WTF Bites

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Like, I think there’s some language option in the settings, but I edit documents that can be in either German or English, so a global setting is useless.

    I'm not sure whether that logic made it to PowerPoint, because the apps are not fully consistent about it, but there is a logic these days that the proofing language of new text is set from the selected keyboard.

    Which is fine and dandy, but completely incompatible with the otherwise excelled “Czech Programmer's” keyboard, which is a US English keyboard switching to Czech only while AltGr is pressed. Which is great, because I don't need to switch layout and therefore don't have to mind the keyboard state, but obviously gets the language “detection” all wrong.

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @Arantor said in WTF Bites:

    Now by default Composer asks me for a personal access token to GitHub.

    Warum, kurwa‽ Composer shouldn't even know the difference between github and gitlab and bitbucket and gitea and any other plain old git server, just ask git to fetch the thing (and the keys work just fine in plain old git).

    I’m pretty sure it’s doing some reverse engineering of the URL and trying HTTPS auth first (for where the PAT would make sense) for some goddamn reason.

  • @Arantor That does not explain why (warum) it does that.

    … my guess would be it's trying to do something over the github-specific HTTP api. Maybe listing the tags and branches or something, because it's “easier”.

  • @Bulb I think the issue is that for GitHub specifically it's trying to be clever and find where GitHub will serve up a copy of the repo as a zip file to download rather than doing an actual checkout, because you see stuff attached to this in the lock file after. Which it still puts in there even if it didn't find it (private repo, 1 user, checking it out basically immediately after commit to prove it worked)

    But I expect that sort of cleverness from Composer at this point, knowing the guy who created it was the same guy I discovered years ago couldn't figure out how to make the search indexer tell the search daemon it had updated (hint: it's in the fucking manual how to do this, and I figured it out readily enough) so had a script kill -9 and restart the daemon every 15 minutes instead. Then wondered why search didn't work properly on his site.

    (The fact he was lead developer of phpBB at the time was of ... minor consequence.)

  • @Arantor said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb I think the issue is that for GitHub specifically it's trying to be clever and find where GitHub will serve up a copy of the repo as a zip file to download rather than doing an actual checkout, because you see stuff attached to this in the lock file after. Which it still puts in there even if it didn't find it (private repo, 1 user, checking it out basically immediately after commit to prove it worked)

    Which it doesn't need to do, because git already supports it using the git archive --remote command.

    But I expect that sort of cleverness from Composer at this point, knowing the guy who created it was the same guy I discovered years ago couldn't figure out how to make the search indexer tell the search daemon it had updated (hint: it's in the fucking manual how to do this, and I figured it out readily enough) so had a script kill -9 and restart the daemon every 15 minutes instead. Then wondered why search didn't work properly on his site.

    Yeah, this is failure to peruse the manual as well.

  • @Bulb does that strip out history? It explicitly only wants a tarball of the content of the repo as at a given commit, not any of the history, not any of the .git folder etc (and it’s not clear to me from the docs what exactly you’d get, or whether GitHub et al supports this)

  • @Arantor Yes. It contains the tree, plus a bit of metadata about the commit it was taken from semi-hidden in some metadata. It is really exactly equivalent to the github function. In fact the github function most likely just calls the same git-upload-archive function under the hood, just on a simpler URL and without any git-specific wrapping so the client can just save the tar or zip.

  • Outlook


    I don't? I must be imagining this folder that I setup a couple years ago:


    (There are more than 390 emails in there, just 390 unread)

  • @hungrier It reminds me...
    Outlook does not allow for marking emails as spam when they originate from your domain. But some tools setup by Fritz just sent too many absofuckinglutely useless mails to me.
    What did I do? Well, automatically shuffling them into the spam folder is officially something different from marking them as spam...

  • @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    Outlook does not allow for marking emails as spam when they originate from your domain. But some tools setup by Fritz just sent too many absofuckinglutely useless mails to me.

    something something yammer.corp.example.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    Outlook does not allow for marking emails as spam when they originate from your domain. But some tools setup by Fritz just sent too many absofuckinglutely useless mails to me.

    something something yammer.corp.example.

    RIGHT?!?! Like, apparently if you're in a group you're unable to unsubscribe to "Announcements".

    Like. No. I'm in the group for useful stuff. I don't actually need announcement notifications! They're not critical, I don't need to know that the daily X has happened, fuck off!

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    something something yammer.corp.example.

    Our company is pushing that (or something like it) now also. No, I'm not joining a social network at work! (5 more years, 5 more years...)

