The Official Status Thread

  • status Huh. I still have memory... (the joys of compiling CEF)


  • Status: Getting spammed by a phone number with too many digits

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Isn’t SIP wonderful?

  • @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: The gym I'm going to seems to have financial issues. Because otherwise I cannot explain the increasing amount of training machinery which is out of order. Last count were three treadmills, two steppers, three cross-trainers, two biceps thingies (different ones, though), both thingies for torso twists. Another treadmill just displays "Test mode" and yet another cross-trainer displays "please enter password". The drink dispenser is chronically out of syrup, regularly out of CO2 (to provide sparkling water) and today it seems that the cooling mechanism also failed because the "chilled" water was room temperature. Several of the electronic NFC lockers don't lock. The device in the locker room you can hold your wrist band to to display your locker number also is out of order.

    They're also at the more expensive end (they didn't have those problems when I joined up two years ago) and are a bit more inconveniently located than their competitors.

    They also didn't reply to my email of complaint despite having previously advertised "Complaints? Write us under..." on their announcement boards in the gym. Plus, where there were regularly three persons at the reception, now I'm always seeing only one.

    Oh, and several of those machines are broken for months now - the signs stating: "Machine out of order. Technician has been notified" now also have comments below them stating: "Technician out of order. Mortician has been notified".

    When a business costs more than their competitors, and still can't afford to do routine maintenance, it suggests that it's on hospice care. I assume that when your membership contract runs out that you will not be renewing.

  • @jinpa said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: The gym I'm going to seems to have financial issues. Because otherwise I cannot explain the increasing amount of training machinery which is out of order. Last count were three treadmills, two steppers, three cross-trainers, two biceps thingies (different ones, though), both thingies for torso twists. Another treadmill just displays "Test mode" and yet another cross-trainer displays "please enter password". The drink dispenser is chronically out of syrup, regularly out of CO2 (to provide sparkling water) and today it seems that the cooling mechanism also failed because the "chilled" water was room temperature. Several of the electronic NFC lockers don't lock. The device in the locker room you can hold your wrist band to to display your locker number also is out of order.

    They're also at the more expensive end (they didn't have those problems when I joined up two years ago) and are a bit more inconveniently located than their competitors.

    They also didn't reply to my email of complaint despite having previously advertised "Complaints? Write us under..." on their announcement boards in the gym. Plus, where there were regularly three persons at the reception, now I'm always seeing only one.

    Oh, and several of those machines are broken for months now - the signs stating: "Machine out of order. Technician has been notified" now also have comments below them stating: "Technician out of order. Mortician has been notified".

    When a business costs more than their competitors, and still can't afford to do routine maintenance, it suggests that it's on hospice care. I assume that when your membership contract runs out that you will not be renewing.

    Yeah. As I said, there are two new gyms for a lesser rate with less of a distance to my home.

    But gyms in general (and other businesses, of course) will take a bit of a hit when a proposed bill comes into force which forbids two-year contracts (the new maximum would be 1 year) which also reduces the cancellation period to one month (previous maximum: 3 months). Automatic renewal if you don't cancel will still be allowed but will be reduced to 3 months of additional runtime (previous maximum: 1 year).

    Will be interesting to see who will cope with that by which means.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Am out of oomph, and it's only 8:15 am.

    Unrelated (?) question: why are the majority of my dreams about me being back in college as an undergraduate? In-dream me knows that I have a PhD already and don't really belong there, but there I am...

    I used to have those from time to time. I think it's wish-fulfillment. You actually have more independence as a college student then you'll ever have again. (Why you dream about undergrad specifically, I don't know.)

  • @jinpa said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Am out of oomph, and it's only 8:15 am.

    Unrelated (?) question: why are the majority of my dreams about me being back in college as an undergraduate? In-dream me knows that I have a PhD already and don't really belong there, but there I am...

    I used to have those from time to time. I think it's wish-fulfillment. You actually have more independence as a college student then you'll ever have again. (Why you dream about undergrad specifically, I don't know.)

    I'm not sure. Undergrad was a bit of a pain for me (socially more than anything...academically I've never really had to work). I've come a long way since then.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: Was sure these servers were using BIOS mode, formatted the install USB stick accordingly yesterday. Get down here and get ready to reload the first one... they're running UEFI. Whelp, I guess that's 20 more minutes of reformatting.

