Tinder is shit

  • Java Dev

  • @PleegWat said in Tinder is shit:



    the number of flags i've needed to plant in my Kerbal Graveyard next to mission control becuase of that error........

    well its
    tenor (2).gif

  • Banned

    @MrL said in Tinder is shit:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Tinder is shit:

    Magic the Gathering? Still makes buckets of money and keeps the FLGS in business single-handedly. The rest of their business is peanuts comparatively.

    That's why I wrote 'most'.

    It's a terrible game btw. I was always amazed by its popularity.

    1. Network effect - a lot of people play it, so a lot of people play it.
    2. Collecting is addicting. So is gambling. Booster packs combine both.
    3. It's simply a very good game. Easy to learn, hard to master. Dozens of intertwining mechanics allow for great many unique play styles. Building a deck with good synergy right and then pulling out huge combos feels very satisfying. It has just enough randomness to make every game different but still leave a lot of control in players' hands.
    4. Unique card names, artworks and flavor texts allow developing personal connection with the cards. It feels good to win with cards, but it feels even better to win with your cards.
    5. Wizards care a lot about balance. Sure, rare cards are much better than common ones, but there's no game breaking strategy that guarantees a win against every opponent - no matter how you build your deck, there's always some weakness that can be exploited. And if there isn't, it means you sacrificed some firepower for safety, which is a weakness itself.

    TL;DR: it's so popular because it's just that good. Also, psychology.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in Tinder is shit:

    TL;DR: it's so popular because it's just that good. Also, psychology.

    What you wrote is just a desctiption of a CCG.

    I played some CCGs for years, have full collection of one of them in fact, and I wouldn't play Magic if someone paid me. It's terrible.

    And yes, I did play it before, many times.

  • Banned

    @MrL said in Tinder is shit:

    @Gąska said in Tinder is shit:

    TL;DR: it's so popular because it's just that good. Also, psychology.

    What you wrote is just a desctiption of a CCG.

    Most CCGs suck balls gameplay-wise. Usually by relying on RNG way too much, or just being horribly unbalanced.

  • don't play MTG myself, but i was super deep into the rules, because my friends played and every time they had a rule dispute they used me to arbitrate

    i started making the rules up at first because i didn't fucking know, but then i started getting interested in exactly what the rules were so i learned them.....

    still never played the game, but that's okay. i was having fun with friends so close enough.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    just go on meetup.com, look for things that are remotely interesting, and suddenly you have a relatively full calendar.

    Not in my experience. And there's tons of events apparently. Just... nothing remotely interesting (to me).

    Maybe if I didn't sleep...


  • @Tsaukpaetra said in Tinder is shit:

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    just go on meetup.com, look for things that are remotely interesting, and suddenly you have a relatively full calendar.

    Not in my experience. And there's tons of events apparently. Just... nothing remotely interesting (to me).

    Maybe if I didn't sleep...


    Have you filled out your interests and joined a lot of groups?

    Just looking at what's available this coming Friday, I count....

    • 2 board gaming events
    • 1 LAN gaming event
    • 2 discussion events (one of them always has 30+ people and a waitlist of 20+ which I HATE, but if you can get in it's generally worthwhile)
    • 1 movie
    • 1 comedy show
    • 1 generic bar + food outing

    Although I must say, my curiosity is piqued over the healing properties of wooden pillows. It might be worth checking out once. At least it's not "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Purple Dildo," or "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Cactus Buttplug."

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    I count....

    None of that appeals to me...

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    At least it's not "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Purple Dildo," or "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Cactus Buttplug."

    That sounds mildly interesting, however the Cactus Buttplug should be silicone and not plastic...

  • @PleegWat said in Tinder is shit:

    @Vixen said in Tinder is shit:

    @PleegWat said in Tinder is shit:

    @Zerosquare said in Tinder is shit:

    @MrL said in Tinder is shit:


    More boosters!

    Rapid Unplanned Dissassembly

    Unscheduled lithobraking

    As opposed to the scheduled kind, usually employed when one is trying to prove a point.


  • @Tsaukpaetra said in Tinder is shit:

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    I count....

    None of that appeals to me...

    Well, then there is no pleasing you!

    I seem to remember you being into gamedev. There are 3 groups within 25-50 miles of me focused on that particular topic, and each of them basically meets every other week on different days. Amusingly, one of the groups doesn't even have the 90:10 gender ratio problem (more like 60:40 or 70:30). So just that one relatively niche interest is enough to keep one busy several days a month.

