The Official Status Thread

  • CNBC Headline: WHAT IS GOLD?

    Thanks for educating me CNBC


    Of course that was followed closely by: WILL THE GLOBAL MONETARY SYSTEM COLLAPSE? The answer of course being, "It's not, but even if it did there's nothing you could do about it"

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    Again, I would have, it was only me in the picture.

    How the fuck is that relevant. If you're sick, you call in sick.

    I'm not sick enough to call in sick. And then my wife would have to call in sick too, because she literally is under doctor's orders not to drive, and it was too late in the morning for her to call in "emergency sick". (She's a teacher. They get boned on sick days and sick day rules).

  • @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm not sick enough to call in sick. And then my wife would have to call in sick too, because she literally is under doctor's orders not to drive,

    So... you can't call in sick because your wife can't drive?

    What the hell is the causal relationship between "can't call in sick" and "wife can't drive"? Because I sure as fuck ain't seeing one.

    "Oh man, I want to call in sick but I can't because Earl Warren, 367 Main St., Nome, Alaska got a new Xbox less than 4 months ago." What the hell. Makes about as much sense.

    EDIT: oh man this just reminded me of that Coleman Francis movie where the guy goes, "she's been blind ever since her husband was killed in the war" and the 'bots get all confused trying to figure out the causal relationship between the two things.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    Someone's gonna be a pedantic dickweed in... 5... 4... 3... 2...

    Most people mean "the 48 contiguous states" when they say "continental", even though technically "continental" includes Alaska. I was following the common usage.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat Saturday night Live

    I think SNL is one show that did always do two live broadcast. Every great once in a while you'll hear that a joke that ran on the Eastern showing was pulled from the Pacific one.

    (Anyone ever notice that the US has Eastern/Pacific time zones, not Atlantic/Pacific or Eastern/Western? Well, the time zone east of Eastern is Atlantic, which covers parts of Canada, maybe Greenland, the Caribbean, and some of South America.)

  • @blakeyrat the real solution is you stop entering people dreams for asking stupid shit like road names

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    So... you can't call in sick because your wife can't drive?

    Someone who's well enough to drive his wife to work can't realistically claim to be sick enough that he can't go to work too.

    I mean, I suppose if his office is 2-3x or more farther away than her school is from their home, there's probably a very narrow window where he could drive her to work but not himself. But that's pretty specific.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @fbmac said in The Official Status Thread:

    @blakeyrat the real solution is you stop entering people dreams for asking stupid shit like road names

    Preserved because it's funny.

    There was a SpongeBob SquarePants episode where he was going into other people's dreams and pissing them off. Only SpongeBob did it inadvertently.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Nope, nothing weird about this. (I've seen other people mention it, first time it happened to me.


  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    What the hell is the causal relationship between "can't call in sick" and "wife can't drive"? Because I sure as fuck ain't seeing one.



  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:


    Why can't you get a cab for her, you cheapskate Kates?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @FrostCat said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:


    Why can't you get a cab for her, you cheapskate Kates?

    Fuck you, give me cab fare.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    Fuck you

    You're not my type.

  • My Rondonrats playlist just hit Take Me To The Place by Local Sound Style, which is funny because it's entirely in bad engrish, but sounds like a really average song.

    LOCAL SOUND STYLE - Take Me To The Place – 04:34
    — fabtonerecords

    The comments seem to really like it.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @FrostCat said in The Official Status Thread:

    Someone who's well enough to drive his wife to work can't realistically claim to be sick enough that he can't go to work too.

    Going to work is different to being at work for 8 hours, being productive and not infecting your coworkers

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Jaloopa said in The Official Status Thread:

    not infecting your coworkers

    Lack of sleep isn't contagious.

    Yawns are, though.

  • Status: started a new job relatively recently. I'm part of a brand new team working on reimplementing from scratch and in-house a system that's currently outsourced.

