Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!

  • @Carnage Well, there you have it. But I'm getting mighty tired of this "Waaaah, it's so bad but I can't be bothered to do anything!"-attitude.

    Especially when you smear everyone equally. Maybe include yourself the next time.

  • @Rhywden said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage Well, there you have it. But I'm getting mighty tired of this "Waaaah, it's so bad but I can't be bothered to do anything!"-attitude.

    Especially when you smear everyone equally. Maybe include yourself the next time.

    Feel free to be tired of it, I won't get in your way.

  • @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Rhywden said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Atazhaia said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Yeeaaah. I prefer not having lots of useless laws that people won't follow anyway. And people don't follow laws they don't agree with where the risk of detection or punishment is sufficiently low. Such as jaywalking, speed limits and a lot of other examples.

    Our politicians will keep making useless laws that people wont follow, though. It's their job! Because it's more important to do something flashy where it looks like you're solving a problem instead of actually solving the problem. And in the best case it will only make it slightly harder to solve the actual problem you're trying to solve.

    Yeah, politicians are generally a useless bunch. Particularly the ones that are career politicians and has never done a single day of honest work.

    Why don't you do it then? Anyone can be an armchair general!

    Because I am exceptionally bad at toeing the party line and there is not a single party that would suit me.
    Not counting that I prefer to do real work, not sit in meetings all days long doing fuck all.

    Why not Sweden Democrats? Unless everything you've written in the Garage is purely ironic, you're not far from their position.

    I've had some kind of throat virus infection since Thursday. Or maybe bacteria. The clinic I visited had their lab closed, so no idea which one it is. Lab was closed because all the technicians were drafted to do corona testing somewhere else.
    The doc wrote me a penisillin prescription. Told me that I could try those if I got an unmanageable mess in my throat or extreme fever. ...Or I could go to a clinic with a lab next. But available doctors and lab capacity now... Plus, there's a chance that medical personnell manage to infect me with the corona if I didn't have it already, since most private doctors also hold a post in a public hospital.

    Symptoms so far:

    • Throat pain
    • A single white speck on the wall of throat
    • Stomach pain (but that might be the ice-cream and chips I ate; either way, no explosive diarrhea yet)
    • Rasping in respiratory tract (but I've had that every winter for the last 15 years)
    • Headache for the last 3 days
    • Fever... 36.9 degC, last I measured. Been that way since thursday.

  • @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Why not Sweden Democrats? Unless everything you've written in the Garage is purely ironic, you're not far from their position.

    Because of the utter tinfoilhattedness of people below the top rung, and the hostility towards educated opinions I guess. And also, they are christian, and have a rather ancient view on women, or had previously at least. And they seem pretty bad at actually putting their votes where they say they will.

    My main opinions:

    • government should be reduced, it's ridiculously large currently
    • taxes should be lowered and paid for by not having a ridiculously large government
    • bureaucracy must be removed for everyone but particularly police, health care and schools
    • media must not be tax funded
    • real freedom of speech
    • the church tax must be removed, even if it is optional the church should not be funded by a government provided tax option.

    then I have a whole host of other opinions that will never ever be realized in Sweden, such as a right to own and bear firearms in public areas, immigration should be set up to pay for itself in entirety, and other fun thoughts.

  • @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Because of the utter tinfoilhattedness of people below the top rung,

    Being paranoid doesn't mean that someone is not trying to get you. Or how did it go again?
    You also mention "real freedom of speech", so tin-foil seems to me to be a spectrum; anyone above is paranoid, and anyone below is careless.

    and the hostility towards educated opinions I guess.

    That's all politicians.

    And also, they are christian, and have a rather ancient view on women, or had previously at least.

    Doesn't Sweden have a separate Christian party?
    Also, if liking them au naturel instead of in pink side-bald haircut makes me ancient, then so be it.

    And they seem pretty bad at actually putting their votes where they say they will.

    Don't they all?

  • Banned

    @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    penisillin prescription

    Symptoms so far:

    • Throat pain
    • A single white speck on the wall of throat


    It's spelled with "c".

  • Banned

    @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    and the hostility towards educated opinions I guess.

    That's all politicians.

    He did mention he doesn't want to go into politics at all.

