programmed it that way!"

    There are more WTFs here:

    1. Why the fuck is "make the game work properly" option even something that you put in an INI file
    2. If the AI behaves so much better with that option, how in the fuck was that not caught in testing and investigated? I mean, even if your AI is complex as all hell and you're afraid you won't be able to fix it in time, in this case a single fucking breakpoint would show you that the whole fucking section of code is not even called, ever, and going back through the trace would show you a failing if, after which you facepalm, fix the fucking INI file and call it a day!

    The mind boggles.

  • Fake News

    @onyx said in WTF Bites:

    1. Why the fuck is "make the game work properly" option even something that you put in an INI file

    This is not really a WTF: ultimately you need to put it somewhere, whether in configuration, a flag in a C++ header file or an actual piece of code.

    Any way you can push game logic tweaking to non-compiled files without performance impact saves you from bothering the engine developers with making small changes and having everyone twiddle their thumbs until the next build is finished.

    The only WTFs are in QA and the fact that the parser does not raise a clear warning (heck, maybe logging was disabled in the engine at a point before the AI bug was introduced).

    We'll never know...

  • @jbert Yes, that's something which Stellaris, to my eyes, did right: Huge swaths of game logic reside in such configuration files which makes changes to a large amount of behaviour very easy.

    It also makes modding a breeze compared to other games.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @jbert said in WTF Bites:

    The only WTFs are in QA and the fact that the parser does not raise a clear warning (heck, maybe logging was disabled in the engine at a point before the AI bug was introduced).

    It sounds like it was a small change introduced just before the release build was done, and that the AI was working well in builds before that point. And yes, the script engine should have been howling about the unrecognised term; disabling the output of that sort of thing is a terrible idea for a build, even a release build, precisely because it makes hunting this sort of thing a thousand times more difficult…

  • @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    While I have no problem with a parser simply ignoring wrong commands instead of crashing,

    I'm not so sure -- I suppose it depends a bit on what you mean by "crashing". I think a hard error leading to (somewhat graceful) program termination would have been an acceptable choice. Preferably with some way to track down what caused the error.

    I have a problem with developers who either program a parser that doesn't warn you about unrecognized commands or ignore said warnings completely.

    Depends on how literally you want to take the ".INI" file stuff. If it really was a INI file, the error is not with the parser, but with whoever it doing something with the data from the parser. (:pendant:)

    But your main point still stands ... not warning very loudly about unrecognized values or ignoring those warnings is a problem.

  • @onyx It's called "crunch time".

  • @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    @onyx It's called "crunch time".

    But one would think that, once the stupid behavior is pointed out, the developers would go, find the stupid issue and fix it in a first patch. Letting it fester (and make the game a laughing-stock) doesn't say much good about the developers or the company.

  • Considered Harmful

    @onyx Present in QA, absent in Gold.

  • WTF of my day: I'm probably getting old and this is my "Old man yells at clouds" moment. Or something.

    But seriously, I just accidentally joined a livestream of a World of Warcraft tournament arena match. You know how sports reporter get really hectic and loud when there's something exciting happening on the field?

    The two commenters for this stream took it to eleven.

    It was like listening to a hyperkinetic bunny bouncing off the walls in a very small box (without the accompanying high pitched squeaking, however).
    And due to the fact that something "exciting" was happening every other second I was getting really concerned for those two guys that they might pass out from lack of oxygen at some point.

  • @atazhaia "Black Friday" can also refer to Friday the 13th, one of which was in July this year. So that was probably the Black Friday they were talking about.

  • @bb36e said in WTF Bites:

    My first name ends with an 'M'. This letter was missing from my flight itinerary when I booked a flight with Air Canada. After calling them, this appears to be a very common issue. The support person explained to me that because I did not include a personal title when booking and because my first name ends with an M, the system will automatically chop it off and add a title of 'Mr.'. This is because of the way titles are handled in French.

    I remember getting a prescription filled and it having my name spelled as Benjamin followed by a bunch of random letters which apparently mean something medical.

  • Java Dev

    @scarlet_manuka Ah. It's not a term used in Sweden to my knowledge, and we only recently got the shopping day black friday imported here so that's the one I know. Also, the combination of a day called black friday and shopping I'd say is pretty strongly associated with the day that happens in november regardless of country, not any other semi-random friday during the year. So Dell being tr:wtf: still stands. :P

  • 🚽 Regular

    @atazhaia A store around here sometimes has "red fridays". Do you think it's a :wtf: they they're making up a non-existing holiday?

  • Java Dev

    @zecc Not so much. The Dell one is because they are taking the name of an already existing shopping holiday and using it on a different day. If your store wants to promote their special offer days as ultramarine wednesdays or teal tuesdays they can do that because they're not taking the name of something already established to do so.


    📧: Your password expires soon
    topspin: > passwd
    (current) UNIX password: oldpassword
    New password: oldpassword2
    BAD PASSWORD: The password is too similar to the old one
    New password: differentpassword
    BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 12 characters
    New password: yetanothertryforapassword
    BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 15 characters

    FUUUUUU. 😡

  • @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    Also, the combination of a day called black friday and shopping I'd say is pretty strongly associated with the day that happens in november regardless of country

    But why is there one of those "regardless of country"? That one's specifically associated with Thanksgiving Day in the USA but has no real meaning elsewhere. (Yes, I did see that you said it had recently been imported into Sweden, but I can't figure out any reason why. Well, other than "we'll probably make a bunch of money selling stuff.")


    @scarlet_manuka Isn't the same thing true for the US, though?
    Thanksgiving has meaning, but black friday seems to be nothing more than the day after Thanksgiving where "we'll probably make a bunch of money selling stuff."

