Mohammed the clock kid cons country to get sneak peek at Obama's penis for TERRORISM!

  • 69,000? Wow.

    For the record: Of those 800,000, an estimated 450,000 are eligible for legal asylum under the current rules.

    And once again, I'd like to see you deal with a sudden tenfold increase in numbers.

    I'm also not sure why boomzilla insisted on dragging this topic into here. Probably just to jerk off on this high horse of his.

  • @Rhywden said:

    69,000? Wow.

    Those are just immigrants who came here legally as asylum seekers.

    Illegals are ten times that.

    @Rhywden said:

    And once again, I'd like to see you deal with a sudden tenfold increase in numbers.

    WE ALREADY DEAL WITH LARGER NUMBERS, is what I'm trying to explain to you. We have for DECADES.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    WE ALREADY DEAL WITH LARGER NUMBERS, is what I'm trying to explain to you. We have for DECADES.

    You missed the word "increase". Again.

    It's a bit like this bad joke: You're arguing that falling out of an airplane without a parachute is not so bad because gliding through the air is quite nice, actually. When I'm trying to tell you at the same time that the abrupt stop at the end might be a spot of bother.

    Similar principles - constant rate versus sudden change.

    By the way: 69,000 + 10 * 69,000 < 800,000. If those illegals actually count: Are they cared for? Medical aid? Food? Shelter? Education? For all of them?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Rhywden said:

    By the way: 69,000 + 10 * 69,000 < 800,000. If those illegals actually count: Are they cared for? Medical aid? Food? Shelter? Education? For all of them?

    A lot of them, yes.

    @Rhywden said:

    I'm also not sure why boomzilla insisted on dragging this topic into here. Probably just to jerk off on this high horse of his.

    I'm not the one who started tossing around ignant accusations of racism. Or luring innocent followers of the Religion of Peace in just to try to kill them with poisonous mushrooms. Glass houses, man.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    For fuck's sake, North America. Do you know how much habitable, unoccupied land you have?

    Take in all the refuges. Stick them in Nebraska and Saskatchewan. Tell them "All yours for the price of terraforming and sharing the crops you grow. Here's clothes, food, fuel and building supplies. Check in with you in a year. We'll work on getting the rest of our shit in order for anyone who wants to move to a city. Enjoy not being shot at. Welcome."

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Take in all the refuges. Stick them in Nebraska and Saskatchewan.

    I thought it was Bad now to torture people.

  • I'm all for it.

    But it turns out I'm not dictator of the universe.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    You only need to be the dictator of Canada. We're having elections very soon.

  • @anotherusername said:

    He wasn't charged with anything. They released him once it became clear that (a) it wasn't a bomb and (b) it wasn't a fake bomb, which depends on his intent, and requires that you actually interview people, and takes some time.

    @anotherusername said:

    it wasn't a fake bomb

    That's where I have trouble with it. If it isn't a bomb, it isn't a bomb. It isn't a crime to imagine something is a deadly weapon. Unless he like, called the school, and said there was a bomb at the school. Which he didn't.

    So, yeah, totally racist.

    It should have ended with the device in the office and the kid showing that it wasn't a bomb. Questioning intent is unlawful detainment.

    @FrostCat said:

    Oh, and they can have Austin, too.

    Austin is liberal. Are you sure you don't want to keep that city.

    @anotherusername said:

    but they didn't know it wasn't a hoax until they interviewed everyone.

    Why is that a question?

    Was there a called in threat? Note? Did he at some point say it was a bomb and they failed to report that?

    As soon as he says its not a bomb, then its not a fake bomb either.

    @anotherusername said:

    "making a hoax bomb" is still illegal if that's your intent.

    But why is it illegal?
    Because it poses a threat.
    Therefore, they have to demonstrate how he posed a threat, sitting in an office, saying it's not a bomb.

    @anotherusername said:

    Even if it wasn't a bomb, they had to determine that he truly wasn't intending to frighten anyone with it

    No, no, no.

    To continue to detain him they had to prove that he was intending to frighten anyone with it.

    This is part of the reason that the cops have lost faith in communities. Because a finite number of cops less than 100% inverted innocent until proven guilty.

