WTF Bites

  • @loopback0 @Bulb @dkf That's decompiled Visual Basic code. I don't know why the exception needs to consume another locals slot, nor why the copy is being thrown rather than the original being re-thrown, but given Visual Basic's semantics that's working as mis-designed.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    Is that Java, where it's just mildly , or C++, where it would be massive ?

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    Looks like C# given the naming conventions.

    @TwelveBaud said in WTF Bites:

    That's decompiled Visual Basic code. I don't know why the exception needs to consume another locals slot, nor why the copy is being thrown rather than the original being re-thrown, but given Visual Basic's semantics that's working as mis-designed.

    Quite. VB.NET decompiled to C# using ilspycmd as we have a bunch of executables that are important and we don't seem to have the source and we made the one person who probably had it redundant years ago.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    • I fill in the form with my password vault
    • it overwrites the verification code with my username

    Clearly, the lesson here is to not use a password vault. :thonking:

    Seriously, though, can you use the browser's Developer Tools to adjust the value or change the read-only-ness of the field?

  • Jira exports “Word” documents, with .doc suffix, that look like this:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>[#REDACTED-123] Redacted task title</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="application/; charset=UTF-8">
            <style type="text/css">

  • @Bulb Have you actually tried opening them in Word?

    It opens HTML. Maybe this is actually HTML designed to be editable in MS Word?

  • @anonymous234 Of course it opens in Word. The :wtf: is that they are forcing it to open in Word even though it would otherwise open in many more tools, some significantly more convenient. In particularly it would open in the browser with the other Jira to which it is attached, so I wouldn't have to download it and hunt it around the disk.

  • Java Dev

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @anonymous234 Of course it opens in Word. The :wtf: is that they are forcing it to open in Word even though it would otherwise open in many more tools, some significantly more convenient. In particularly it would open in the browser with the other Jira to which it is attached, so I wouldn't have to download it and hunt it around the disk.

    I see you have not yet experienced the delights of Content-Disposition: attachment

  • @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    I see you have not yet experienced the delights of Content-Disposition: attachment

    Yes, I did. It should DIAF. I've already installed the “Open in Browser” extension for it in this browser. But not the one I use to access that Jira (I have a container connected to the customer VPN in which I run a separate browser and a proxy chaining to their proxy for sake of applications that can't authenticate themselves to the second proxy).

  • Java Dev

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    I see you have not yet experienced the delights of Content-Disposition: attachment

    Yes, I did. It should DIAF. I've already installed the “Open in Browser” extension for it in this browser. But not the one I use to access that Jira (I have a container connected to the customer VPN in which I run a separate browser and a proxy chaining to their proxy for sake of applications that can't authenticate themselves to the second proxy).

    I need to get that too. Our bug tracker uses that header for bug attachments. Even images.

  • @PleegWat I use this one and it works OK. It pops up extra dialog, but it has an ‘always do this for similar files’ checkbox, so it should be able to remember you don't want to save images.

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    is that they are forcing it to open in Word even though it would otherwise open in many more tools, some significantly more convenient

    Well I assumed you specifically requested a Word document export.

  • @anonymous234 I (well, not me, the colleague with access to the other Jira) requested some export. It only offers this “Word” (well, and a print-out, which probably simply generates the same HTML and triggers a print of it).

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla I thought so too, especially from the wording of the yellow message ("Please add an additional random response."), but it wouldn't let me continue until I filled out all of them.

    Have you seen the way they use them? I'd guess that they only pick a few randomly selected ones from the list each time they needwant to verify your login.

  • @djls45 This is the first time that I've been asked for any security questions at all with this, despite having updated the password several times before. I sure hope they won't ask for the whole set every time!

  • A Chrome update in the last few weeks has broken certain pages in my company's webapp. To explain, we have a number of fields in various places that accept or display a date value with no time component, but the underlying data type does have time fields (Java's Date class). Specifically, the issue is that on date fields that don't have a corresponding time, Chrome has begun giving "24" as the value for the 24-hour clock value instead of "0," which results in an exception that says the value is outside the valid range (0-23).

    The development team is working on a fix, but until they get one implemented, the current workaround is to just use a different browser.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    Chrome has begun giving "24" as the value for the 24-hour clock value instead of "0,"


    1. Have MPC-HC open in the background, paused or stopped
    2. Vivaldi shows a notification (any website works)
    3. Click notification
    4. MPC-HC starts playing

  • Considered Harmful

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @anonymous234 Of course it opens in Word. The :wtf: is that they are forcing it to open in Word even though it would otherwise open in many more tools, some significantly more convenient. In particularly it would open in the browser with the other Jira to which it is attached, so I wouldn't have to download it and hunt it around the disk.