    Some of the groups I'm in post events every week or multiple times a week. Not every one is thrilling, but it's nice having opportunities.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    I seem to remember you being into gamedev

    No no, I am a game dev, I'm not into it.

    I consider myself fairly good at it, in the same way I am rather good at programming in general, but into implies a long-lasting interest, which I don't have any more than I had a long-lasting interest in Microsoft Office programming (where I made AutoDeck, a rather impressive suite of tools spanning Excel, Powerpoint, and SQL Server Reporting Services, among other products).

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    Well, then there is no pleasing you!

    I suppose. Perhaps it's the depression speaking, but I just don't get as much as I feel others do from "shooting the breeze" or "occupying the same general area as others".

    We kinda addressed that earlier in the thread, actually... And probably elsewhere I can't seem to find because search sucks....


    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    Well, there's nothing really magical about my methods - just go on meetup.com, look for things that are remotely interesting, and suddenly you have a relatively full calendar.

    Never heard of that, but I doubt it works here.

    Let's go check...
    Hmm, interesting, the first thing "in my area" it displays actually is a game night, so you were right about that. But I think it's targeted at students, so I'd feel awkward. The second one (out of 2) is 25 miles away and about SEO in wordpress. :wtf_owl: Pass.

    Now, if you're in part of the world where there's not much going on, I can sympathize.

    I'm not sure if there's nothing going on here, if you know the right people...

  • Considered Harmful

    < snip snip >

  • kills Dumbledore

    @topspin another option is Facebook groups. Search Facebook for <hobby> <city> and you'll probably find some group of nerds who are into the same weird shit as you

  • @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    At least it's not "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Purple Dildo," or "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Cactus Buttplug."

    I wonder what kind of music festival would have Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing open for Cactus Buttplug

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in Tinder is shit:

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    I seem to remember you being into gamedev

    No no, I am a game dev, I'm not into it.

    Ah, so it's more of a work to live rather than a live to work sort of deal?

    I suppose. Perhaps it's the depression speaking, but I just don't get as much as I feel others do from "shooting the breeze" or "occupying the same general area as others".

    I'll be honest with you: I also hate meeting people. I hate all the commitments and expending the time and energy that it takes to fulfill them. I don't want to meet a ton of people. I don't want a billion more friends. I want to meet one person and be done with it.

    But I also know that I am part of a social species, and I need some basic level of social interaction to be healthy. I also know that one misses 100% of the shots that one doesn't take, and that it's not so simple to just go out and meet that one person.

    One has to be careful with depression, as it can be self-reinforcing and shrink one's comfort zone so small that it becomes a prison. Like eating brussels sprouts, getting out might be unpleasant, but it's ultimately good for you.

  • @topspin said in Tinder is shit:

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    Well, there's nothing really magical about my methods - just go on meetup.com, look for things that are remotely interesting, and suddenly you have a relatively full calendar.

    Never heard of that, but I doubt it works here.

    Let's go check...
    Hmm, interesting, the first thing "in my area" it displays actually is a game night, so you were right about that. But I think it's targeted at students, so I'd feel awkward. The second one (out of 2) is 25 miles away and about SEO in wordpress. :wtf_owl: Pass.

    If you're somewhat flexible with your interests, there's usually a lot going on. There are a couple of groups I'm in that do short hikes and brunch. I found a group for introverted people, and through that I was introduced to a ton of other interesting groups covering everything from mental health and wellness to intellectual discussion.

    One of my old board game groups also went to trivia nights every other week. If you're into puzzles, there might be an event in your area called Puzzled Pint where you first have to solve a puzzle to find the location of the event.

    I'm not sure if there's nothing going on here, if you know the right people...

    Going to events often has the helpful side effect of introducing you to those people.

  • @Jaloopa said in Tinder is shit:

    @topspin another option is Facebook groups. Search Facebook for <hobby> <city> and you'll probably find some group of nerds who are into the same weird shit as you

    That works, too. I would really like to integrate my Zuckerplex calendar (which these days is mostly just private events) with my Meetup calendar and my Google calendar so everything's under the same roof, but we can't let all that information get shared and aggregated, now can we?

  • @hungrier said in Tinder is shit:

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    At least it's not "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Purple Dildo," or "Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing with Cactus Buttplug."

