WTF, conspiracy theorists about Ahmed Mohamed on Hacker News


    I'm sure the resident conspiracy nuts'll love this one. Goddamned.

    The funny (not funny) thing is, even if ALL of these conspiracy theories were true, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM BEING TRUE, it still wouldn't justify the local police arresting the kid.

    So they aren't even effective conspiracy theories.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    it still wouldn't justify the local police arresting the kid.

    Yes, at least not any more so than the kid who got arrested for biting a pop-tart into the shape of a gun. Or the girl who got strip-searched because she might have a contraband aspirin, etc.

    There's nothing that stands out about this kid's situation except people insisting that he only got arrested because he's Muslim, which is self-evidently bullshit in a country that's obsessed with zero-tolerance policies in schools.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    Yeah, I saw that sort of thing being said back when it actually happened, and my response was the same as yours; even if he did plan all of it, that plan relied on the assumption that school officials and police would behave improperly, and he never did anything wrong himself, by all accounts.

    @FrostCat said:

    There's nothing that stands out about this kid's situation except people insisting that he only got arrested because he's Muslim, which is self-evidently bullshit in a country that's obsessed with zero-tolerance policies in schools.

    Kids have brought gadgets to school all the time without being arrested for bringing a "hoax bomb". Yes, the zero-tolerance policies are bullshit, but they wouldn't have applied at all in this situation because there is no policy against bringing electronic gadgets.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Fox said:

    Kids have brought gadgets to school all the time without being arrested for bringing a "hoax bomb". Yes, the zero-tolerance policies are bullshit, but they wouldn't have applied at all in this situation because there is no policy against bringing electronic gadgets.

    If you think the kind of ZT policy that leads to a six-year old, or however old that kid was, getting arrested for biting a pop-tart into a "gun" shape won't also lead to what happened to this kid, regardless of his race, well, I don't know what to say to you.

    That was my point. Just 'cause this kid was a Muslim, people tried to fit his situation into a narrative where he was being racially profiled or whatever. I'm asserting that so many kids of all colors get in trouble for ridiculous stuff that Occam's Razor says his religion had nothing to do with what happened, and everything with what he actually did.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    That "gun" shape went against the school's zero-tolerance no guns policy. There's no such policy about random gadgetry in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, as far as I know.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Fox said:

    That "gun" shape went against the school's zero-tolerance no guns policy.

    So let me guess, you also think that telling this guy he can't get on a plane is reasonable.

  • @Fox said:

    That "gun" shape went against the school's zero-tolerance no guns policy. There's no such policy about random gadgetry in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, as far as I know.

    What.... your logic fails when applied to itself.

    @Fox said:

    There's no such policy about random gadgetry

    There's no such policy about poptart shapes either. Zero tolerance policy against guns, doesn't extend to thinking about guns.

    Reverse it and it still doesn't work. In the absence of thought, the poptart is still a poptart. And the gadget is not a bomb.

    So one can conclude.... The poptart thing is a thought crime. The same ridiculous complaint about the hoax bomb.

    @Fox said:

    There's no such policy about random geometric shapes

  • @blakeyrat said:

    it still wouldn't justify the local police arresting the kid.

    Only because we shouldn't be policing thought crime.

    @Fox said:

    assumption that school officials and police would behave improperly

    That's not beyond reasonable doubt here.

    This whole discussion is pointless because it's not about the kid.

    If the theory is that the father is leveraging the situation, and the sister is coaching the kid on what to say, it's not beyond a doubt that the father and sister coached the kid on what to build and what to do in class.

    If the kid does have asperger's that makes it even more likely that the family could coach him into doing something stupid.

    Which means that there's absolutely no reason to go after the kid, and the school and the cops fell into a social-engineering trap for a political stunt.

    • So no matter what the situation really is, blaming the kid is just getting caught in a political trap, for very stupid reasons.

    But, the opposing side of the argument can't see this because they keep falling back on how the kid was treated.

    Yes, the kid was treated wrongly, but it's not outside reasonable doubt, and it's even very likely that the family engineered this situation on purpose.

    The sister bringing up that she was also suspended for being "falsely accused of threatening the school" adds more credibility to the idea that this family has been attempting this for a while, and the kid is just a pawn.

    It's quite clear from the images that the kid isn't actually building anything, but just taking things apart, with particular interest to the wires themselves, a common trait of asperger's to have inordinate attention to details that are meaningless in isolation.

    But the real problem with this argument is that everyone, for whatever political or emotional reasons, are incapable of seeing a bigger picture, and only seem interested in the kid's guilt.

