The Official Status Thread

  • Considered Harmful

    (The Witcher)

    Can I fucking take 5 steps without another cutscene?

  • @error Will that one have haggis and whisky?

  • Banned

    Status: Coding session interrupted by a phone call from another world asking for help with a computer. The clock was set 60 years into the future, Windows refused to bring it down below 2050, and BIOS only let it change one month at a time. And there were 5 different computers with the same issue (all with same mobo model), so it would take too damn long.

    The guy is half-tech-savvy, so my first question was...

    Gąska: Have you tried clearing CMOS?
    👨: No. I tried 10 other things, and I was about to try it next.

    (le few moments later)

    👨: It worked! Thanks a lot! You're the man!

  • You mean we will still be using Windows in 2080?! :doing_it_wrong:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Windows refused to bring it down below 2050

    I really want to try this now...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Watching a random public webcam.

    Streets are pretty clear at 10pm...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: The new ConCrescent 3 is starting to come together!



    One of these day's I'll figure out how to get the favicon updated....

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: preparing to attend a lifestyle party

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    (The Witcher)

    Can I fucking take 5 steps without another cutscene?

    Not what I was expecting...


    Status: It's been half an hour and I just now realized that I'm listening to the same song on a loop. 🤔

    Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-26 um 18.31.48.png

  • Considered Harmful

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: preparing to attend a lifestyle party

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    (The Witcher)

    Can I fucking take 5 steps without another cutscene?

    Not what I was expecting...

    👀 :arrows:

  • @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm listening to the same song on a loop

    At least it's a good song 🤟

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm listening to the same song on a loop

    At least it's a good song 🤟

    Good beer, too.



    Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-26 um 23.53.36.png

    That's... a lot of :magnets_having_sex:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin Twitter links.



    @loopback0 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @topspin Twitter links.


    Guess I have them blocked? Didn't realize (or remember) that.

  • Status: Reading another Slashdot whine and unable to remember the last time I saw a PHP job posted.


    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Reading another Slashdot whine and unable to remember the last time I saw a PHP job posted.

    I didn't even read TFS and just thought it was a case for Betteridge.


    Status: I just understood the meaning of the angle square brackets in @Vixen's NSFW thread posts. Gosh, I feel really slow now.

  • @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I just understood the meaning of the angle brackets in @Vixen's NSFW thread posts. Gosh, I feel really slow now.


  • Played Doom (2016) on PC on Saturday. Some relatives of my wife came to visit. One of them comes to watch me play for a moment.

    👩 : "So, do you two play anything together?"
    👨 : "Well, we played Torchlight 2 and Orcs Must Die 2, but haven't found anything good that doesn't make her dizzy in a while. You know, all that motion sickness."
    👩 : "Oh. I get you. I'm feeling nauseous already from all that movement on your screen."
    👨 : "... I'm bashing in heads on-screen in minute visceral detail, and that's what you get nauseous from."

    Punchline candidates:

    • What a time to be alive.
    • Takes half the fun out of playing Doom.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: Cafsugar withdrawl

  • Banned

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:


    Nrgative effects already show up.

  • @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Cafsugar withdrawl

    /me offers @izzion a :proper_tea:

  • Status: Finally ordered my Asus mini-PC. Haven't decided if I'll suffer through Windows 10, find a way to install 7 over it, or buy a replacement SSD for 7. The way I read the specs, it sounds like the SSD is on an M2 card but there's also a regular SATA port for a HDD that I can hijack for a regular SSD to dual boot. I just can't wait to get back to working on something during the day.

  • Status: Ever since being put on the mobile app team at this place, I've kind of been given busy-work. This web app, that legacy Java app... Nothing that uses my skills in the slightest. I've been trying to learn stuff, but it's been a struggle, and I get moved off things as soon as I get some bearing.

    Meanwhile my boss isn't impressed with how little I'm accomplishing, especially compared to the non-revenue-generating revamps I did to internal tools, which proved that I can get a lot of good work done quickly.

    The team I'm on is basically two guys who like to work alone in typical rockstar fashion, with some complicator's gloves to boot! And then also another guy and I, where he does support stuff and sets up boxes mostly from the look of it.

    My boss is right: I'm accomplishing nothing. But when I ask the other guys for work I can do, they only occasionally respond (though if I'm stuck on something, they're usually happy to help!). In the big meeting last week, my boss told them to find some work for me, and they said they might be able to get a list together in a week or two. But I have no other work right now!

