The Official Status Thread

  • @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 did they run it through all languages in Google Translate and found one where it means something that in English is an obscure euphemism for some lower body parts?

    No, it's because I go by my initials, and I've always gone by my initials. The "Do you put periods in your initials or not" thing seems to be as bad as vim-vs-emacs or init-vs-systemd in some circles, and the way I've written by name for my entire life is on the wrong side of this site's rules.

    I'm not sure how I feel about a site that has style guidelines for the presence/absence of periods in the posters' initials. That seems like a total :wtf: of :pendant:, and not in the good way of our dear TDWTF. More like in the "very large metallic rod inserted up the rectum" way.

  • @Benjamin-Hall It's fairly common for authors to use initials in their author name, but to go by their legal first name in everyday life. I guess it makes sense to have rules for that. But I'm not one of those cases because I've always gone by my initials. Call me Timothy and I'd have no idea you're trying to talk to me.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    did they run it through all languages in Google Translate and found one where it means something that in English is an obscure euphemism for some lower body parts?

    They don't even need Translate.

  • @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall It's fairly common for authors to use initials in their author name, but to go by their legal first name in everyday life. I guess it makes sense to have rules for that. But I'm not one of those cases because I've always gone by my initials. Call me Timothy and I'd have no idea you're trying to talk to me.

    Going by initials vs going by name doesn't bug me (I know people who do either/both). It's worrying about whether those initials have periods in them or not that gets me. If I misunderstood, then it's slightly better. Still annoying.

    As a note, academics have the same name-based issues as authors. A lot of academics who marry keep using their maiden name professionally so as not to dilute the citation count or confuse people; those with unusual names (or who use initials) are recommended to be very consistent in each sphere.

  • Status: Hit my quota (35 of 70 comments done) ahead of schedule. Largely through the liberal use of copy and paste--there's only so many ways to say "dude, pay attention instead of talking to your friends" or "you're doing great!"

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Hit my quota (35 of 70 comments done) ahead of schedule. Largely through the liberal use of copy and paste--there's only so many ways to say "dude, pay attention instead of talking to your friends" or "you're doing great!"

    You could take your own cherished memories and somehow wrap them around a message of cheer and ill will. I've often thought of some how integrating a story about the time I ended up drinking a litre of southern comfort into a code review but I just don't have the linguistic ability to do so. :(

    STATUS I've spent the day doing code reviews.

  • @kazitor said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: stupid fahrenshite. Just added yeast to water from the kettle because the recipe said "110 to 115 degrees F" and I wasn't thinking properly

    update: I can't tell if the dough's getting larger or if it's just flattened out :/
    I'm going to assume that, since the bottom has remained fairly warm, the yeast are active.

    Most likely, yeast + boiling water = dead yeast.

  • @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I vehemently refuse to call them "methods". They're functions dammit. Why does it matter if it's in a class or not?

    I guess it's because of the dead meaning of function as a mapping from inputs to outputs. But then it might be more correct to just start calling everything methods?

    A method is a function with the concept of this. It's easy.

    More specifically, a method is a function where the first parameter goes before the function name.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    yes, I do phrase it a bit more diplomatically in the real comments

    Perhaps being a little less diplomatic might be a little more effective. (Yeah, right.)

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Ibuprofen doesn't usually do much for me either. But with my foot being a bit more annoying, I decided to try six pills instead. It seems to be having marginal effect.

    Careful, man. I already have three friends frying their livers, I don't need a fourth.

  • @sweaty_gammon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gribnit said in The Official Status Thread:

    Those are pretty much functions

    No. They can return void. Also what I said about them not having "this" isn't strictly true.

    void is just a type with only one value. There are some functions that don't return, like exit, but they still have a return type.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    Next xmas task: acquire and erect tree.

    Status: Done today. Next task, decorating. I got lights and a few ornaments on, but most of the decorating will happen after my daughter gets home from work.

    Decorating did get done last night, including the itty-bitty tree my daughter picked out for the kids' room, and on impulse I hung one ornament on the potted palm tree in the living room as a "California Christmas tree."

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: I’m now an official nerd, I have made a GitHub pull request for an OSS project that has been accepted.

  • Considered Harmful

    The question is, were you adding or removing swear words?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    No, it was a legit bugfix 🙀

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    I get what you mean. I set my friend limit at five, it's way too exhausting beyond that. 🍹

  • Java Dev

    Status: Refactored a piece of database layout that's been annoying everyone for years, in less than a day.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    I have made a GitHub pull request for an OSS project that has been accepted.

    BANNED: No longer welcome here.

