The Official Status Thread

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Arantor said:

    something easier to set up and use than Drupal while having more power than out of the box WP

    Like Joomla? 😛

  • Yes. I've been doing PHP long enough that I know all 3,743 gotchas (I found a new one this week) and couldn't make a worse job of it, but would likely make a nice enough job of its guts but I'd probably fuck up UI/UX.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    @Arantor said:
    something easier to set up and use than Drupal while having more power than out of the box WP

    Like Joomla? 😛

    Wrong emoji there, you said :P but clearly meant 🚎 since Joomla isn't exactly an improvement over Drupal unless Joomla completely redesigned their UI any time in the last few years.

  • FoxDev

    Status: Wondering how long people are going to persist with

    I haven't seen it, therefore it doesn't exist

    After all,

    Absence Of Evidence Is Not Evidence Of Absence

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @Arantor said:

    I know all 3,743 gotchas (I found a new one this week)

    Any idea what would cause socket_create() to start failing with "resource temporarily unavailable"?

  • Which operating system? What parameters are going out to that socket_create?

    in case anyone cared, the 3,743rd gotcha, as discovered last week is that the manual page example for curl_multi_exec infinite-loops on Windows but not Linux

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @Arantor said:

    Which operating system?


    @Arantor said:

    What parameters are going out to that socket_create?


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said:

    able to use the toilet without someone holding their hands.

    At least 12% by volume of our employees are not capable of doing this, if restroom servicing observations are to be believed...

  • Why not just use SOL_TCP and save a function call in your function that definitely gets called multiple times per nanosecond?

  • Status: The Arduino Nano boards I bought are not usable for the purpose I bought them for - I didn't check whether they have an actual DA-converter and they promptly don't, instead resorting to this funny stepping mode where an output of 2.5 V is simulated by driving the connector with 5 V for 50% of the time.

    Seems I need an Arduino Due board for that. Oh, well. I may just repurpose those Nanos to measure the voltage of several pH-meter because an AD-converter, that one they do have.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @ben_lubar said:

    Why not just use SOL_TCP and save a function call in your function that definitely gets called multiple times per nanosecond?10 times every 3 seconds

    I forget why. I had a reason. I don't remember what it was, so I dunno if it was good or not. Probably not. Maybe that was one of my attempted fixes for the resource temporarily unavailable error or something. I went a little insane while trying to debug that last year, especially with the deadline looming and everything.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @Rhywden said:

    instead resorting to this funny stepping mode where an output of 2.5 V is simulated by driving the connector with 5 V for 50% of the time.

    Arduinos are lovable bastards like that.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    Are you finally admitting you were warned about the reboot?

    in all fairness, I also have never seen a Windows 10 update reboot warning. But it only ever does it in the wee hours of the morning or when I'm out at work/school, and long ago learned to save my work all the fucking time on everything, and I run an SSD anyway, so it's not much of a problem, even if by some chance it happens while I'm at my computer and doing something. I love SSD's by the way. That reminds me...

    Status: Last night, while playing Rust, I went on an excursion to a rad town, and me and my team encountered some dudes that were not in our team and were fond of shooting at us with crossbows. While trying to make some bandages to heal myself after taking one to the chest, my entire computer froze. I had to hard reboot, and, thanks to my SSD, made it back in-game in a couple minutes and was mercifully still alive. Until I got shanked by some kid with a spear who was shouting about not wanting to get shot because he's "friendly", and then he started running erratically on his way to me and I couldn't hit him with an arrow in time. Rule #1 of Rust: Trust no one. Should've shot that damn kid when he was standing still and I had a good shot.

  • Status:

    Today I've been consulted as an expert in two completely different things, then I saved data ops' bacon by fixing an issue they had with some XML files, and had like a 15 minute conversation with the CEO about business strategy.

    It's 1:30 PM and I feel like I've done enough for the day.

  • @mott555 said:

    There are some things that shouldn't be possible for a website to break.

    There's your problem! :disco:🐎 isn't a website, it's a ... <ponders/> ... fuck if I know...

  • I clicked the "Build Solution" button a minute or so earlier. I'm not sure how it decides if I'm idle.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @RaceProUK said:

    Mouse Jiggler


    Oh gosh, :giggity: Engine has been re-enabled, I wonder what kind of shenanigans I missed because of it...

  • The fun thing about reading this thread is that I actually have the exact opposite problem. A new build has not been installed in over a month, and my PC hasn't autorebooted at all in that time. For a while, it forcefully minimized things to tell me that it was erroring trying to update, but finally somehow fixed itself over the weekend.

    Then it gave me the usual notification, and asked if I'd like to reboot then, or automatically at a scheduled time on a chosen day, like i expect.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Thank you. If it works it is exactly what @Mott555 and I need.

