WTF Bites

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    Context: I've been assigned the unenviable task of "fixing" all the problems this dumb tool reports. Except, half the problems it finds aren't really problems and half the fixes actively make the codebase worse.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    I've been assigned the unenviable task of "fixing" all the problems this dumb tool reports.

    Simplest fix appears to be to disable the tool entirely. 100% fix rate!

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    I've been assigned the unenviable task of "fixing" all the problems this dumb tool reports.

    Simplest fix appears to be to disable the tool entirely. 100% fix rate!

    I'd love to, but it's a gate in Jenkins and I'm not a Jenkins admin.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Show some leg and seduce the admin? :mlp_nom:

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    I've been assigned the unenviable task of "fixing" all the problems this dumb tool reports.

    Simplest fix appears to be to disable the tool entirely. 100% fix rate!

    I'd love to, but it's a gate in Jenkins and I'm not a Jenkins admin.

    But can you "inject" some settings for that tool such that it won't report this kind of "problem"?

  • @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    But can you "inject" some settings for that tool such that it won't report this kind of "problem"?

    I find myself doing lots of:

    // clang-format off
    lots of formatted code that clang will completely mutilate
    // clang-format on

  • Your tool obviously suffers from CRS syndrome. This is no laughing matter.

  • @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    CRS syndrome. This is no laughing matter.

    I've found two syndromes abbreviated CRS, which are indeed no laughing matter,

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    Your tool obviously suffers from

    but both are manifested in humans, not tools.

    So what syndrome do you mean?

  • Clicking on an email address in Outlook open Mail :facepalm:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    Clicking on an email address in Outlook open Mail :facepalm:

    That happened to you too?!?

    Poor gal I ended up helping in-person was so confused, and for good reason!

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    Poor gal I ended up helping in-person was so confused, and for good reason!

    I can't blame Microsoft. For once, they respect the default app setting.

    But I can blame Microsoft, since they changed it from Outlook to Mail without my consent 😡

  • @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    But I can blame Microsoft, since they changed it from Outlook to Mail without my consent 😡

    Something there should be smart enough to disable Mail when Outlook is installed, because it is a complete replacement.

  • I've started getting thiese mails yesterday:


    It just contained one ‘task’ it picked up from mail I already answered, is pretty confusing, and I don't really see much use for it. Fortunately it had an option to unsubscribe.

  • Finally, the polls have already closed in one presidential race, namely Nickelodeon’s “Kids Pick the President” Kids Vote. Variety reports that the child voters chose Joe Biden over Donald Trump by a margin of 53% to 47%. It also reports that Nickelodeon had to throw out more than 130,000 fraudulent votes generated by bots, votes that greatly outnumbered the 90,000 votes Nickelodeon said were legitimate. The report did not disclose the breakdown of the bot-generated votes.

    Marblecake Emphasis added. Also the game.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    But I can blame Microsoft, since they changed it from Outlook to Mail without my consent 😡

    Something there should be smart enough to disable Mail when Outlook is installed, because it is a complete replacement.

    Just like how installing Chrome should disable Edge when installed? 🚎

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    But I can blame Microsoft, since they changed it from Outlook to Mail without my consent 😡

    Something there should be smart enough to disable Mail when Outlook is installed, because it is a complete replacement.

    Just like how installing Chrome should disable Edge when installed? 🚎


    1. those are not from the same company, and are basically similar applications, not one an eviscerated version of the other, both from the same company, and
    2. it sort of does anyway, as it checks whether it is the default browser and allows you to easily switch it if it isn't.

    There is no reason why Outlook couldn't have a check whether it is the default e-mail application (except Microsoft :kneeling_warthog:, of course) just like the browsers check whether they are default web application.

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    Something there should be smart enough to disable Mail when Outlook is installed, because it is a complete replacement.

    But at least, Mail can be removed.
    That should be easy, right?

    Just run a PowerShell as Administrator and type this command


    If only Linux would be that easy 🍹

  • @Watson said in WTF Bites:

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    You can even pet the kneeling warthogs!

    No law says you can't pet the kneeling warthogs. You bring any matches for @Polygeekery?

    Try searching eBay for "lighters"

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    But at least, Mail can be removed.
    That should be easy, right?


