The Official Status Thread

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    I am repeating, and definitely not reflecting. Once again:

    Which is why it's wrong!

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Why would I need to reflect at any time? Granted, the second loop could be a foreach, but why bother when the current for loop is just as efficient?

    You're already doing excel interop. Your code is slow. Reflecting on the properties to do a single iteration instead of writing out line after line is definitely better!

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    if your IDE requires "online" access,

    It doesn't.

    Visual Studio Online is source control and issue tracking. Think GitHub, but not nearly as obnoxious. Or BitBucket, but not nearly as Java.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Magus said:

    You're already doing excel interop.

    No I'm not.

    @Magus said:

    Your code is slow.
    Works fine for the ~100 records it's supposed to read in.

    @Magus said:

    Reflecting on the properties
    Properties of WHAT? WHAT PROPERTIES?!?!

    @Magus said:

    single iteration instead of writing out line after line is definitely better!
    I'm not writing out line after line. The only writing happening is a batch import into the database after all the entities are created.
    What are you even talking about right now?!

    Should I ask to get this jeffed so we can chat about this? It seems you're quite passionate for something that was a mere side comment about something I'm going to be doing later...

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Eldelshell said:


    150 / true
    // 150

    You're so predictable JavaScript

    @RaceProUK said:

    Makes sense to me; JS coerces the bool to a number, and traditionally true is represented by 1

    If that's true 1 then 150 / false should be NaN or a Divide By Zero error, right?

    Fucking Javascript.

    Also, Firefox's dev tools cause jellypotato.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    BTW, how did you know so confidently that it was a land-line?

    For the same reason he was so certain the person was not calling from Bumbfuckistan using a spoofed Caller ID, or a local repeater.

    🚿 👽

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Visual Studio Online is source control and issue tracking. Think GitHub, but not nearly as obnoxious. Or BitBucket, but not nearly as Java.

    That's fucking obvious then, since "Visual Studio" is the IDE name, and "Online" is where Microsoft is moving all their Softwarez to. Not confusing naming at all, nopoe.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @accalia said:

    @Lorne_Kates said:
    or at least "more deets in Lounge"

    i am currently anonymizing to do just such a thing.

    the more you pester me for details the slower i shall anonymize.

    WHERE'S MY GODDAMN STORY @RaceFauxUK ?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?

  • Don't do Blakeyrat, only Blakeyrat can do Blakeyrat.

    Anyway that's a nice length way of saying, "I'm an ignorant motherfucker".

  • FoxDev

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    @RaceProUK said:
    Status: Annoyed because Visual Studio Online has come down with Discourse Syndrome*

    I've said it before, I'll say it again-- if your IDE requires "online" access, you're TRWTF

    And I've said it before and will again: VS2015 doesn't require online access. It's just in this case, everything is all part of an Azure/Sharepoint/VSTS thing my company uses, and it's all integrated.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:


  • It's simple. Once: Great, you did a new thing! Twice: You're good at this! Three times: Okay this is boring, maybe I should... Four Times: I wish I had written less buggy, repetitive code.

  • FoxDev

    @FrostCat said: what happened?

    I told them i would get it done with ecactly the same lead time they had before asking for the work to be done.

    now they're talking to my boss to get this done as an emergency project rather than production support because they fucked up and were WELL outside SLA for production support

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Magus said:

    Once: Great, you did a new thing! Twice: You're good at this! Three times: Okay this is boring, maybe I should... Four Times: I wish I had written less buggy, repetitive code.

    And... how does reflection help with that? Are you saying I should somehow abstract the xml reader I'm using to dynamically translate an target object's properties and reflect a reflection's sheet's column's cells to map a reflected row to do the copy?

    I'm afraid I'm just not getting your viewpoint, or our viewpoints are so mismatched we might as well be talking about cars versus ladybugs....

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    And... how does reflection help with that? Are you saying I should somehow abstract the xml reader I'm using to dynamically translate an target object's properties and reflect a reflection's sheet's column's cells to map a reflected row to do the copy?

    If it prevents you from typing thing.Wargarbl1.Value = quarg[Wargarbl1].Value 20 times, it might be considering!

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    For the same reason he was so certain the person was not calling from Bumbfuckistan using a spoofed Caller ID, or a local repeater.

    It was a recruiter, not a telemarketer. Recruiters may be incompetent and a bit slimy, but they want you to call them back so they can try to get their finder's fee, so a spoofed number makes no sense. While it's possible the recruiter is calling through a local repeater while physically located in Kerblekistan, given the incompetence typical of recruiters, actual location matching apparent location is a simpler explanation, thus more likely.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Don't do Blakeyrat, only Blakeyrat can do Blakeyrat.

    Actually he captured you pretty well there, right down to the gratuituous name change.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Don't do Blakeyrat, only Blakeyrat can do Blakeyrat.

