WTF Bites

  • 🚽 Regular

    @ben_lubar TIL:

    pressing Ctrl+G (abort) will cancel the search and restore the current input line.

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    I use ^\, ^Z, ^D, and ^C regularly, though.

    Hmm, need to see what these do.
    Wait, only the first is new to me. Is it the same as Esc+.? Does it pull up the last argument to the previous command?

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar TIL:

    pressing Ctrl+G (abort) will cancel the search and restore the current input line.

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    I use ^, ^Z, ^D, and ^C regularly, though.

    Hmm, need to see what these do .

    ^\ and ^C kill the program (^\ is SIGQUIT, which most programs don't override from its default meaning of "make a core dump and exit", ^C is SIGINT, which also works on Windows)
    ^D is end-of-input, known as ^Z[enter] on Windows
    ^Z is SIGSTOP, which can be paired with bg and fg to do some pretty weird things when you want to interrupt a process.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    From a job position:

    [name redacted] is a rapidly growing start-up company developing a new way of browsing. We are basing our browser on the blockchain technology. Our browser is currently in beta stage, and available for your phone, tablet and computer.

    Well, er, good luck with that.

    It is a dynamic multi-browsing technology backed up by the blockchain technology. Addap’s will become an online ecosystem of multiple tabs. With each tab, the user gets an “infinitely scrollable” interface in which they can place as many windows as they wish.

    Buzzword bingo anyone?

    We all have a big problem when it comes to online safety and security. Where does Addap’s stand when it comes to security? The application uses a secured login which it makes it impossible for malicious users to hack into the user’s account. The private key becomes the user’s identity and it enables him to be the only one that logs into his personal online environments and services. Furthermore, the wallet keys and personal details can be stored on external devices.

    Waiter! More Kool-aid please - I appear to have drunk my last one...

  • @pjh you can put windows INSIDE YOUR TABS, thus defeating the point of both windows and tabs

  • @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    private key becomes the user’s identity

    That is literally the opposite of how public key cryptography is supposed to work

  • Considered Harmful

    @ben_lubar Not necessarily. I assume that by logging in with it, they decrypt something. Although a single random number as your identity is the exact opposite of how logins are supposed to work.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    That is literally the opposite of how public key cryptography is supposed to work

    Depends on who's doing the using, I guess.

  • @pjh Yes, not sure why I redacted the name, since it's a freely available application.

    As far as I can manage to decrypt, their selling points are

    1. They essentially put the windows inside the tabs instead of the other way around, in a desperate attempt to not look like Chrome.
    2. They plan to upload your user profile to the blockchain, encrypted, and keep the private key with you, for "security". Needless to say, this literally does not improve security (or features) in any possible way.

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    They plan to upload your user profile to the blockchain, encrypted, and keep the private key with you, for "security". Needless to say, this literally does not improve security (or features) in any possible way.

    Well, it does improve feature in a possible way: your profile can be persistent and synchronized without them operating any servers where it would be stored. Except it will, of course, take much, much more resources that way as everybody will be storing a bunch of encrypted profiles of many others and as the old versions of the profiles will stick around forever, adding to the bloat. But you asked for possible way, not a sane one.

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    Fuck you, Netflix.

    My wife's Netflix is probably so confused. A couple of days ago we watched The Emoji Movie. Last night we watched The Human Centipede.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    I know I'm dealing with older code, but every time I see this, it makes me sad. Why the hell don't people know what an abstract object is?

    If ThingType = "first_type" Then
       Dim AThing = FirstType()
       ' A fuckload of code here that sets up values in that object
       ' A fuckload of code here that handles the result of that action
    ElseIf ThingType = "second_type" Then
       Dim AThing = SecondType()
       ' A fuckload of code here that sets up values in that object
       ' A fuckload of code here that handles the result of that action
    ElseIf ThingType = "type_three" Then
       Dim AThing = ThirdType()
       ' A fuckload of code here that sets up values in that object
       ' A fuckload of code here that handles the result of that action


    No, those Things aren't derived from a base class. Yes, they all do the exact same fucking thing in the ' a fuckload of code sections.