    At least I got the virtual console app fixed, so I can fall back to virtual DVD if the USB stick still bitches after this.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Subsequent Status: Initial server network setup via PowerShell suuuuucks

  • @e4tmyl33t said in The Official Status Thread:

    XBOX One controller works ALMOST well enough but doesn't have nearly enough buttons. Some of that I can mitigate with VoiceAttack...but it would be nice to be able to have the ability to rotate the ship without also turning it.

    The new-default configuration solves it with button chording -- hold a face button to see options and tap a shoulder button or the D-PAD -- and it has pitch and yaw on left stick and roll and vertical strafe on right stick so you can rotate without turning. You can also attach a chatpad to be able to tap keyboard buttons for extra controls.

    (My personal preference is H+V strafe on right stick, and pitch + roll on left stick, with "yaw into roll" set to "low roll", so a low input turns the ship and a high input spins the ship. But I'm weeeeird.)

  • sekret PM club

    @TwelveBaud said in The Official Status Thread:

    @e4tmyl33t said in The Official Status Thread:

    XBOX One controller works ALMOST well enough but doesn't have nearly enough buttons. Some of that I can mitigate with VoiceAttack...but it would be nice to be able to have the ability to rotate the ship without also turning it.

    The new-default configuration solves it with button chording -- hold a face button to see options and tap a shoulder button or the D-PAD -- and it has pitch and yaw on left stick and roll and vertical strafe on right stick so you can rotate without turning. You can also attach a chatpad to be able to tap keyboard buttons for extra controls.

    (My personal preference is H+V strafe on right stick, and pitch + roll on left stick, with "yaw into roll" set to "low roll", so a low input turns the ship and a high input spins the ship. But I'm weeeeird.)

    Huh. Didn't know that was a thing. I've been using a "custom" variant of one of the older default "controller" keybind sets for a while, because VoiceAttack demands a "custom" keybind set for some weird reason. Though now that I've been flying again for a few days I'm used to the binds being what they are and it'll probably fuck me up somewhere...though I think I might be able to bind X on that controller since I don't recall it actually doing anything in my current setup...

  • Status: Just told my brother that creating http://brothers-homepage/marriage as a subpage in his WordPress installation and then simply pointing http://brother-and-fiancee to that subpage ain't gonna fly.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    academically I've never really had to work

    I hate you.

  • Status: Modified some source code for debugging why a particular part of it isn't working as expected. Forgot to tell the build scripts to use the modified code instead of the original for the experiment. 11 hours wasted.

  • Status: Also getting spammed with Apple password reset emails. Is it a full moon today or something?

  • Status: The latest firmware update for my Prusa Mk3 printer now does a 7x7 grid calibration routine for bed leveling (previously only 3x3). In combination with replacing the original space holders with steel springs, this allowed me to get down to 0.15 mm accuracy. That's pretty good for a consumer 3D printer and without the springs I only achieved 0.3 mm. Which means that this:


    Now can do this:


    Yes, wooden table!

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    academically I've never really had to work

    I hate you.

    I had to hide that all through high school and college so I didn't get lynched. I never really studied. I'd do the homework (if it was graded), I'd go to class, but my notes sucked and I never read the book. I didn't even buy half of them if I didn't need them to do homework.

  • @Benjamin-Hall If you're trying to make me hate you less, it didn't work. 😜

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall If you're trying to make me hate you less, it didn't work. 😜

    ERR_NOT_AN_ERROR :trollface:

    I was that kid. The one who never tried and didn't have the courtesy to actually do poorly as a result. Or the social sense not to tell everyone how well I did. That was (a small) part of my social problems.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    @HardwareGeek Do you not get reimbursed for jury duty??

    IIRC, something like $15/day, so maybe enough to buy lunch, starting the second day you're actually empanelled as a juror. The time you're required to be in court waiting to be selected, interviewed by counsel, dismissed because you're a recreational arsonist, etc., or if the trial is done in one day, you don't even get that miserable pittance.

    In our state you get $15 if you show up. If you are selected to serve on a jury you get an additional $40 and $40/day for each additional day you have to serve.

    Still a pittance, but the $15 I will get will cover my parking and have $5 left over.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    academically I've never really had to work

    I hate you.

    We also don't know how difficult his schools were. I hate when people sort first by grades, "This guy had a 3.1 from Strayer, so he must be a harder worker than this guy who got a 2.9 from Cal Tech".