  • @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Because of the utter tinfoilhattedness of people below the top rung,

    Being paranoid doesn't mean that someone is not trying to get you. Or how did it go again?
    You also mention "real freedom of speech", so tin-foil seems to me to be a spectrum; anyone above is paranoid, and anyone below is careless.

    I know a couple of active SD politicians, and boy... They'd even give the greens a run for their money in the tinfoil department.

    and the hostility towards educated opinions I guess.

    That's all politicians.

    Yeah, that doesn't really help out with me not having a party. :D

    And also, they are christian, and have a rather ancient view on women, or had previously at least.

    Doesn't Sweden have a separate Christian party?
    Also, if liking them au naturel instead of in pink side-bald haircut makes me ancient, then so be it.

    Yeah, KD. I don't like them either, but I'd probably prefer them over SD actually.
    No, it's more along the line of "Women should stay at home, cook dinner and make babies"-ancient.
    As a side note, I find the piecemeal shaving and angry coloring a helpful sign to society at large to steer clear.

    And they seem pretty bad at actually putting their votes where they say they will.

    Don't they all?

    Yeah, but SD is particularly egregious.

    If you feel like discussing it further send a dm or spin up a new thread, feels a bit off topic to discuss the finer points of swedish politics in a coronavirus thread. :D

  • @Rhywden said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Maybe talk to actual politicians

    Ew, why would I want to do that? Politicians talk, not listen, and if they did listen, everything they would reply would be a lie.

  • @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Symptoms so far:

    • Throat pain
    • A single white speck on the wall of throat
    • Stomach pain (but that might be the ice-cream and chips I ate; either way, no explosive diarrhea yet)
    • Rasping in respiratory tract (but I've had that every winter for the last 15 years)
    • Headache for the last 3 days

    One of the main symptoms of the virus seems to be dry cough, so I'd say if you don't have any, seems unlikely you have it (but of course I'm not a doctor etc.).

    In any case, whatever you have, remember that a cold goes away in a week if cured, half-a-fortnight if not, so in most cases there isn't much that the medical system can do for you (and I hope for you that you won't need more!).

    (in fact the medical system already has done a lot for you by making it unlikely that you have any other more serious illness, and by ensuring that you know how to take care of yourself (and close family) at home, have painkillers available etc.)

    • Fever... 36.9 degC, last I measured. Been that way since thursday.

    Is that a fever for you? :sideways_owl: I know that 37 C is just a statistical value and many people have a lower normal body temp, but still...

  • @HardwareGeek said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Rhywden said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Maybe talk to actual politicians

    Ew, why would I want to do that? Politicians talk, not listen, and if they did listen, everything they would reply would be a lie.

    Only because you let them.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Rhywden said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Atazhaia said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Yeeaaah. I prefer not having lots of useless laws that people won't follow anyway. And people don't follow laws they don't agree with where the risk of detection or punishment is sufficiently low. Such as jaywalking, speed limits and a lot of other examples.

    Our politicians will keep making useless laws that people wont follow, though. It's their job! Because it's more important to do something flashy where it looks like you're solving a problem instead of actually solving the problem. And in the best case it will only make it slightly harder to solve the actual problem you're trying to solve.

    Yeah, politicians are generally a useless bunch. Particularly the ones that are career politicians and has never done a single day of honest work.

    Why don't you do it then? Anyone can be an armchair general!

    Because I am exceptionally bad at toeing the party line and there is not a single party that would suit me.
    Not counting that I prefer to do real work, not sit in meetings all days long doing fuck all.

    Why not Sweden Democrats? Unless everything you've written in the Garage is purely ironic, you're not far from their position.

    I've had some kind of throat virus infection since Thursday. Or maybe bacteria. The clinic I visited had their lab closed, so no idea which one it is. Lab was closed because all the technicians were drafted to do corona testing somewhere else.
    The doc wrote me a penisillin prescription. Told me that I could try those if I got an unmanageable mess in my throat or extreme fever. ...Or I could go to a clinic with a lab next. But available doctors and lab capacity now... Plus, there's a chance that medical personnell manage to infect me with the corona if I didn't have it already, since most private doctors also hold a post in a public hospital.