  • @dcon I shiv no gits about any social network stuff; I'd simply ignore that. But it sends emails every day. Discover what's happening across your organization. Most of it's IT blather:
    Update to Win11; watch this video to learn how.
    Use strong passwords; watch this video for our recommendations.
    Problems with Office365 apps? Watch this video to learn how to fix them.

    There are also announcements of things like security awareness training, volunteer opportunities, etc.

    But my favorites are when it decides the whole company needs to know about some random email in the middle of a 2- or 3-person conversation with no relevance or context:

    Hi $name, I need your recommendation.

    Yeah, that's really important for the entire company to know.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    But it sends emails every day.

    We get lots of "newsletters" of various sorts. So far, the social stuff isn't sending anything out - probably because I haven't joined! But with a large multi-national organization (especially in the medical field), we get lots of "what's happening over there" things

  • Just received a test of the national wireless alert system. For some reason, it decided to show me the alert test message in Spanish. I speak a little Spanish, but not enough to really understand the whole message. When did Spanish become the primary language of the US? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you decide to answer it anyway, the answer probably belongs in :trolley-garage:.)

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Just received a test of the national wireless alert system. For some reason, it decided to show me the alert test message in Spanish. I speak a little Spanish, but not enough to really understand the whole message. When did Spanish become the primary language of the US? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you decide to answer it anyway, the answer probably belongs in :trolley-garage:.)

    Your fault for living in North Mexico 🍹

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Just received a test of the national wireless alert system. For some reason, it decided to show me the alert test message in Spanish. I speak a little Spanish, but not enough to really understand the whole message. When did Spanish become the primary language of the US? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you decide to answer it anyway, the answer probably belongs in :trolley-garage:.)

    I was (actually still am) in a meeting and everyone's phones started going off. (They didn't hear mine since I was on mute. But we got to hear the 6 people in the office.)

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    They didn't hear mine since I was on mute.

    ... .... Isn't the point of that type of alert that it overrides literally everything, that so long as the phone itself is on and capable of receiving cellular transmissions (even without service) that the message and tone is blasted out?

  • @Tsaukpaetra I think he meant that he was muted in the meeting, so his phone didn't contribute to the cacophony.

  • @Tsaukpaetra User on mute in the meeting client (Teams/Zoom or whatever), not the phone being on mute.

    Edit: :hanzo:

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Just received a test of the national wireless alert system. For some reason, it decided to show me the alert test message in Spanish. I speak a little Spanish, but not enough to really understand the whole message. When did Spanish become the primary language of the US? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you decide to answer it anyway, the answer probably belongs in :trolley-garage:.)

    I got it in both. Spanish first.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Just received a test of the national wireless alert system. For some reason, it decided to show me the alert test message in Spanish. I speak a little Spanish, but not enough to really understand the whole message. When did Spanish become the primary language of the US? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you decide to answer it anyway, the answer probably belongs in :trolley-garage:.)

    I got it in both. Spanish first.

    Same here, but a few minutes later I got it again. Second time was Spanish only.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Just received a test of the national wireless alert system. For some reason, it decided to show me the alert test message in Spanish. I speak a little Spanish, but not enough to really understand the whole message. When did Spanish become the primary language of the US? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you decide to answer it anyway, the answer probably belongs in :trolley-garage:.)

    I got it in both. Spanish first.

    Same here, but a few minutes later I got it again. Second time was Spanish only.

    I have two phones (one's a work/dev phone). Same cell plan for utterly :wtf: reasons. Work iPhone only got one, in English. Personal android got two back to back, spanish then english.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra I think he meant that he was muted in the meeting, so his phone didn't contribute to the cacophony.

    Yes, that.


    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    When did Spanish become the primary language of the US?

    It’s not like there are any other contenders to choose from 🏆

  • @kazitor said in WTF Bites:

    It’s not like there are any other contenders to choose from 🏆


  • @HardwareGeek I got both alert tests, English first. That also reminded me that I haven't gone and turned those things off on this phone.

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Just received a test of the national wireless alert system. For some reason, it decided to show me the alert test message in Spanish. I speak a little Spanish, but not enough to really understand the whole message. When did Spanish become the primary language of the US? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you decide to answer it anyway, the answer probably belongs in :trolley-garage:.)



    Is it internation test the alarms day? there was a test text & mail here as well.


    @Luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    Is it internation test the alarms day? there was a test text & mail here as well.

    The only loud thing I heard was another sonic boom. I stopped being alarmed at those as long as I don't see a 🍄 cloud.