    • We haven't got source control set up, but we, which is to say, developers, plural, working on different machines, have to start coding. So we're going to be sharing code by email.
    • I'm bringing my personal laptop in to work every day, because we haven't yet got kit we can code on. (Did I mention we have to start coding already?) We're supposed to finally get proper kit next Monday. If it happens when it's supposed to without a hitch it'll be the first thing that has since I started here.
    • My personal laptop needs to go in for repair. I got a call today that they've got the part it needs and I can arrange to bring it in. If I do that I can't work.
    • When we do get company kit, it's likely to be a Mac. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough, but I've interacted with a Mac just enough to know that I can't find my way around the interface at all. OK, call the hours lost to relearning how to do basic tasks personal development.
    • Similarly, I've always developed Java in Eclipse, but will be required to use IntelliJ. I'm sure it'll be fine once I'm used to it.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @CarrieVS To the Joel Test thread with you.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @CarrieVS said in The Official Status Thread:

    When we do get company kit, it's likely to be a Mac. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough, but I've interacted with a Mac just enough to know that I can't find my way around the interface at all. OK, call the hours lost to relearning how to do basic tasks personal development.

    Don't forget about the keyboard layout being sufficiently different to be irritating.

  • status Annoyed at the radio this morning. I wake up (softly) to the radio. Assholes ran an Emergency Broadcast System test 5 minutes later. Well, it did make sure I didn't oversleep today...

  • @Lorne-Kates


    Jeez. Drive her to work, then go home and sleep. How hard can it be? You just turn right onto Weldrick and then it's straight ahead.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Jaloopa said in The Official Status Thread:

    @CarrieVS To the Joel Test thread with you.

    You can test my Joel, baby.

    1. I'll control your source. We'll branch. We'll merge. I can't wait to tag every version of you
    2. You can make my build with any number of steps you can manage
    3. Daily build? Oh yeah, baby. Every. Single. Night.
    4. Bug database? Nah, honey-- I'm clean and tested.
    5. Before starting anything new I always make sure you're all finished, sugar.
    6. I'm up to date on all your schedules. We'll be done on time and together. Perfect synchronizations between EVERY department, baby.
    7. I know every inch of your spec, sweet one. No fumbling around looking for a fit. I know exactly where everything goes.
    8. We've got a nice quiet, private place to work-- but honey, you can be as loud as you need to be. Oh yeah.
    9. I have the best tool for you, baby. But I don't mind if you need some third-party tools, too. Whatever hums your blimp, sugar.
    10. I've tested my techniques over and over-- and sugar, it turns me on to know you've perfected your pitches, too. Nothing like experience to work out the kinks, if you know what I mean.
    11. Mmm, we can slip into my office, spread those legs and do a practical interview right now. I'll bring the fizz if you bring the buzz.
    12. Oh baby, you're frisky. Can't even wait to get into the office. I just wanna grab you right here in the hallway and use you. They say five or six is enough.

    :giggity: dear god i need some extra sleep

  • @Lorne-Kates I don't see why you can't call in sick and then also drive her to work. Why are those two things mutually-exclusive?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Lorne-Kates I don't see why you can't call in sick and then also drive her to work. Why are those two things mutually-exclusive?

    Because then I'd also have to drive back home, then drive to get her again at 3pm. We work within a 5 minute drive of each other.

    If I'm well enough to drive her to work, I'm well enough to go into work because I'm pretty much already there.

    If I'm not well enough to drive, I'm not well enough to drive DOUBLE the amount I would normally drive in a day.

  • Who remembers Merge Day?

    I read that a year or two ago, while at my first job and knowing little of the world, and thought "I didn't know that was wrong, we do that too."

    I reread this just now and I'm pretty sure I was working then for the company in question.

    Household name in the travel industry - check
    Be-all, end-all of e-commerce websites - check
    Pop-up Potpourri interface - check (at least, on the older parts of the site. It was improving)
    Enterprise Source Control Management Solution - check and mate: my job for a year was to support the bloody thing. I could tell you stories.
    The major selling point of the ESCMS was its "branching" ability - check
    Using branches back to front - check
    Monthly release - check
    Code freeze before release - check
    Merging code for the release - check

    I didn't experience the Merge Day phenomenon, because I wasn't part of any of the development teams. I just had to make sure everything had been merged correctly, a million other things, actually do the front-end deployment, and generally act as the release-manager's b*tch (the guy got hold of the fact that I, out of my team, usually did the release work, and would email me personally instead of the team mailbox).

  • @Lorne-Kates So they aren't mutually-exclusive, just as I thought.

  • status Just finished installing build 14316 in a VM. Again. First time, the host system ran out of space and HyperV just shut it down hard. Cleaned up old VMs, freed up 100G.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Arantor said in The Official Status Thread:

    real Dew is more like just water, sugar and caffeine in a bottleethanol and whatever impurities the backwoods still didn't get rid of or that the "aging" process imbued.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Mikael_Svahnberg said in The Official Status Thread:

    @FrostCat said in The Official Status Thread:

    No, it does not need to be 68° in here

    I should hope not. Two more degrees and you can boil an egg there!

