WTF Bites

  • I am working on a hybrid (HTML+JS+Angular 1 in WebView, C++ core and some Java/ObjectiveC glue in between) application. The data flow is totally convoluted. Things are being sent there and back all over the place. Over websockets. Using hand-rolled XML serialization and deserialization everywhere. Maybe half of the application wouldn't have to be there if it used some kind of IDL and was actually designed.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    FFS, when the fuck are the .Net web developers I work with going to learn the fucking .Net Page Lifecycle.

    👩 Lorne, there's a problem, this page is running the LoadData stored procedure twice!
    👦🏻 Let me see.

      DoLoadData = true
       If DoLoadData Then
       End If
        DoLoadData = false ' commment: this prevent load tiwece

    👦🏻 What else is calling that function?
    👩 ....... nothing?
    👦🏻 ...... {puts a breakpoint on the function}


    👦🏻 {sigh}

  • @hans_mueller said in WTF Bites:

    I sometimes have to use a very obscure Pascal derivate (I wish it was Pascal, but it really just took some of the syntax and keywords, stripped it of everything even remotely useful and leaves the user with a huge steaming pile of sh*t).

    TIL that the developers of ShillFarce made an alternative version of Nadir based on Delphi. Good to know, thanks for mentioning itwarning everyone.

    Filed Under: Don't hold back, Schol, tell us how you really feel about SalesForce...

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    If you remove the height attribute from .emoji-tdwtf-emoji it looks better, so I'm guessing NodeBB uses a different height from what Discourse did.

    Until the recent emoji update (that also removed the emoji class and broke a bunch of shit) NodeBB was doing it right as well.

  • @hans_mueller Does it have variants?

  • Classic never-gets-old WTF: Dammit Windows, how hard is it to understand that Keyboard Layout, Input Language and Display Language are three different, unrelated concepts?

  • @ixvedeusi When you switch keyboard layout, does it still does it per application instead of system-wide ?

    That's a REAL :wtf:

  • @timebandit said in WTF Bites:

    still does it per application instead of system-wide ?

    Oh yes it does. Been exercising that "ALT-SPACE" combo a lot today... mostly after getting two "invalid password" errors.

  • @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    Oh yes it does.

    On KDE, it can be configured by editing some obscure config file, but at least it defaults to "Global":



  • @ixvedeusi

    Because this applies to so small of a majority of their users they don't care.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @dragoon 9%?

  • @boomzilla English is the only language anyway 🐠


  • @dragoon said in WTF Bites:

    Because this applies to so small of a majority of their users they don't care.

    So then why does it pretend to have separate settings for each?

    Also, keyboard layout is a hardware thing. I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them. That doesn't change between apps, and it doesn't change with either the language I write in or the language I want things to be labeled in.

    Filed under: INB4 Optimus Keyboard

  • @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    @dragoon said in WTF Bites:

    Because this applies to so small of a majority of their users they don't care.

    So then why does it pretend to have separate settings for each?

    Also, keyboard layout is a hardware thing. I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them. That doesn't change between apps, and it doesn't change with either the language I write in or the language I want things to be labeled in.

    Filed under: INB4 Optimus Keyboard

    Back when I was trying to learn Dvorak, I still used a QWERTY keyboard. (I gave up because Dvorak made my hands hurt. Pretty funny for a layout that claims to be more ergonomic than QWERTY.)

  • WTF of the day:
    On another forum, this paraphrased discussion happened:

    : "Anyways, that's why I've come to the conclusion that anyone who uses violence to achieve political ends is a fascist!"
    Me : "Umm, wouldn't that definition, which is just a tiny bit simplistic, make, for example, your founding fathers fascists?"
    throws a wall of text at me how Abraham Lincoln was a fascist.


  • @timebandit said in WTF Bites:

    @ixvedeusi When you switch keyboard layout, does it still does it per application instead of system-wide ?


  • @dragoon said in WTF Bites:

    Because this applies to so small of a majority of their users they don't care.




    The Dutch area seems wrong ...

  • @dcoder What an improvement.

    If they keep seriously working on it, maybe someday they will get up to KDE's functionality 🍹

  • @luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    The Dutch area seems wrong ...

    Québec too 🤷🏼♂



    Québec just melted, tabernac!

  • @luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    Québec just melted, tabernac!

    Not at all, we just received more fuckin ice ❗

  • @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    @dragoon 9%?

    Small majority, so 51%.

  • Considered Harmful

    @ixvedeusi :doing_it_wrong: ❓ Mine's never been per-application.

