interview attire 2019

  • So I might be looking for a new job soon. Turns out somebody in the Office of Assholes has tissue paper for skin. They ignored every bug report I sent for going on two years and then when I said "I can see this is never going to be fixed because you don't have the skills or inclination to do so" they closed the ticket and forwarded it to the CIO. I started a new job with a different department in January but so far it's been shit because I still have to work with useless crippleware provided by these clowns. I'd like to get back to real development anyway (this employer has been happy to rent/offshore everything for a few years now) so this would just speed up my timetable.

    I've been wondering if it's acceptable to dress casually at an interview now. Back when I was looking last time, I was doing the coat and tie deal. It took something like 8 interviews over 5 months to wind up here. So I don't really feel like putting up with that again, especially for what will likely amount to another shit job with different scenery. Will I get sent home if I show up in jeans or is that the secret handshake to get a plum six figure job creating WTFs for others to clean up?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Zenith said in interview attire:

    So I might be looking for a new job soon.

    Sorry to hear that.

    I've been wondering if it's acceptable to dress casually at an interview now. Back when I was looking last time, I was doing the coat and tie deal. It took something like 8 interviews over 5 months to wind up here. So I don't really feel like putting up with that again, especially for what will likely amount to another shit job with different scenery. Will I get sent home if I show up in jeans or is that the secret handshake to get a plum six figure job creating WTFs for others to clean up?

    I think smart-casual should be fine, we get a lot of candidates dressed like that and I don't think I've heard an interviewer ever comment on it negatively.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Zenith where are you? I've heard people around Seattle (especially @blakeyrat) say that casual dress seems to be the norm but I wouldn't even think about doing that around here (Washington, DC area).

  • 🚽 Regular

    As always, the answer is: it depends.

    Do research on your potential employer. If it's a banking institution or one that's heavily client-facing, wear at least a tie. If it's a new-age startup with standing desks and exercise balls and foosball in the break room, you could wear something a little more casual.

    My rule has always been, wear at least a polo and khakis. Belt optional. But I usually "play it safe" and wear a button down with a tie. I have never been looked at as "over done" with that, and your employer should understand even if it wasn't necessary. Full suits are usually a little too much unless I know I'll be interviewing with non-tech people who actually care about that kind of stuff, or it's a super-corporate full of :belt_onion: and stuffy execs.

  • @boomzilla Central PA. I do receive alot of Indian recruiter spam from the DC area though. Before the clock started ticking, I was going to do T-shirt and jeans to find a nice place to work but I might have to hurry a little now.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Zenith I'm not super familiar with the culture there but I'd think no less than the polo / khakis mentioned above. Personally, I'd probably do a shirt and tie.

  • sekret PM club

    @Zenith said in interview attire 2019:

    @boomzilla Central PA. I do receive alot of Indian recruiter spam from the DC area though. Before the clock started ticking, I was going to do T-shirt and jeans to find a nice place to work but I might have to hurry a little now.

    Coming from Northeast PA, usually interview attire around here is sufficient as a polo and khaki-style pants unless (as previously mentioned) you're interviewing with some particularly stuffy-types whose company would likely expect coat-and-tie as general office attire (like a law office or some such).

  • Dupa

    It's interesting to me that everybody mentioned tie. I've never worn one to an interview. Shirt, sure. Even casual suit, but never a tie.

    On the other hand, ties are cool. 👔 🤘

  • 🚽 Regular

    @kt_ said in interview attire 2019:

    It's interesting to me that everybody mentioned tie

    I didn't. Glad I don't have to wear one any more, office attire for me these days is button-down shirt and black trousers.

  • Dupa

    @Cursorkeys said in interview attire 2019:

    @kt_ said in interview attire 2019:

    It's interesting to me that everybody mentioned tie

    I didn't.

    :pendant: 😜

    Glad I don't have to wear one any more, office attire for me these days is button-down shirt and black trousers.

    Yeah, I wouldn't like to wear one every day, but 1-2 days per week is kinda cool. Ties are nice.

    For me it's whatever I want. We don't have dress code and some people just do proper IT crowd kinda attire.