    I wonder what kind of music festival would have Deep Relaxation & Self-Healing open for Cactus Buttplug

    Wouldn't the headliner come first in billing order? Either way, I imagine it would be unpleasant to open for Cactus Buttplug.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    shrink one's comfort zone so small that it becomes a prison

    My comfort zone is somewhat large, just that I have no desire to wander around in it.

    I'll do things with no problem, but I don't get that endorphin rush for having done so.

    Take last night, for example. I went to an event and ate noodles. There was some forgettable chitchat, but objectively the experience was, at best, net-neutral. And at worst, I went and spent $17 to eat food and be cold with strangers I won't (and don't) remember at a place somewhat out of the way in the middle of the city where parking was under threat of tow.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dfdub said in Tinder is shit:

    However, there's an easy way to ruin every game night: Munchkin. It aways sounds like a good idea until you're two hours in and hate everyone, including yourself for agreeing to participate.

    I think Munchkin is great. But then none of us are actually trying to win, but instead to finish off (with friends) a large crate of beers and half a bottle of whisky.

  • @Jaloopa said in Tinder is shit:

    Search Facebook

    Nope thread is :arrows:.

  • @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    @Jaloopa said in Tinder is shit:

    @topspin another option is Facebook groups. Search Facebook for <hobby> <city> and you'll probably find some group of nerds who are into the same weird shit as you

    That works, too. I would really like to integrate my Zuckerplex calendar (which these days is mostly just private events) with my Meetup calendar and my Google calendar so everything's under the same roof, but we can't let all that information get shared and aggregated, now can we?

    At least the Android apps now let you put an event into your Google Calendar when you say you're going to attend. (Facebook's app didn't do that for a long time.)

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in Tinder is shit:

    I suppose. Perhaps it's the depression speaking, but I just don't get as much as I feel others do from "shooting the breeze" or "occupying the same general area as others".

    I'm very introverted and get nothing from just being in a group.*

    If we're actively doing something as a group, though, I can get by fairly well. It hasn't been a great way for me to find someone to date, but it does get me out of the house, being social, trying some new things, and hopefully slowing the slide into deeper depression.

    * My favorite thing to do at a party is leave; failing that, I try to find the quietest area I can because hearing multiple conversations I can't follow drives me up the wall while conversation(s) I can understand are usually about people I don't know and thus only boring.

    One of the perhaps familiar examples I can give to you comes from when I was on the board of our local gaming convention and some of us would put together a party/advertising room at a large scifi/party con in town. I was the guy who came in the next day to clean everything up and keep the room open for light gaming and (passively) letting folks sign up for our gaming convention's mailing list. When party hours came I would leave; the activities bored me and I couldn't handle the atmosphere.

  • @Parody said in Tinder is shit:

    It hasn't been a great way for me to find someone to date

    I thought you were in a relationship with that fast, blue hedgehog.

  • @Zerosquare said in Tinder is shit:

    @Parody said in Tinder is shit:

    It hasn't been a great way for me to find someone to date

    I thought you were in a relationship with that fast, blue hedgehog.

    🔵 🦔 ❓ It's been a while since I've seen him. Almost like he teleported to another world or something....


    @hungrier said in Tinder is shit:

    music festival [...] Cactus

    it's a nice festival ...


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Parody said in Tinder is shit:

    while conversation(s) I can understand are usually about people I don't know and thus only boring.

    This. So much this. I just... don't care, I guess.

  • Considered Harmful


    @Applied-Mediocrity even if you ignore the satire, it also helps if you look like that picture.

  • 9bf4739d-036a-48a8-81b7-19fcaaaa87d8-image.png



    :facepalm: :facepalm:

  • Hmm....


    Okay, so motorboating is out, but what about... "jetskiiing?" Or "surfing" or "wakeboarding?" Heck, you might even be able to sell me on "mountain climbing!"

    I will give this one some points for the dealbreaker list being largely comprised of reasonable items, but I still find some of the contradictions troubling.

    First, video game enthusiasm and sports enthusiasm tend to negatively correlate (as spending time in a raid precludes spending time at a a stadium, and vice-versa), and large segments of the population are interested in either sports or video games, so now you're looking for P(!A) ∩ P(!B) which is going to be an order of magnitude harder than looking for just one or the other. Secondly, playing video games 24/7 is a great way to die from cardiac arrest. We gamers strive to live balanced and healthy lives, taking breaks for work, sleep, socializing and the like, while still being able to devote at least 20 hours a day to our passion!