    So yeah, bit frustrated honestly. Trying to poke around in Jira to see if I can find bugs or something...

  • Considered Harmful

    @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    Trying to poke around in Jira to see if I can find bugs undocumented workarounds for particular modes of operation requested by specific client that will cause rainstorm of brimstone and fried fish if fixed or something...


  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    Trying to poke around in Jira to see if I can find bugs undocumented workarounds for particular modes of operation requested by specific client that will cause rainstorm of brimstone and fried fish if fixed or something...


    No, see, here, those are features. This company rushes to do all of those at any cost. Bugs are when the ui doesn't work.

  • status Heard a quick thing on the radio on the way to work that made me go "what [the fuck] did I miss?"


  • @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    So yeah, bit frustrated honestly. Trying to poke around in Jira to see if I can find bugs or something...

    How much does your boss like you?

    It's been a long time since I worked somewhere that solving the no-work/boredom problem by looking for ways to help wasn't a fireable offense. You may want to save up some money before you go too far with your plan, if you weren't already doing so (sounds like this isn't the first time you've been left with no work and no response). Unemployment and job searching are bad enough without having to juggle bills on top of that.

  • @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    It's been a long time since I worked somewhere that solving the no-work/boredom problem by looking for ways to help wasn't a fireable offense

    it shouldn't be.....

    but the unfortunate reality is that it often is.

    if you're in the situation where you've asked for work and management isn't filling that need.... don't go over their head to find work. that's not going to end well for you. Instead decide if you're willing to live with this level of productivity and either sit back and enjoy the mismanagement, or if you're the sort of person others want to be working with start using the extra time to discretely search for a new job. because that's also a fireable offense at some places (not all) and is far more likely to give you long term satisfaction than looking for work and getting fired for poking the wrong bear.

  • @Zenith he's the one telling me to ask the team for more tasks. They aren't terribly forthcoming, and he's of the opinion that I'm not trying hard enough.

    Looking for bugs in jira is also how we're supposed to work in a theoretically agile environment.

  • @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zenith he's the one telling me to ask the team for more tasks. They aren't terribly forthcoming, and he's of the opinion that I'm not trying hard enough.

    Then he's lousy at his job. It's not your responsibility to find work. By pushing it off on you, he's trying to make it look like it's your fault. Document every time that you've asked for work and not received any help, if not your entire day's (lack of) activities. It will help if they decide to fight your unemployment claim down the line for "failure to perform."

    Seriously, "lack of work" is the single loudest alarm for me when it comes to jobs. I've lost six over waiting for instructions that never materialized or taking initiative that somebody didn't like. I can barely hear myself read your post over the alarms going off between my job and what you've posted.

    @Vixen That's exactly it. No short term satisfaction you might get from solving a problem "they" don't want solved compares to the long term satisfaction of working somewhere that what you do matters.

  • @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zenith he's the one telling me to ask the team for more tasks. They aren't terribly forthcoming, and he's of the opinion that I'm not trying hard enough.

    Then he's lousy at his job. It's not your responsibility to find work. By pushing it off on you, he's trying to make it look like it's your fault. Document every time that you've asked for work and not received any help, if not your entire day's (lack of) activities. It will help if they decide to fight your unemployment claim down the line for "failure to perform."

    Seriously, "lack of work" is the single loudest alarm for me when it comes to jobs. I've lost six over waiting for instructions that never materialized or taking initiative that somebody didn't like. I can barely hear myself read your post over the alarms going off between my job and what you've posted.

    @Vixen That's exactly it. No short term satisfaction you might get from solving a problem "they" don't want solved compares to the long term satisfaction of working somewhere that what you do matters.

    So, the core of the problem is that the two main people on this project very much enjoy working alone and doing big projects without much oversight. They've been very effective at this. Our company now wants to work in a more agile way, and have more people know how to work with the system. Also, there's a big push to get the next big base version of the code ready for some projects. The point is, tasks aren't being split up effectively for anyone in the team to be able to grab them.

    I think that my boss wants them to feel some pressure to get working that way. There are actually a few things that I think I could grab, but they sound like they aren't ready for me to pick them up yet. It's just all in a messy spot right now.

    I definitely don't think it's quite the problem you're talking about. But it certainly has made me think of applying elsewhere. I would seriously be happy to just sit around building basic crud apps at this point.

