Information leakage

  • kills Dumbledore


    Can't access it but it's there, taunting me.

    There's a real possibility of leaking information that's not supposed to get out here. What happened?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Jaloopa I don't see this anywhere. Where did you see it?

  • @Jaloopa I PM'd @ben_lubar to let him know about it, and that's why the forums were down for a bit again after the scheduled update.

    Do you still see them now? He asked me but I ended up marking them as read before the fix.

  • kills Dumbledore

    Can't see it any more

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Jaloopa said in Information leakage:

    There's a real possibility of leaking information that's not supposed to get out here. What happened?

    Yeah, you shouldn't see even that.

    That's a thread that gets automatic @shadowmod posts when a node process is killed by the watchdog process. It also reports which users and IP addresses were affected.

    There's nothing really sensitive in there (the IP addresses are all from anonymous users, logged in users are just identified by a normal @mention), but there might be other threads with somewhat sensitive titles.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @ChaosTheEternal said in Information leakage:

    I PM'd @ben_lubar to let him know about it, and that's why the forums were down for a bit again after the scheduled update.

    Ah, probably some conflict between updating the DB and updating the running version then.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ChaosTheEternal said in Information leakage:

    Do you still see them now?

    👋 I do!!

  • @boomzilla said in Information leakage:

    might be other threads with somewhat sensitive titles

    I was able to see a total of 14 Staff topics before marking them as read/Ben updating again.

  • I've posted a full list of staff forum topics that were visible (briefly) in the staff forum. No real information in there that anyone could use for anything.

    The lounge topics were also theoretically visible to logged-in users for a short period (about ten minutes) this morning, but I don't think we have anyone who isn't TL3 active right now.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    I look forward to reading your GDPR incident report :trollface:

  • Fake News

    @izzion Oh dear, I hope you like reading because you're going to get 37 "2560x1440" images to sort through.

  • @JBert He'll probably use his Dwarf Fortress AI to format and render the incident reports, too.

  • Considered Harmful

    What if people submitted GDPR reports as multi-terabyte images with a middling-slow download speed? Technically you are making the information available, but boy is it inconvenient.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor said in Information leakage:

    boy is it inconvenient.

    {"eventId":5001,"playerId":2043,"location":"MagnaPlaza_Sprite:0,0,1@X=-1786.000000 Y=1080.000000 Z=34.000000","metaInt":0,"metaFloat":0,"metaString":"Activity_Sprite_DailySubmit_DATE,2018.09.29-03.23.35","EventProcessedUtcTime":"2018-09-29T03:23:36.4401331Z","PartitionId":1,"EventEnqueuedUtcTime":"2018-09-29T03:23:36.3870000Z"}
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    Real GDPR data live from our servers!


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