  • Status: So, I received this "free newspaper" which in reality is just a bunch of advertisements.

    I have this sign on my post box which explicitly states: "No adverts or free newspapers!" This sign is legally valid and has to be obeyed. Strike 1.

    So I called them and told them to stop that. Which again, is the second, legally sound way to forbid them from delivering this newspaper to me.

    Next week: Newspaper again. Strike 2. And I called them again and told them in no uncertain terms (not insulting but not really friendly either) to stop. They promised to do so.

    Next week: Newspaper. Strike 3. Downloaded a legal document which deals with that exact matter, signed it and sent it to them. Said document states the legal paragraphs and the punishment possible under the law. Said document also states again to stop delivering this shit to me.

    Got a letter back: "Yes, we understand, we talked to the delivery company, we pinky swear you'll not see our newspaper again!"

    Guess what? Received a newspaper again.

    So I sent them a final letter - where I told them that I wouldn't contact them again. But every time I received a newspaper I'll get one of my neighbours to witness this, document it and when (not if!) I deemed the number of newspapers sufficient, I'd have an attorney set up a cease-and-desist.
    I also informed them that this would be very expensive for them as the legal costs for the attorney would be shifted to them right from the start and any court action would fail (there's plenty of precedent) and only make it more expensive.

    I think those jokers have relied way too long on people not taking legal steps because it's a bit of a bother. But they pissed me off sufficiently that continuing in that vein will be quite a costly endeavour for them.

  • @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I vehemently refuse to call them "methods". They're functions dammit. Why does it matter if it's in a class or not?

    I guess it's because of the dead meaning of function as a mapping from inputs to outputs. But then it might be more correct to just start calling everything methods?

    A method is a function with the concept of this. It's easy.

    More specifically, a method is a function where the first parameter goes before the function name.

    But can be changed by using bind, call, or apply. Can a non-method function be made into a method that way? Or would you still not consider it a method, even though it'll quack like one?

  • Garbage Person

    @kazitor 110 to 115 is real damn high for yeast, at least from a brewers perspective. We won't touch it until it's down to 80F.

    And bread yeast is very closely related to brewers yeast.

  • Java Dev

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: So, I received this "free newspaper" which in reality is just a bunch of advertisements.

    I have this sign on my post box which explicitly states: "No adverts or free newspapers!" This sign is legally valid and has to be obeyed. Strike 1.

    So I called them and told them to stop that. Which again, is the second, legally sound way to forbid them from delivering this newspaper to me.

    Next week: Newspaper again. Strike 2. And I called them again and told them in no uncertain terms (not insulting but not really friendly either) to stop. They promised to do so.

    Next week: Newspaper. Strike 3. Downloaded a legal document which deals with that exact matter, signed it and sent it to them. Said document states the legal paragraphs and the punishment possible under the law. Said document also states again to stop delivering this shit to me.

    Got a letter back: "Yes, we understand, we talked to the delivery company, we pinky swear you'll not see our newspaper again!"

    Guess what? Received a newspaper again.

    So I sent them a final letter - where I told them that I wouldn't contact them again. But every time I received a newspaper I'll get one of my neighbours to witness this, document it and when (not if!) I deemed the number of newspapers sufficient, I'd have an attorney set up a cease-and-desist.
    I also informed them that this would be very expensive for them as the legal costs for the attorney would be shifted to them right from the start and any court action would fail (there's plenty of precedent) and only make it more expensive.

    I think those jokers have relied way too long on people not taking legal steps because it's a bit of a bother. But they pissed me off sufficiently that continuing in that vein will be quite a costly endeavour for them.

    Or the delivery boy can't handle the mental load of skipping houses. I never minded doing fewer addresses myself; maybe they need to work on their communication?

  • @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I vehemently refuse to call them "methods". They're functions dammit. Why does it matter if it's in a class or not?

    I guess it's because of the dead meaning of function as a mapping from inputs to outputs. But then it might be more correct to just start calling everything methods?

    A method is a function with the concept of this. It's easy.

    More specifically, a method is a function where the first parameter goes before the function name.

    But can be changed by using bind, call, or apply. Can a non-method function be made into a method that way? Or would you still not consider it a method, even though it'll quack like one?

    bind is a method on Function which returns a Function.

  • @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    Or the delivery boy can't handle the mental load of skipping houses. I never minded doing fewer addresses myself; maybe they need to work on their communication?

    That's not my problem, it's their problem. And I refuse to let their problem become my problem.

    I mean, I'm not the only one they're fucking around with - plenty of my neighbours have similar stickers and plates and I still see that paper sticking out everywhere. I guess someone has to clue them in with a big bat.

