UI Bites

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Gurth said in UI Bites:

    @boomzilla said in UI Bites:

    @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    @topspin In situations like that, there is something to be said about the paste selection feature of X-windows.

    It really is one of my favorite things about using Linux.

    It makes it hard to replace the selection by the contents of the clipboard, though. And from my Linux days, I remember occasionally accidentally selecting some text that I didn’t want to (not a problem unique to Linux, of course), thereby losing the clipboard contents that I did still need.

    Yes, I've accidentally selected something, but I've also fat fingered the clipboard shortcuts. And yes, doing a replace rather than a clean insert requires using the regular clipboard.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gurth said in UI Bites:

    @boomzilla said in UI Bites:

    @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    @topspin In situations like that, there is something to be said about the paste selection feature of X-windows.

    It really is one of my favorite things about using Linux.

    It makes it hard to replace the selection by the contents of the clipboard, though. And from my Linux days, I remember occasionally accidentally selecting some text that I didn’t want to (not a problem unique to Linux, of course), thereby losing the clipboard contents that I did still need.

    This happens to me constantly when click into Putty windows. I can't imagine the frustration were that to happen everywhere...

  • Java Dev

    @Tsaukpaetra IME, creating a selection requires either multi-clicking or dragging, or both. Even on linux.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @PleegWat said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra IME, creating a selection requires either multi-clicking or dragging, or both. Even on linux.

    Dragging can occur from the leftover momentum of the cursor moving more than :3px: during a click.


    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    @Gurth said in UI Bites:

    @boomzilla said in UI Bites:

    @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    @topspin In situations like that, there is something to be said about the paste selection feature of X-windows.

    It really is one of my favorite things about using Linux.

    It makes it hard to replace the selection by the contents of the clipboard, though. And from my Linux days, I remember occasionally accidentally selecting some text that I didn’t want to (not a problem unique to Linux, of course), thereby losing the clipboard contents that I did still need.

    This happens to me constantly when click into Putty windows. I can't imagine the frustration were that to happen everywhere...

    That's because Windows consoles are dumb. I've had that happen to me before, too, where I click into a cmd console only to overwrite the clipboard with a single space. But as said above, the X windows selection buffer is separate from the clipboard, so you only lose something you wouldn't have had without it anyway.

  • @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    There may be some application that manages to break that

    Terminals, where Ctrl-C kills the foreground process. Vim, where Ctrl-V causes the next control character to be interpreted literally, rather than performing whatever control function it would normally do. In both cases, use Ctrl-Shift-C/V to do copy/paste.

  • @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    There may be some application that manages to break that

    Terminals, where Ctrl-C kills the foreground process. Vim, where Ctrl-V causes the next control character to be interpreted literally, rather than performing whatever control function it would normally do. In both cases, use Ctrl-Shift-C/V to do copy/paste.

    “That” means separation between last selection and clipboard. Those applications do not break that. They just have different hotkeys for clipboard copy&paste.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    They just have different hotkeys

    Which is unfortunate.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: While I'm glad they're not using these images on the buttons....


    Why are they still being included in the distribution?

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    Why are they still being included in the distribution?

    👨: I'm too lazy to check whether something still depends on them, so they stay.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    Why are they still being included in the distribution?

    👨: I'm too lazy to check whether something still depends on them, so they stay.

    Should be easy. Delete and find out what suddenly gets red squiggles...

  • Hey! What part of "too lazy" don't you understand?

  • @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    Ctrl+C copies selection to clipboard

    Until you close said application. Don't know how many times I've lost the text because I'm used to the "clipboard owns the data" style of Windows.


    @dcon said in UI Bites:

    Until you close said application

    Is this some Gnome shit?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin said in UI Bites:

    @dcon said in UI Bites:

    Until you close said application

    Is this some Gnome shit?

    Apparently it's Terminal shit?

  • @topspin said in UI Bites:

    @dcon said in UI Bites:

    Until you close said application

    Is this some Gnome shit?