  • @pie_flavor You've never used previous version of Windows ? 😕

  • Considered Harmful

    Yes, Android. This is a perfect time to update half my goddamn apps. Not during the eight hours I was not using you for. You should only be updating after I pick you up and start composing a largish post on a very laggy forum, glitching the shit out of my keyboard and closing it every ten seconds or so, not to mention lagging the whole phone.

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    start composing a largish post on a very laggy forum, glitching the shit out of my keyboard and closing it every ten seconds or so,

    We told you to stop posting to :disco: 🐴 forums.

  • @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    Also, keyboard layout is a hardware thing. I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them.

    Except when you're handed a German keyboard. qwertz: 🖕

    But, in general, I agree. Why the hell isn't there some provision in the USB/HID/whatever standard for the keyboard to tell the system what layout it has. (And especially to Apple devices, because fuck them and their special-snowflake layouts.)

  • @timebandit said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla English is the only language anyway 🐠


    I would gladly agree to use only English in the web to get rid of Unicode.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dragoon said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    start composing a largish post on a very laggy forum, glitching the shit out of my keyboard and closing it every ten seconds or so,

    We told you to stop posting to :disco: 🐴 forums.

    What, you think if I do, yours'll look fast by lack of comparison?

  • @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    Also, keyboard layout is a hardware thing. I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them. That doesn't change between apps, and it doesn't change with either the language I write in or the language I want things to be labeled in.

    Except when I'm typing Greek (ancient or modern) on a US English keyboard. Then I want it to type Greek letters.

    This is not entirely crazy. The layout is pretty sensible. All the Greek letters that have direct equivalents in the Latin alphabet are typed by the equivalent Latin-alphabet keys. There are only five other letters (Θ/θ, Ω/ω, Ψ/ψ, Ξ/ξ, ς) to remember, and these are mapped to the five Latin letters that don't occur in Greek. There's no particular rhyme or reason to the mappings (except ς (final (end of a word) lower-case sigma) maps to w, which is directly above Σ/σ (capital/non-final lower-case sigma), which maps to its equivalent S/s), but that's not a lot to remember.

    Except for the diacritics. Current Greek has only two, which are fairly sensibly mapped to :/; — : logically enough gives you ¨, and ; is conveniently located for use as the — by far — most common diacritic ΄ — essentially the equivalent of an acute accent, and used in every word of two or more syllables. However, prior to 1982 — and still used in writing older texts and in conservative environments such as churches — there was a much more complex system of diacritics, which are scattered randomly across assorted punctuation keys. 🤯

  • @timebandit said in WTF Bites:

    @luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    The Dutch area seems wrong ...

    Québec too 🤷🏼♂

    Nobody cares about the Québécois.

    Filed under: L'insulte française a été expurgée, parce que c'était plus offensant que drôle.

  • @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them.

    A typical non-English keyboard, however, has both the layout for that language and English (US) layout printed on it, side-by-side:


    Though I am not sure it's true about keyboards for languages that only have a couple characters not present in English like German—the Czech (and other East-European) layout has many special characters, so not all the characters from English layout fit on it and therefore most users do need the English layout more or less often.

    @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    That doesn't change between apps, and it doesn't change with either the language I write in or the language I want things to be labeled in.

    Well, it doesn't, but whether you want to type the symbol on the left or the symbol on the right might. Of course, statefulness is confusing as fuck, so I prefer typing the symbol on the left normally and the symbol on the right while I am holding right Alt¹.

    In X11 (and the KDE configuration GUI) you can choose keyboard switching key and ‘right Alt (while pressed)’ (and ‘CapsLock (while pressed)’) is an option. But on Windows, this has to be part of the layout itself. The ‘Czech (programmers)’ layout does just that, but its equivalent only exists for a few languages².

    @dcoder said in WTF Bites:


    No repro


    Still Windows 7 here. Ok, I know that's TR:wtf:. At least I have an excuse to upgrade—I am going to need a bunch of tools that use virtualization and are all designed to use Hyper-V—and will sometime next week when I have a bit of time.

    ¹ Ok, I prefer the totally weird UCW layout while holding CapsLock, but that is a ❄ thing.
    ² So I guess we Czechs are all ❄s.

  • Considered Harmful

    @bulb said in WTF Bites:


  • area_deu

    @bulb said in WTF Bites:

    A typical non-English keyboard, however, has both the layout for that language and English (US) layout printed on it, side-by-side:

    Though I am not sure it's true about keyboards for languages that only have a couple characters not present in English like German—the Czech (and other East-European) layout has many special characters, so not all the characters from English layout fit on it and therefore most users do need the English layout more or less often.

    Not typical here in Germany. In fact, I have never seen a keyboard like the one you posted. We just have the German layout on them.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    Yes, Android. This is a perfect time to update half my goddamn apps. Not during the eight hours I was not using you for. You should only be updating after I pick you up and start composing a largish post on a very laggy forum, glitching the shit out of my keyboard and closing it every ten seconds or so, not to mention lagging the whole phone.

