Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    And also are stupid and ugly.


  • Considering this thread has somehow kept its name, it seems fitting that 950 posts in, someone should make some sort of reference to the sort of driving you do in golf and have it sail over everyone's heads. Sadly, the full extent of my golf knowledge is that you do something called 'driving' sometimes, and that there are ranges for practicing this in some places.

  • @Magus said:

    Considering this thread has somehow kept its name, it seems fitting that 950 posts in, someone should make some sort of reference to the sort of driving you do in golf and have it sail over everyone's heads. Sadly, the full extent of my golf knowledge is that you do something called 'driving' sometimes, and that there are ranges for practicing this in some places.

    I seem to recall something called "putting". And Happy Gilmore!

  • And hockey!

  • I tried to like your post but... Discourse.

    EDIT: It may have worked now.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said:

    But on the bright side, you stand an excellent chance of being immortalized on the Darwin Award web site (unless they disqualify people who become eligible using the same method as a previous winner). 😄

    Using the same method as someone on the Darwin Award website because of reading about it there and thinking “cool!” would be quite a good reason for being featured…

  • @another_sam said:

    I tried to like your post but... Discourse.

    Sounds like a repro of my bug from a few days ago.

  • @Magus said:

    Sadly, the full extent of my golf knowledge is that you do something called 'driving'

    @Dean Martin said:

    If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.

    Filed under: Fuck you Discourse, this post is not empty

  • We got our first snowstorm this past week, along with single-digit temperatures.

    Perhaps TRWTF is my truck's ABS system is out and I have never bothered fixing it ($1500 part!!!!)...anyway I was in my apartment parking lot about to park at the end of the day, going about 5 mph because it was solid ice. A fairly small car started to back out of its spot in front of me, I hit the brakes and they locked up so I slowly kept sliding forward. He pulled out, turned, and then drove off. I never stopped (physically couldn't) and nearly bumped him, and I also never saw him actually look behind to see me. He had no idea he was almost in the world's slowest accident with a nearly 7,000 pound pickup.

  • @mott555 said:

    Perhaps TRWTF is my truck's ABS system is out and I have never bothered fixing it ($1500 part!!!!)...anyway I was in my apartment parking lot about to park at the end of the day, going about 5 mph because it was solid ice. A fairly small car started to back out of its spot in front of me, I hit the brakes and they locked up so I slowly kept sliding forward. He pulled out, turned, and then drove off. I never stopped (physically couldn't) and nearly bumped him, and I also never saw him actually look behind to see me. He had no idea he was almost in the world's slowest accident with a nearly 7,000 pound pickup.

    Second WTF: You didn't do what you're supposed to when you don't have ABS. Hint: [spoiler]pump the brakes instead of keeping constant pressure.[/spoiler]

  • I can pump the brakes on dry pavement and have needed to during really hard braking (usually because of red-light-runners). I don't know if it would have mattered on an inch of ice while going slightly downhill.

  • @mott555 said:

    I don't know if it would have mattered on an inch of ice while going slightly downhill.

    Considering that pumping the brakes is a low-tech version of what ABS does, I'd be inclined to say "Yes". Though once your wheels locked, you were screwed.

  • My last pickup had working ABS (and so did this one for the first 6 months I owned it) and I don't remember ever being able to stop on ice with it.

  • @mott555 said:

    My last pickup had working ABS (and so did this one for the first 6 months I owned it) and I don't remember ever being able to stop on ice with it.

    Sounds like you might not have had the appropriate tires on.

  • @abarker said:

    Sounds like you might not have had the appropriate tires on.

    Possible. I usually run some kind of all-terrain (not mud) tires since off-road utility use was common until I moved into the city. Those suckers don't like pavement if it's not warm and dry.

  • CNR

  • Dislike.

    It warmed up a bit today.

  • Don't feel too bad. We're trying to look for a house, and the sunshine tax is in full effect.