    Symptoms so far:

    • Throat pain
    • A single white speck on the wall of throat
    • Stomach pain (but that might be the ice-cream and chips I ate; either way, no explosive diarrhea yet)
    • Rasping in respiratory tract (but I've had that every winter for the last 15 years)
    • Headache for the last 3 days
    • Fever... 36.9 degC, last I measured. Been that way since thursday.

    The throat pain and white spot suggest strep. I had a friend get diagnosed right as the COVID-19 stuff started hitting Minnesota with viral pharengytis (sp?) which he was thinking was strep. He was lacking white spots so they didn't bother with a strep test.

    Do you have a telemedicine option available? In the US at least my friend got his diagnosis and saved a trip to the clinic. Which is nice for the clinic now and him since he's immunocompromised.


    @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    And also, they are christian, and have a rather ancient view on women, or had previously at least.

    Doesn't Sweden have a separate Christian party?
    Also, if liking them au naturel instead of in pink side-bald haircut makes me ancient, then so be it.

    Shouldn't have given them the right to vote, or decide their own hair-cut. Geez.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Unperverted-Vixen said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Zerosquare said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Are you sure you're not actually French?

    Surely the French would just surrender and accept the new authorityorganize a strike and dump producetoilet paper in the roads?


    @mikehurley said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Do you have a telemedicine option available? In the US at least my friend got his diagnosis and saved a trip to the clinic. Which is nice for the clinic now and him since he's immunocompromised.

    How does that work in practice? Would surely be useful in the current situation, I'm just wondering how close you have to move the camera to your open mouth for the doctor to usefully inspect your throat.
    Or is the diagnosis just based on you describing the symptoms?


    @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:


    Is this a metric system troll or something?

    In English speaking countries, a week is 7 days long. A fortnight is 14 days long. The word for a single half-fortnight unit is "one week."


  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @topspin said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @mikehurley said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Do you have a telemedicine option available? In the US at least my friend got his diagnosis and saved a trip to the clinic. Which is nice for the clinic now and him since he's immunocompromised.

    How does that work in practice? Would surely be useful in the current situation, I'm just wondering how close you have to move the camera to your open mouth for the doctor to usefully inspect your throat.
    Or is the diagnosis just based on you describing the symptoms?

    My friend described his symptoms. But he's also better than most at paying attention given his health stuff. In the case of strep I think the spots are fairly obvious so you could probably just ask somebody to look in a mirror and shine a phone light in their mouth.

  • Java Dev

    @GuyWhoKilledBear said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:


    Is this a metric system troll or something?

    In English speaking countries, a week is 7 days long. A fortnight is 14 days long. The word for a single half-fortnight unit is "one week."

    As I recall, their word for a fortnight is "15 days".

    Anyway, I think this should be taken similar to the English expression "6 of one, half a dozen of the other"

  • @PleegWat said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    As I recall, their word for a fortnight is "15 days".

    Yes. For some reason we say "8 days" for a week and "15 days" for two weeks. No idea where that came from. Well I guess that 15 is a rounder number than 14 (and also fits better for "half a month"), but that's really tenuous. And 8 days, I don't have any clue. Languages... :mlp_shrug:

    Anyway, I think this should be taken similar to the English expression "6 of one, half a dozen of the other"


    That was a lame attempt at translating a local saying that basically means that there isn't much you can do to speed-up curing a cold.

  • @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    in a week if cured, half-a-fortnight if not

    What's wrong with "seven days if not"?

  • @CarrieVS French weekseight-day half-15-day-fortnights are Different™

  • @hungrier Yes but for an english translation. Our other way of saying a week is "seven days"

  • kills Dumbledore

    @dfdub said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    The only thing more infuriating than his daily egotistic rants is that he still makes positive headlines whenever he makes another vague, empty promise in a Tweet.

    Are we playing Trump or Musk?


    @Jaloopa said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Trump or Musk

    :why_not_both: ...Mump or Trusk

  • @Luhmann Delon Trusk

  • @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @admiral_p said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @boomzilla yeah, December 2019. As in, right now. The Ebola outbreak was, like, eight years ago? Can't remember. Meanwhile, it looks like we'll have a vaccine for Covid-19 by either the end of this year or next year.