    Look, I'm with you on the right of the school to confiscate and evaluate the device. But once they started accusing him of making a hoax bomb, with all evidence pointing to the opposite, they were wrong. And maybe, one day, he'll make a real bomb and blow up the school, and then we convict him of a crime. But he hasn't committed a crime yet.

    That's not how the justice system works.

    OTOH, trust me, being in the middle of this and seeing merit on both sides, is the most dangerous position to be in.

    I just spent a whole thread arguing that the school did have a right to confiscate the device.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @xaade said:

    That's where I have trouble with it. If it isn't a bomb, it isn't a bomb. It isn't a crime to imagine something is a deadly weapon. Unless he like, called the school, and said there was a bomb at the school. Which he didn't

    Seen the latest, btw? Calling it an "invention" is apparently a stretch:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @xaade said:

    That's where I have trouble with it. If it isn't a bomb, it isn't a bomb.

    You seen the latest? Apparently "invention" is quite too strong a word:

    I knew from the first picture that he didn't develop that circuit board--at a minimum I figured it was an Arduino or something, although in retrospect, the low-density cable attached to it is a bit of a giveaway.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said:

    caught illegal immigrants representing 2% of our population

    @blakeyrat said:
    brought in 69,909 refugees legally

    @blakeyrat said:
    I think the US does its part.

    Again I begin to believe you intentionally seek to undermine your own points as you are making them. The numbers you provide indicate that the US loads the refugee system quite a bit more than it drains it. Are you a sock?

  • Jesus you fucking idiots.

    Look, the number there is refugees, which is about 70,000 in 2013, ok?

    But in addition to that, we have literally MILLIONS (I believe around 13 million) illegal immigrants that we also have to take care of, and about 600,000 - 700,000 more each year.

  • Considered Harmful

    So by catching and deporting them as fast as we care to, we're doing our part? Or somehow, we're willing to take moral credit for things we are actively trying to not do?

  • Who is "we" in this scenario?

  • Considered Harmful

    You ass-tard, it's the same we in your fucking scenario, and you used the term first. Go sit in the idiot corner.

  • Considered Harmful

    I declare the living shit out of victory. Consider yourself teabagged.<!--​ It's so easy, anyone can do it - literally anyone can use your "shtick". I dunno how closely you hold these beliefs of yours or whatever they are, but if you're trying to live your life this way you will run into shit. You probably want to develop the capacity to examine your own beliefs.

    If on the other hand, this is some sort of performance art - then I need to mention that it's getting a bit old, and you need to work on something better. You're getting reactions for being a troll... -->

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    You only need to be the dictator of Canada. We're having elections very soon.

    I just caught myself actually stopping to think about whether Blakeyrat would run the joint better than Harper. And the sad part about that is, yes he undoubtedly would.

  • I'm still waiting for the countries of the Middle East to help out when a natural disaster destroys Haiti.

    For all the criticism directed at the US and Europe for not handling Middle Eastern innocents with enough gentle care, I see there's relatively zero attention or criticism paid to the surrounding Middle Eastern countries in taking care of their own.

    IOW, why aren't the refugees going to Saudi Arabia?

  • Ok, I had to repost this though.

    From that same site.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @flabdablet said:

    I just caught myself actually stopping to think about whether Blakeyrat would run the joint better than Harper. And the sad part about that is, yes he undoubtedly would.

    I would absolutely vote for Blakey over any of the current candidates. At the very least:

    1. He's honest (he may be wrong sometimes, and will refuse to correct his wrongness, but he won't knowingly****strong text deceive)
    2. He\s moral (he at least falls closer to the "good" side of the alignment chart, way more than any politician)
    3. He knows how to use social media.

    Blakey for Prime Minister Dictator Eternal of Canada 2015
    "He'll give Saskatchewan to immigrants!"


    Lucky jerk, I wish I'd been falsely arrested... mutter mutter...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @flabdablet said:

    To be fair, I'm not even sure Sharia law permits clocks.

    You're OK provided they're set to early middle ages…

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    AAaaaah! Someone needed to apply a Cluebat of Grammar to the writer of that passage…

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Gribnit said:

    So by catching and deporting them as fast as we care to, we're doing our part?

