WTF Bites

  • Considered Harmful

  • @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    @bb36e My buddy and I always used to set Visual Studio up as a Steam "game".

    Ditto. Later, when Steam introduced the remote play/streaming to a different computer on the LAN, I found that you could use Steam to run Visual Studio remotely. (It came in handy for a few tests with different versions of VS.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @gąska said in WTF Bites:

    But it's only ever an issue if you use inheritance where you should have used function object as argument.

    And if you're insistent on not using the PIMPL pattern.

  • Banned

    @dkf PIMPL is a hacky workaround of C++'s shitty compilation model. Doing insane things because doing things sanely isn't an option with the tools you're forced to use, is completely fine, and you get all my sympathy. But people who do insane things because they think it's better than the sane way, should have their programming license revoked indefinitely.

  • Real wtf: We cannot change your passwords more than 3 times a year. (pay attention to we)

    ~lazy admin department.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @gąska said in WTF Bites:

    PIMPL is a hacky workaround of C++'s shitty compilation model.

    I disagree, since it means that you don't need to expose the size of your implementation objects in your API. That's good because it leaves you free to adapt those over time rather than forcing all clients of your API to do a full recompile just because you threw some extra fields into an internal object that just happened to leak out by some indirect route.


    @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    @bb36e My buddy and I always used to set Visual Studio up as a Steam "game".

    I set up Discord to show it as "Serious Work Simulator" when running.

    NB: I write code in it, but it's not for serious purposes, so it's actually correct.

    Filed under: Fuck that "compiler" boss, one wrong keypress and it starts spamming attacks like there's no tomorrow

  • @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    forcing all clients of your API to do a full recompile just because you threw some extra fields into an internal object that just happened to leak out by some indirect route

    That still sounds like a problem on C++'s side.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    That still sounds like a problem on C++'s side.

    It's a problem caused by putting structures directly in other structures. Put in references (or pointers) instead, and the size of the outer structure becomes independent of the size of the inner one (as the immediate size becomes the size of the reference/pointer, which is typically just one word). That lets the inner structure evolve safely independently of the outer one.

    Some languages make this mode of operation default by not allowing true structure nesting at all…

  • area_can

    "...start-ups, StanfordU, G**gle [??], Apple yet or..."

  • 🚽 Regular

    Just spent some 2 minutes (that's a lot of time, when one would otherwise be in flow) switching between various applications to make sure what was happening wasn't a bug in Visual Studio; pressing all the modifier keys to make sure one of them didn't get stuck; then cursing at my wireless keyboard for the tab and escape keys having stopped working.

    Do you know how annoying it is to be refactoring code when your tab key doesn't work?
    Not just because of needing to adjust indentation, but also because it's the key I habitually use for accepting autocompletions.

    Also without Alt+Tab or Alt+Esc I had to switch windows with the mouse, like a peasant.

    Anyway... I eventually activated a Team Viewer window I had open in the background for some time, and there I saw a Git Bash window with a prompt reading "Display all 5145 possibilities? (y or n)".

    Could it be?

    Yes. Yes it could.

    And this is the story of how I unchecked "Send key combinations" in TeamViewer in anger.

  • Banned

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @gąska said in WTF Bites:

    PIMPL is a hacky workaround of C++'s shitty compilation model.

    I disagree, since it means that you don't need to expose the size of your implementation objects in your API. That's good because it leaves you free to adapt those over time rather than forcing all clients of your API to do a full recompile just because you threw some extra fields into an internal object that just happened to leak out by some indirect route.

    Okay, I admit I didn't think of that. I never worked with code that couldn't be recompiled when needed.

  • ESXi web interface. Someone please bash my face in with a sledgehammer. I have to F5 the page after each and every operation, sometimes even multiple times in a row, because their terrible web interface crashes or their JS code runs off into the weeds and breaks everything.

    I am also really sick of "An unexpected error has occurred, please refresh the page to continue" messages happening at the login screen right after a refresh while attempting to recover from "An unexpected error has occurred, please refresh the page to continue".

    Why they killed their .NET desktop client is beyond me. That was one of the most stable pieces of software I've ever used.

    EDIT: For simplicity, the next version of their web client should just be a static HTML page with this on it. It would load faster and be just as usable.


    EDIT 2: I love how it says "The client may continue working" but there is no option to close the error and continue. Details gives you a meaningless error "A network error has occurred" and Reload refreshes the page and pops the error up again.

    EDIT 3: What a pile of 💩 ! All I want to do is attach an ISO so I can load an OS on this fresh VM. But 9 times out of 10, the Edit Settings dialog loads incorrectly and blows itself up with validation errors while trying to fill out its own form with data from its own settings file. Each time this happens I gotta refresh and log in again.