    Whether the kid is guilty or deserves the treatment he got is a pointless conversation.

    But whether schools have a right to be concerned, and whether the nation should buy into the phony family, is also a point of concern.

    Everyone is being duped by this...

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Fox said:

    That "gun" shape went against the school's zero-tolerance no guns policy. There's no such policy about random gadgetry in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, as far as I know.

    The poptart "gun" was less of a gun than the mutilated clock was a bomb.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic


    THIS WAS 30 YEARZ AGO BEFORE THE INTERNET AND BEFORE 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    #THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Filed under: Fuck you, give me upper case.

  • What's to say this "October 21" isn't just a marketing stunt taking advantage of the movie's success like that Lexus hoverboard thing?

  • @xaade said:

    If the theory is that the father is leveraging the situation, and the sister is coaching the kid on what to say, it's not beyond a doubt that the father and sister coached the kid on what to build and what to do in class.

    So. Fucking. What.

    Let's say the dad is the World's Biggest Attention Whore.


    If you're going to make up conspiracy theories because, I dunno, you're a huge racist or whatever, WHY DON'T YOU MAKE A CONSPIRACY THEORY THAT ACTUALLY JUSTIFIES THE POLICE'S ACTION IN THIS CASE!

    Because if your conspiracy theory doesn't address that, then it's just pointless.

    IT'S NOT ILLEGAL TO BE THE SON OF AN ATTENTION WHORE even if I assume that conspiracy theory is true.

    @xaade said:

    Yes, the kid was treated wrongly, but it's not outside reasonable doubt, and it's even very likely that the family engineered this situation on purpose.

    Wow, you go from "not outside reasonable doubt" to "very likely" in a single sentence. That's conspiracy theory in the making right there.

    And, again, SO WHAT IF THEY DID! It's irrelevant to the reason people are upset.

    @xaade said:

    Everyone is being duped by this...

    I bet those reptilians are behind it all. It's not outside reasonable doubt that they are, in fact it's very likely, in fact it's ENTIRELY TRUE FOREVER!

  • Trolleybus Mechanic


  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    @Lorne_Kates said:


    I know, I did.

    Filed under: I'm an attention whore, arrest me!

  • @blakeyrat said:


    @xaade said:

    So no matter what the situation really is, blaming the kid is just getting caught in a political trap, for very stupid reasons.

    @blakeyrat said:

    I dunno, you're a huge racist or whatever

    You have to neglect a shit-ton of reality about that family to not see what they're doing.

    It would be the equivalent of saying that Obama had no intention to ever run for President, and just happened to be voted in.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Because if your conspiracy theory doesn't address that, then it's just pointless.

    It's not pointless.

    It's pretty fucking bad to be an exploited kid.

    I'm not trying to justify the arrest here.

    @blakeyrat said:

    And, again, SO WHAT IF THEY DID! It's irrelevant to the reason people are upset.

    Well, some of the things that happened towards him make more sense.

    If the school and cops know the family, then that may have been an indicator for how he was treated.

    All of the sudden "that's who I expected", becomes a statement about a kid from a certain family, and not a kid of a certain race/religion.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @xaade said:

    You have to neglect a shit-ton of reality about that family to not see what they're doing.

    You have to neglect a shit-ton of reality to come to the conclusion you're coming to.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    You have to neglect a shit-ton of reality to come to the conclusion you're coming to.

    The conclusion that the family engineered this situation and expected this outcome.

    Runs for President in a country that won't let him run for President
    Attends a Koran burning event he wasn't invited to, so that he can argue with people.
    Probably lying about being a priest and having a ton of followers.
    Multiple attempts to get into the media.

    Complains about being suspended because someone claims she made a threat.

    Oh I'm sure that just happens.

    Shows up to school with an unusable clock in a case and times the alarm to go off in class after purposefully plugging it into the wall. After carrying the device around after being advised not to.

    That's not something you do when you want to just show your "invention" to a specific teacher. That's something you do when you want attention.

    Let him do that at the courthouse, or the airport.

    Cops show up, and aren't surprised that this kid is in the office.

    We have no indicator as to why they aren't surprised.

    People automatically assume it's because the cops were racist and ignore the other attempts by the family to get attention.

    I think I'm right about the Obama thing.

    Someone might actually be able to convince you that Obama had no intention to be President.

    It's clear to me that this kid is the unfortunate victim of a situation between local authorities and a Muslim version of the Kardashians for a family.

  • I'm still waiting for the part of this story which justifies being handcuffed and arrested.