  • 0_1531737321775_be37d3a8-4379-44a4-a735-e5cfa4195a80-image.png

    TIL ASP.NET Core default logger doesn't have the ability to output timestamps.

    What the hell is Microsoft thinking?

  • 🚽 Regular


    Very optimistic on how much you can get me to spend there! (it looks fine until you place an order, then it does this).


    My car needs servicing. I'm looking around for a good garage; I find one that has good reviews, and hey look, it has an online form so I don't have to spend half an hour on the phone with some barely literate greasemonkey who can't speak any human language like with some of the other garages I tried in the past!

    Some fields in the form autocomplete using some kind of widget, so when I start to type my street name and building number, it suggests the city and ZIP code. When that happens, I get an error saying along the lines of "Your postal address is incomplete, you're missing the street name, building number, ZIP or city. Please add them to the fields below." and 3 new fields appear in the form. I'm not missing any of those fields and I have no fucking idea what the form expects from me, there's no indication anywhere on the page. The three new fields don't autocomplete and don't clear the error either. I think only the original field is validated and the 3 new ones do nothing.

    The "prefered appointment date" field is even dumber than that. First off it literally doesn't matter because I will eat my own shoes if my preference matters in the slightest. I've seen a field like that before, I used it to pick a date about a week from now, and then I got a mail back saying the best they could do was 2 more weeks from that date. So fuck you, why is that there? Just call or mail me back with a couple of dates and we can figure something out.

    The even dumber thing about this field is that when you click it, a calendar widget pops up that allows you to select the date instead of typing it. However, the widget produces a date as MM/DD/YYYY, but the form demands a date in form of DD/MM/YYYY. You can't type in the date in the correct form either because the widget refuses to accept that, hitting 2 in the first part automatically corrects to 02 and refuses to go over 12 - so it's impossible to set an appointment for later than the 12th of each month, and god knows what sending the form like that would actually do.

    This is an authorized dealer/service, by the way, not fucking Ling's Car Garage. Good lord.

    Oh and I just noticed, there's a photo of some dude to the right of the form and he has an incredibly unnerving grin. Look at those eyes. He's staring right at the name field. I think I'll just get my car serviced somewhere far away from this place.


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @scarlet_manuka Isn't the same thing true for the US, though?
    Thanksgiving has meaning, but black friday seems to be nothing more than the day after Thanksgiving where "we'll probably make a bunch of money selling stuff."

    It was a common thing that people wouldn't start shopping for Christmas gifts until after Thanksgiving. Most people get the Thursday of Thanksgiving and the Friday after it off from work so it was a big shopping day even before the crazy sales and hype and everything.

  • @benjamin-hall said in WTF Bites:

    But one would think that, once the stupid behavior is pointed out, the developers would go, find the stupid issue and fix it in a first patch. Letting it fester (and make the game a laughing-stock) doesn't say much good about the developers or the company.

    It's a video game. The team was probably split up or laid-off about 46 milliseconds after the thing shipped.


    he's obviously grinning because that isn't his keyboard his hands are stroking ...

  • @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    @benjamin-hall said in WTF Bites:

    But one would think that, once the stupid behavior is pointed out, the developers would go, find the stupid issue and fix it in a first patch. Letting it fester (and make the game a laughing-stock) doesn't say much good about the developers or the company.

    It's a video game. The team was probably split up or laid-off about 46 milliseconds after the thing shipped.

    True enough. It's a sucky industry all around.

  • @jbert said in WTF Bites:

    @onyx said in WTF Bites:

    1. Why the fuck is "make the game work properly" option even something that you put in an INI file

    This is not really a WTF: ultimately you need to put it somewhere, whether in configuration, a flag in a C++ header file or an actual piece of code.

    Any way you can push game logic tweaking to non-compiled files without performance impact saves you from bothering the engine developers with making small changes and having everyone twiddle their thumbs until the next build is finished.

    If only there was a way to put proper code in a text file and execute it without any noticeable compilation time. Or just compile it separately.

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @atazhaia A store around here sometimes has "red fridays". Do you think it's a :wtf: they they're making up a non-existing holiday?

    Apparently this is a thing.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    The password is too similar to the old one

    :wtf: Alert! To know that, they have to keep the old password in decodeabld form (or in the clear).

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf Blerk? I don't see that that's necessarily necessary. For instance, they could store two additional hashes, alternate characters, or a hash of prefix - these weaken but don't invalidate the scheme.

  • Fake News

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    The password is too similar to the old one

    :wtf: Alert! To know that, they have to keep the old password in decodeabld form (or in the clear).

    @gribnit said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf Blerk? I don't see that that's necessarily necessary. For instance, they could store two additional hashes, alternate characters, or a hash of prefix - these weaken but don't invalidate the scheme.


    passwd asks for the current as well as the new password, hence it can compare the two.

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @atazhaia A store around here sometimes has "red fridays". Do you think it's a :wtf: they they're making up a non-existing holiday?

    I wish I could say yes, but... nowadays it's a pretty common thing.

    Simpsons - Love Day – 01:55
    — mista.christian

  • Took another shot at getting Windows 1803 on my 32 GB tablet because the stupid thing is unusable because of constant alerts begging me to update. I uninstalled just about everything. Ran through Windows Updates, it said it needed 1.5 GB more space on the C drive. I disabled hibernation, uninstalled a few more things, shrank my page file by 1200 MB, and thought I'd be good.

    Re-ran the update. This time it says "2.75 GB more space needed." :moving_goal_post: 😠

  • @mott555 Control Panel shows me around 3 GB of "Apps & Games." Problem is they're all garbage Win10 apps that I never use that also can't be uninstalled.

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