    Sort of. The X server does not store the content (because it might be big, like an image, and because content negotiation happens on paste), but there can be a clipboard app that takes ownership of it. KDE has one on by default, and it even has a history, but not all desktop environments may have it or start it by default.


    @Bulb so I guess there’s no Glipper in Gnome. :mlp_smug:

  • @topspin … or it's not working and with the infamous quality assurance Gnome has, nobody noticed, because it only breaks things when the application providing the data gets closed. I have no idea. I've avoided Gnome like devil the cross for twenty years.


    @Bulb the only reasonable thing to do.

  • @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    I've avoided Gnome like devil the cross for twenty years.

    It's how our work machines are configured, and I don't feel link mucking around with that... (since our work machines are close to what the deployed platforms will be)

  • @topspin said in UI Bites:

    Reddit now deselects selected text when you right-click.

    E_NOREPRO, though given the wide-but-now-not-as-wide variety of ways to read Reddit I'm not surprised.

  • @dcon said in UI Bites:

    It's how our work machines are configured

    :topper: Same for me, but we also use csh as the standard shell!

  • @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    @Gurth You can replace selection by the content of the clipboard just fine, because the clipboard is separate from the last selection. Ctrl+C copies selection to clipboard, Ctrl+V pastes from clipboard, middle click pastes last selection directly. So if you want to replace a selection, just Ctrl+C the intended replacement first.

    That’s not the way I remember it worked: merely selecting text copied it to the clipboard as soon as the mouse button was released (which is what I took @boomzilla’s post to mean). Yes, a lot of KDE, Gnome etc. applications added the Windows-style keyboard shortcuts, possibly with a separate clipboard IIRC, but I had to go back and re-select text numerous times because of accidentally selecting something else.


    @remi said in UI Bites:

    @dcon said in UI Bites:

    It's how our work machines are configured

    :topper: Same for me, but we also use csh as the standard shell!

    My condolences. 🐠


    @Parody said in UI Bites:

    @topspin said in UI Bites:

    Reddit now deselects selected text when you right-click.


    Same here. Maybe they actually fixed it? :thonking:

    though given the wide-but-now-not-as-wide variety of ways to read Reddit I'm not surprised.

    Yeah, interestingly it's not just that old.reddit.com looks different, but also www.reddit.com looks and works quite a bit different depending on if you are logged in or not.
    Amazing UX.

  • @topspin but wait, there's more!

    Most people (not me, I'm not that crazy!) still use the terminal that opens when starting a session, i.e. xterm.



    @remi said in UI Bites:

    @topspin but wait, there's more!

    Most people (not me, I'm not that crazy!) still use the terminal that opens when starting a session, i.e. xterm.


    xterm might even be worse than Gnome Terminal. But probably just due to age and not incompetence.

    Exceed, ugh, I had to use that on a previous job 15 years ago. It felt like it was straight out of the 80s even back then. Do you log in to Solaris machines with Motif or CDE themes?

  • @topspin said in UI Bites:

    xterm might even be worse than Gnome Terminal. But probably just due to age and not incompetence.

    Yeah, xterm is kind of like the Ford model T. It was great when it came out but using it as your everyday work horse now is a huge :wtf:.

    Exceed, ugh, I had to use that on a previous job 15 years ago. It felt like it was straight out of the 80s even back then. Do you log in to Solaris machines with Motif or CDE themes?

    I'm not entirely sure which version of Exceed (I think it's based on something called Exceed on Demand?) we use as it is wrapped in layers of custom stuff. My experience with Exceed was the same as yours so when that new system was announced (some years ago now) I was cringing inside. But it turns out to be working amazingly well.

    Once we've logged in (from a browser, usually on Windows), we get X windows that almost perfectly behave as native Windows windows (!), except of course that it's on a remote computer. But you can move them around, resize them, they each have their own taskbar entry (or not if you group, but it follows Windows standards there) etc. You can even copy-paste between windows (and get bitten by all the clipboard issues mentioned in this thread, of both systems!).