  • area_can

    @lorne-kates this is why I like Go. Go doesn't have generics, and that keeps the language simple and straightforward. Copying and pasting is a lot simpler to understand than compiler black magic 🚎

  • area_can



    I think I found your problem

  • @unperverted-vixen said in WTF Bites:

    Not seeing the problem there - they're three distinct programs. (One for editing ebooks, one for viewing them, and one for cataloging them.)

    Confuses the bejeezus out of me. For example, is the "main" calibre program a superset of the other two? Or something else entirely? What makes it more "main" than the other two exactly? Why isn't calibre capitalized? How is a wrench useful when editing an e-book? What's that blue thing on the right size of the "main" program's icon?

  • @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    Buzzword bingo anyone?

    Sounds like Cyberdog. A browser Apple made back in the day based on the OpenDoc technology which, in theory if it ever worked, let you embed apps in other apps. (So you could open a big ass window as a canvas and put as many web browser UIs as you wanted inside of it.)

  • @tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    Did you know that textbox is scrollable? It's true!

    It's the COOL thing! Everyone's doing it! Get those pesty UI elements out of there until you use them! Oh, you didn't know one was there? Well, you're not cool and should just die.

  • @lorne-kates I'm kind of surprised that VB allows multiple Dim statements with different types for different code paths in the same scope... I'd have expected Dim AThing As Variant.

  • And then the murders began.

    @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    Confuses the bejeezus out of me. For example, is the "main" calibre program a superset of the other two? Or something else entirely? What makes it more "main" than the other two exactly?

    The main application is an ebook library; the separate viewer/editor apps were created to supply those features in the library, but were implemented as standalone apps rather than embedding them in the parent executable. Alas, they were not given entirely new product names.

    I'm not saying it's a paragon of good design and naming, just that I wasn't seeing any obvious technical issue in that screenshot. :face_with_stuck-out_tongue:

  • 0_1520377300798_izqwe1zm97k01.jpg

    The text can be roughly translated to Ribeirão Preto's wheelchair users club

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar Are you aware of Ctrl+R?

    Whenever I tried ctrl+r I felt as lost as in the first times I tried to use VI without any manual

  • Fake News

    @sockpuppet7 It only takes a few steps to join them.

    Filed under: :rimshot:

  • Cross-platform :wtf: :

    Apps that open their windows under other apps. On Mac, the Office apps (most recent versions and old ones alike) are prime offenders; on Windows GIMP is horrific--it won't come to the front of other apps even if it has focus. You can move the window around and it will slide under all the other apps.

  • @benjamin-hall said in WTF Bites:

    Cross-platform :wtf: :

    Apps that open their windows under other apps. On Mac, the Office apps (most recent versions and old ones alike) are prime offenders; on Windows GIMP is horrific--it won't come to the front of other apps even if it has focus. You can move the window around and it will slide under all the other apps.

    Apps that open their windows over other apps without taking focus.

  • @benjamin-hall Current Gimp version has a single window mode (not the default, but it's there)

  • @benjamin-hall I think the biggest :wtf: is that modern operating systems / desktop window managers even allow this to be possible in the first place.

  • @sockpuppet7 It happens worst with the main window. And I like having separate toolbars, but GIMP is moronic about handling it.

  • Considered Harmful

    After much fucking around with the Roku TV, I have discovered that it refuses to receive screen mirroring from the same device it's connecting to for WiFi. And using two computers, one as hotspot and one as the stream, is both too slow and too unwieldy. Back to the drawing board on how to stream to it over a network with no device connectivity.

  • SQL Developer:
    (a) quits unexpectedly quite often, usually overnight but I've also had it happen when I switch to another application; naturally all unsaved tabs are lost, which is a pain if you're working your way through a large piece of work and adding statements to a list as you go
    (b) has really poor connection management; it's hard to do more than one thing at a time for a specific database, such as explain plan while a query is running
    (c) just gave me an error saying "This file was modified outside of JDeveloper, do you want to reload it?"

    I know many people hate TOAD, but I really miss it...