    But there are people who don't have to work hard even to get A's at top-level schools.

  • @jinpa said in The Official Status Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    academically I've never really had to work

    I hate you.

    We also don't know how difficult his schools were. I hate when people sort first by grades, "This guy had a 3.1 from Strayer, so he must be a harder worker than this guy who got a 2.9 from Cal Tech".

    But there are people who don't have to work hard even to get good grades at top-level schools.

    That's very true. And my grades (from decent schools for college) weren't super--I hung around the A/A- range in most classes, with one B- as my lowest.

    High school I took 6 AP tests (passed them all) and only got one B+ (in Yearbook my freshman year...:kneeling_warthog: was in full command there).

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    I was that kid. The one who never tried and didn't have the courtesy to actually do poorly as a result.

    I was the other kind of kid. The one who didn't need to try, but did so anyway and would mark the teacher's answers for correctness. School was boring.

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    mark the teacher's answers for correctness

    Teachers REALLY hate that

    I speak from experience 🙄

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    I didn't even buy half of them if I didn't need them to do homework.

    And now I have a literal stack of books I've never opened that I can't sell. In addition to the standard crippling loan debt.

    's amazing...

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    I was that kid. The one who never tried and didn't have the courtesy to actually do poorly as a result.

    I was the other kind of kid. The one who didn't need to try, but did so anyway and would mark the teacher's answers for correctness. School was boring.

    I routinely (in High school) would answer questions before the teacher could. Correctly. Without looking up.

    I was obnoxious in high school. But always in that way that kept the letter of the rules, so I never got in trouble. Certain teachers hated me. For example, in 9th grade Honors English I wrote my final book report about Mein Kampf (in translation of course). I wrote it with malice aforethought, intentionally designed to push every single button the teacher had. But I wrote it well enough that she'd have to give me an A and hate doing so.

    I teach high school now as a form of penance for my sins against teachers.


    Status: Currently facing the choice of enduring this neck tension-induced headache of death or taking some pain killers and then hoping my nose doesn’t start to bleed unstoppably.

  • @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    mark the teacher's answers for correctness

    Teachers REALLY hate that

    I speak from experience 🙄

    I'm at that point where I'd actually love that. Just for once.

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    I was that kid. The one who never tried and didn't have the courtesy to actually do poorly as a result.

    I was the other kind of kid. The one who didn't need to try, but did so anyway and would mark the teacher's answers for correctness. School was boring.

    I was that kid in a few classes, not many. FORTRAN and Intro to Chemistry come to mind.

  • @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    mark the teacher's answers for correctness

    Teachers REALLY hate that

    I speak from experience 🙄

    I'm at that point where I'd actually love that. Just for once.

    From what you've told us about your students, I understand why.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Always the nosebleed.


    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Always the nosebleed.

    I‘m a bit sick so I’ve been having nosebleeds the last three or so days. That’s kind of annoying, but inhibited coagulation would presumably make it a lot worse.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    I was that kid in a few classes, not many.

    The only classes I found genuinely difficult were in foreign languages. (Also anything to do with sports except cricket. I was good better than most of my classmates at cricket.)

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    I was the other kind of kid. The one who didn't need to try, but did so anyway and would mark the teacher's answers for correctness. School was boring.

    I remember innocently questioning my second grade teacher when she said that there are four pints in a quart and two quarts in a gallon. "How dare you correct a teacher!" she replied. She never forgave me.

  • @sockpuppet7 said in The Official Status Thread:

    Took my kid to the circus, and one of their show was people in motorcycles running inside a sphere, called the globe of death. At the ending they bragged about one of the motorcyclists being just 12 years old. Is that even legal?

    Things are legal by default. If there's no law prohibiting children from riding motorcycles inside a sphere, then it's legal.

  • @jinpa With metric units, she wouldn't have hated you.

    Because you wouldn't have corrected her, because she wouldn't have gotten it wrong.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @jinpa With metric units, she wouldn't have hated you.

    Because you wouldn't have corrected her, because she wouldn't have gotten it wrong.

    Yeah, because teachers (and Europeans) can't be expected to figure out that there's four quarts in a gallon.


    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    Also anything to do with sports except cricket. I was good better than most of my classmates at cricket.