  • You've actually got it warmer than Phoenix today:

  • Yeah, the Santa Anas have been keeping it warm and dry recently, but not too bad. Warm enough that it doesn't feel like November, but not too hard. Pretty much.........perfect weather.

  • I've got that beat, but only slightly:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    I can pump the brakes on dry pavement and have needed to during really hard braking (usually because of red-light-runners). I don't know if it would have mattered on an inch of ice while going slightly downhill.

    I can tell you from experience it probably won't.

    One of the worst things in the world is sliding down a slight incline on ice that dumps into a major street, hoping that you have enough steering to hit a curb, and hoping THAT will slow you down enough for the brakes to catch, and not, say, just bounce off or over it. Which happened twice to me on the same street, two winters apart, because Salem, MA, won't fucking sand any street except a major one without multiple complaints.

  • I always forget that Salem is on the north shore, I think that I confuse it with Shrewsbury.

  • I'm seeing an increase in the trend of cars that treat a Stop sign as a Yield sign.

    Just happened when I went to lunch, a guy in an Eclipse didn't even come close to a stop, he rolls up to the intersection, sees me coming, and guns it in front of me. If he hadn't floored it, I would have been more upset, but still, I wish a cop had been around.

  • @chubertdev said:

    but still, I wish a cop had been around.

    If I was into cars I would totally buy a Crown Vic just so everyone thinks I'm an unmarked police car and behaves.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    Crown Vic

    Make sure to get the drivers'-side spotlight that mounts over the mirror, or people will know you're not a cop.

  • FoxDev

    no. just retrofit a broken hair dryer to look like a radar gun and strap it there.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    just retrofit a broken hair dryer to look like a radar gun and strap it there.

    Naw, that doesn't at all look like what I'm talking about.

    When I lived in South Carolina, it always cracked me up to see unmarked cars on the interstate looking for speeders, because you could always tell by the spotlight. Guys, you're not undercover if you're wearing a hat that says "I'M A COP".

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    I don't remember ever being able to stop on ice with it.

    The bigger benefit of ABS is that by keeping the front wheels turning you retain more of the ability to steer which helps a bit more.

  • @mott555 said:

    If I was into cars I would totally buy a Crown Vic just so everyone thinks I'm an unmarked police car and behaves.

    And then you get to deal with people driving 55 in formation around you at all times.

    @boomzilla said:

    I like to call this the Montgomery County Slalom Course.

    One guy I used to work with liked taking the Mormon Temple curves around 120... at 3AM, of course. I believe one month of his auto insurance premium would pay my whole six month premium.

  • Here's one that really sucks for me, near where I live. I'll be going west on the road at the bottom, then take a right (through a light) into the shopping plaza, and have to make an immediate left. After the first intersection, I have no lights or Stop signs, so I have right of way the entire way. The other three directions have Stop signs, but most drivers don't realize that as I'm coming in, I have right of way over them. The most dangerous is the northern side going south, since they usually try to drive in front of me as I'm taking that left. So many close calls there, since people simply cannot process this intersection.


    @chubertdev said:

    After the first intersection, I have no lights or Stop signs, so I have right of way the entire way. The other three directions have Stop signs, but most drivers don't realize that as I'm coming in, I have right of way over them.

    There was a similar intersection in Michigan. Whenever I'd go there, the car in front of me would invariably stop despite having the right of way. My theory is that they hallucinate a Stop sign because they expect to see one there.

  • My route to work takes me on a highway which is three lanes one way and three lanes the other. Going westbound to work is easy because it's completely opposite normal rush hour traffic, but I stick to the middle lane to stay out of the way of the onramp and offramp traffic. Common courtesy.

    So I was nearly to my turnoff and I needed to get in the right lane for my exit. The speed limit was 65mph, I was doing 70, and the 12 other cars (remember, opposite of rush hour, there's hardly ever traffic for me) were doing closer to 80. I had my right turn signal on, but for some reason all the knuckleheads in the middle lane behind me felt it necessary to pass me on the right and keep me from changing lanes, rather than doing the sensible thing and using the completely-empty left lane.