    Come back down to ground level.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cartman82 said in The Official Status Thread:

    am too lazy to find out

    Reading Email headers won't help? Shirley there would be some tracking there, and since it's yours they wouldn't spoof stuff like that, right?

    @Jaloopa said in The Official Status Thread:

    If I see something with an AmericanArizona timezone I first have to know that it doesn't wiggle around like the other ah* states like retards

    FTFY. One of the few benefits, but only if I'm relating my time outside the U.S.

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    having dreams where I had to wake up right away, because I had to get to work.

    Yeah, those nights are pretty terrible. High anxiety before, during, and after the event. At least your dream computers booted enough to get on "the internet". I had to bootstrap mine with floppies to get into Windows Setup and overlay the partition on the virtual disk image and... well, let's say it wasn't fun. Made no sense (you can't overlay partitions quite the way it worked in the dream, at least with Windows) and it prevented a lot of nightly maintenance to run due to excessive resource usage...

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    And at no point in this whole story do you say "who gives a fuck?" and move on with your life?

    I have yet to see you do this, why would I expect anyone else to?

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    Someone's gonna be a pedantic dickweed in... 5... 4... 3... 2...

    Awe damn, I really need to wake up earlier...

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    dear god i need some extra sleep

    I think I need to clean this chair now.... That was... weird. I think I may have just experienced, um, embarrassment? WTF?
    Land sakes, even :giggity: Engine seems to be dazed...

  • Status: Came into work. Did a stand-up meeting. Boss is WFH today. I have work items but I have zero motivation to actually work on them, nor are they under any time pressure. So...

    Just kind of surfing the web and waiting for something to come up. Maybe I'll dive into work after lunch.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Lorne-Kates So they aren't mutually-exclusive, just as I thought.

    If you blakeydefine the works "mutual" and "exclusive", sure.

    If you use English, no.

  • @Lorne-Kates Quiz: are these two statements identical?

    It's inconvenient to do both A and B

    It's impossible to do both A and B

    Did you answer yes? You might be a Lorne Kates! Ask your doctor.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: More than a little miffed over the "Badlock" hype. Especially since they went to great pains ahead of time to imply MS software was vulnerable too, when the bulk of the vulnerability (especially from an exploitability standpoint) is on the pure Samba side of the house. Oh well, gave me an excuse to cancel all meetings around actual release time...

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Yeah, those nights are pretty terrible. High anxiety before, during, and after the event. At least your dream computers booted enough to get on "the internet". I had to bootstrap mine with floppies to get into Windows Setup and overlay the partition on the virtual disk image and... well, let's say it wasn't fun. Made no sense (you can't overlay partitions quite the way it worked in the dream, at least with Windows) and it prevented a lot of nightly maintenance to run due to excessive resource usage...

    I've had similar ones. Trying to get my old computer running (from when I was still living at home). A 486 monstrosity. Even if I boot it up, I somehow start connecting to old BBSes (which are still running with people I knew chatting), but I can't get the chat features to work. Or I try to play a game that glitches out because of config.sys shit. Or I worry it has a virus and then BAM, virus on the screen. Lotsa dumb shit.

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I think I need to clean this chair now.... That was... weird. I think I may have just experienced, um, embarrassment? WTF?
    Land sakes, even Engine seems to be dazed...


  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Lorne-Kates Quiz: are these two statements identical?

    It's inconvenient to do both A and B

    It's impossible to do both A and B

    Did you answer yes? You might be a Lorne Kates! Ask your doctor.

    If you see the word "impossible", you might be a Blakeyrat Shoulder Alien!

  • Status:

    Stack Overflow surfin'. Quick answers:

    Mind your own fucking business.

    Watch the fucking movie again and pay attention this time, idiot. Lando says explicitly he's made a deal that'll keep his city out of the hands of the Empire forever.

    Interesting question. I've never seen any Starfleet salute, now that I think about it. They've stood at attention in a few circumstances.

    The top answer shows a few "salutes", but one is the Vulcan salute (not Starfleet thing, a Vulcan thing), and the other three are super-casual and obviously sarcastic.

    Apparently this was in the writer's bible.

    Read To Kill A Mockingbird, you illiterate jerk.