    Now, on to the delicate subject of, um... sweater meat. Chest bubbles. Milk-in-bags. I get that a lot of ladies are sensitive about people making observations about things that are plainly obvious, but if you had the average guy set up a dating site profile and said average guy then had an inbox full of attractive women offering to suck his dick, he would not lament the situation, but pick the best one of the bunch (by whatever criteria he deemed fit), take her on a date, and then summarily delete his account and live happily ever after.

    But even if you excuse the abundance mentality vs. scarcity mentality that each gender faces at opposite ends of the Relationship Marketplace, there are some issues. I'm sure there's a more plain-looking lady with smaller speed bumps that isn't getting as much attention as the owner of this profile and wouldn't mind a comparative deluge of suitors. Also, if you open with talk about vanilla vs. not and condom usage habits, you have shifted the discussion to one of a sexual nature. The kind of people who are not-vanilla and open to talking about condoms so early in the relationship are probably going to take a legitimate interest in your Brown-Eyed Susans. Maybe this is part of what TRP calls the "Anti-Slut Defense?" 🤷♂

  • @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:


    (I dunno why I care to comment on that but here you go...)

    First, video game enthusiasm and sports enthusiasm tend to negatively correlate (as spending time in a raid precludes spending time at a a stadium, and vice-versa), and large segments of the population are interested in either sports or video games, so now you're looking for P(!A) ∩ P(!B) which is going to be an order of magnitude harder than looking for just one or the other.

    Well isn't that the point of having a list of "no"? It makes it harder to find someone, but it increases (in theory) the likelihood of that person being a good fit. If she can't stand either of them, yes she'll have more trouble finding a mate than if she did, but I don't see anywhere on her list that she complains about not being able to find anyone. She has a restrictive list, so what? You claim there are some contradictions here but I can't see any.

    Now, on to the delicate subject of, um... sweater meat. Chest bubbles. Milk-in-bags. I get that a lot of ladies are sensitive about people making observations about things that are plainly obvious, but if you had the average guy set up a dating site profile and said average guy then had an inbox full of attractive women offering to suck his dick, he would not lament the situation, but pick the best one of the bunch (by whatever criteria he deemed fit), take her on a date, and then summarily delete his account and live happily ever after.

    But then again she's not "the average guy [or even girl]." She is the specific individual that she is, and while "the average guy" might like dick-sucking offers there are some who wouldn't so similarly why would you expect every woman to necessarily appreciate boobies comments?

    But even if you excuse the abundance mentality vs. scarcity mentality that each gender faces at opposite ends of the Relationship Marketplace, there are some issues. I'm sure there's a more plain-looking lady with smaller speed bumps that isn't getting as much attention as the owner of this profile and wouldn't mind a comparative deluge of suitors.

    Again, she's just writing her requirements, not that of "an average lady." So why would you take issue at that? She isn't that more plain-looking lady (well I guess so).

    Really, it seems like your grudge against this profile is "her list probably doesn't apply to every women" or maybe "her list isn't representative of the 'average' women" (whatever that means). So what?

  • @remi said in Tinder is shit:

    (I dunno why I care to comment on that but here you go...)

    The power of my post compelled you!

    Well isn't that the point of having a list of "no"? It makes it harder to find someone, but it increases (in theory) the likelihood of that person being a good fit. If she can't stand either of them, yes she'll have more trouble finding a mate than if she did, but I don't see anywhere on her list that she complains about not being able to find anyone. She has a restrictive list, so what? You claim there are some contradictions here but I can't see any.

    After reading enough profiles with detailed checklists of dealbreaker requirements, you tend to lose patience. Many people seem to treat the process as if they are at a car dealership making a factory order and ticking off checkboxes for all the options they want. There is no factory out there building their ideal partner for them; instead, they have to choose between one of many flawed models already on the lot.

    Granted, this one isn't that bad as the dealbreakers are mostly reasonable, but the stereotype of sports fans and gamers is that being enthusiastic for one often correlates with apathy or even hostility toward the other. Finding someone who doesn't engage in one of those two isn't that hard, but finding someone apathetic to both is going to be far harder, since video games and sports are both pretty wide umbrella interests.

    But then again she's not "the average guy [or even girl]." She is the specific individual that she is, and while "the average guy" might like dick-sucking offers there are some who wouldn't so similarly why would you expect every woman to necessarily appreciate boobies comments?