  • I have no idea why, but Amazon thinks I have a business. Or, the other option is that they just spam everyone with their business-exclusive offers. Which is worse? :who_nose:

    Anyway, at least the latest email from them actually uses the domain name, rather than doing this shit that makes it look indistinguishable from actual, malicious spam:

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    actually uses the domain name

    Looks more like it's using ""

  • @dcon That's the old one that looks like spam. The new one actually is from, and with "Amazon Business" as the sender name, rather than "Cut costs on your work purchases"

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    as long as I don't see a 🍄 cloud.

    Have you tried eating any? You might see clouds if you do.


    @HardwareGeek I’ll let you do the beta testing.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Have you tried eating any? You might see clouds if you do.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    Or, the other option is that they just spam everyone with their business-exclusive offers.

    I get those too. That's what I've always assumed.

  • Installers are hard. Screw the user.

    Python 3.11.6 is out. Tried to upgrade from 3.11.5 on a non-visualstudio machine. Oops. While precompiling the libraries "vcruntime140.dll not found". Guess they changed compilers from .5 to .6...

    I fixed it by downloading VC_redist.x64.exe from MS, installing that, then upgrading Python.

    edit: Another way to fix (as suggested in the bug I opened), uninstall 3.11.6 and do a clean install. That works.

  • I am regretting my decision to build a wiki on MediaWiki more and more (even though the feature functionality is mostly what I want) just because the customisation is made unnecessarily painful.

    So I have a plugin for custom Google Maps integration - this was always going to be custom because no-one sane would build a generic plugin for this purpose. And I have a custom plugin that handles my needs for OpenGraph tags because my needs aren't quite the same as the combination of 2-3 plugins one can obtain (which won't quite work properly on current MW anyway)

    And now I thought I'd make a custom theme. Fucking hell.

    I thought in my infinite naivety I'd take the current default theme and start from there.

    What they don't tell you is that the current theme is really two themes. As in, the Vector folder in the distribution contains 'Vectory (legacy)' from 2010 and 'Vectory' from 2022, and pulls various shenanigans.

    Including that bits of it are in a common folder, bits are in one and bits are in the other, except that it's really weird how this is all structured, e.g. the legacy version has like 3 folders in the resources area (because they all have legacy in the name) and the non-legacy version has 5, but these don't really align because the modern one uses some 'JS' and some 'ES6' stuff.

    And they're still using LESS, bless 'em. And they're using it wrong but we won't hold that against them.

    I particularly enjoyed following what could laughably be called the documentation, filling in the variables as directed and for the result to be completely different to what I put in, for no apparent reason except their common code inherits things incorrectly such that some variables work and some don't.

    And that's before we get into the genius that is the footer links. If you want a footer link to point to an existing page, you create two items in the MediaWiki area, e.g. like the existing MediaWiki:Aboutsite (contains the name for the link) and MediaWiki:Aboutpage (contains the link to the page you want it to link to), and if you want to add more, you need to add these two things then add some code in the theme to tell it to add these as links.

    Good luck adding an external link. That's different again.

    Fuck MediaWiki. I'm just 'I wanna write my own, please it'll be more sane'. But we all know it won't ahahahha

  • @Arantor said in WTF Bites:

    no-one sane

    Yeah, but we're talking about IT.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @Arantor said in WTF Bites:

    no-one sane

    Yeah, but we're talking about IT.

  • SharePoint 🙄


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @TimeBandit Is "why can't I find my page" in the FAQ?

  • @dkf There's a link to it but it's not found


    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf There's a link to it but it's not found

    How about “we moved your cheese”? :thonking:

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf There's a link to it but it's not found

    How about “we moved your cheese”? :thonking: “all your cheese is right where you left it”


  • We have an external graphics designer who is in progress of creating new graphic design. The design isn't complete yet, but logos are, so I asked for them in a form suitable for icon. The graphic designer sent three JPEGs. :drop_monocle:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    We have an external graphics designer who is in progress of creating new graphic design. The design isn't complete yet, but logos are, so I asked for them in a form suitable for icon. The graphic designer sent three JPEGs. :drop_monocle:

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    We have an external graphics designer who is in progress of creating new graphic design. The design isn't complete yet, but logos are, so I asked for them in a form suitable for icon. The graphic designer sent three JPEGs. :drop_monocle:

    Thank $deity our designers use Figma. We can download them in any format we want.


    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    The graphic designer sent three JPEGs. :drop_monocle:

    With minimal quantisation and no chroma subsampling?

    There’s no visible quantisation or subsampling, right?

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