  • Because the entire concept of decentralized source control is stupid? And companies get on the Git bandwagon not because they seriously evaluated their needs, but because it was trendy.

    Pull over and find a bush.

    Moron. Everybody knows hotel checkouts are at 11:00ish, or 1:00 at the ABSOLUTE LATEST. If you had to wait until a flight at 10:30 PM you should have taken your luggage out of the room and put it in an airport locker or somewhere else safe. (Apparently according to the first answer, asking your hotel front desk to keep the luggage is generally fine and free. Huh. I usually have a rental car and keep it in the rental's locked trunk.)

    But no, you fucked it up like an idiot and had to pay for another hotel night, and now the whole Internet is laughing at you. But yes, yes it is legal. And your recourse? Don't be a moron.

    If the cost of living in that city is correspondingly lower, then you could definitely consider it. All-told, your quality of life will remain the same. (In theory at least.)

    Fun and creative? Go fuck yourself.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat I should know better but I'm amazed people ask such stupid questions.

  • @loopback0 The "work advice" or whatever it's called one is amazing, because every goddamned answer is: "ask the guy responsible."

    "Will my boss give me a day off if I ask nice?" "Well, gee, let's ask the internet instead of the one person in the entire UNIVERSE who could actually answer that question: your boss. Moron."

    The "should I snitch on my co-worker who takes off early?" one kind of takes the cake. I can only assume the person who asked that is not American, because that's so antithetical to every office I've seen in the US I couldn't even imagine asking.

  • Status: So, two of my classes are preparing for the finals (which means they don't have regular lessons anymore) and another two classes are doing a two week internship.

    Which means that for the next two weeks (starting monday) my teaching lessons will be reduced from 24 hours to a mere 14.

    I also wrestled with my Van de Graaff generator which simply didn't want to to produce more than a measly 1 kV. However, back in storage I found an older version which looks like this:


    It's a bit older and the rubber belt is not exactly first rate anymore. The motor doesn't quite grip the belt properly (will have to open it up tomorrow to see where the problem lies) but even when I pulled the belt manually, this thing packed quite a punch.

    Definitely more than 1 kV. The pupils, of course, were quite amused when I zapped myself several times. Though they declined when I offered that they could try the machine... weird, that.

  • This is the same problem I had when I tried to play that shitty open source MMO. I was there like 2 hours and not once did I find a pair of pants.


    If your enemies were dropping pants on a regular basis, you'd probably want a loincloth to save time... but I don't think Dark Souls 3 is that kind of game... – T.J.L.

    Wow the explanation of this one is confusing and weird, but looking at his examples I guess it's a good challenge. Let's see what languages are winning:

    "04AB1E" (yes, that is apparently the name of one of those shitty code golf languages)
    Pyth (two entries somehow?)
    MATL (not sure, but this might be a genuine language with useful uses, too lazy to Google)
    Factor (not winning, but I mention it because this one I actually like:

    [ dup natural-sort = ]

    AAAAA another Discourse bug nicely re-implemented here, I can't type a colon at the end of a line without ending up with a dumb emoji💯

  • @blakeyrat I'm not sure if you've ever used Visual Studio, but the intellisense popup has similar semantics:

    • If you push enter while the intellisense popup is active, it accepts the current option.
    • If you push esc while the intellisense popup is active, it dismisses the popup.

  • @ben_lubar I never saw the pop-up (the first time), I got the 💯 anyway.

    The second time I used the pop-up on purpose to draw the 💯, but that's just because I was trying to be cute and "demonstrate" the bug in the note about the bug, after fixing the original bugged text.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Today was all about writing yet another presentation about the architecture of what we do. With less infrastructure and more fairies user focus. Oh well, took the time to make a decent project presentation template while I was at it, which should save me a bunch of irritation in the future.

    But I'm getting fed up of not programming…

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Started the wrong Batch Processing package in Test. There are two main packages, and I'm working on the second. At the beginning of each package, it truncates a bunch of tables, and begins to load them back up with fresh data. Each of these packages takes an average of about an hour to complete.

    Guess what I'm doing for the next two hours (I still need to run the second package, after all)?

    On the plus side: queries return uber fast when their main tables are empty...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    0_1460523628650_upload-5c9c82cb-b718-4e8c-ba4e-c037861541d9 ? ;)

  • Status: I've been playing TF2 in this same computer for many years and this had never happened before:

  • @anonymous234 so now you now it takes "many years" for it to deplete the memory. A restart once in a while may help?

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