  • status****strong text: debugging reentrancy problems caused by 2 minute WM_TIMER. :twiddle_thumbs: (actually catch up here)

  • Status:

    How the HELL do you lose an Abrams?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    Status: The stupid, it burns! About halfway done compiling a Visual Studio project when Windows 10 decides to autoreboot for Windows Updates with no warning!!

    No, that's your fault. Just like it was last time, when it was pointed out that you get a couple of days warning!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    impossible to use for disabled people.

    TIL turning off JS is a disability.


  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    How the HELL do you lose an Abrams?

    I bet the militant group is going to suddenly find out, and it'll look somewhat like this:


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    How the HELL do you lose an Abrams?

    Given that the Palestinians showed a "captured" Israeli tank just last week, that turned out to have wheels, not to mention the soi-disant stealth fighter Iran showed off a couple of years ago, the safest bet is that it's not actually an Abrams, but something else mocked up to look like one.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    It's locked anytime I'm away from my desk for more than a few minutes.

    Hmmm. I dunno. Of course I learned years ago to close apps when I leave for the day and lock my terminal, so if it reboots it always does it overnight. But I'm used to seeing the "windows will reboot in 1 day" thing on the lock screen, too.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    Sorry, an errora discourse has occurred

    Status: Belgium these cootiesqualls! Belgium them to Belgium!

  • Did you watch the video? It's a pretty convincing mock-up, if it is one.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Of course I learned years ago to close apps when I leave for the day and lock my terminal

    This has become my habit too. Also helps prevent $browser errors due to :disco:🐎

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    I hadn't until now. But I went out to Wikipedia and I see that ISIS has captured several dozen Iraqi Abrams', some of which were destroyed by US airstrikes. So that is one way Iran could have gotten one. Wikipedia says that the Iraqi ones, which have weaker armor.

    It looks pretty realistic, for a fairly shakycam vid. I'm just saying it could be another tank modified to look like an Abrams. The Iranians have spent a lot of time faking stuff. Sometimes they get caught.

  • haha. I ran into that too. I had forgotten my #1 OS customization - power settings - when plugged in, don't fucking sleep. (also bump up the default monitor power down setting)

    Even more fun, then the Nov update first came out, if you installed a clean system without that, running updates would not pull that down right away. It took nearly a week.

  • @FrostCat said:

    These days it's probably best to just let Windows manage it.

    I do now...

    @FrostCat said:

    it's better than remembering to manually do it all the time.

    I actually just got in the habit of running it when I came in to work. If it needed to reboot, I was usually just finishing up catching up on my email.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    92 posts were split to a new topic: 🔥 When should Windows reboot? And does it warn you?

  • @FrostCat said:

    Given that the Palestinians yada yada...

    This was the first unread message in this topic. It took four tries to read it, because 🍠.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Polygeekery said:

    Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to remove all capability to choose which updates we want to install?

    Metro Crayon Interface.

    Windows 7 still works, yo.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Status In today's adventures of "Lorne ends up not getting himself killed"

    So I had a flat tire. Turns out I ran over a screw. And a nail. I don't think a patch kit is going to cover this. Which is annoying, because these are the expensive winter tires. And getting a new one bought and installed is time consuming. And expensive.

    BUT WAIT what's this? I'm storing my mother's winter tires, and she sold the car a while ago. I meant to sell the tires (with her permission of course), but now I notice they're the same size as my car. And they're on rims. Well fuck, I saw, this will be a piece of cake. Just buy a 2-ton jack (a kit that comes with blocks and a axle stands)-- a tire iron, and an adjustable pressure-wrench-- sweet, I'm set to go. Watch some GooTube videos on where to place the jack so I don't bend the car in half.

    :car: goes up, tire comes off. And now I'll just fit the new tire and rim on--- just hang on-- a bit to the left-- no wait now that bolt doesn't fit-- hmm.

    Did you know that even when two tires are the same size-- and even when they have the same number of bolts-- those bolts can be SLIGHTLY differently positioned so a rim that fit on my mom's Chrysler doesn't find on my Hyundai?

    Back to GooTube-- how do I take a tire off rims. Lots of videos, and ever single one of them uses a different technique. Turns out tires like to BOND to rims, and you need to apply a fuckton of pressure to "break the bead". People build these really massive complex machines to do it. I don't want to do that, so I settle on the "use a second jack, wedged between the car and tire, and rip it apart that way". Eventually works well enough but fuuuuuck-- so much moving tires on rims and extra jacking (:giggity:). This "quick switch" isn't so quick.

    Next up, how to actually get the tire off the rim. The rubber isn't on the metal, but imagine an elastic on a spool of thread. You still have to get it over that lip. The first lip is easy enough with a lever and a screwdriver. But then-- well, you have to lift the rim UP so the bottom of the rim touches the top of the tire. A rim is heavy. And you have to keep the tire from lifting off the floor. The tire is light. And then with your fourth and fifth hands you have to pry the rubber over the lip and--

    Flash forward to several hours later, many "fuck shit shit fucks" later, and me figuring out a wedge-and-lever system with some 2x4s, I finally have the rubber off the rims on the old tire and the new tire. It was like making the biggest poop you've ever made in your whole life-- if you've been saving poops for a year-- and instead of poop it's taking a rim out of a tire. Now given all that-- how the FUCK am I supposed to get the tire back on the rim? It's 1am apparently (I don't have a clock in the garage). I've lifted way too much and crawled around on way too much cement. To bed.