  • If it's a free flowing lane, why is there a crosswalk there?

    There's also another giant yellow line in front of it. Both of those things hint at there being a stop there instead of it being free flowing.

  • @JazzyJosh said:

    If it's a free flowing lane, why is there a crosswalk there?

    There's also another giant yellow line in front of it. Both of those things hint at there being a stop there instead of it being free flowing.

    Pedestrians would have right of way over me, but there are no Stop signs, so no need to stop.

    This intersection is very poorly designed.

  • Don't put the crosswalk there and just make pedestrians walk around.

    Though to be fair people would cross even if the crosswalk wasn't there.

    And what about the giant yellow line?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Pedestrians would still have right of way. So the lines hopefully clue in the drivers that they should be aware of them.

  • @Groaner said:

    One guy I used to work with liked taking the Mormon Temple curves around 120... at 3AM


    oh, yea, the banking and easements on those turns are perfectly set up for 120.

    No. They. Are. Not.

    Maybe at 3am - and if you use all four lanes....

    ... but I just get a tad nervous when the banking is set up bass-ackwards.

  • Oh that thing.

  • I work a couple blocks over from there. I recognized the lot immediately because of how stupid the whole thing is.@chubertdev said:

    <img src="/uploads/default/10148/c257f4f81197d2aa.png" width="690" height="391">

    Here's one that really sucks for me, near where I live. I'll be going west on the road at the bottom, then take a right (through a light) into the shopping plaza, and have to make an immediate left. After the first intersection, I have no lights or Stop signs, so I have right of way the entire way. The other three directions have Stop signs, but most drivers don't realize that as I'm coming in, I have right of way over them. The most dangerous is the northern side going south, since they usually try to drive in front of me as I'm taking that left. So many close calls there, since people simply cannot process this intersection.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @chubertdev said:

    Here's one that really sucks for me, near where I live.

    Christ on a crutch, that intersection!

    Here in Dallas, they attempt to solve the problem FIRST BY NOT HAVING SUCH INSANE INTERSECTIONS but also by putting up signs that say "INCOMING TRAFFIC HAS RIGHT OF WAY" and more prominent stop lines.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    By the way, those are apparently real. The supermarket closest to me uses those and there are frequently a small pile of carts in front of them, so I tried moving one across the line recently, and a wheel does, in fact, lock up.

    I assume there's an induction coil, which makes me wonder if you could go over the island instead, but I have no desire to steal a shopping cart.

  • @FrostCat said:

    but I have no desire to steal a shopping cart.

    All I got out of this post is your name isn't Bubbles.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:



  • Imagine that, I finally try to make a pop-culture reference and someone doesn't get it. Normally I'm the one not understanding.

    There's a show called Trailer Park Boys and one of the main characters is named Bubbles. He makes a living by stealing grocery carts from one mall and selling them to the other mall.

    I only watched 3 - 4 episodes and that's about all I got out of it.


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    There's a show called Trailer Park Boys

    I've literally never heard of that, but I got rid of cable about a year ago.

  • I watched a few episodes on YouTube. I've never had actual TV service since living on my own.

    Basically they're three Canadian dudes living in a dysfunctional trailer park and the whole show is about the dumb stuff they do in between jail terms.

  • This afternoon on my way back from lunch, I was headed east on a 2-lane highway. There was absolutely no oncoming traffic, and no one behind me for at least 1000'. I was at the end of 4 or 5 cars.

    A guy in a van waiting at a stop sign decided to cut me off, turning left into my lane just in front of me. He accelerated so hard that his trunk door flew open causing him to abort his turn and stop on the shoulder just in front of me.

    Thanks, guy. You couldn't have waited another 5 seconds for me to pass?

  • @fwd said:

    I work a couple blocks over from there. I recognized the lot immediately because of how stupid the whole thing is.

    UCSD, I'm guessing? Or the temple? 😆

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