    My experience with Android is that, more often than not, updates happen right after the first warning for low battery.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    I would gladly agree to use only English in the web to get rid of Unicode.


  • Considered Harmful

    @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    @timebandit said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla English is the only language anyway 🐠


    I would gladly agree to use only English in the web to get rid of Unicode.

    🅱ut how would you get emojis? 🤔

  • kills Dumbledore

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    @timebandit said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla English is the only language anyway 🐠


    I would gladly agree to use only English in the web to get rid of Unicode.

    🅱ut how would you get emojis? 🤔

    Another excellent reason to give up Unicode

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    I would gladly agree to use only English in the web to get rid of Unicode.


    Would get of the Emoji and the "Miguxês". For our non portuguese speakers reading this, you don't want to know what "miguxês" is.

  • Java Dev

    I see this store has applied a more readable font for the product listings!


    (The bug typically happens once I start filtering products for some reason. Set a couple filters and the text becomes an unreadable mess.)

  • 🚽 Regular

    @sockpuppet7 said in WTF Bites:

    Would get of the Emoji and the "Miguxês". For our non portuguese speakers reading this, you don't want to know what "miguxês" is.

    I did not know this is what that was called. And that was fine.

    For our non portuguese speakers: the name is highly unintuitive. Which in part might be intentional, I guess.

  • @bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them.

    A typical non-English keyboard, however, has both the layout for that language and English (US) layout printed on it, side-by-side:

    I guess French keyboards aren't typical, then.

  • area_deu

    @medinoc said in WTF Bites:

    @bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them.

    A typical non-English keyboard, however, has both the layout for that language and English (US) layout printed on it, side-by-side:

    I guess French keyboards aren't typical, then.

    In my experience: NO. I had to use a French colleague's laptop once, and it was horrible. Shift to enter numbers from the number row? Shift to enter a period? Different position of the period, colon etc. keys? It still haunts me in my dreams...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    I could have sworn it was "rounder". Not so jaggy.

    The original was swiped from

    Adding emoji class to it (seems to be largely being ignored):

    On here:


  • @akko Yes, the French keyboard layout is a mess. Especially since some genius at Microsoft France (or whoever Microsoft based their French layout on) decided having accented letters on the digit row and making Caps-lock a SHIFT-lock mixed well together...
    This is why @khuzdlin uses a Canadian QWERTY instead.

    Personally I use a customized French layout which corrects the more glaring error and adds a few extensions. Unfortunately, if I remote into a machine where my custom layout isn't installed, it fails to notice it's a custom french layout (despite me setting the layout's Language property appropriately) and defaults to EN-US...

    Edit: And then comes the problem of laptop keyboards...


    @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    (And especially to Apple devices, because fuck them and their special-snowflake layouts.)

    The thing I hate most about my Air, which otherwise is great hardware, is the retarded Apple keyboard layout. First few weeks I constantly typed Cmd-Q trying to type an @, which is Alt-Q on normal German layouts.

    But the worst part is that that some asshole like Jony Ive or whoever decided that actually printing the fucking characters on the keys would make it looks less pretty, so they only printed the primary characters on it. Good luck trying to figure out how to type some special characters. Where's the | pipe again? Certainly not where you expect it to be.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    The thing I hate most about my Air, which otherwise is great hardware, is the retarded Apple keyboard layout. First few weeks I constantly typed Cmd-Q trying to type an @, which is Alt-Q on normal German layouts.

    It wouldn't be a problem if you used the US English layout. Everything is exactly where it should be:

    When I bought my Macbook I was glad that, despite being a Canadian order shipped from their Canadian warehouse, they didn't use the Canadian Bilingual Pile Of Crap Layout™ that some other laptops use:

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    It wouldn't be a problem if you used the US English layout. Everything is exactly where it should be:

    Except for all the buttons it's missing on the right end.

  • Java Dev

    @medinoc said in WTF Bites:

    @bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    I'd hazard a guess that about 99.9% of users want to have the keys type the letters which are freaking written on them.

    A typical non-English keyboard, however, has both the layout for that language and English (US) layout printed on it, side-by-side:

    I guess French keyboards aren't typical, then.

    Well, obviously, in East-European countries they are well aware their languages are inferior, and only exist for historic reasons. While Germans and French are still convinced their own languages are the best.
    The Dutch, meanwhile, are perfectly content typing their own language on a keyboard with US layout (typically with US/International settings, but I prefer using a compose key). In my whole life, I've seen a Dutch keyboard layout exactly once - still qwerty, but everything else is in a different place.

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