    Which, if we have to do the stringent distancing at least until then, will cause something like total economic/societal collapse. Or just won't happen. Especially if those efforts are mostly successful at keeping the apparent death toll low-ish. Basically a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

    I believe that when the economy starts creaking worryingly all quarantines are gone and society starts moving again.

    Yes, much like China.

    A doctor at Shanghai said his hospital alone have admitted over 150 X-ray proved Wuhan pneumonia last week, yet for the whole week the "confirmed" number was flat zero. That's because by their standard, only those confirmed with test kit can be called "confirmed case". The doctors are forced to not doing the test because of warning about consequence.. They have to force the number low to get the economy move again.

  • @CarrieVS said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    in a week if cured, half-a-fortnight if not

    What's wrong with "seven days if not"?

    ... nothing, except that it didn't come to my mind at the instant I wrote my post?

    I could say that I really wanted to find something that was more idiomatic and less obviously "the same thing as a week", but the true answer is that I didn't think of it. You're right, it would probably be a better way to say it. Or we could go for the six vs. half-a-dozen, which is perfectly idiomatic (in English), but it would be a bit weird to refer to days as "half a dozen", the idiomatic unit here being of course the week.

  • @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    A single white speck on the wall of throat

    :tinfoil-hat: 😷 <fearmonger mode="on">It's CANCER!</fearmonger>

  • @Jaloopa said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @dfdub said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    The only thing more infuriating than his daily egotistic rants is that he still makes positive headlines whenever he makes another vague, empty promise in a Tweet.

    Are we playing Trump or Musk?

    Depends on whether you prefer your rants to be fueled by cocaine or Adderall and cheese burgers.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Yes. For some reason we say "8 days" for a week and "15 days" for two weeks. No idea where that came from.

    We do too and I assume it is because one includes the start and end days in the count.

    So a week from now would include both Mondays as well as the six days in between, for a total of 8.
    Two weeks from now would be two whole weeks plus one extra Monday (either today or the Monday after the next, your call).

  • 🚽 Regular

    @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    A single white speck on the wall of throat

    Hmm, speck....

  • @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @PleegWat said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    As I recall, their word for a fortnight is "15 days".

    Yes. For some reason we say "8 days" for a week and "15 days" for two weeks. No idea where that came from.

    I’m guessing it counts the actual days, not fractional days: you say it on Monday to mean the following Monday, so that’s eight days in total. The question is which of the two possible off-by-one errors (seven days or eight days) is TR:wtf:.

  • @PleegWat said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    Google cancels april fools

    And yet, my team is definitely doing stuff for April Fools.

    (Mind you, our April Fools is only on the intranet site we run, and some years, it's only been applied to my team. So we're not in the public limelight.)

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status: it's happening. The only job that pays me is cutting my "hours". Not quite laid off, but somewhat grateful I'm not spending $70 a week on gas and food at the moment.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    status: it's happening. The only job that pays me is cutting my "hours". Not quite laid off, but somewhat grateful I'm not spending $70 a week on gas and food at the moment.

    Well, at least you can file for unemployment.

  • My daughter watched a video teaching how to make masks from bras.

    This is what we'll be doing tomorrow after work. Because why not 🤷♀ ?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @PotatoEngineer said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    status: it's happening. The only job that pays me is cutting my "hours". Not quite laid off, but somewhat grateful I'm not spending $70 a week on gas and food at the moment.

    Well, at least you can file for unemployment.

    I'm still employed, though, just less "hours". 😕

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @PotatoEngineer said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    status: it's happening. The only job that pays me is cutting my "hours". Not quite laid off, but somewhat grateful I'm not spending $70 a week on gas and food at the moment.

    Well, at least you can file for unemployment.

    I'm still employed, though, just less "hours". 😕

    Right, but you can file for unemployment when your hours are drastically reduced. It's considered "constructive discharge". I'm not sure if you get the full unemployment payments or pro-rated benefits, but you can definitely file and get some money. (I'm assuming you're in the US, where this advice applies. ...and I'm hoping that this applies across all states. But it's definitely a thing.)

    I did some quick Googling, and here's the first reasonably-relevant article I found. (Also note that your employer can reject your claim, but your can appeal, and on the appeal, the employer will have to provide proof of some sort - the default should in your favor.) [Also also, there was a bill just passed that adds up to $600 additional per week. No idea how much it applies to partial-unemployment claims, but there might be something there.]