  • @DCRoss said:

    I'm still waiting for the part of this story which justifies being handcuffed and arrested.

    How about you try what he did and bring it to another kind of government building or a dense public place like an airport?

    @DCRoss said:


    Is not the end of the fucking world.

    If cops thought I had illegal stuff in my car, they can arrest me. It doesn't mean I'm going to jail.

    Obviously the charges didn't pan out.

    People need to stop acting like an arrest means you've been thought guilty of a crime. It means there's suspicion of a crime.

    And there wasn't a crime.

    Kid went home.

    He's not in Guantanamo Bay.

  • IMO

    The school can prevent these scenarios that make it a policy to require students to bring all unrecognizable objects, or objects not in their original form, to the office for approval.


    I couldn't even have a solid backpack when I was in school. It had to be clear plastic.

    I would have gotten suspended in school for doing what the kid did.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @DCRoss said:

    I'm still waiting for the part of this story which justifies being handcuffed and arrested.

    I like how nobody here says that the arrest was justified, but repeatedly pointing out that assuming it's anti Muslim is unjustified because of all the white kids that do stuff like this gets ignored. You and Lorne keep burning that straw man, though, so you can maintain your own prejudices

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Fox said:

    That "gun" shape went against the school's zero-tolerance no guns policy.

    It was a Pop-Tart. The only way that your comment makes sense is if he is trying to sneak in an actual gun between two Pop-Tarts.

    I don't even know what to say. Every time I think you have hit rock bottom with your assertions, you up the ante.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @DCRoss said:

    I'm still waiting for the part of this story which justifies being handcuffed and arrested.

    There's a lot to this story that we haven't heard. The arrest was supposedly for making a hoax bomb. That the kid denies that's what he did is hardly proof that he (or maybe even his dad?) didn't. Otherwise, we could prove that the prisons are full of innocent people.

    But as @FrostCat says, we're all still waiting to hear the part of the story that justifies all the race baiting going on.


    Just some things to point out here, because this is the typical article response

    .1. "Yup. That's who I thought it was." magically morphs into "labeled a terrorist"

    .2. A torn up clock, that was taken apart and not put together, becomes a homemade clock that would make one a genius.

    .3. A geeky kid that just likes to look at wires, magically morphs into a social justice warrior.... over-fucking-night.

    .4. Walking into English class, not informing the teacher of what he had, plugging it into the wall, and setting the alarm to beep during class.... magically morphs into telling everyone it was a clock.

    While Mohamed told everyone it was a clock

    If he had shown it to the English teacher first thing, like he did with the engineering teacher, it would have probably just been taken away and returned to him after school.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @xaade said:

    The conclusion that the family engineered this situation and expected this outcome.

    Yup. That one. And you then go on to neglect a shit-ton of reality to fit the narrative.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Yup. That one. And you then go on to neglect a shit-ton of reality to fit the narrative.

    The only evidence you have that this could be racism is a cop saying "That's who I thought it was"

    Without any knowledge as to the context of that quote. Without proof the cop said that. This family could be known in the area to do these kinds of stunts. Or the cop could have known the kid.

    We don't know why he said that.

    The other evidence.

    They charged him for making a hoax bomb even though he claims on social media that he didn't make a hoax bomb.

    All he told the cops was that it wasn't a bomb. They questioned him further, but he refused to answer questions.

    None of that is proof positive that there was racism involved.

    Together it seems extreme, but only if we take the kid's word that everything he is saying is true.

    I've seen at least two YouTube videos of minority people saying the kid acted foolishly. I suppose they're racist too.

    ###Key point here. You have significantly less evidence that the teachers and cops were racist, than I have that the family purposefully engineers stunts like this one.

    And yet, the teachers and cops are racist, because for you that's easier to believe.

    And to top that all off....

    I haven't even said the teachers and cops weren't racist. I'm only saying that this family is known to exploit these situations.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @xaade said:

    We don't know why he said that

    But you know with perfect clarity the complicated motivations and machinations of a family you've never met.

    (Or, and here's my alternate theory-- you're neglecting a shit-ton of reality to fit a narrative)

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    But you know with perfect clarity the complicated motivations and machinations of a family you've never met.

    The father is well known for these stunts.

    It's not knowing the motivations and machinations.

    He's got a long public history for doing this stuff.

