WTF Bites

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    The modern way to do money laundering!

    When I see "incorporated in Delaware" my first association is "evil organization called The Centre" from The Pretender TV show. It seems that the show writers had a pretty good idea what kind of companies are being incorporated in Delaware 24 years ago.

    All of them. Seriously, not a new thing.

  • @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    The real question is -- does the Devil know HEX?

    The error code of the beast!

    They don't call it hex for nothing.

  • Oh for f

    A client's Citrix environment, accessed over a VPN that forces everything through its own CA, started complaining that the CA was untrusted. I clicked through in the browser and said it was fine, but the magic Citrix launcher file still complained. Ok, whatever, I'll install the certificate and trust the CA. It's a VM used exclusively for this purpose so if anything happens as a result of trusting their dodgy cert, it'll only affect their stuff anyway. So now the Citrix file works, but hangs when trying to connect.

    Maybe an updated Citrix receiver will do the trick? I do that, and it turns out the updated version doesn't support SSLv3 which I've now learned the client's system uses. Ok, uninstall the update, reinstall the old version, lets see if that works now.

    Now it pops up an invalid certificate error, but where the first one (the dodgy cert that I installed) was for [blahblah], this one is for [blahblah] :wtf: I hope I don't need to manually install up to [blahblah]99, so I go to get the cert so I can add a second dodgy cert to this VM's trusted root, but now it threw me another curve ball: The browser thinks the certificate is valid (green lock). Clicking through to look at the certificate, it's issued by [blahblah]02, but it also says "Windows does not have enough information to verify this certificate". Going to the "Certification Path" tab shows just the domain I'm connected to, with status "The issuer of this certificate could not be found."

    I've lost count of how many contradictory, overlapping WTFs are responsible for this situation.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    The modern way to do money laundering!

    When I see "incorporated in Delaware" my first association is "evil organization called The Centre" from The Pretender TV show. It seems that the show writers had a pretty good idea what kind of companies are being incorporated in Delaware 24 years ago.

    I heard that this racket is working out well enough for the state of Delaware that others want in on the action. The latest news is that the state of Missouri is adopting the same corporation-friendly laws as Delaware, in an attempt to draw in more business registrations to the state.

    I guess the old line is true. Missouri loves companies.

  • @hungrier Update: I tried uninstalling the cert for [blahblah]01 to see if I can get the cert for 02 and add that to my trusted CAs, but now it's using 01 again. I'm sure when I add that one back in it'll go back to 02


    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    The modern way to do money laundering!

    When I see "incorporated in Delaware" my first association is "evil organization called The Centre" from The Pretender TV show. It seems that the show writers had a pretty good idea what kind of companies are being incorporated in Delaware 24 years ago.

    All of them. Seriously, not a new thing.

    What's special about Delaware? (Honest question, I have no idea)

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    The modern way to do money laundering!

    When I see "incorporated in Delaware" my first association is "evil organization called The Centre" from The Pretender TV show. It seems that the show writers had a pretty good idea what kind of companies are being incorporated in Delaware 24 years ago.

    All of them. Seriously, not a new thing.

    What's special about Delaware? (Honest question, I have no idea)

  • :belt_onion:

    We need this image as our new :wtf: icon:



    Filed Under: Things to do instead of working

  • :belt_onion:

    @Mason_Wheeler said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    The modern way to do money laundering!

    When I see "incorporated in Delaware" my first association is "evil organization called The Centre" from The Pretender TV show. It seems that the show writers had a pretty good idea what kind of companies are being incorporated in Delaware 24 years ago.

    I heard that this racket is working out well enough for the state of Delaware that others want in on the action. The latest news is that the state of Missouri is adopting the same corporation-friendly laws as Delaware, in an attempt to draw in more business registrations to the state.

    I guess the old line is true. Missouri loves companies.

  • Re: my VPN situation

    I was eventually able to get it to work by uninstalling the 01 cert, randomly hitting it when it used the 02 cert, reinstalling both, then clearing all my browser history and cache and factory resetting Citrix receiver.

  • Fake News

    @Mason_Wheeler Show me how you got the impression that this was the Bad Jokes thread.

  • @lolwhat said in WTF Bites:

    @Mason_Wheeler Show me how you got the impression that this was the Bad Jokes thread.

    Some people fail to realize that this is a serious forum.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    Microsoft is bragging that they closed a bunch of issues. Not necessarily fixed or resolved, just closed.

    Across all of our VS Code repositories, we closed (either triaged or fixed) 4622 issues, which is even more than during our last housekeeping iteration in September 2018, where we closed 3918 issues. While we closed issues, you created 2195 new issues. This resulted in a net reduction of 2427 issues.

    I think that metric encourages Jeffism.


    See, issues are automatically closed now if you don't get enough upboats.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    See, issues are automatically closed now if you don't get enough upboats.