  • @mikehurley The first doctor wrote me a forward to the lab already. I'd just need to go visit an instance of the clinic chain with a functioning lab. But considering that people smarter than me seem to think the primary spreader of CoVid now is nurses, I'd like to avoid any medical facilities. There's always the chance that I'd be the one with the worst outcome.

  • @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @acrow said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    • Fever... 36.9 degC, last I measured. Been that way since thursday.

    Is that a fever for you? :sideways_owl: I know that 37 C is just a statistical value and many people have a lower normal body temp, but still...

    My normal temperature, measured from ear, at rest, is 36.3C , or thereabouts.
    I usually notice that I'm sick when it gets to 37C. Working capacity is severy reduced by 37.5C. Bedridden at 38C+.
    When I'm really sick, I've had 41.1C, and I'm still alive, so the meter is unlikely to have any large offset.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Hey, people under house arrest: I'm not wearing an anklet! 😛

  • @acrow When I was a kid, my mother's rule of thumb for "yep, you're sick enough not to go to school" was 38 C (and obvious cases such as spewing vomit...).

    (I'm just saying that as it came back to my mind reading your post, it's in no way a comment on your numbers... it's just a random anecdote)

  • @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @acrow When I was a kid, my mother's rule of thumb for "yep, you're sick enough not to go to school" was 38 C (and obvious cases such as spewing vomit...).

    (I'm just saying that as it came back to my mind reading your post, it's in no way a comment on your numbers... it's just a random anecdote)

    My mother was the same, but nothing shirt of diarrhea or vomiting was a replacement for the temp. And visiting the doctor was not ever happening. Seriously.
    So, if you had something that made you sick as a dog, but no fever or spewing of icky stuff it was off to school and infect al the other brats.

  • @remi Yeah, it's different for children. I mean, different over and beyond typical variance between adults.

    My eldest seems to run around like usual up until 39C. Then he drops like a fly. And then we try to get some painkiller into him, because we're afraid of his brain getting cooked. Wait 15 minutes for it to absorb. And then he runs around again. Rinse and repeat.


    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    shirt of diarrhea

    nope thread is :arrows:

  • @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    My mother was the same, but nothing shirt of diarrhea or vomiting was a replacement for the temp. And visiting the doctor was not ever happening. Seriously.

    I don't remember ever going to the doctor when I was sick (I remember other visits for routine exams or minors things like rashes, but not for e.g. fever or the like). Either I was sick enough to not being able to get out (well I guess my mother could have dragged me out, but... she didn't) and the doctor came home, or I wasn't sick enough and just went to school.

  • @remi said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    @Carnage said in Tales from Coronavee-rooss Italy, mamma mia!:

    My mother was the same, but nothing shirt of diarrhea or vomiting was a replacement for the temp. And visiting the doctor was not ever happening. Seriously.

    I don't remember ever going to the doctor when I was sick (I remember other visits for routine exams or minors things like rashes, but not for e.g. fever or the like). Either I was sick enough to not being able to get out (well I guess my mother could have dragged me out, but... she didn't) and the doctor came home, or I wasn't sick enough and just went to school.

    I didn't go see a doctor even when I managed to almost cut off a fingertip at the age of 6. The finger still has a nifty kink because I severed the tendons. Some surgical tape was applied in the bathroom, and that was it.

  • @Carnage Ouch. I have several childhood scars (like everyone, I guess), but at least I went to see a doctor (or to the ER) when that happened...

    I had a sort of "star" on the side of the forehead (if only Harry Potter had been published at that time, I could have made so much fun of it!), made of at least 4 overlapping scars in the same place. I don't remember all of them happening, the first ones I was too young, but according to my mother there was at least one time I fell in the stairs while playing with a small ride-on car, another time I just walked into the metal thing on the side of a refuse bin while not looking where I was going, yet another where I fell on some rocks while playing outside, and another that I remember when going ice skating (first lap of the rink after not skating for the whole of summer, IIRC...).

    I wasn't a particularly clumsy kid and don't have many more (that I can remember...), but these ones just all happened to be at the same spot. They faded with age and are no longer really visible.

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