  • The stupid bastard didn't even make jack shit and then tried to play it like he was some sort of electronics tinkerer. Let 'em burn, I say; I love doing actual things with electronics but nobody cares and I get no full-ride scholarships or whatever.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    Nah, it's so much easier to believe that a family managed to implant racist thoughts into the teachers' and cops' heads so they would do racist shit than to believe that they're racist like their racist piece of shit mayor.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @xaade said:

    The father is well known for these stunts.

    Is the "well known" part of the shit-ton of reality you're neglecting, or the narrative you're trying to fit?

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Is the "well known" part of the shit-ton of reality you're neglecting, or the narrative you're trying to fit?

    Muslim leaders in Texas, meanwhile, doubted his claims to religious and scholarly leadership. “This so-called leader, we have never heard of this person,” Imam Zia ul Haque Sheikh, head of the Islamic Center of Irving, told the Seattle Times. “I believe the whole thing is made up.” In that same interview, Mohamed, who refers to himself as a sheikh, elaborated on his motivations for getting involved with Jones. “He said he agreed to serve as the defense attorney at Jones’ mock trial because the Quran teaches that Muslims should engage in peaceful dialogue with Christians,” the Seattle Times’ Annie Gowen wrote. “But there was also a more pragmatic reason. It was spring break and he wanted to take his wife and five kids to Disney World: to ‘kill two birds with one stone,’ as he put it.” He also claims he didn’t know the trial– in which the Quran was “found guilty” of “crimes against humanity”– would result in the Quran actually being set on fire. According to the Seattle Times, some of Mohamed’s small group of followers asked that he no longer lead prayers, while others refused to drive for his taxi company.

    Muslims think he's a joke and don't take him seriously.

  • @FrostCat said:

    because of all the white kids that do stuff like this gets ignored

    And Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has hailed Ahmed as a 'modern-day hero' whose talent will 'blossom' regardless of where he goes to school.
    Adding to the growing voices of support, Wozniak said Ahmed's story reminded him of when he was at school and - far more mischievously than Ahmed - deliberately built a pretend bomb to prank his teacher.
    The prank landed him in juvenile detention for a night where he taught his fellow detainees 'how they could remove the electric wires from an overhead fan and attach them to the metal bars [to] shock the guards,' he wrote on Facebook.

    Steve Wozniak.... in jail.... for making a hoax bomb.

    Whitest mother-fucker I've ever seen.

  • @xaade said:

    How about you try what he did and bring it to another kind of government building or a dense public place like an airport?

    If I tried doing what he did while carrying a blue whale inside of a nuclear power plant run by an embedded system with no file system, then yes, I would expect a strong reaction. Good thing that that never happened.

    I could go on about this, but getting into arguments on the Internet is a lot like getting into arguments on the Internet. Even if you win, you've still gotten into an argument on the Internet.

    You'll just have to manage without me.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @xaade said:

    Muslims think he's a joke and don't take him seriously.

    Muslims. Gotcha. We're still on that "shit-ton of reality" you're neglecting to fit a narrative.

  • :wtf:

    Not even going to attempt to make sense out of that one.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Fox said:

    Nah, it's so much easier to believe that a family managed to implant racist thoughts into the teachers' and cops' heads so they would do racist shit than to believe that they're racist like their racist piece of shit mayor.

    Which racist thoughts are those, exactly?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    We're still on that "shit-ton of reality" you're neglecting to fit a narrative.

    Yes, I agree. There's almost no amount of reality that race baiters aren't willing to ignore.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @xaade said:


    Not even going to attempt to make sense out of that one.

    Ah, so you can see things from reality's perspective. There's hope for you yet.

  • @xaade said:

    You have to neglect a shit-ton of reality about that family to not see what they're doing.

    Ok? But you still haven't answered my general objection:


    Unless you're going to actually answer that objection, don't fucking bother posting here again.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Unless you're going to actually answer that objection,

    I'm sure he'll get right on that, just like all good conspiracy theorists do when confronted with reality and requests for evidence, and to actually THINK about the bullshit they spew.

    Right. On. It.

  • @blakeyrat said:


    I don't think you understand the concept of "ARREST"

    We arrest people who haven't committed crimes all the time.

    We indict people who haven't committed crimes.

    That's why the Jury will occasionally stand up and say "Not Guilty".

  • @xaade said:

    Runs for President in a country that won't let him run for President

    Irrelevant to the story.

    @xaade said:

    Attends a Koran burning event he wasn't invited to, so that he can argue with people.


    @xaade said:

    Probably lying about being a priest and having a ton of followers.


    @xaade said:

    Multiple attempts to get into the media.


    @xaade said:

    Complains about being suspended because someone claims she made a threat.