    I know, I know, de🚝ing the thread, but the right answer was already provided.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    I always do a suit, dress shirt + tie. It's almost impossible to overdress. You can really hurt yourself if you underdress.

    If the attire gets brought up in the interview (ie: we're way more casual here), I always have a response ready along the lines of "That's great. Yeah, the suit-- this is just my interview suit. This is my only time I get to wear it. =) I'm totally looking forward to [office dress culture here]".

    It's better than "Fuck man, you need me to wear jeans that aren't ripped? Do I have to wash them? Come on. Well, what about my 'FUCK YOUR FACE" t-shirt?"

    @Zenith said in interview attire 2019:

    Turns out somebody in the Office of Assholes has tissue paper for skin. They ignored every bug report I sent for going on two years and then when I said "I can see this is never going to be fixed because you don't have the skills or inclination to do so" they closed the ticket and forwarded it to the CIO. I started a new job with a different department in January but so far it's been shit because I still have to work with useless crippleware provided by the Office of Assholes.

    I'm hoping this doesn't need to be said but... do not say this at your interview. Do not say anything even REMOTELY like this in your interview. Do not slag off your previous employers. Do not slag off your previous coworkers. Do not slag off your previous bosses, or owners, or customers.

    @Zenith said in interview attire 2019:

    I've been wondering if it's acceptable to dress casually at an interview now. Back when I was looking last time, I was doing the coat and tie deal. It took something like 8 interviews over 5 months to wind up here. So I don't really feel like putting up with that again, especially for what will likely amount to another shit job with different scenery. Will I get sent home if I show up in jeans or is that the secret handshake to get a plum six figure job creating WTFs for others to clean up?


    When you're going to an interview, you are 100% all the time putting your best self forward. You are selling yourself as much as you are evaluating them. How you present yourself is the first (and possibly most critical) impression. If you think how you are dressing has a chance of "sending you home", then that's clue enough not to wear that. You absolutely need to "clean up" by any definition of that. Look presentable. For Vishnu's sake, brush your teeth, mouth wash, deodorant and *NO PERFUMES, AFTERSHAVE OR COLOGNE".

    As for the "don't really feel like putting up with that again", well, do be blunt-- suck it up. You may be job hunting as a full-time job, but you aren't going to interviews 8 hours a day 5 days a week. You can deal with putting on the pretties for those few hours you are interviewing. It's your job, your career, your future, your rent & food.

  • @Lorne-Kates said in interview attire 2019:


    I'm perplexed by that. Yes, bathing in perfume is not a good idea, but I've never heard that "normal" usage of perfume/aftershave/cologne is a problem. Is this cultural?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Zerosquare said in interview attire 2019:

    @Lorne-Kates said in interview attire 2019:


    but I've never heard that "normal" usage of perfume/aftershave/cologne is a problem

    Me neither, as long as people aren't leaving a miasma behind them.

  • @kt_ said in interview attire 2019:

    It's interesting to me that everybody mentioned tie. I've never worn one to an interview. Shirt, sure. Even casual suit, but never a tie.

    On the other hand, ties are cool. 👔 🤘

    I use tshirts and jeans at interviews, but my interview to job offer ratio is terrible, it's worse than 1:10.

  • Here in Silly Valley, most people wear jeans (nice, not worn out) and a dress shirt. Sometimes a tie (still with jeans!). In all the years I've been here, I could count on one hand the number of people in suits. (Two hands for sports jackets)

  • @Lorne-Kates said in interview attire 2019:

    I'm hoping this doesn't need to be said but... do not say this at your interview. Do not say anything even REMOTELY like this in your interview. Do not slag off your previous employers. Do not slag off your previous coworkers. Do not slag off your previous bosses, or owners, or customers.

    When you're going to an interview, you are 100% all the time putting your best self forward. You are selling yourself as much as you are evaluating them. How you present yourself is the first (and possibly most critical) impression.