  • Uninstall*

    * but we may automatically reinstall it one day during a Windows 10 "update". And we're not telling you when.

  • In Teams you can have a meeting with anybody, but to contact people from other company you have to be a ‘guest’ in their domain or they have to be ‘guest’s in your domain. When you are a guest in another domain, you have basically two separate sessions, one for your own domain and one for the other. With separate histories. It's not exactly convenient, because you see you have a message in the other domain, but have to switch the domain to be able to actually see it. Workaround by Microsoft themselves? Have another instance open in web browser and keep it switched to the other domain…

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Bulb Poor old Microsoft, still finding it hard to comprehend that people might do large amounts of collaborations across company boundaries…

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    I've started getting thiese mails yesterday:


    It just contained one ‘task’ it picked up from mail I already answered, is pretty confusing, and I don't really see much use for it. Fortunately it had an option to unsubscribe.

    My wife started receiving them a couple of weeks ago. It had (at least?) two tasks, one of which was already done (but I guess there was no indication of it in the following emails, so by itself the system did what it could... it just shows that what it can do is useless!) and the other was for someone else (in an email discussion in which she was cc'ed). It also had two meetings, both coming from an old email chain that had started weeks ago with a "can we meet at XXX pm to discuss [stuff...]?" (followed by lengthy post-meeting discussions of [stuff]).

    Well done, Cortana! 💯 :facepalm:

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    But I can blame Microsoft, since they changed it from Outlook to Mail without my consent 😡

    Something there should be smart enough to disable Mail when Outlook is installed, because it is a complete replacement.

    I think the expected behaviour should be that if one app that can handle <X> is used to open a <X>, it should not query the system for the default app to handle <X>, but keep using the current app instead.

    Imagine if clicking a link in a browser that is not the system default opened the link in another browser...

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    When you are a guest in another domain, you have basically two separate sessions, one for your own domain and one for the other. With separate histories. It's not exactly convenient, because you see you have a message in the other domain, but have to switch the domain to be able to actually see it. Workaround by Microsoft themselves? Have another instance open in web browser and keep it switched to the other domain…

    Weird, I have almost the opposite observation.

    I have a teams account from work. I got an invitation to a meeting from a different organization. Since I mainly use the web version of teams, I opened up that invitation in the browser session where I was logged into teams for work already. Now that meeting with all its history and so on appears in Teams all the time. Other than listing participants as "External" in the pop-up when mousing over their icon, it's actually bloody difficult to tell those chats/meetings apart from the ones that we have at internally. (Funnily enough, I can also see when people from this other organization are busy/available/offline via the little colored dot indicator, despite saying "Status unknown" in the more detailed pop-up card; for internal people the status is otherwise repeated there.)

  • @loopback0 Where, in the store?


    This product is installed, want to get it again :facepalm:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @TimeBandit said in WTF Bites:

    Where, in the store?

    The start menu, or the apps control panel.

  • @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    I got an invitation to a meeting from a different organization.

    Meetings are a different ❄. Meetings can always contain people from any organization, just the people from different organization than the organizer have to be 1. admitted by the organizer when they connect and 2. explicitly granted rights to share if they are to present anything. And the meeting stays around afterwards and you can still post messages and even ask people to join again, so you can set up a more ad-hoc communication channel with people from other company this way. But if you want people to be able to find each other directly and call one-on-one, you need the guest in domain thing. Because there is nothing like your own contact list anymore.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    I guess this is as good a place to put this as any: coming home from work today, I saw the world's creepiest Pac-Man.

    The whole thing is part of a neon display on top of an office building that recently opened near my house. It's made up of vertical lighting segments (IOW a bunch of vertical lights) and is an animation of Pac-Man doing his thing, that is: gobbling pellets.


    The whole thing's a bit janky, so instead of having a smooth animation, what we get is Pac-Man opening wide, getting stuck there for a moment, opening a bit wider, and finally chomping down on a pellet (I think there may be a bit of a pause at the end of the "close mouth" cycle as well).

    The other "interesting" feature is that the pellets are pretty close together. So close, in fact, that they begin to look - for all things - like a segmented cylinder.

    That Pac-Man is munching on, with some effort as it's going in...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @GOG said in WTF Bites:

    like a segmented cylinder.

    Video? Ll having trouble extracting meaningful Khamenei from this.