    I don't expect her to appreciate such commentary, and I can understand why she might be upset about such commentary. However, to the experienced online-dating male's ear, such complaints often sound like humblebragging, or whining that "my salary is too high." Many people don't even get any messages or indications of interest.

    Again, she's just writing her requirements, not that of "an average lady." So why would you take issue at that? She isn't that more plain-looking lady (well I guess so).

    Writing requirements is one's prerogative, but if one's requirements are so restrictive that only 5 people within 100 miles (or 30,000, for that matter) meet them, we can feel free to laugh at them. This one is, again, not that bad, but one thing that the enlightened (or those with a foundation in probability) will tell you is that if you want someone above-average in three different ways, you've cut a population of 100 down to 13. Realistically speaking, nobody has the time to wade through a space of tens or hundreds of thousands of people while giving them all due consideration.

    Furthermore, is the kind of person who demands a lengthy list of requirements going to be the same kind of person ready to compromise and come halfway in a relationship?

    Really, it seems like your grudge against this profile is "her list probably doesn't apply to every women" or maybe "her list isn't representative of the 'average' women" (whatever that means). So what?

    My grudge is threefold:

    • Bitching about receiving attention when many males will send tens or hundreds of messages, taking a chance every single time, and never get a response the vast majority of those times. I can understand her frustration with inquiries of a more sexual nature, BUT....
    • She brought it upon herself by making the conversation sexual in including "non-vanilla" and condom usage as hard requirements right off the bat. I feel like that's something inappropriate to talk about right away, unless you're primarily looking for sex, or consider sex fundamental to the relationship. It sends a certain message.
    • Many of the people who would make such offensive comments are going to make them regardless of her admonitions. So, what's the point?

  • @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    After reading enough profiles with detailed checklists of dealbreaker requirements, you tend to lose patience.

    So basically, you're projecting your own frustrations on that single perfectly reasonable profile. 👍

    OK, I guess this kind of clarification is useful from time to time to remind me why this thread (and its garage counterpart) are shit. 🎆

  • @remi said in Tinder is shit:

    So basically, you're projecting your own frustrations on that single perfectly reasonable profile. 👍

    Maybe. I'm blowing off steam, which is good for the structural health of nearby skyscrapers.

    OK, I guess this kind of clarification is useful from time to time to remind me why this thread (and its garage counterpart) are shit. 🎆

    I'd forgotten that there are two of these threads! I shall have to be more careful.


    🤡 Hi
    topspin Hello.
    🤡 How are you?
    topspin Doing fine, considering the circumstances. How about you?
    🤡 Yeah
    🤡 Up for a blow job?
    topspin ...
    topspin That’s not how social distancing works.

  • Considered Harmful

    :um-actually: What if you both wear masks?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Paging @Groaner...

    0c5891d2-4fb6-4cba-a4c5-9ced8b833216-image.png )

  • @boomzilla said in Tinder is shit:

    Paging @Groaner...

    0c5891d2-4fb6-4cba-a4c5-9ced8b833216-image.png )

    While I have not personally tested this theory, field reports from some of us who are in excess of 6'2" suggest, counterintuitively, that under-reporting height actually leads to more matches.

  • Banned

    @Groaner women. They say they want a tall man, but when they actually meet one...

  • I have to admit, my curiosity did almost get the better of my security training, but I did not click that shortened URL. For all we know, it could be goatse, Trojans, or worse, a Google Docs form to fill out. :kneeling_warthog:


  • This is too easy. There's gotta be a catch. I meet 11 of the "10" specified criteria, and I don't even speak Russian.


  • You should definitely meet her and tell us what happens!

    ...we need some entertainment, after all.

  • @Zerosquare said in Tinder is shit:

    You should definitely meet her and tell us what happens!

    ...we need some entertainment, after all.

    I would, but I have bigger fish to fry. This person is going to be single for approximately 0.3 milliseconds and, well, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take:


  • Ok. We'll send @Tsaukpaetra as a scout instead.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in Tinder is shit:

    Ok. We'll send @Tsaukpaetra as a scout instead.

    With pleasure....

  • @Groaner said in Tinder is shit:

    This is too easy. There's gotta be a catch. I meet 11 of the "10" specified criteria, and I don't even speak Russian.


    Currently not single, but if I was I'd meet 10 of the 11 points. (Can't stand dogs, and the feeling is apparently mutual, given how many times one has tried to attack me with zero provocation. My go-to joke is that I probably smell like a cat or something.)

  • ♿ (Parody)