  • @Weng said in The Official Status Thread:

    @kazitor 110 to 115 is real damn high for yeast, at least from a brewers perspective. We won't touch it until it's down to 80F.

    And bread yeast is very closely related to brewers yeast.

    Recipes typically say to activate the yeast by warming the water up to 110-115 or so. Much warmer than that, and you risk killing it.

    The idea isn't necessarily that it's a good holding temperature for the yeast to grow, but that it's a good temperature to kick the yeast into active mode after it's been dormant. Adding the other ingredients will lower the temperature rather significantly, anyway (flour is supposed to be stored in a cool place). And like @Atazhaia said, you can just use it at room temperature -- it'll just take longer for the yeast to do its thing.

  • @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I vehemently refuse to call them "methods". They're functions dammit. Why does it matter if it's in a class or not?

    I guess it's because of the dead meaning of function as a mapping from inputs to outputs. But then it might be more correct to just start calling everything methods?

    A method is a function with the concept of this. It's easy.

    More specifically, a method is a function where the first parameter goes before the function name.

    But can be changed by using bind, call, or apply. Can a non-method function be made into a method that way? Or would you still not consider it a method, even though it'll quack like one?

    bind is a method on Function which returns a Function.

    Yes, it returns a function, but is that function a method? It has been bound to a this object, so it meets the sole criteria that @pie_flavor identified as the difference between a function that isn't a method and one that is.

  • Java Dev

    @anotherusername It swims, waggles, and quacks like a duck?

  • @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I vehemently refuse to call them "methods". They're functions dammit. Why does it matter if it's in a class or not?

    I guess it's because of the dead meaning of function as a mapping from inputs to outputs. But then it might be more correct to just start calling everything methods?

    A method is a function with the concept of this. It's easy.

    More specifically, a method is a function where the first parameter goes before the function name.

    But can be changed by using bind, call, or apply. Can a non-method function be made into a method that way? Or would you still not consider it a method, even though it'll quack like one?

    bind is a method on Function which returns a Function.

    Yes, it returns a function, but is that function a method? It has been bound to a this object, so it meets the sole criteria that @pie_flavor identified as the difference between a function that isn't a method and one that is.

    At least in Go, the difference between a method and a function is is that a method is a function that is attached to the type of its first parameter.

    So if you have a function value somewhere, it's not a method, just like how if you copy a value from a field to a local variable, it's no longer a field, but it's still a value.

  • @PleegWat basically. All of these will do the same thing:

    speak as a function which is declared as a method of the Animal class:

    function Animal(type) {
      this.type = type;
      return this;
    Animal.prototype.speak = function speak() {
      var animal_says = {'duck': 'Quack, quack!'};
      if (this.type in animal_says) return `The ${this.type} says: ${animal_says[this.type]}`;
      return `I don't know what the ${this.type} says.`;
    var duck = new Animal('duck'), fox = new Animal('fox');

    speak as an independent function, which is then added as a method to the Animal class:

    function Animal(type) {
      this.type = type;
      return this;
    function speak() {
      var animal_says = {'duck': 'Quack, quack!'};
      if (this.type in animal_says) return `The ${this.type} says: ${animal_says[this.type]}`;
      return `I don't know what the ${this.type} says.`;
    Animal.prototype.speak = speak;
    var duck = new Animal('duck'), fox = new Animal('fox');

    speak as an independent function, which is then added as a method to specific objects of type Animal:

    function Animal(type) {
      this.type = type;
      return this;
    function speak() {
      var animal_says = {'duck': 'Quack, quack!'};
      if (this.type in animal_says) return `The ${this.type} says: ${animal_says[this.type]}`;
      return `I don't know what the ${this.type} says.`;
    var duck = new Animal('duck'), fox = new Animal('fox');
    duck.speak = speak;
    fox.speak = speak;

    speak as an independent function, which is then bound to an object of the Animal class when calling it, like a method:

    function Animal(type) {
      this.type = type;
      return this;
    function speak() {
      var animal_says = {'duck': 'Quack, quack!'};
      if (this.type in animal_says) return `The ${this.type} says: ${animal_says[this.type]}`;
      return `I don't know what the ${this.type} says.`;
    var duck = new Animal('duck'), fox = new Animal('fox');

    Note that the speak function is identical in all of those cases -- it is able to use this to access the properties of the Animal object.

    Note also that they're not exactly the same, since the first example doesn't leave a speak function defined -- it only exists as Animal.prototype.speak, or as a method of an Animal object. The others define speak separately, so that it is defined in whatever scope the code is running in. That difference wasn't significant here, though.