    Oh I'm sure that just happens.


    @xaade said:

    Shows up to school with an unusable clock in a case

    "Unusable"? But even if it were: irrelevant.

    @xaade said:

    and times the alarm to go off in class after purposefully plugging it into the wall.

    Unsubstantiated. And even if it were, irrelevant.

    @xaade said:

    After carrying the device around after being advised not to.

    As opposed to what? Dumping it in a ditch?

    And natch: irrelevant.

    @xaade said:

    That's not something you do when you want to just show your "invention" to a specific teacher. That's something you do when you want attention.


    @xaade said:

    It's clear to me that this kid is the unfortunate victim of a situation between local authorities and a Muslim version of the Kardashians for a family.

    He's the unfortunate victim of the local authorities, yes. That's something we can agree on.

    Nothing the "Muslim version of the Kardashians" did justified arresting the kid. Even if your conspiracy theories were true, which they undoubtedly are not.

    @xaade said:

    Obviously the charges didn't pan out.

    They knew AT THE TIME THEY ARRESTED HIM that there were no valid charges. They said as fucking much at the time.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    They knew AT THE TIME THEY ARRESTED HIM that there were no valid charges. They said as fucking much at the time.


  • @xaade said:

    I don't think you understand the concept of "ARREST"

    Oh praytell. Explain it to me. Please, I must have your wisdom, oh great teacher.

    @xaade said:

    We arrest people who haven't committed crimes all the time.

    And therefore it's right?

    @xaade said:

    We indict people who haven't committed crimes.

    And therefore it's right?

    Hey guys. Murders happen all the time. People go right into some dude's house, club him to death with a Louisville Slugger. Happens all the time. THEREFORE IT'S RIGHT AND CORRECT AND WE SHOULD CHEER IT ON AND SUPPORT IT!

  • Neither side here is making a coherent argument towards anything, and I'm forced to conclude both sides are arguing with the other side's shoulder aliens. 🍿

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Unsubstantiated. And even if it were, irrelevant.

    1. The alarm did go off in class. Substantiated.
    2. It needs an external power source.
    3. Alarms don't just set themselves.

    @blakeyrat said:

    As opposed to what? Dumping it in a ditch?

    Put it in the locker until after school, as requested.

    Did you even read the story?

    @blakeyrat said:


    The whole point of the charge was based on motivation.

    Charges based on motivation absolutely make intent relevant.

    @blakeyrat said:

    And therefore it's right?

    It's necessary.

    Unless we have something like in the Minority report. Innocent people will get arrested.

    You're making unreasonable expectations here if you expect an innocent person to never get arrested.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Murders happen all the time

    Arresting is a necessary part of the justice system.

    If you can't arrest without evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt needed to convict, then all those murderers will get away with their crime.

    Hell, we wouldn't be able to prevent crime either, because until they commit the crime, Blakey says we can't arrest them.

    Arresting is not some end-of-life punishment.

    I've been detained before.


    @blakeyrat said:


    because many cops are dumb? that is hardly news. The real dumbass however is whoever called cops without consulting a science teacher.

    @blakeyrat said:

    IT'S NOT ILLEGAL TO BE THE SON OF AN ATTENTION WHORE even if I assume that conspiracy theory is true.

    On the contrary, it pays. Just look at Kardashians, or any other stupid reality show.

    @blakeyrat said:

    If you're going to make up conspiracy theories because, I dunno, you're a huge racist or whatever,

    That thing he brought to school does not look like a clock at all. Being a 14yo boy myself (quite some time ago) I can completely understand what he did there. Boys that age actively seek trouble, and he found it. At the end this was good for him, he got scholarships and celebrity media attention, ... good for him at least he himself helped make it happen.

    @xaade said:

    But whether schools have a right to be concerned, and whether the nation should buy into the phony family, is also a point of concern.

    Everyone is being duped by this...

    :wtf: are you talking about. Nation only buys into phony families, this is reality show 101

    I really appreciate that school did pay attention, they should have simply confiscated the thing and with the help of a science teacher (no English major) see if further fuss is needed. Some dumbass called cops and things got crazy, because dumbasses like calling cops.

  • @mott555 said:

    both sides are arguing with the other side's shoulder aliens.

    I'm just making a point that the family has a habit of engineering situations, and the school fell into it.

    I'm not justifying the arrest, just saying that everyone acted stupidly.

    Blakey seems to think we're all racists unless we believe the entire family are just innocent victims.

    Meh, he can keep dreaming that people never have ulterior motives, or that those motives never matter.

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