  • @mott555 A 10-second task just took me damn near 30 minutes to accomplish because some moron thought a single-page JavaScript web app was a good way to manage virtual machines.

  • 0_1531237548383_7df06817-2de4-4dcc-a9cb-69e7c9eaa101-imatge.png

    I'm glad they specified that both male and female people can apply for the positions. Maybe they're against nonbinary genders?

  • @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    "An unexpected error has occurred, please refresh the page to continue" messages

    I suppose you don't have any support contract? Because if you do, I'd just refuse to touch anything at this point.

    Seriously though, it sounds like something's seriously borked in there.

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    on't have any support contract? Because if you do, I'd just refuse to touch anything at this point.
    Seriously though, it sounds like something's seriously borked in there.

    No support contract. We're using the free edition of ESXi because that's more than we need.

    This happens on any workstation, with any web browser, on any of our ESXi hosts. It's like nobody at VMware even tried to use their own management client.

  • @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    This happens on any workstation, with any web browser, on any of our ESXi hosts. It's like nobody at VMware even tried to use their own management client

    There's probably an issue with your installation, we don't see any issue here.
    ESXi 6.5 from memory

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    I'm glad they specified that both male and female people can apply for the positions. Maybe they're against nonbinary genders?

    I noticed that on virtually every job advert on Stack Exchange coming from Germany. You finally motivated me to look it up (:doing_it_wrong:) and find this Meta.StackExchange answer about it.
    TL;DR: Lazy translation from German. German has many gendered nouns, so their ads say "Softwareentwickler (m/w)" instead of "Softwareentwickler/Softwareentwicklerin", and translation to English often gets done without thinking it through.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dcoder I can't read that as anything other than "Softwareen tickler".

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    A client calls just now.

    👩 "Our copier service people are here, the copier went out and they replaced it but as soon as they plug in the network cable it gives the same error so he is thinking there is some issue with the network. Can you or one of your guys check it out?"
    polygeekery "Sure thing. There is a lot of stuff in the print queue, let me clear that and see if it helps."
    👩 "Same problem."
    polygeekery "What error is it giving?"
    👩 "Some firmware error message, 900 something."
    polygeekery "Can you be more specific? I want to see if that leads me to anything."
    👩 "900.XX"

    -five seconds of Googling later-

    polygeekery "Hey, you say they swapped out the printer...did they swap the entire thing or just the main unit?"
    👩 "What do you mean?"
    polygeekery "That copier has sheet feeders that can be stacked and the main control unit sits on top. Did they swap out the entire unit or just the part on top?"
    👩 "Uhmmmm, I think just the top part."
    polygeekery "A cable has come loose in one of the sheet feeders. There is an inductor down in there that if you jostle the machine can pull a wire loose. That is probably the issue."
    👩 "Hold on, let me tell him."

    The guy essentially refuses to check. Is absolutely convinced that is not the issue and that it is a problem on the network that is causing firmware errors on the machine.

    polygeekery "Come on man, just check the fucking cable. It will take 10 seconds."

    It was the cable. Copier is working now. It was literally the first Google result when searching that error code. I really hate printer/copier repair guys. I have met one in 10+ years that was not a total buffoon and argumentative.

  • Fake News

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:


    I'm glad they specified that both male and female people can apply for the positions. Maybe they're against nonbinary genders?

    They're discriminating non-binary-gender people, it really should have been (m/f/x)!

    Filed under: This is really a thing

  • You are in breach of condition 15.4(c) of your agreement with PayPal Credit as we have received notice that you are deceased... this breach is not capable of remedy.

    Zombies have rights too 💢

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Security feature to prevent you from outsourcing your password and job to a Chinese/Indian subcontractor 🍹

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Have you tried using IE6? 🐠

  • @izzion said in WTF Bites:

    Have you tried using IE6? 🐠

    IE6 on Win10? :head_explode:

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    I really hate printer/copier repair guys. I have met one in 10+ years that was not a total buffoon and argumentative.

    Uhm, I hate to tell you this, but meeting yourself back in your printer/copier repair days doesn't count, you don't fulfill the other two requirements... 🍹


    Are you saying @Polygeekery isn't an argumentive buffoon?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    Are you saying @Polygeekery isn't an argumentive buffoon?

    Yeah, that's insulting.

  • @luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    Are you saying @Polygeekery isn't an argumentive buffoon?

    Only when drunk.

    Oh, yeah, nevermind 🍹

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    I think you inverted my meaning. Since PG’s requirement was NOT a buffoon AND NOT argumentative.

  • On Ubuntu 18.04, the Gnome Calculator application is a filesystem...



  • @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    WTF of the last 5 days: So, I got this new processor & new motherboard last Thursday.