  • status Today just officially went to high-level-suckage.
    My dog had a lump removed from his arm last week. Diagnosis came in today.
    Soft Tissue Sarcoma.

    We have an appt for a consulation with an oncologist on Thu.

  • @Weng said in The Official Status Thread:

    @kazitor 110 to 115 is real damn high for yeast, at least from a brewers perspective. We won't touch it until it's down to 80F.

    And bread yeast is very closely related to brewers yeast.

    I'm at work, so I don't have any recipes handy, but what I remember off the top of my head, typically mixing water and (only) yeast, ~80°F (27°C). Mixing water and (yeast + other dry ingredients), ~110°F (43°C).

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I hate NVidia Tegra right now...


    No, repairing and no rebooting does not fix it. It's just fucked.

  • Banned

    Am I the only one who gets serious mind screws when game's main menu changes as the plot progresses?

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: So, you're telling me it's safe to ignore obsolete warnings. One wonders what one should do for deprecation warnings...



    Why are you using Ant :thonking:

  • Status: Hard to be motivated to work the week before Christmas where all our clients are effectively skeleton crews and my boss is "on vacation". I officially have a 4 day weekend with Christmas Eve off, un-officially I'll also take this Friday off (otherwise I'd be the only one coming into the office that day).

    Also Status: Two months and two weeks ago, a one-off feature was requested for a client. Two months and one week ago, we delivered that feature. Today, said client emails saying that two configuration settings for the feature typo the name of what it will be handling. This is despite the fact that I had sent three emails with that typo in it (two before delivering, one while) and no one of the 3 people for the client on those emails said anything regarding it, until today, when apparently they are going to try to start using it.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    There are some functions that don't return, like exit, but they still have a return type.

    Formally, the return type of a function that doesn't return is properly the bottom of the type system under conventional type semantics, as it is a type with no values at all. By comparison, the Unit return type should include at least the possibility of returning even if there is no useful value associated with it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I vehemently refuse to call them "methods". They're functions dammit. Why does it matter if it's in a class or not?

    I guess it's because of the dead meaning of function as a mapping from inputs to outputs. But then it might be more correct to just start calling everything methods?

    A method is a function with the concept of this. It's easy.

    More specifically, a method is a function where the first parameter goes before the function name.

    struct Foo;
    impl Foo {
        fn bar(&self) {}
    fn main() {
        let foo = Foo;;

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf I wish more languages had the equivalent of Rust's ! or Kotlin's Nothing.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @TwelveBaud said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Ibuprofen doesn't usually do much for me either. But with my foot being a bit more annoying, I decided to try six pills instead. It seems to be having marginal effect.

    Careful, man. I already have three friends frying their livers, I don't need a fourth.

    My liver is already shitting itself. :mlp_shrug:

    But, I'm definitely not doing that again. Weird shit has been happening...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @JazzyJosh said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: So, you're telling me it's safe to ignore obsolete warnings. One wonders what one should do for deprecation warnings...



    Why are you using Ant :thonking:

    :mlp_shrug: It was the suggestion from the current "How to compile for Android" guide. I so had to click the box because the button to "Accept the agreement" didn't work. Using Gradle has no effect (and, actually, I think I see it talking about gradles elsewhere in the log regardless).

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    My liver is already shitting itself.

    Speaking of which, I think tonight will be a brandy and Minecraft type of evening. And I really need to find my missing Bluetooth game controller so I can give the Bedrock Edition server/GearVR a shot.


    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Luhmann said in The Official Status Thread:

    Do I have to do everything around here?

    Am I included?

    The bigger question is: do you want him to do you?

    Filed under: consent?!

  • Spent all day trying to make Angular 7 download a file in a sensible way.

  • @sweaty_gammon did you succeed?

  • @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @sweaty_gammon did you succeed?

    Yes. However I am going to write about this in the WTFBites thread.


    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I’m now an official nerd, I have made a GitHub pull request for an OSS project that has been accepted.

    Congrats. Six weeks ago I've first looked up how pull requests even work and made one, but it's not been accepted yet.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Excellent.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Edit: We'll see how well it can Feature Update off a 16 Gb stick...

    Status: Apparently not so well....


    Oh, right. It's impossible to run Windows 10 without at least 2 GB of RAM :rolleyes:


    Frankly, I'm surprised that's the complaint...


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Frankly, I'm surprised that's the complaint...

    Ah, there it is!


    Let's try....




    Let's see how well it fares backing up the system drive to a VHD mounted over the network!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Let's see how well it fares backing up the system drive to a VHD mounted over the network!

    So far, so good! I'm stacking up my imppressed-ness...


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