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @bb36e said in WTF Bites:



    I think I found your problem

    Don't blame me, it was VB when I got here.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    @lorne-kates I'm kind of surprised that VB allows multiple Dim statements with different types for different code paths in the same scope... I'd have expected Dim AThing As Variant.

    You're surprised VB does something stupid?

    (tobe faire, it was from-memory reproduced. But also tobe faire, VB does that, and the VB devs who wrote the code did that)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    After much fucking around with the Roku TV, I have discovered that it refuses to receive screen mirroring from the same device it's connecting to for WiFi. And using two computers, one as hotspot and one as the stream, is both too slow and too unwieldy. Back to the drawing board on how to stream to it over a network with no device connectivity.

    What the fuck is wrong with an HDMI cable to a PC?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @scarlet_manuka said in WTF Bites:

    SQL Developer:
    (a) quits unexpectedly quite often, usually overnight

    You need to hire better people.

  • @lorne-kates Ha, funny. Except I'm the closest thing around here to a SQL developer in that sense, and I've been here 15 years, so that's not a problem we have :)

  • Considered Harmful

    @lorne-kates said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    After much fucking around with the Roku TV, I have discovered that it refuses to receive screen mirroring from the same device it's connecting to for WiFi. And using two computers, one as hotspot and one as the stream, is both too slow and too unwieldy. Back to the drawing board on how to stream to it over a network with no device connectivity.

    What the fuck is wrong with an HDMI cable to a PC?

    It's not long enough. And the audio doesn't connect to the sound system properly.

  • @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    Current Gimp version has a single window mode (not the default, but it's there)

    It still won't come to the front until you focus some other window, then return focus to Gimp. Also, you can't Alt+Tab between Gimp and another application the way you would between any other two applications. When you Alt+Tab back to Gimp, you'll activate the color picker window, if it's open, not the main window, even if it didn't have focus when you were using Gimp. Not only is it the only exception to the single-window mode, it is always before the main window in the Alt+Tab order.

  • @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    The landlord/property manager claims to be a professonal with a well-known national real estate company. But if that were true, you'd think he'd be competent enough to send an actual application to a prospective renter.

    It occurred to me later that the craigslist mail forwarder might be mangling the attachment. I think I might put that as the #2 probability, behind malware and ahead of incompetence.

  • @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    interrupting your workday afternoon for an update that's failed the last 20 times Windows has tried it, and nothing has changed to make this attempt any more likely to succeed than the others.

    IT finally did something to make the update succeed. (It only took five months.) They closed my ticket this morning, saying the update was installed. :wtf:❓ But when I rebooted this afternoon, about a half-hour before it would have forcibly rebooted itself, ready or not, it actually installed updates. It took about a half-hour and rebooted itself three times.

    Too bad I only have another half a week to work there.

    The :wtf: is not entirely resolved, though. It's still popping up notifications that software updates need to be installed and/or are being installed, even though no updates are in progress nor does Software Center show any required updates.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    Current Gimp version has a single window mode (not the default, but it's there)

    It still won't come to the front until you focus some other window, then return focus to Gimp. Also, you can't Alt+Tab between Gimp and another application the way you would between any other two applications. When you Alt+Tab back to Gimp, you'll activate the color picker window, if it's open, not the main window, even if it didn't have focus when you were using Gimp. Not only is it the only exception to the single-window mode, it is always before the main window in the Alt+Tab order.

    Something that pisses me off to no end is: having GIMP set to single window mode doesn't mean keyboard shortcuts will be sent to the main window, even when that is the sensible thing to do.


    1. Be doing something on a zoomed in image in the main window. Painting, whatever;
    2. Move mouse or pen while holding space bar to pan;
    3. Click to select another layer;
    4. Hold space bar some more. Oops, because you've focused the Layers panel, spacebar is now triggering the checkbox that toggles the layer's visibility. Enjoy your flashing layer.


    1. Be doing something on a zoomed in image in the main window. Painting, whatever;
    2. Move mouse or pen while holding space bar to pan;
    3. Click one of the color swatches to make your color burnt sienna instead of saddle brown;
    4. Hold space bar again. Oops, somehow your focus is on the Layers panel again. Enjoy your flashing layer again.