  • Banned

    Interesting YT comments:


    The video was 22 seconds.

  • @Gąska One youtube channel I watch a lot of gets those exact comments on a regular basis. Spam that's not spamming anything? Perhaps they're trying to dilute automated spam filters by putting spammy text into comments without actual links, to make it harder to detect actual spam?

  • Banned

    @HannibalRex looking at avatars, I think they're trying to lure idiots into PM exchanges, where the actual scam happens.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Tsaukpaetra I wish I had an easy way to record it, because it has to be seen to be believed (no, my 10 year old feature phone is not up to the task). Imagine a long, straight line of circles, laid out very close to one another (possibly less than a diameter apart). The edges (along the top and bottom of the line) kinda fill themselves in.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:



    Ayup. Sorta like that.

  • @Gąska Yeah that would be 100x simpler, wish I had that kind of common sense

  • Java Dev

    Ryzen Master is being drunk.


  • Banned

    @Atazhaia did you, by any chance, plop a new CPU into an old PC and forgot to update Ryzen Master?

  • Java Dev

    @Gąska More like plop the same CPU in the same PC (as I got the MB back from repair) and booting from the same Windows install that been dormant since then. So as far as Windows and the software installed are concerned it should just have been like a few weeks of power off.

  • Dates are hard.


    (I have the FF window right next to my vertical task bar)

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    Dates are hard.


    (I have the FF window right next to my vertical task bar)

    That Firefox release is brought to you from Beijing, China. It was already just a couple of hours past midnight to November 10 there when you posted that. You are behind the times (from a Chinese point of view at least).

  • Java Dev

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    Dates are hard.


    (I have the FF window right next to my vertical task bar)

    You had access 2 months early and are only allowed to tell us now?

  • @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    That Firefox release is brought to you from Beijing, China. It was already just a couple of hours past midnight to November 10 there when you posted that. You are behind the times (from a Chinese point of view at least).

    I was thinking UTC, forgetting the dateline is 12 hrs before that...
    Hmm. A security update from China. **shudder**

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    A security update from China. shudder

    Would you prefer a feature update from Redmond? :trollface:

  • @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    A security update from China. **shudder**

    Would you prefer a feature update from Redmond? :trollface:

    Considering what's been coming out of China, yeah, I think so!

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    A security update from China. shudder

    Would you prefer a feature update from Redmond? :trollface:

    They're the same picture! 🍹

  • Considered Harmful

    A snippet from production logs: ByteParser cannaeparse.
    I'm not sure about :trwtf: though

    • lack of input validation?
    • spewing raw Java exceptions into log files?
    • clipping the class names for reasons nobody knows?
    • skimping on two fucking bytes for the error level when total logging has been know to go into the double-digit gigabytes? Per minute that is.
    10.11.20 11:00:02.268|234|WARNI|orgproxy.RequestParser.parseRequest|Parseerror
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: cant parse: CANNABIS
        at com.argon.ByteParser.parseInt(

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @LaoC said in WTF Bites:

    skimping on two fucking bytes for the error level

    That's almost certainly so that it is the same length as ERROR, which the author of the log format must've thought was more aesthetic.

    clipping the class names for reasons nobody knows?

    That's :trwtf: because it makes the actual problems harder to fix. Which might or might not be with input validation (but throwing an exception might be part of validating the input so who knows…)

  • @LaoC said in WTF Bites:

    lack of input validation?

    This looks like the input validation. It logs an exception on invalid request and (hopefully) rejects it, which looks OK-ish to me; it should provide a nibble more context like also stating which client sent it and which field contains the unparseable value.

    spewing raw Java exceptions into log files?

    That's normal. They tend to be most useful for debugging while also easiest to produce.

    clipping the class names for reasons nobody knows?

    Were? I don't see anything clipped in your example.

    What I did see Java loggers do is abbreviate the package names to single letter per level, because when the class is buried under 15 levels of packages, the message would get shifted off screen to the right. :trwtf: is 15 levels of packages here. You have to look up the class, but usually the base name is unique anyway, so you just grep the class list.

    skimping on two fucking bytes for the error level when total logging has been know to go into the double-digit gigabytes? Per minute that is.

    True, WARNI is a weird abbreviation; usually it's just WARN, because everybody is lazy to type out all of WARNING.

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