    If Jira produces that stuff when you ask it to export a Word document, chances are people would expect it to open in Word.
    I did that for some blockhead secretary at university years ago when she insisted that shit had to be submitted as a doc file and no, my txt attachment wasn't acceptable. Renaming it to blah.doc made it a perfectly fine Word document.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    The description speaks of the most unlikely case first though, which is what makes it weird.

    What makes it weird is that it seems to state that it has a small probability of failing for no reason at all. If there are potential failure states, what are they?

    Don't tell me that something can fail without telling me why it might.

  • @levicki But I'm not actually pressing any keys. I'm clicking the notification. Somehow Vivaldi is generating a MEDIA_PLAY keypress (or equivalent) that MPC-HC gets.

    It doesn't happen with Edge or Firefox. It also doesn't happen with Windows Media Player or the UWP version.

  • Banned

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    That or I am misunderstanding the issue.

    Status: @levicki is misunderstanding the issue and I can do nothing about it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    Status: @levicki is misunderstanding the issue and I can do nothing about it.

    Stay strong. We're with you in this difficult time.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @LaoC said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @anonymous234 Of course it opens in Word. The :wtf: is that they are forcing it to open in Word even though it would otherwise open in many more tools, some significantly more convenient. In particularly it would open in the browser with the other Jira to which it is attached, so I wouldn't have to download it and hunt it around the disk.

    If Jira produces that stuff when you ask it to export a Word document, chances are people would expect it to open in Word.
    I did that for some blockhead secretary at university years ago when she insisted that shit had to be submitted as a doc file and no, my txt attachment wasn't acceptable. Renaming it to blah.doc made it a perfectly fine Word document.

    I think lots of stuff does this. Probably at least as common for Excel, where naming an html file with a .xls extension works, but updated security postures now sometimes cause it to reject a file like that where it used to simply import it. I know that's what our reporting software did for a long time before they started supporting actual xlsx formatted files.

  • @anonymous234 Supposedly it happens with Chrome-ish browsers and is Windows 10's fault

  • @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    That or I am misunderstanding the issue.

    Status: @levicki is misunderstanding the issue and I can do nothing about it.

    Hopefully, I can, though. 🤞

    @levicki The fields are populated from the database to the webapp, so it's not a matter of initialization, AFAICT. The database value is from a SQL Server date field (which has only a date part), which is read by the EntityManager into a java.time.LocalDate object (which also has date, no time, and no timezone parts), which is then displayed onscreen.
    At some point (I don't know if this is between the database and the app or between the business logic and the display code), the value is serialized into a JSON object, and when the object is deserialized and the parser tries to convert a value like 2020-03-12T24:00:00.000Z, an exception is thrown: "Invalid value for HourOfDay (valid values 0 - 23): 24".

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    postures now sometimes cause it to reject a file like that where it used to simply import it. I know that's what our reporting software did for a long time before they started supporting actual xlsx formatted files

    Don't remind me!

  • @hungrier

    and is Windows 10's fault

    Let me check what the developer said about it...

    It is the fault of Windows 10.

    Well that clarifies things.

  • @Zerosquare Based on a few details I picked up when interviewing at one of the major ATM manufacturers a few years back, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was nationwide.

  • Java Dev

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    if you parsed 2020-03-12T24:00:00.000Z you would get 2020-03-13T00:00:00.000Z.

    That would be correct to usual interpretations of a 24-hour clock. 24:00 is trailing midnight, while 0:00 is leading midnight. It is only really used in time ranges, such as when putting up opening hours ("Open 8:00-24:00").

    This also means the 'at which end of the day is the midnight release' problem doesn't apply.

  • @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    Wow, so modern! I am rather confident many are still on XP.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @djls45 The java docs say the opposite to what you said:

    This class does not store or represent a time or time-zone.

    Ah, I missed that it doesn't have a time portion.

    I stay by my guess that at some point this passes through a DateTime and time part is not initialized or something like that.

    Then why does the issue only manifest in Chrome, but not Firefox or IE?

  • @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    Chrome […] (Java's Date class)

    Given that Chrome does not run Java for about four years now, do you mean like Java's Date class, but actually some JS one, is the application transpiled from Java using GWT or similar tool, or is this that Date produces something that the client-side part is parsing back and stopped understanding?