    1. Be painting an alpha layer, pressing X to toggle between colors black and white;
    2. Click another layer;
    3. Press X. Congratulations! It works. I wouldn't fault you for expecting it didn't, but it does;
    4. Adjust your brush size, or whatever;
    5. Press X before clicking the main window. Nothing happens because the now focused input swallows the keyboard event. Or maybe you've just typed an 'x' into a supposedly numeric input. Or maybe it even works like you wanted!

    I really need to get into the habit of middle-clicking the main window before I do anything else.

  • area_deu

    @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    The housing market in Silly Valley is crazy — for every house that's available, there are dozens of people waiting in line to rent it, so you put in an application for everything reasonable and hope some landlord/property manager picks you.

    Isn't that exactly how it works anywhere else? At least in somewhat popular areas? I have never tried to rent a house, but when I was apartment hunting here the process was pretty much exactly as you described it...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @benjamin-hall said in WTF Bites:

    Cross-platform :wtf: :

    Apps that open their windows under other apps. On Mac, the Office apps (most recent versions and old ones alike) are prime offenders; on Windows GIMP is horrific--it won't come to the front of other apps even if it has focus. You can move the window around and it will slide under all the other apps.

    Apps that open their windows over other apps without taking focus.

    Apps that randomly open their windows and do take focus. Especially when you're typing and you end up hitting a hotkey for the new window during the course of what you were typing.

  • Considered Harmful

    @pjh Happens to me about once a day. The window I'm typing into will suddenly lose focus for no discernible reason.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    Current Gimp version has a single window mode (not the default, but it's there)

    It still won't come to the front until you focus some other window, then return focus to Gimp. Also, you can't Alt+Tab between Gimp and another application the way you would between any other two applications. When you Alt+Tab back to Gimp, you'll activate the color picker window, if it's open, not the main window, even if it didn't have focus when you were using Gimp. Not only is it the only exception to the single-window mode, it is always before the main window in the Alt+Tab order.

    Is Alt+` a thing in Gimp?

  • @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    Apps that randomly open their windows and do take focus.

    QFT. I've gone so far as to have my window manager on linux pretty much ignore requests for focus and/or raising of any window to the top that don't originate from the user. Now if I could only configure Windows to do the same thing...

    (Also, there's this one app on Android that manages to randomly raise its window on top after being launched once. I hate it.)

  • @scarlet_manuka said in WTF Bites:

    SQL Developer:
    (a) quits unexpectedly quite often, usually overnight
    (b) has really connection management;
    (c) just gave me an error saying "This file was modified outside of JDeveloper, do you want to reload it?"

    Maybe if you put your developers under decent managers and help them with their errors they wouldn't quit so often

  • Considered Harmful

    VS Code is a curious piece of software.

  • The decreasing quality of spam and fishing by email:


    That's a quality username and domain you've got there.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    Also, there's this one app on Android that manages to randomly raise its window on top after being launched once. I hate it

    They've fixed it in the latest update but my banking app logs itself off after 15 minutes of inactivity. It would bring itself to the front to tell you it was now logged out and you can't use it any more. That was some annoying shit.

    In fact, banking type apps seem to have all sorts of weird shittiness. My credit card app somehow removes itself from the recent apps list as soon as you press home or the multi tasking button. I first discovered this when I was signing up for a free credit report through the app, and wanted to switch away to a Google sheet with my previous addresses stored in it. Find postcode, copy, recent apps. Oh, it's vanished. Piece of shit

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @jaloopa said in WTF Bites:

    In fact, banking type apps seem to have all sorts of weird shittiness.

    Their own special keyboard to type in their wish-it-was two-factor authentication.

    I don't normally use QWERTY on mobile for a reason...


    @scarlet_manuka said in WTF Bites:

    a SQL

    You're one of these sequel squirrel people, aren't you? 🚎

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    VS Code is a curious piece of software.

    No repro.

    Actually, I suspect the default association is not json in this case and you broke it with the override. And yes, the overrides do leave something to be desired, because the keys in the main config object merge fine, but the keys in sub-objects don't.

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