WTF Bites

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:


    Timezones are hard, let's go voting!


    What's the issue here?

  • @boomzilla I think it's

    Updated -235m ago

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @hungrier ah, yes, totally glossed over the - there. My mind probably translated it as a dash.

  • @error_bot said in WTF Bites:

    the Richard Stallman Cirque de Soleil thing

    Great. Thanks for the nightmares.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @error_bot said in WTF Bites:

    the Richard Stallman Cirque de Soleil thing

    Great. Thanks for the nightmares.

    the best thing about nightmares id waking up and discovering that an adorable, fluffy, cuddlebug of a ninja fox has snuck into your bed to comfort you while you dreampt.

    ...... wait..... that does happen to everyone yes? it's not just me?

  • WTF Bite: Debugging why a PCI driver is sometimes missing interrupts. I found someone accidentally inverted a bool in a way that meant it only called interrupt handlers when an interrupt didn't occur. But due to a race condition, if an interrupt came in while it was at the beginning of the handler that ran when there were no interrupts, it would then process the entire backlog of interrupts and mostly worked by accident.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    You can try if faking activity with “Staying Alive for Google Chrome™” plugin (or corresponding plugin for whatever browser you use) helps…

    The real policy is login expires after 1 hour of inactivity or 2 hours of activity. It's dumb.

    Sorry boss. I missed the meeting because I was auto-logged out again and didn't see the notification.
    Feature. Keep it.

    edit: Yes, I'm completely ignoring

    But I'm obviously still logged in until that point or I wouldn't have seen the message to click on it.

  • Java Dev

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    You can try if faking activity with “Staying Alive for Google Chrome™” plugin (or corresponding plugin for whatever browser you use) helps…

    The real policy is login expires after 1 hour of inactivity or 2 hours of activity. It's dumb.

    Our product logs you out on any activity if you've been idle for an hour before that.
    It also does this when the new activity is on the login page.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    You can try if faking activity with “Staying Alive for Google Chrome™” plugin (or corresponding plugin for whatever browser you use) helps…

    The real policy is login expires after 1 hour of inactivity or 2 hours of activity. It's dumb.

    Our product logs you out on any activity if you've been idle for an hour before that.
    It also does this when the new activity is on the login page.

    Filed under: /login.asp?returnTo=logout.php

  • Do shoes excite you? Like, really excite you, to the point you just can't control yourself?


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status: getting increasingly cfurious that the way we did websocket reconnects is by refreshing the thread.

    I'm wondering why we haven't resolved the "edited posts don't correctly re-render" issue in the same way...

    Edit: thanks, anti-slavery...


    I opened the Fitbit app on the phone to sync my tracker. It tells me:

    Update Fitbit-App
    This version is no longer compatible with your Charge 3. It is possible that your device no longer connects to the app. You have to update the app in this case.

    What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
    The tracker isn't connected to the internet, only indirectly through syncing to the app, so it hasn't updated or changed in any way. The app also hasn't changed, because that's obviously what it's complaining about: being out of date. How can two devices that used to work together no longer work together when neither of them has changed?! :wtf_owl:

  • Considered Harmful

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Except in my "brutal honesty" I offered you constructive criticism on your post,

    You gave what i'm assuming is the "constructive criticism" half an hour after I commented amusedly on the downvote, a comment that didn't ask who it was that downvoted.

    this criticism was a list of basic statistics on the issues on github and a story about a issue you filed that is still open. I honestly fail to see how that is constructive, except compared to the post of yours i was actually replying to...

    Speaking of.... another two hours later you dropped the "news" that you were the one who downvoted me, at least a full two and a half hours after you downvoted the post. Your post explaining this said this was basically "You raised a point that needed explanation and also I downvoted you because you're unfunny".

    well 1) i did not actually care who downvoted me. could have been the great goddess Amaterasu herself what did it for all I cared. and 2) you said in your post that the downvote was for the humor and 3) constructive criticism is not "be funnier"

    Thus you got "I don't care. downvote me for the humor. it is actually literally impossible for me to care less about your opinion of my humor.." and because you have shown that you care who downvoted you i posted proof that i didn't because your post was already at negative votes.

    and you got offended at my "dismissiveness" of your opinion on my humor..... soo...... yeah. My brutal honesty is "I don't care you don't like my humor." which is dismissive because the fact you don't like my humor has zero relevance to me.

    but, you know what.... maybe it's better this way. if you want to think of me as a "Holier than Thou" asshole of a manager.... fine. I can live with that, but in return you'll have to live with the fact that i think the same about you. Except for the part about being a manager, because that's not factually true now, I reserve the right to add that bit back in if you ever start managing a team.