  • @Magus and again, until recently, I had work to do, it was just one project after another that I was ill-equipped to work on, and was therefore painfully slow. It took me a month to do things some of the other guys could have done in an hour, because I had to learn another giant architecture and framework and language. This caused me to slack off a bit too of course, which didn't help with the productivity. I didn't want to ask too many questions, because at some point it'd devolve into them just having me type the code and me still learning nothing.

    So yeah, frustrating. Very. And partially my fault for sure. But man could I be accomplishing more.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    he's of the opinion that I'm not trying hard enough.

    I'd start cc-ing him on your communication attempts then. Provide that paper trail.

  • Went directly to one of the guys, and he looked in jira and only found one thing that's properly ready to be worked on, but now I have a thing!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: finding it odd but strangely logical that everytime I have a good shit, I'm also fairly ravenous.

    Therefore, being hungry causes me to defecate!

  • I still can't get over how fucking complicated ASP.NET Core is. I've put weeks of my life into learning this shit, and every time I think I have the bare minimum down, it hits me with something new that I need to learn, and that's another week gone.

    Like holy shit it's so frustrating.

  • @anonymous234 interesting. I've mostly found the opposite. Controllers are simple, and then it's just a matter of partial views and some razor stuff, but it's never seemed too bad.

    Every time I have issues with it it tends to actually be all the weird web frameworks people pile on.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: finding it odd but strangely logical that everytime I have a good shit, I'm also fairly ravenous.

    Therefore, being hungry causes me to defecate! is :arrows:.

  • status I need to find about 38 hours worth of webinars or passive online courses (free, ideally) that I can do while doing other things. I'm behind on my professional development hours since my big set (leaning Swift) rolled off and we're being reaccredited this year.

  • Java Dev

    Status: Getting screwed by the danish. Awaiting delivery of camera, which was sent from Denmark. Said delivery today, then this morning updated to delivery tomorrow of course, because the lazy asses in Denmark apparently does nothing during the weekend.


    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: finding it odd but strangely logical that everytime I have a good shit, I'm also fairly ravenous.

    Therefore, being hungry causes me to defecate!

    https­:// is :arrows:.

    🔧 FTFT

  • @Magus The part that's giving me grief right now is authentication (and friends).

    First there's authentication, and authorization, and identity, which is authentication + stuff, but I have no idea where authentication ends and identity begins. And there seem to be no less than three Azure systems (Azure AD, Azure AD B2C, Microsoft Identity Platform) that it keeps insisting I should use, but let's not get distracted by those.

    So there's authentication providers (which one?), and they need authentication schemes (which one?), and they give you the classes IdentityUser and ClaimsPrincipal which apparently comes from "Windows Identity Foundation" and implements "claims-based identity" that I really really don't want to learn about. And then there's external login providers that I don't know where they go in the whole pipeline. And then you need to customize everything (like how do I not require an email?) and integrate those user classes into your actual application logic.

    Edit: and the model binding! Transparently converting HTTP parameters to arbitrary .net classes can be a bit hairy. For example, just making a page with two forms ("create A" "create B") breaks ModelState.IsValid because now you have two objects to bind and one of them is empty.

    And also a "model" and a "PageModel" are completely different things so you better not mix them up.

  • @Atazhaia said in The Official Status Thread:

    Getting screwed by the danish.


    (I leave the "screwed" part to your imagination, although I'm sure the internet has that if you search enough.)

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Atazhaia said in The Official Status Thread:

    Getting screwed by the danish.


    (I leave the "screwed" part to your imagination, although I'm sure the internet has that if you search enough.)

    i'm imagining that scene from American Pie now where.... just....

    look I get you're a teen and hormones do strange things to brains but...... if there's literal steam still coming off the piedanish...... DON't STICK YOUR DICK IN IT!

    that's just common sense safety!

  • @anonymous234 yeah, Auth is hard. I'm fighting with that in blazor, where they don't give you any defaults currently. And I need that to even get started with the plan I have. I don't think anything else can be nearly as bad as Auth.

  • @anonymous234 That model state garbage isn't unique to ASP.NET Core. I had to deal with that in a mishmash of WebForms/EntityFramework/UnityFramework. Wait until you try to save an object twice in the same context and it throws a word salad exception at you.

    Give me ASP.NET's classic ASP mode any day of the week.

  • Status: My brain sometimes autocompletes sentences with lines from Symphony of the Night cutscenes

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