    Surprisingly for an IT product, it... works.

    Now, while I'm :topper:-mood about how our work environment is TR:wtf:, this also feels like a good place to mention that our main software uses perforce.

  • @remi said in UI Bites:

    our main software uses perforce.

    I am in this post, and I am meh about that. It does what it needs to do. I'd rather be using git, but it's not a choice I can make.

  • @HardwareGeek tbh I don't really know anything about perforce, apart from the fact that the only times I hear about it's coworkers complaining at the coffee machine. But then again, you rarely hear coworkers spontaneously mentioning work tools to say that they work fine, so this doesn't really say much.

    That said, another aspect that I don't get nowadays is how the company can keep paying for it. It's of course impossible to get the price but it seems to be around $150/user/year? We probably have a couple hundred devs, so that sums up to $50k, roughly.

    That's chicken feed compared to all other costs, but OTOH given how git can be almost seamlessly dropped-in as replacement, and how :phb: keep badgering us to cut much smaller expenses, it should have gone away a long time ago!

  • I'm using a non-Chrome browser for the first time on Android. When I'm trying to type a post, every time I get an ⬆ ⛵ or @mention notification, FF closes the keyboard. And it fails hard at emoji insertion. When ⛔ 👶 pops up the emoji menu and I select the one I want, FF will randomly do one of the following:

    • Complete the remainder of the text for the selected emoji — after deleting what I've already typed. E.g., I type :no and select :no_entry: from the menu, but what I end up with is :_entry:.
    • Complete the emoji as intended, but when I attempt to continue the post, either by typing after the space after the emoji's closing : or by tapping elsewhere on the screen, it removes the inserted text and reverts to the substring I typed.
    • Complete the emoji as intended, but when I attempt to continue the post, either by typing after the space after the emoji's closing : or by tapping elsewhere on the screen, it removes the inserted text and replace it with a different emoji. E.g., I type :boat and select :sailboat: from the menu, but when I try to continue the post, :sailboat: is replaced with :canoe:.

    Conclusion: Android FF is nearly unusable on TDWTF.


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    Conclusion: Android FF is nearly unusable on TDWTF.

    Mobile sucks. Film at 11.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    When I'm trying to type a post,

    Oh! Imma try it!

    ☁ Screenshot_20230706-123137_Firefox.png
    Wow, yeah, this is bad LOL

  • @topspin said in UI Bites:

    It baffles me that they manage to utterly fuck up the most basic things and nobody realizes it. Not what I'd call "optimizing every aspect of their user interface".

    It's a time honoured tradition when trying to foster civilized discourse

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    I'm using a non-Chrome browser for the first time on Android

    Oh! I forgot to mention this, but I hadn't signed into the site yet (or Firefox itself) and this happened...


    👀 :seye: don't read into that....

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    I'm using a non-Chrome browser for the first time on Android

    Oh! I forgot to mention this, but I hadn't signed into the site yet (or Firefox itself) and this happened...


    👀 :seye: don't read into that....

    I know using Android is bad, but that doesn't mean you need to dip into arson on the side.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @izzion said in UI Bites:

    dip into arson on the side

    Well the Fox is already on Fire so, it seems to just follow.... 😏

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Hi all, just a quick to thank @HardwareGeek and @GuyWhoKilledBear, your answers about my question. The links were very helpful. I'll follow up in the :trolley-garage: Thank you again for your suggestions.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    I hadn't signed into the site yet (or Firefox itself)

    I have never signed into Firefox itself. That has always seemed like a completely :wat: idea.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    I hadn't signed into the site yet (or Firefox itself)

    I have never signed into Firefox itself. That has always seemed like a completely :wat: idea.

    You know! For the sink!

  • @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    I hadn't signed into the site yet (or Firefox itself)

    I have never signed into Firefox itself. That has always seemed like a completely :wat: idea.