    I'm not doing Blakeyrat. I'm being funny.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Anyway that's a nice length way of saying, "I'm an ignorant motherfucker".

    Says the guy who couldn't figure out what version of Android his device might come with.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Says the guy who couldn't figure out what version of Android his device might come with.

    When did that happen?

    I always knew it came with "FireOS 5". What I didn't know is if apps written for Android 4 ran in "FireOS 5".

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    @Lorne_Kates said:
    Says the guy who couldn't figure out what version of Android his device might come with.

    When did that happen?

    I always knew it came with "FireOS 5". What I didn't know is if apps written for Android 4 ran in "FireOS 5".

    But isn't in obvious if FireOS5 is compatible with Android 4 from the name alone?

  • Apparently it was not.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Apparently it was not.

    I rest my case, Mr. Mason.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    🚼 status

    In-utero hiccups are the funniest thing ever.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    If that's true 1 then 150 / false should be NaN or a Divide By Zero error, right?

    Fucking Javascript.

    Pro tip: that's what happens when you try to divide by zero. Constants like 150 become variable. Infinite. That's why you can't divide by zero. It breaks number systems.


    is 🃏 disease contagious?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    (After a while of background simulation)

    @Magus said:

    If it prevents you from typing thing.Wargarbl1.Value = quarg[Wargarbl1].Value 20 times, it might be considering!

    Hmm, maybe. I think I have something like this already in the code, but I would need to adapt some kind of mapping scheme (because the properties of the object don't match precisely with the names of the column headers)...

    I actually have a generalized function that takes a Dictionary of objects and tries to update a supplied target object according to Key and Property Name, though I have NO idea if it would be any faster for all the effort it would take to get it working.

    Once again, worth a shot when I'm bored, the site will likely receive only one more Excel Upload page, so even If I get it implemented it would only save a few dozen lines of code anyways...

  • I'm immune to it but I see people here contracting mutant strains. @fox has a strain of it for sure.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    so even If I get it implemented it would only save a few dozen lines of code anyways

    Refactoring is not just to shorten the number of lines of code. It's also to allow you to make some logic be simpler. “Get it obviously right, once, so you only need to fix it once” is the inspiring motivation here.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dkf said:

    Refactoring is not just to shorten the number of lines of code. It's also to allow you to make some logic be simpler.

    I dunno. What could be simpler than @Magus's (probably won't end up looking quite like) thing.Wargarbl1.Value = quarg[Wargarbl1].Value ?

    At the very least, the current code is practically guaranteed to fail in precise ways, so it's easy to handle. With reflection I introduce a slew of new possible problems that I'm not confident I will know how to solve.

    Technically, I should never have to "Fix" the current code, it would just look nicer and save some bytes. For all the effort it would take to do so (and implement reflection with a mapping table), it probably isn't worth it...

  • Unless your refactoring introduces a method that can be called multiple different ways to arrive at the same answer...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Arantor said:

    Unless your refactoring introduces a method that can be called multiple different ways to arrive at the same answer...

    That's refucktoring. Very different. 😉


    Doing apt-get dist-upgrade from squeeze to wheezy.

    Just asked me for the third time to enter a new MySQL password.

    These upgrades seem to run in circles, so I guess that's a good sign? Right? Please?

  • I think I'm going to skip this one:

    EDIT: I clicked the blue arrow assuming it would take me to the update page in my browser, but instead it just fixed whatever cooties were happening and I can now see that it's the Feb 4 re-release of the Feb 2 update with additional fixes. :wtf:

  • Status: six months on and off on this project. Still cursing the idiot who decided to name the base class for all models BussinessObjectBase.

    Yes, with 2 s's. And I'd refactor it if it wasn't for the fact that I haven't even the faintest idea how many things will break because of it.

  • **Status:**Meme A Coworker felt sorry for me for using such an old office chair (I've been using the same chair for eighteen years now), and since she had one extra of a more modern make in another office (long story, but different roles == different offices just to keep the taxpayers' money rolling) she offered it to me.

    I spent 30 minutes tweaking it, twisting all the knobs and pulling all the levers (:giggity.aux:), and then I handed it back. No amount of customisation could make it comfortable. I figured that maybe I just need to give it time to get comfortable with it, but when I realised that I literally could not type, I just gave up on it.

    This is how I felt:

    And yes, I deliberately chose a picture where there is a rabbit performing a rectoscopy as well. How the f*** do you manage to make a chair that uncomfortable?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Status: Volunteered as a judge at the high school science fair last night. I was judging the mechanical engineering category.

    My "favorite" was a project by a couple of girls. One of them had an uncle who worked on an aircraft carrier, hooking up aircraft to the catapult. Which supposedly inspired their project to test the effect of the length of the catapult arm on how far the catapult would throw an object.

    Yes...they built a medieval style catapult. Neither I nor the other two judges in the category broke the news to them...:facepalm:

    No, they didn't win anything.