  • @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    The development team is working on a fix

    <input type="date" />? No, that's wayyy too easy!

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    So today I ran into some wtf issue with npm's package-lock.json (lock generated on my machine consistently broke the build on the CI server, despite being generated from scratch, and after a fresh install it was different on both machines). Searching for some explanation I found this brillant discussion. So this is how this mess started. Best part is when some guy suggests to copy the (correct and intuitive) solution from Composer, only to be shouted down by some 'lol php not cool' non-argument.

  • @sebastian-galczynski I'm actually using npm ci on my production server which takes the exact version numbers from package.lock.json and does not change anything.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Yes, in fact, you should be using 'npm ci' every time except when you want to update the dependencies. That's what you do with composer (which is 'install' as opposed to 'update' in this case), or any other sane package manager. But unfortunately the front-end guys use 'npm install' all the time, which results in auto-merges in package-lock.json, which in turn somehow break the webpack build instead of throwing an error during installation. In the end, I decided to simply delete the file in the CI pipeline, at least on the staging server.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @sebastian-galczynski said in WTF Bites:

    So today I ran into some wtf issue with npm's package-lock.json (lock generated on my machine consistently broke the build on the CI server, despite being generated from scratch, and after a fresh install it was different on both machines). Searching for some explanation I found this brillant discussion. So this is how this mess started. Best part is when some guy suggests to copy the (correct and intuitive) solution from Composer, only to be shouted down by some 'lol php not cool' non-argument.


    cmdelatorre commented on Jun 14, 2017
    I have over 750MB of dependencies, so removing node_modules is not a good idea.


    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:


    cmdelatorre commented on Jun 14, 2017
    I have over 750MB of dependencies, so removing node_modules is not a good idea.

    Windows 95 was about 200MB total, this guy has ~4 times that much just in left_pad functionality. The future is depressinghilarious.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Windows 95 was about 200MB total, this guy has ~4 times that much just in left_pad functionality.

    Look on the bright side: It's still faster to download (at least in Europe, haven't been to Comcastistan) than win95 was in 1995. But yeah, the trivial packages are depressing. Especially the one douchebag that created most of them:

    I heard some of his packages use multiple versions of his other packages.

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    Chrome […] (Java's Date class)

    Given that Chrome does not run Java for about four years now, do you mean like Java's Date class, but actually some JS one, is the application transpiled from Java using GWT or similar tool, or is this that Date produces something that the client-side part is parsing back and stopped understanding?

    It's a server-side Java app that displays using JBoss Seam.

  • @TwelveBaud said in WTF Bites:

    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    The development team is working on a fix

    <input type="date" />? No, that's wayyy too easy!

    It's also the wrong direction. Our issue is displaying dates from the database, not reading input from the user.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Apparently you can delete shit from the TortoiseSVN Commit window, straight up, with no confirmation. And the option is right above "Add". $deity help you if you slip....

  • :belt_onion:

    A Lithium-Ion Battery That Works Even When It’s on Fire

    Not only is their new solid-state electrolyte ultrathin, it also delivers a high specific capacity and demonstrates good cycling performance (lasting 300 cycles at 60 degrees C). Crucially, prototype battery cells made using it proved to work despite catching fire (in this video, an LED remains lit even though the battery powering it is on fire).

    “This was very surprising to us,” says Stanford’s Wan. “Usually a battery will just explode with a fire. But with this one, not only does it not explode, it still functions.”

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:


    Found your problem!

    I'm open to recommendations.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @El_Heffe said in WTF Bites:

    Usually a battery will just explode with a fire.

    :thonking: He hasn't seen very many battery fires...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    I'm open to recommendations.

    Git gud. /ducks

    I wasn't the one with the problem, I'm just relaying the complaint.

    Edit: Unless you're recommending me to switch to Git?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra Yes.

    I'll tell them. I don't anticipate any smiles.


    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:


    Found your problem!

    You jest, but at some point a few years back, that actually was my problem.

    Long story short: Got a new machine, implemented some code, tested everything, installed Tortoise and checked it in. Next I try everything's broken and I swear it worked before.
    A long, frustrating time of debugging later, it turned out that GetOpenFileName loaded shell extensions, Tortoise actually ended up in my process and fucked up the CRT locale so parsing any config/data files returned garbage.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:


    Found your problem!

    I'm open to recommendations.

    TortoiseGit is a pretty good GUI for Git, IMHO.

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