    Fair point, except the two interviews that panned out, I unloaded on my previous employer. Up until then I was polite and smiling and well dressed and GHOSTED. I heard they were interviewing ~25 people so I threw caution to the wind and was really surprised to hear back at all. That's why I was thinking T-shirt and jeans might be the part of the secret handshake to easy street that I missed last time.

    I'm just tired of jobs where they're trying to dig a swimming pool with a stapler and quick to fire somebody who suggests or knows how to operate a shovel. I would almost rather have an interviewer stand up and shoot me so I wouldn't have to do any of this ever again.

  • I agree that talking trash outright about former cow-orkers or employers in the interview is a no-no. There are plenty of corporatese euphemisms for "They sucked big, flaming, hairy donkeyballs the fucking lot of them" that most people will understand anyway, but are a lot better received if you absolutely must go down that route.
    As far as clothes go, I've never worn anything more fancy than jeans and t-shirt to an interview, and the last 15 years I've been to perhaps three interviews where I didn't get the gig or job (and I've turned down more jobs and gigs than that after the interview). The dress code varies wildly with field and geographic area though. But I find that as long as I can project an image of confidence and skill, I can dress pretty much any way, as long as it's clean and whole.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Carnage said in interview attire 2019:

    I agree that talking trash outright about former cow-orkers or employers in the interview is a no-no. There are plenty of corporatese euphemisms for "They sucked big, flaming, hairy donkeyballs the fucking lot of them" that most people will understand anyway, but are a lot better received if you absolutely must go down that route.

    Yep, 'I left because I'm looking for new challenges under strong management' is fine, but 'I gave them the 🖕 because the work was boring as hell and none of upper management could find their arse with both hands' isn't.

  • @kt_ said in interview attire 2019:

    On the other hand, ties are cool. 👔 🤘

    However, I think gives some bad advice:

    For your next job interview, wear these My Little Pony Ties. They are bright and full of pony magic.

  • @Cursorkeys I have some serious difficulty to lie with a straight face like that

  • @sockpuppet7 said in interview attire 2019:

    I have some serious difficulty to lie with a straight face like that

    @sockpuppet7 said in interview attire 2019:

    my interview to job offer ratio is terrible, it's worse than 1:10.

    That may not be a coincidence.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @sockpuppet7 said in interview attire 2019:

    @Cursorkeys I have some serious difficulty to lie with a straight face like that

    I just see it as being diplomatic, both parties know what's really being said. But it doesn't embarrass anyone when put like that.

  • Dupa

    @sockpuppet7 said in interview attire 2019:

    @kt_ said in interview attire 2019:

    It's interesting to me that everybody mentioned tie. I've never worn one to an interview. Shirt, sure. Even casual suit, but never a tie.

    On the other hand, ties are cool. 👔 🤘

    I use tshirts and jeans at interviews, but my interview to job offer ratio is terrible, it's worse than 1:10.

    Mine is 100%. 😛

  • @The_Quiet_One said in interview attire 2019:

    Belt optional.


    I hope I'm whooshing. Even if I wear a t-shirt, jeans and sandals, I would still wear a belt. I keep a spare belt in my desk drawer in the unlikely event I forget to wear a belt.

    Unless you meant that suspenders could replace the belt.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @jinpa Usually I wear pants in a size that doesn't require me to wear a belt or suspenders. And I guess I have wide hips or something.

  • @The_Quiet_One said in interview attire 2019:

    @jinpa Usually I wear pants in a size that doesn't require me to wear a belt or suspenders. And I guess I have wide hips or something.

    Do the pants have belt loops?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @jinpa Yes. And before you say anything, some of them have that hammer loop thing, too. Doesn't mean I wear a hammer with them all the time. Why should I wear a belt just because it has belt loops?

  • @The_Quiet_One said in interview attire 2019:

    @jinpa Yes. And before you say anything, some of them have that hammer loop thing, too.

    I don't think I need to say anything.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Zerosquare said in interview attire 2019:

    @Lorne-Kates said in interview attire 2019:


    I'm perplexed by that. Yes, bathing in perfume is not a good idea, but I've never heard that "normal" usage of perfume/aftershave/cologne is a problem. Is this cultural?