    IOW, to have your issue fixed you need to create 20 fake accounts 🤔

  • @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    See, issues are automatically closed now if you don't get enough upboats.

    IOW, to have your issue fixed you need to create 20 fake accounts 🤔

    200, and have 21 random ones upboat them all automatically in a stochastic model of timing over the course of 45 days. that way your activity is a lot harder to detect and eliminate.

    what? I've certainly never done something like that before.... nope.

  • @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    it was 100,000 accounts, trying to get over a million likes by using public attention to force multiply the likes of the bot accounts, also there may or may not have been a long running ad campaign that served javascript in the ad that tried to vote with the users credentials if the user was signed in to the voting site.....

    In VSCode's case, it would be less trouble to just fix the damn issue yourself :kneeling_warthog:

  • @TimeBandit By installing Sublime Text

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @TimeBandit By installing Sublime Text

    Then using it to fix VSCode.

  • @loopback0 I guess you could write a powershell script, but I think the Add/Remove Programs dialog is an easier way to fix vscode

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    I found this today.

    <!--​ Note: don't tell people to `click` the link, just tell them that it is a link. -->
    If you're not redirected automatically, <a href="http://redacted/site">Click Here...</a>

    A quick Google suggests it came from StackOverflow.

  • @loopback0 said in WTF Bites:

    <!--​ Note: don't tell people to `click` the link, just tell them that it is a link. -->
    If you're not redirected automatically, <a href="http://redacted/site">this is a link</a>

    Much better

  • Banned

    @loopback0 said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @TimeBandit By installing Sublime Text

    Then using it to fix VSCode.



    No new posts on the Old New Thing blog since Wednesday, which is unusual because Raymond never misses a day. But someone on reddit linked to a post from yesterday.
    Hmm, something weird is going on with the blog main page. 🤔
    Manipulating the URL gets me to today's post, too.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Hmm, something weird is going on with the blog main page. 🤔

    It's a WordPress blog, what did you expect? 🍹

  • @topspin Same for the RSS. The archive seems to have the latest (or at least more than the RSS feed has)

  • :belt_onion:

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Hmm, something weird is going on with the blog main page. 🤔

    It's a WordPress blog, what did you expect? 🍹

    Although I have enjoyed Raymond's blog for many years, it has always been Community Server-level fucky, regardless of platform.

    When they changed to the current format a couple of years ago, random line breaks were inserted into many older articles, turning parts of them into a sort of faux haiku.

  • :belt_onion:

    You spend 60 years trying to help people - and they name a disease after you.

    The American Legion is an organization of U.S. war veterans, headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. In addition to organizing commemorative events, members provide assistance at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and clinics. It is active in issue-oriented U.S. politics. Its primary political activity is lobbying on behalf of veterans and service members


    Legionnaires' disease acquired its name in July 1976, when an outbreak of pneumonia occurred among people attending a convention of the American Legion at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. Of the 182 reported cases, mostly men, 29 died. On 1 January 1977, the causative agent was identified as a previously unknown strain of bacteria, subsequently named Legionella, and the species that caused the outbreak was named Legionella pneumophila.

  • Banned

    @El_Heffe said in WTF Bites:

    When they changed to the current format a couple of years ago

    It was last year. Summer, IIRC.

  • Notification Spam Recipient


    See, they used the word AND, which implies I can have up to six devices logged in. But, it's actually two total across all supported device types.

    This besides the misfeature that is is "let's limited the number of things that can be logged in at once".

  • :belt_onion:

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @El_Heffe said in WTF Bites:

    When they changed to the current format a couple of years ago

    It was last year. Summer, IIRC.

    It seems longer

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    But, it's actually two total across all supported device types.

    Yeah, Evernote does that with the free tier too. Pay us, and get all the devices you want! (or create a 2nd free account and share folders between them...)


    @El_Heffe said in WTF Bites:

    When they changed to the current format a couple of years ago, random
    line breaks were inserted into many older articles, turning
    parts of them into a sort of
    faux haiku.

  • :belt_onion:

    @Luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    @El_Heffe said in WTF Bites:

    When they changed to the current format a couple of years ago, random
    line breaks were inserted into many older articles, turning
    parts of them into a sort of
    faux haiku.

    The MSG structure has a field called time
    which is a DWORD.
    There is also a function
    Get­Message­Time which returns a LONG.
    Both are documented as returning the time the message was generated,
    but the types are different.

    A filtered
    is nearly always a bad idea,
    because your program will not respond to messages that don’t meet
    the filter.

  • Considered Harmful

    Wait, what?


    I guess I shouldn't install Steam games and upgrade Chocolatey packages in parallel.


    Today's rant that's has too many :wtf:s for the status thread:

    As mentioned before, I bought the new Anno 1800 game some time ago and installed it on my mom's laptop, as she also liked to play the previous versions. Haven't played it in a while, though, thought I'd play a round earlier this evening. The following series of events unfolded.