    As fast as we care to seems to be not very fast at all.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @xaade said:

    IOW, why aren't the refugees going to Saudi Arabia?

    I like Sailer's idea to cancel Qatar's 2022 World Cup and spend the $200B+ on refugee care.

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • @blakeyrat said:

    But it turns out I'm not dictator of the universe.

    And that is indeed regrettable

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    You only need to be the dictator of Canada. We're having elections very soon.

    @flabdablet said:

    I just caught myself actually stopping to think about whether Blakeyrat would run the joint better than Harper. And the sad part about that is, yes he undoubtedly would.

    You already have two followers! the revolution for greater justice is that much closer.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Suitcase clock defense:

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Not waiting for the race baiters to admit they got taken. They never do...


    What's funny is that the people who questioned the media's account at all were immediately either written off as racist or put in the tinfoil hat category.

  • Turns out that 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed of Irving, Texas, never invented a clock,

    Well shit, clocks have been around for what, five thousand years? Would be hard for him to invent one.

    Maybe the kid is just not very good at making things, and a particularly bad case of Dunning-Kruger. Besides, he's what, 14? At his age I was probably fascinated and proud of a particularly shaped turd I made.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    At his age I was probably fascinated and proud of a particularly shaped turd I made.

    At 14, I was building a speech synthesizer, admittedly on a breadboard, from a canned design.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    The bigger story is that it looks like a PR stunt by his family. His sister was previously accused of a bomb threat, which perhaps begins to explain why the cop (?) wasn't surprised to see that it was Ahmed. Of course, when you believe everything you read is everything, you start thinking they were just looking for a brown person to perp walk. But the more I learn about this kid the more I want him to be charged for being such a douche.

    Though I suppose we all have to admit we'll never pull off as troll as good as all that.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @boomzilla said:

    His sister was previously accused of a bomb threat

    Interesting. Got a source for that?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    After the MSNBC segment, Eyman [Ahmed's sister] and I sit down in the hallway where she says the same thing happened to her as Ahmed.

    “I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with.”

    Eyman talks with the slightest lisp, almost imperceptible, but it becomes stronger as she gets emotional.

    “I got suspended and I didn’t do anything about it and so when I heard about Ahmed, I was so mad because it happened to me and I didn’t get to stand up, so I’m making sure he’s standing up because it’s not right. So I’m not jealous, I’m kinda like—it’s like he’s standing for me.”

    Eyman said her suspension was in her first year of middle school, “my first year of attempting middle school in America. I knew English, but the culture was different, the people were different.”

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    So her sister was falsely****strong text accused of a bomb threat.

    Context, how the fuck does it work?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    That's what she says. But then Ahmed said he invented a clock, and we know that's not true. In any case, I said she was accused, which isn't in dispute. A big stink was not raised at the time, AFAIK, so I don't know how to verify her account of the matter.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @boomzilla said:

    That's what she says. But then Ahmed said he invented a clock, and we know that's not true. In any case, I said she was accused, which isn't in dispute. A big stink was not raised at the time, AFAIK, so I don't know how to verify her account of the matter.

    Here's an easy metric: was she proven guilty. if the answer is no, double check which country she resides in. Go from there.

    And I'm still lolling over people so desperate to spin the situation that they'll argue the semantics of "invent".

    Tell you what-- if this kid's plan was to bring a bomb-like device to school-- which has already proven extremely hostile to Brown Folk-- because he had a cunning plan to get arrested, have several layers of administrators and law enforcement act in the most idiotic way possible, but not cause any actual physical harm to him-- and have the story picked up by news outlets in just the right way as to make it go viral-- so that he could manipulate the international media-- so that he could get invited to the White House-- so that he could-- could-- well, WHATEVER the end goal is...

    ... then more power to him, because that's some James Bond Gargoyles Anime bullshit level of evil master planning there for a 14 year old.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Here's an easy metric: was she proven guilty.

    The school says she was.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    And I'm still lolling over people so desperate to spin the situation that they'll argue the semantics of "invent".