  • 🚽 Regular

    [b]Status:[/b] Looking through the quarantine on our new spam filtering monster I've built (Linux based) and found this frighteningly targeted fraud attempt:

    From: [NonExecDirectorName] To: [FinancialController]@[OurCompany]

    Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2016 04:55:54 -0600
    Subject: [OurCompany] Payment

    Are you at the office? Can we send a wire out today?

    I'll be busy, Email me.


    Mr [NonExecDirectorName]

    Christ, that's getting pretty specific. Correct director name and to the financial controller as well. Shame, the sending email address was odd (not webmail but unusual) and it mentioned 'wire' which isn't the common term here.

    If these buggers put half as much effort into a real job...

  • Status: Frilly-Dressed Monkeys annoyed at me for being only just in time for an appointment that actually I was in reasonable time for in spite of being delayed slightly, because while I was in transit they told me I was expected half an hour earlier than I'd been told before I set off, and turned out to have been expecting me to leave at ungodly-o-clock to arrive at their other office half a day's journey from the one I usually attend by mid-morning for an afternoon appointment. And then upon getting there just about for the revised time in spite of being delayed slightly, it turns out that the appointment is when they originally said, they just wanted me to be there half an hour early. Which I was. But apparently it's 'normal protocol' to arrive three hours ahead of half an hour early.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @CarrieVS said:

    But apparently it's 'normal protocol' to arrive three hours ahead of half an hour early.

  • Well what my contact actually said was "as early as possible," not specifically three hours. I get the impression they were expecting me to consider this trip as attending their other office for a day, and hence arrive as soon after the start of business as the train schedule physically permits.

    I, on the other hand, believed I was visiting for a specific appointment, since it's not my 'normal place of work' and the round trip is essentially a day's journey - it's not as though I spent the morning in bed, I left at a perfectly normal commuting hour.


    Boss decided we are so overworked, he'll jump in and help with programming.

    Downloading Linux Mint for him now, so he can set up a dev box.

    God help us all.

  • Status: Some of the experiments for my pupils will need a function generator (e.g. for sine waves, 3 Volt max @ 0.2 Hz) which are then hooked to a motor to do resonance phenomena or simple standing waves.

    Now, I do have some function generators (just not the ones referenced in the manual). Which begin to output "nice" sine waves only after 5 Hz. So, effectively useless. And, yes, I do have a good one. Emphasis on one.

    The "proper" generators begin at 400€. I'd need 8 of them.

    I just ordered some cheap Arduino Nano clones, let's see what I can do with those. My naive idea: A few switches (for function selection), two variable resistors (amplitude/frequency) and maybe even a cheap LED display should be sufficient.

    I hope. Hell, even if it doesn't it will be a learning experience and I'll be out of merely 15€.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @boomzilla said:

    Status: Volunteered as a judge at the high school science fair last night. I was judging the mechanical engineering category.

    It must be amazing for you to see all these new and interesting things you didn't have as a kid, like wheels, and fire.

    @boomzilla said:

    Yes...they built a medieval style catapult. Neither I nor the other two judges in the category broke the news to them...:facepalm:

    No, they didn't win anything.

    Of course they didn't. Unless their project is fully functional, and takes out all the other projects.

  • @Rhywden said:

    I'll be out of merely 15€

    Yeah, but you'll have a bunch of extra Arduinos sitting around. So win-win.

  • @boomzilla said:

    Yes...they built a medieval style catapult. Neither I nor the other two judges in the category broke the news to them...:facepalm:

    What kind of catapult do you expect high schoolers to be capable of building?

  • I'd worry if they have a fully functional life-sized onager or trebuchet.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    And I'd refactor it if it wasn't for the fact that I haven't even the faintest idea how many things will break because of it.

    Just get a private copy of the repo, make the change, and see how many files break.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Just get a private copy of the repo, make the change, and see how many files break.

    Oh no, the code will compile, Visual Studio will take care about that. But then you get shit like this:

    and good luck proving that doesn't break anything. And before you ask, no, no unit tests.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Ah, ok, with this post for context I understand the problem in the referenced post now.

    Yeah, while that looks ugly, you should be able to grep the repo, shouldn't you? Then as long as you aren't getting class names from, I dunno, arbitrary database records, or steganographically pulled from TIFF images or something, you probably would be OK.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Of course they didn't. Unless their project is fully functional, and takes out all the other projects.

    They were launching a beanie baby. Even the worst popsicle stick bridge would have survived.

    @rc4 said:

    What kind of catapult do you expect high schoolers to be capable of building?

    There was another team that had an aircraft carrier catapult theme. They used a rubber band. I expected at least something like that. (Their test was whether inclining the surface would make a paper airplane go farther.)

  • Status: installing TFS express in a virtual machine to test stuff.

    Wow, it's so fast, it's only been an hour and it's almost 3/4 of the way through! Microsoft products never cease to amaze me.

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