    Naturally, Windows 10 decided on Friday that this wasn't my PC anymore and didn't want to reactivate. So, I clicked on "Try activation again" and when that failed, clicked on "I changed a major hardware component". The next window then told me that the activation server was down and I should try it again some other time. Tried it twice more one hour apart each time and then gave up for the day.
    Of course there's no status page anywhere, there's no way to tell you about this at the beginning of the call or is there some way for them to call me back.

    Okay, it's Tuesday, let's try this again, shall we? Called them, got through the 12 point menu (yes, 12, I miscounted. So sue me), got an agent. Gave my issue number, was promptly forwarded to a technician. Said technician, upon hearing my story, actually turned out not to be one and forwarded me again to a technician. Who forwarded me again. You have three guesses why. The first two don't count.
    This last fowarding left me in a "please hold the line" status for 20 minutes. Then finally I heard a voice. Told my story. We then went through the incantation of the activation id again (54 digits, remember?). Didn't work.

    Seems I need a new product key! But don't worry, he'll send me an email to which I reply with my motherboard receipt which he'll forward to his superior who will email a new product key to me!

    A bit Rube Goldbergish but okay.

    Only problem: This necessitates a complete re-install.

    Oh well. Actually received the key at 17:00h and proceeded with reinstallation of Windows. Then the reinstallation of my programs. Then some customization of settings...

    ... waitaminute. Why can't I change this setting? "Windows needs to be activated to change this setting"?

    Long story short, here's a screenshot:


    "Windows cannot be activated on this device because the product key is already in use by another device." Naturally, the available options do nothing.

    Jesus Christ.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    On Ubuntu 18.04, the Gnome Calculator application is a filesystem...



    I hadn't heard of 'snaps' before so I had to look them up. The 'everything must be a container' brain damage is spreading. Soon there'll be so many abstraction layers no CPU cycles will be left to actually do anything.


    @mott555 Not only that, it's a loop device.

    Maybe it's one of these!


  • @cursorkeys said in WTF Bites:

    The 'everything must be a container' brain damage is spreading


  • @cursorkeys said in WTF Bites:

    Soon there'll be so many abstraction layers no CPU cycles will be left to actually do anything.

    We're on the cusp of 18-core consumer-grade processors, we gotta find something to do with all those extra cores!

  • @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Only problem: This necessitates a complete re-install.


  • @blakeyrat Yes. Didn't work as well because Insider Preview. I don't know why and I'm pretty certain noone at MS knows as well.

  • @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    We're on the cusp of 18-core consumer-grade processors, we gotta find something to do with all those extra cores!

    We already found it: JavaScript apps on the desktop :headdesk:

  • @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    @blakeyrat Yes. Didn't work as well because Insider Preview.

    Oh you're Tinkering With Shit. Well it works for normal people.

    And for the record, Microsoft support in the US has its shit together. I used to (due to IT job) have to call that license key line like 3-4 times a week and I never had it not work on the first try. But I call the US organization.

  • @blakeyrat Yes. They obviously didn't change their scripts to reflect that issue. But still, sending me a key that I cannot use because it already is in use?

  • @rhywden Does it start with FCKGW?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Seems I need a new product key! But don't worry, he'll send me an email to which I reply with my motherboard receipt which he'll forward to his superior who will email a new product key to me!
    A bit Rube Goldbergish but okay.
    Only problem: This necessitates a complete re-install.

    Hmmmmm, I do not think that is correct. When I have run in to this issue in the past I have used a super-special-magic product key that wipes out all the product key stuff so you can then activate with the proper product key. Let me dig and see if I can find it again:

    I think it is - VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T

    This is the generic product key and AFAIK wipes out all prior activation stuff and sets you back to square one so you can activate with whatever key you might have. It has worked every time we have tried it. For instance if a client buys a machine with Win 10 Home and they want to use one of their Win 10 Pro keys through volume licensing that will allow them to do so.

    There are other methods using slmgr.vbs and such but their success rate is pretty abysmal. The method with the generic product key has worked every time we have tried it.

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @rhywden Does it start with FCKGW?

    No. Neither the old one nor the new one do.

  • @polygeekery Will try that if everything else fails. I at least want to yell at somebody tomorrow.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Only problem: This necessitates a complete re-install.


    That rarely works in my experience.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    I at least want to yell at somebody tomorrow.

    It can be very cathartic.

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden What does it mean to inherit a member if you can't access it?

    Enforced default implementations.

  • 0_1531246502468_429c7e2c-d0df-4dea-9682-18d455be8c95-image.png

    I don't think the 2017 redistributables count as a newer version of the 2015 ones, do they? Even if they did I don't want to remove them.

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