    I do. The sign in into Firefox is not tied to any other account and is only for synchronizing data between your browsers. And as far as I can tell, the passwords and bookmarks are not stored in any cloud, just synchronized to the other devices through some kind of turn server, so they are backed up, but nowhere out of your control.

    There is also the ‘pocket’, which I think does have some cloud storage behind it, but I am not sure since I don't use that. I only use send tab to device, and that is direct connection.

  • @Bulb said in UI Bites:

    @HardwareGeek said in UI Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in UI Bites:

    I hadn't signed into the site yet (or Firefox itself)

    I have never signed into Firefox itself. That has always seemed like a completely :wat: idea.

    I do. The sign in into Firefox is not tied to any other account and is only for synchronizing data between your browsers. And as far as I can tell, the passwords and bookmarks are not stored in any cloud, just synchronized to the other devices through some kind of turn server, so they are backed up, but nowhere out of your control.

    Your Firefox Sync data is stored on Mozilla's servers. It's part of your Firefox Account.

    Pocket is a service Mozilla bought. It has a separate account, but you can use your Firefox account as the login if you wish.

  • A smart TV is a computer in disguise, so this fits here too, if you ask me … so I will say: WTF does my Sony Android-powered TV remember some ad-hoc settings but not others?

    In its general settings, I can choose whether by default I want no subtitles, normal subtitles, or ones for the hearing-impaired. It would be so useful if the damned device would remember if I manually switched subtitles on or off for any given channel, and which ones I turned on. The point here is that I want subtitles for some foreign channels because I don’t speak the language well enough to pick up a lot of what’s said, but do much better when reading what they’re saying. But if I switch subtitles on in general, I also get them for channels where I do speak the language well enough. Switch them off with the remote, change channels, change back … and there’s the subtitles again.

    Same for the audio language: the TV refuses to remember that I manually selected another one for channels that have more than one, and always takes the one at the top of the list when I change to the channel. Great, but my German is rather better than my French, so I don’t want this channel in French, thanks.

    I mean, the TV clearly has memory in which to store stuff, including memory that persists through switching the TV off entirely, so why can’t the thing just remember these preferences I set? It doesn’t seem conceptually different from the volume setting, but it does remember that.

  • @Gurth Seems to be a dutch lander issue that there are not enough channels in your native language available. Looking at relatives and friends, I see that they use german channels only - so that issue does not exist for them (and I do not have a tv at all 😛 ).

  • @BernieTheBernie There are far too many Dutch channels available, because 99% of what’s on them is shit. I even prefer watching the Belgian TV news to the Dutch one because the presenters don’t talk at me like I’m 12 years old (OK, they seem to assume I’m about 15, but at least it’s an improvement).

    Sure, sure, everyone’s TV is shit and the grass is always greener etc. but IMHO, “ours” pulls the European average notably down.

    But to return to the TV memory thing: 20 years ago, I had a (naturally non-smart) TV, IIRC from Philips, that had a per-channel volume adjustment setting. So, with channels that were too loud or too quiet for your taste, you could adjust it down resp. up relative to the general volume setting. This was such a good thing to have, and I can’t understand why modern smart TVs, with all their capabilities and memory, can’t do anything even remotely similar.

  • @Gurth I suspect because modern TV is at the point where adverts are provably louder than the content in the middle and there isn’t much point trying to fix the per-channel volume any more as a result, because line-levelling technology no longer exists.

  • At least some TVs have a dynamics compression feature you can turn on, which could help.

  • @Gurth said in UI Bites:

    I can’t understand why modern smart TVs, with all their capabilities and memory, can’t do anything even remotely similar.

    Oh they can and do. But there is a catch: the data format in the cloudz serverz changes much more often than you come back to the same channel.

  • @Tsaukpaetra


    NSFW thread is :arrows:


    @hungrier said in UI Bites:



    NSFW thread is :arrows:

    Would you like some Piña Colada with that? 🍹

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