    OK. I'm shaking my head at people who love accusing others of racism for stupid reasons, but whatever gets your motor running. I can't stop you for being eager to falsely accuse people and institutions of racism because you're just not interested in the details, but I can think less of you for doing so.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Tell you what-- if this kid's plan was to bring a bomb-like device to school-- which has already proven extremely hostile to Brown Folk-

    Oh FFS.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    ... then more power to him, because that's some James Bond Gargoyles Anime bullshit level of evil master planning there for a 14 year old.

    I suspect his dad was involved, too. But yeah, like I said, this was a master troll that they pulled off.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @boomzilla said:

    The school says she was.

    The school is not a law enforcement agency, nor a court. School administrators are some of the dumbfuckiest people on earth. Was she proven****strong text guilty?

    @boomzilla said:

    OK. I'm shaking my head at people who love accusing others of racism for stupid reasons, but whatever gets your motor running.

    Citation needed.

    @boomzilla said:

    I can't stop you for being eager to falsely accuse people and institutions of racism

    But falsely accusing a girl of a bomb threat is okay. Check.

    @boomzilla said:

    but I can think less of you for doing so.

    Oh noes!

    @boomzilla said:

    I suspect his dad was involved, too.

    Citation needed. Evidence required.

    @boomzilla said:

    But yeah, like I said, this was a master troll that they pulled off.

    Citation needed. Evidence required.

    Since a troll works "for the lulz", where's the lulz?

    What's that saying about malice and incompetence?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    The school is not a law enforcement agency, nor a court. School administrators are some of the dumbfuckiest people on earth. Was she proven****strong text guilty?

    AFAIK, there was no law enforcement involvement. Which sounds about right if a kid makes a retarded bomb threat. In any case, all we know is that she was accused and suspended, which is what I said happened. I'm not sure what the problem is here.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Citation needed.

    Here you go:

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    which has already proven extremely hostile to Brown Folk

    You can look above for mentions of the desires of locals to perp walk a brown kid.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    But falsely accusing a girl of a bomb threat is okay. Check.

    Who said that? Who was falsely accused?

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Citation needed. Evidence required.

    Not really. But I suspect based on their reaction here and his previous actions WRT running for President of Sudan. It's the impression I've gotten from them. I could easily be wrong.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Since a troll works "for the lulz", where's the lulz?

    Getting on TV, invited to the White House, offers of scholarships.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @boomzilla said:

    AFAIK, there was no law enforcement involvement. Which sounds about right if a kid makes a retarded bomb threat. In any case, all we know is that she was accused and suspended, which is what I said happened. I'm not sure what the problem is here.

    The problem is her actions of "making a bomb threat" are being held as evidence that her brother made a bomb threat. Even if that was sane in any justifiable way, there is no actual evidence that she made a bomb threat.

    Fun fact: I was once kicked out of a computer class. Someone had put a BIOS password on a computer. I was accused by the school of doing it, and kicked out of class, because I knew computers. Guess who didn't put a BIOS password on the computer? School administrators, as I pointed out, are not valid evidence of someone's guilt.

    Is there a recorded phone call of her making the threat? Is there any written communication, electronic or otherwise, originating from a source under her control making the threat? Was the threat made directly to someone in authority?

    Or is a third hand account from an unreliable witness?

    That's the problem.

    @boomzilla said:

    Here you go:

    Followed by nothing. Bravo.

    @boomzilla said:

    Who said that? Who was falsely accused?

    She said that. She said she was falsely accused. The person being accused. Who received no trial or valid judgement. Thus has not been proven guilty in any valid court of law. Thus she is innocent, so the accusation was false.

    I can see why @blakeyrat thinks you blew a logic circuit at some point.

    @boomzilla said:

    Not really. But I suspect based on their reaction here and his previous actions WRT running for President of Sudan. It's the impression I've gotten from them. I could easily be wrong.

    Citation needed. Evidence required. If you're going to "suspect" things, and draw conclusions from them, either provide evidence or admit "this is a wild conspiracy theory that I pulled out of my butt". But you don't get to present it as fact.

    Otherwise, "your impression" of someone you've never met, and only know through news stories, is just as sad as people who follow celebrities through TMZ.

    @boomzilla said:

    Getting on TV, invited to the White House, offers of scholarships.

    That isn't for the lulz, so where's the trolling?