    1. you know that rule where dumb people don't know they're dumb? Yeah. No one who puts on too much scent thinks they put on to much. I question anyone who thinks they know what "normal" is.
    2. you don't know about any scent sensitivities may exist in the office, let alone in the person(s) who are interviewing you.
    3. scent is a strong trigger of memories. Maybe it'll trigger fond memories... or maybe memories about their psycho ex, or the parent who beat them, etc. Why roll those dice if you have to?

    For all the reasons above, why risk it? You're trying to sell yourself in an interview, why offer them reasons to reject you?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Lorne-Kates said in interview attire 2019:

    @Zerosquare said in interview attire 2019:

    @Lorne-Kates said in interview attire 2019:


    I'm perplexed by that. Yes, bathing in perfume is not a good idea, but I've never heard that "normal" usage of perfume/aftershave/cologne is a problem. Is this cultural?

    1. scent is a strong trigger of memories. Maybe it'll trigger fond memories... or maybe memories about their psycho ex, or the parent who beat them, etc. Why roll those dice if you have to?

    I can attest to this. Someone wore my ex's perfume on the street. I started continuing the argument that got us broken up. She was so confused as to why I was screaming at her that you cannot see Mexico from Sarasota, FL at eye level.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I think I wore a suit to an interview once. Other than that t-shirt and jeans. Never had any problems.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in interview attire 2019:

    @Lorne-Kates said in interview attire 2019:


    I'm perplexed by that. Yes, bathing in perfume is not a good idea, but I've never heard that "normal" usage of perfume/aftershave/cologne is a problem. Is this cultural?

    You should probably play it safe. You don't know how sensitive someone might be to the smell. In general most people think they have under done it while everyone else could easily track them through a maze on smell alone.

  • @DogsB: Fair enough.

  • 🚽 Regular

    I know this is the Help category, but I can't resist.

    @dkf said in The bad jokes topic 🐴🍹👨:

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @The_Quiet_One said in interview attire 2019:

    @jinpa Yes. And before you say anything, some of them have that hammer loop thing, too. Doesn't mean I wear a hammer with them all the time. Why should I wear a belt just because it has belt loops?

    I cannot stand to wear pants without a belt. That would drive me crazy. If casual shorts have belt loops I wear one with those also. This all started before I had a CCW and required me to wear a belt.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Polygeekery said in interview attire 2019:

    @The_Quiet_One said in interview attire 2019:

    @jinpa Yes. And before you say anything, some of them have that hammer loop thing, too. Doesn't mean I wear a hammer with them all the time. Why should I wear a belt just because it has belt loops?

    I cannot stand to wear pants without a belt. That would drive me crazy. If casual shorts have belt loops I wear one with those also. This all started before I had a CCW and required me to wear a belt.


    Wearing pants with belt loops without belt is wasteful.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Dress for the job that you want, not the job that you have. If you want to work in an office where casual is the norm, then wear "nice" casual clothes to the interview. It will help self-select for you.

    That being said, I do agree with those who said it is almost impossible to overdress for an interview. I mean, leave the tuxedo at home, but a suit is fine anywhere not inhabited by cockholes. But if you want to wear casual clothes to work, wear casual clothes to the interview and any place that won't allow it won't offer you a job if that is a deal breaker for them.

    If you need a new job quickly, then dress better because you don't have the luxury of time.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Polygeekery said in interview attire 2019:

    That being said, I do agree with those who said it is almost impossible to overdress for an interview.

    It is in this company.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @MrL said in interview attire 2019:

    Wearing pants with belt loops without belt is wasteful.

    And buy good belts. $50 minimum. Look for ones ~1/4" thick and 1.25"-1.50" in width. The cheapy belts go to hell quickly. They stretch, they roll, they aren't comfortable. Buy once, cry once. Cheap belts last a year, good belts last a decade (or more).

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @MrL said in interview attire 2019:

    @Polygeekery said in interview attire 2019:

    That being said, I do agree with those who said it is almost impossible to overdress for an interview.

    It is in this company.