    My wife mentions what I'm doing to her friend, whose husband does all the car maintenance-- except for switching tires between rims. He says I am literally crazy to do this without a shop, he wouldn't even attempt it.

    Today, I watched another GooTube video on how to lube up a tire (:giggity:) and slip it into the rim (:giggity:). And by "slip it in", they mean wedging it under the car, putting your whole weight on it, and prying the fuck out of the tire until (insert more 💩 analogy here).


    Inflate, remount. Go for a test drive, and it works!

    So I didn't drop a car on myself, and the tire didn't fall off the car during the test drive. It only took me about 10x the amount of time and roughly the same price (in equipment) as taking it to a shop and buying a tire. But now I have the knowledge, and equipment, and I FUCKING DEFEATED THAT GODDAMNED FUCKING TIRE!


    Also, I changed a tailight bulb. 👍

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Lorne_Kates said:


    Impressive, I guess. Typically, even large-ish holes (up to like, 1/4 inch I think) are patchable so long as it's not on the side-wall and pretty cheaply too...

    Oh well. Achievement Get, right? 👍


    Status:strong text Why the :wtf: this POS Microsoft crap (remote desktop) does not let me paste into its fucking edit box:

    Now I have to enter long corporate name like a caveman. Give me open source-y stuff any day. Given enough time, open source sorts out its crap, closed source rots.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Impressive, I guess. Typically, even large-ish holes (up to like, 1/4 inch I think) are patchable so long as it's not on the side-wall and pretty cheaply too...

    Impressive for someone who came from a family that is absolutely NOT technically apt at all. I was never taught any car maintenance beyond checking the oil level-- and even that was from driving school.

    I wasn't going to risk a patch since there was both a giant nail in the tread, and a 2" long serrated deck screw lodged fairly darn close to the side-wall. I feel better with a functional tire anyways-- having a preggo wife in (almost) third trimester does that to you. =)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @dse said:

    Now I have to enter long corporate name like a caveman. Give me open source-y stuff any day. Given enough time, open source sorts out its crap, closed source rots.

    Even better: the remote machine can set a policy that rejects saved passwords. Or more specifically, it tells YOUR client not to send remote passwords.

    Unless you are running RDP from XP-- in which case it ignores that and logs in with the saved password anyways.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    lodged fairly darn close to the side-wall.

    Yeah, that would have probably tipped the scales. Still, a shop could have swapped out the tire on your rim in minutes instead of hours (again, for cheap if not free)....

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dse said:

    does not let me paste into its fucking edit box:

    Solution Workaround: Enter all your settings (if they're not default), Save the connection to a .RDP file, edit RDP file with text editor, paste server name as appropriate, save, and double-click.
    Relish in that you will never need to do it again because you have a sort-of shortcut file now that's up-compatible with future version of the client.

    Also: Update your client, pasting works in Vista and up IIRC.


    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Also: Update your client, pasting works in Vista and up IIRC.

    This is Windows 7 at work. I stopped using Windows when Windows 8 first came, and had almost forgotten how much I hated it. Install 7 Taskbar Tweaker to avoid some annoying shit, install sysinternals to remove crap, enter environment variables in a tiny box, ....

  • Probably not entirely relevant but who is the script running as and does it have write permissions to the folder it's in?

    The other option is that your /etc/protocols file is somehow incorrect.

  • @FrostCat said:

    TIL turning off JS is a disability.

    Underlying reason is that screen readers (as well as Braille output devices) kind of have trouble when the DOM is rejigged especially with the batshit crazy stuff Discourse pulls so for the purposes of supporting such devices, it's usually best to assume JS is off.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Watch some GooTube videos on where to place the jack so I don't bend the car in half.

    Is this what people do nowadays instead of opening the manual?

  • @dse said:

    Status:strong text Why the :wtf: this POS Microsoft crap (remote desktop) does not let me paste into its fucking edit box:

    Well it's because you copied from 2016, but then tried to paste on the other side of your timepod where it's 2003.


    @dse said:

    does not let me paste into its fucking edit box:

    :wtf: I paste pc names/ip's there every day. Only issue I have when copying from our config management thingy is it adds leading blanks for some shitty reason. I copy from a html page and I get leading blanks ...


    Hit Win start typing Remote Desktop and run the application. The screenshot is from web, I do not have Windows at home to take snapshot, got angry enough at work I had to status:strongtext it when reached home.


    From an upcoming Meetup Inc. event.

    We javascript guys are very attentive to details.

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