    If it isn't trolling, then we go back to the "you seriously think this was planned"? line of reasoning.

    If the family is rich and affluent, why the hell do they need to risk their son getting jailed, beaten or murdered for a scholarship?

    What did he get out of going to the White House aside from some gladhanding with Obama's PR machine?

    And please-- evidence, facts. Otherwise I'll just assume you're trolling, since you're arguing a patently ridiculous stance with no evidence, just to get people to respond to you.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Or is a third hand account from an unreliable witness?

    She's an unreliable witness for stating that she was suspended for being accused of making a bomb threat?

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Thus she is innocent, so the accusation was false.

    This isn't a court of law, genius. You can leave your brain at the door at the mercy of criminal trial evidence rules, but I won't.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    That isn't for the lulz, so where's the trolling?


    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Otherwise I'll just assume you're trolling, since you're arguing a patently ridiculous stance with no evidence, just to get people to respond to you.

    Uh huh. Look, he knew that his thing could raise suspicions:

    “I closed [the ‘clock’] with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat. So I just used a simple cable so it won’t look that much suspicious.”

    I'm certainly not the person accusing others of racism without any evidence. I can't stop you from having made up your mind and not being open to evidence.

  • @boomzilla said:

    she was suspended for being accused

    Hey @PJH, I've heard @boomzilla is making bombs out there! Now that I've accused him, I expect him to be suspended, like, forever. Kthxbai.

    @boomzilla said:

    This isn't a court of law, genius.

    So we can hurl accusations at anyone with no backing at all, because this isn't a court of law, duh!?

    Look, you've got nothing against this kid that you've shown so far, and the best argument you have is that "well, his clock was stupid!".

    Other than that, according to you he knew the whole thing would make the worldwide news, attracting attention of all the scientists, politicians, and worst of all the Internets who will want to find anything to undermine his case, and didn't even bother to buy a DIY clock kit so as to make his story believable?

    The kid's just kinda dumb, that's all. And hell, even if he's a troll, he still has plenty of reasonable doubt, and everybody involved in the case got trolled hook, line and sinker.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    So we can hurl accusations at anyone with no backing at all, because this isn't a court of law, duh!?

    Dude, I quoted the girl herself! She doesn't dispute anything I said about her!

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Other than that, according to you he knew the whole thing would make the worldwide news, attracting attention of all the scientists, politicians, and worst of all the Internets who will want to find anything to undermine his case, and didn't even bother to buy a DIY clock kit so as to make his story believable?

    What evidence do you have for that? No, under the trolling theory, I doubt they thought it would get as big as it did. That's the sort of thing that takes a lot of luck, to catch the viral meme fairy.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    The kid's just kinda dumb, that's all.

    What amuses me about this thread (and some reactions outside of TDWTF), is how when someone posts a story from a lazy right wing source, someone will look deeper and find stuff that paints a very different picture. But here, when you have people jumping to racism conclusions based on very shallow information, they get very indignant when you keep looking at the story.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @boomzilla said:

    She's an unreliable witness for stating that she was suspended for being accused of making a bomb threat?

    The girl who accused her of uttering a bomb threat is an unreliable witness. Don't be dense.

    @boomzilla said:

    This isn't a court of law, genius

    Exactly. Thus she wasn't proven guilty of uttering a bomb threat, thus you cannot use it as a basis for an argument.

    @boomzilla said:

    Uh huh. Look, he knew that his thing could raise suspicions:

    Care to provide something other than fucking breitbart as evidence? You can't use "someone's fringe blog who is also making off-the wall evidence-less accusations" as evidence for your own off-the-wall evidence-less accusations. Otherwise I'll start a blog to "prove" you wrong on every point.

    @boomzilla said:

    being open to evidence.


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    The girl who accused her of uttering a bomb threat is an unreliable witness. Don't be dense.

    The girl who was accused says she was accused. I never quoted anyone else.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Exactly. Thus she wasn't proven guilty of uttering a bomb threat, thus you cannot use it as a basis for an argument.

    Uh huh.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Care to provide something other than fucking breitbart as evidence?

    There's a youtube video there. And no, I don't. I'll let your ad hominem discredit you all by itself.

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