    Of all sports to not suck at, you picked that?! 😜

  • @hungrier I've gotten spammed by ones with too few. (Sometimes I pick up, it's always dead-air/click.)

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @jinpa said in The Official Status Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @jinpa With metric units, she wouldn't have hated you.

    Because you wouldn't have corrected her, because she wouldn't have gotten it wrong.

    Yeah, because teachers (and Europeans) can't be expected to figure out that there's four quarts in a gallon.

    "I mean, why would you try converting rocks into jugs?"

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Trying to stop depenetration from desyncing shit on the clients.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    Also anything to do with sports except cricket. I was good better than most of my classmates at cricket.

    Of all sports to not suck at, you picked that?! 😜

    It wasn't football, so the knuckleheads at my school couldn't cope with it. 🤷♂

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    I was that kid. The one who never tried and didn't have the courtesy to actually do poorly as a result.

    I usually read all my textbooks within the first 3 - 4 weeks and then goofed off the rest of the semester. My morning teachers would get really frustrated when they'd catch me napping in class. They'd wake me up and ask me a question on the spot, hoping to embarrass me in front of the class so I'd change my ways and pay attention, but then I'd answer it correctly and just go back to sleep. Eventually they quit waking me up and just let me sleep, and of course that really caused friction with some of the struggling students who got upset that they weren't allowed to sleep, too.

  • @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I want a third option on my incoming phone call screen that is "Locate the operator of the robocaller network and give him a lava enema."

    The best third option would be "Send SIT"

    Then your phone number would be marked as not valid 😇

    Status: SIT thing doesn't work on these robocallers. Also, the robocallers can now go straight to voicemail after I reject the call...I usually reject the call precisely to prevent having to log into my voicemail and delete the half-message that gets through.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    I was that kid. The one who never tried and didn't have the courtesy to actually do poorly as a result.

    I was the other kind of kid. The one who didn't need to try, but did so anyway and would mark the teacher's answers for correctness. School was boring.

    I routinely (in High school) would answer questions before the teacher could. Correctly. Without looking up.

    I was obnoxious in high school. But always in that way that kept the letter of the rules, so I never got in trouble. Certain teachers hated me. For example, in 9th grade Honors English I wrote my final book report about Mein Kampf (in translation of course). I wrote it with malice aforethought, intentionally designed to push every single button the teacher had. But I wrote it well enough that she'd have to give me an A and hate doing so.

    I teach high school now as a form of penance for my sins against teachers.

    I wish I could pull something like that. Unfortunately in college they don't actually have to give you an A.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Just rush-finished a feature I didn't want to rip out for the release due to it being incomplete. Let's see how badly it breaks...

    Did you died?

  • @Polygeekery said in The Official Status Thread:

    When he asked the lawyers if they had any objections the prosecution said they were fine with it and the defense said they were more than okay with it because I was on their list of people to dismiss anyway. I am not for certain if that was a compliment or an insult, but all the legal people chuckled.

    If you have any opinions at all, it's generally a safe bet that one side or the other will want you dismissed. They know that they're going to have a hard time telling you what to think, and it probably says more about the strength (or weakness) of the defense's case than it says about you.

  • Considered Harmful

    By the time you would have read this, you might have died.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @brie said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Polygeekery said in The Official Status Thread:

    When he asked the lawyers if they had any objections the prosecution said they were fine with it and the defense said they were more than okay with it because I was on their list of people to dismiss anyway. I am not for certain if that was a compliment or an insult, but all the legal people chuckled.

    If you have any opinions at all, it's generally a safe bet that one side or the other will want you dismissed. They know that they're going to have a hard time telling you what to think, and it probably says more about the strength (or weakness) of the defense's case than it says about you.

    Honestly, I bet it came down to the questionnaire. On part of it you list professional, social and political action orgs your belong to. I listed the NRA, GOA, NSSF and some others.

    Being that it was a murder trial, I am guessing that the defense wouldn't want a gun rights advocate on the jury. That's my WAG.

    Real edit: Also, white dude and gun rights advocate and a black murder defendant. He probably assumed I am a RWNJ. Probably assumed I might be racist.

    He would be wrong on both counts, but as a defense attorney in the Midwest it would be better to assume that and be wrong than to not and miss out on an asshat.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Polygeekery oh, sure, yeah, erred on the side of caution, that's what happened, m'hmm.

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