    There are always edge cases. More often than not you could show up to a tech interview in a suit and tie and the interviewers are in cargo shorts and t-shirts with expletives on them and one guy is wearing a Battle Kilt and they are only likely to say, "We aren't that formal around here, you can leave the monkey suit at home if we hire you".

    When I agree to interview someone I communicate that they are fine to wear anything "presentable and casual" to the interview. I prefer to see people as they are, not as a facade they put up for an interview.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Polygeekery said in interview attire 2019:

    @MrL said in interview attire 2019:

    @Polygeekery said in interview attire 2019:

    That being said, I do agree with those who said it is almost impossible to overdress for an interview.

    It is in this company.

    There are always edge cases. More often than not you could show up to a tech interview in a suit and tie and the interviewers are in cargo shorts and t-shirts with expletives on them and one guy is wearing a Battle Kilt and they are only likely to say, "We aren't that formal around here, you can leave the monkey suit at home if we hire you".

    When I agree to interview someone I communicate that they are fine to wear anything "presentable and casual" to the interview. I prefer to see people as they are, not as a facade they put up for an interview.

    Well, yeah. Suit alone will not make us not hire you. But if we detect that it comes with a scent of corporate douchery...

  • @MrL I've always heard that you should dress 1 step above what you expect to be working in.

    Expect t shirt? Wear polo + khaki.
    Expect polo? Wear button down, possible tie.
    Expect button down? Wear sport coat.
    Expect sport coat? Wear suit.
    Expect suit? Don't go. 😆

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Benjamin-Hall said in interview attire 2019:

    @MrL I've always heard that you should dress 1 step above what you expect to be working in.

    Expect t shirt? Wear polo + khaki.
    Expect polo? Wear button down, possible tie.
    Expect button down? Wear sport coat.
    Expect sport coat? Wear suit.
    Expect suit? Don't go. 😆

    Looks correct.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    The rule of 👍 I always follow is:

    If the shirt has buttons (or is otherwise a substitute for a polo/dress shirt, e.g. some of the turtlenecks I wear in the winter while on a biz cas dress code), tuck it in and wear a belt

    Otherwise, no tuck and no belt.

    Of course, if I ever actually stay on my "no pop" diet long enough to lose weight, I'll have to wear the belt so as not to flash my co-workers on the regular, but hey :mlp_shrug:

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    I would like to subscribe to your newsletter

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @izzion said in interview attire 2019:

    I would like to subscribe to your newsletter

    You can find good ones by searching for "concealed carry belt" on Amazon.

    Remember how I recently posted in @Benjamin-Hall's thread about trying to attack problems from other directions? This is one of those cases. It is hard to find good belts in mainstream places, so think of those who require good belts. We weirdos who walk around in society with 2 lbs of steel hanging off our belt are one of those groups.

    The belt I currently wear is by CrossBreed.

    It is nylon core reinforced, so even less likely to stretch or deform. You can also get some that are steel core and have braided steel in them. Those are generally overkill unless you are a cop, or perhaps Batman.

    A good Amazon option is:

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @izzion said in interview attire 2019:

    I definitely hate the Kohl's belts

    Also, yes, they are rubbish. Less than 1/8" thick. I wore them back in the day and they would constantly stretch along one side and gradually turn round. That was back when I was in my early 20's and skinnier than I am now. I imagine it would only be worse now as I get older and rounder.

  • @izzion said in interview attire 2019:

    Of course, if I ever actually stay on my "no pop" diet long enough to lose weight, I'll have to wear the belt so as not to flash my co-workers on the regular, but hey :mlp_shrug:

    Because I've been there: At around 200, cutting back to one soda a week will only help you lose about 10. After that I found I needed to exercise. Like three hours a week on a bike minimum to lose another 10. It didn't take long to lose either 10, about 4-6 weeks, but then I plateaued and didn't know what to do. It was frustrating because my pant size was shrinking but I was still "fat" where it makes people look fat.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @The_Quiet_One said in interview attire 2019:

    you cannot see Mexico from Sarasota, FL at eye level

    TIL. Does the Wall get in the way or something?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    The big, blue wall:

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