    • I start it and it gives me a UAC admin password prompt. Sigh. You should be able to play a game from a restricted account. Guess it's going to install updates, since it's been a while and nowadays shit needs updates every 76 microseconds.
    • The splash screen pops up and tells me it's downloading about 60MB. Hmm, not that bad I guess. But wait, it's not downloading updates, it's "searching for updates". Yes, the update database or whatever the fuck it's downloading is that large, not the actual updates.
    • It restarts after that download, and again it prompts me for admin credentials.
    • It tells me to login to my Uplay account. For fucks sake, I've obviously entered that before and told it to remember. Didn't have to enter that the last time the game started. And what's worse, as mentioned this is my mom's laptop but I paid for the game, so although I set everything up to work correctly she doesn't have my Uplay account credentials and now wouldn't be able to login anymore.
    • I sift through my password manager and find the login data. Now, it wants me to accept a license agreement. Okay, now this is a serious legal :wtf:. I accepted a license agreement when I bought this (obviously without reading it, like everybody else, but that's besides the point). That means, if I hadn't accepted the agreement I would never have bought it to begin with. So what is this now? Either it is the exact same license, in which case there is zero reason to accept it again, or it is a different license, in which case you can't just unilaterally change what I bought. Who do you think you are, Darth Vader? Does that mean if I click "disagree" now I get the money refunded? I highly doubt that, but IMNSHO that would be the only legally acceptable option.
      I begrudgingly agree.
    • Restart, UAC prompt the third.
    • Prompt whether to install updates or "going offline". It's worked the last time I played it, I don't need your fucking updates, pick "go offline". Error message that game can't be started.
      FUUUUU. :fu:
    • Click install updates. Somewhere in between this "playing offline didn't work" and updating there was UAC prompt number 4.
    • It is now installing 6GB of updates at 1.3MBps. I've left the machine to update and walked away, without playing the game.

    Why can't I just buy a game anymore without it needing a fucking "Uplay" launcher, being constantly online, refusing to start when it hasn't updated in half an hour, and all that bullshit? I don't want any of that shit.
    It's no wonder I'm just hoarding discretionary income and not buying anything anymore. Everything made in the last 15 years is crap.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: When you require a watchdog program for a tray-icon...


    There used to be about 10 more, but my mouse touched them and Windows realized they don't exist.

  • Notification Spam Recipient


    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Since then I never bought another Ubisoft / Rockstar / EA game.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:


    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Since then I never bought another Ubisoft / Rockstar / EA game.

    i mean........ i havent bought an AAA game since Fallout 4 and i'm mildly regretting that one.....

  • Considered Harmful

    Um. Steam. That's not how progress bars work:


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Do we have a thread of "programs that spew useless notifications" yet?


  • :belt_onion:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:


    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Since then I never bought another Ubisoft / Rockstar / EA game.

    i havent bought an AAA game since Fallout 4 and i'm mildly regretting that one.....

    I've never bought an AAA game. I do need some AAA batteries however.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra I am buying games, just not from those publishers.

    📠 :barrier: 🌯

  • Considered Harmful

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    i mean........ i havent bought an AAA game since Fallout 4 and i'm mildly regretting that one.....

  • @topspin @levicki Before too long you won't have to worry about launchers, updaters, or downloaders; they'll all be streamed over the Internet. Nothing to download, no need to wait, plenty of opportunities to rebuy everything yearly!

    For now, though, I'm getting along fine with my ~10 game stores/launchers/updaters and ~5 game-specific ones. I avoid getting a game from one store that needs another one to work; if I'm going to be stuck running one of these things to get the game going I'd prefer it to be only one at a time.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    See, they used the word AND, which implies I can have up to six devices logged in.

    Also they've used "2" repeatedly. Compare to:

    You can have 2 browser, mobile, and tablet sessions simultaneously.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    i mean........ i havent bought an AAA game since Fallout 4 and i'm mildly regretting that one.....

    tempting........ i wonder if... ooh it is compatible with AAF and friends.... lovely!

  • Considered Harmful

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    they're about 8 months old


    HP batteries are amazingly crap quality; in fact I can't remember the last China gadget I bought that would even have come close to dying as quickly. We have heaps of SmartArray controllers for HP servers, and each one has a battery backup for its cache. These batteries are dying at a mindboggling rate, also often after having been replaced just a few months earlier. Some day I'll fit a test system with something soldered together from old cellphone batteries and bet the colleagues I can make it last longer. Although I'd probably have to hack an old one because it's got all that usual HP hardware authentication shit.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    I don't mind online activation check, but I absolutely won't be creating yet another account just to play a new game.

    I don't really see the issue with other launchers. They only need to be open while playing the game, it's no big deal.
    If a game's good enough for me to want to buy it, I'm not going to leave it (or pirate it) just to avoid a launcher.

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