    Also you wanted an essay? sure, I can do that:

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly sint pork chuck, capicola sed prosciutto. Pig sausage anim turducken ut dolore. Lorem labore short ribs consequat elit qui veniam fatback aliquip ribeye turkey. In andouille laboris nostrud, qui ground round labore deserunt.

    Exercitation consequat incididunt meatloaf kevin. Fatback dolore labore laborum boudin. Chicken bresaola sed, buffalo shankle anim nisi cillum. Pig consectetur incididunt magna lorem pork chop pastrami swine ham hock quis culpa pork. Do short ribs occaecat mollit, bresaola shank fugiat velit proident. Hamburger tail esse, tempor kielbasa biltong jowl dolore bresaola t-bone qui. Rump nulla jowl pork chop do.

    Buffalo flank sausage esse do fugiat veniam jowl anim ham hock beef ribs enim. Aliquip do dolore, pastrami porchetta ea pariatur ut jowl officia incididunt tri-tip. Venison laboris in, ex buffalo labore mollit proident quis reprehenderit bacon minim beef esse. Irure prosciutto pork jowl brisket. Dolor ut salami ham est bresaola in short loin meatloaf short ribs veniam.

    Hamburger pork loin aliqua meatball bresaola landjaeger pork belly commodo nisi. Do pork loin ullamco t-bone kielbasa mollit drumstick pariatur filet mignon. Aute sint frankfurter, lorem jerky eiusmod shoulder alcatra ham hock fatback kevin id swine. In tongue shankle alcatra strip steak ground round cillum shoulder sint boudin fugiat qui drumstick tenderloin beef. Tenderloin officia chislic picanha mollit boudin sint qui ullamco commodo beef ribs. Sunt hamburger pork loin picanha quis kevin esse dolore cow ground round. Cupidatat doner corned beef, alcatra sausage id shankle kielbasa boudin chuck brisket salami hamburger ball tip nulla.

    Fugiat esse porchetta beef ribs pancetta turkey, bresaola in proident ribeye quis. Tempor sausage proident, buffalo exercitation ham dolor kielbasa doner frankfurter. In dolor mollit, excepteur t-bone ut frankfurter pork belly spare ribs tail. Drumstick buffalo eu porchetta, veniam shank cupidatat beef ribs nostrud ham hock.

    Ut tenderloin incididunt adipisicing nisi et alcatra. Esse sint biltong pancetta pariatur jerky. Id ham hock chicken fugiat cow eiusmod drumstick eu ea dolor porchetta incididunt officia andouille prosciutto. T-bone pancetta laborum ad laboris. Sirloin pancetta deserunt, shoulder ipsum pork chop brisket shank hamburger sint quis. Pork chop eu kevin consectetur ribeye culpa aute occaecat dolor shank bresaola jowl.

    Ball tip tongue nostrud sint, sunt officia aliquip sausage voluptate chuck shankle est. In capicola cow dolore, swine rump t-bone pariatur filet mignon eu cupim. Dolore boudin proident ipsum minim. Ham hock ex ipsum, velit burgdoggen et cupidatat tempor leberkas duis chicken. Tri-tip cupim meatloaf, quis mollit ground round cupidatat picanha.

    Eiusmod chicken nisi fatback dolor andouille deserunt. Irure bacon nostrud, hamburger do pork chop qui jowl. Kevin sint consectetur, pig shankle buffalo commodo nulla ut t-bone quis. Cillum tempor hamburger sed in non consequat meatloaf.

    Aliquip anim proident, sirloin corned beef burgdoggen beef alcatra cillum est adipisicing in eiusmod rump picanha. Tempor frankfurter nostrud dolor enim, pig ball tip. Doner shank jowl exercitation do. Dolore nulla leberkas, ham hock et pork belly mollit.

    Andouille commodo lorem adipisicing elit, turkey id short loin voluptate. Pork chop nulla fatback esse, filet mignon turducken dolore kevin. Sed brisket quis minim frankfurter strip steak nisi ham pork boudin swine irure esse. Proident cupim chislic quis, sirloin nostrud chuck boudin short loin ut tongue hamburger sint drumstick.

    .... Hungry yet?

    Verbosity is the soul of wit.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Except in my "brutal honesty" I offered you constructive criticism on your post,

    You gave what i'm assuming is the "constructive criticism" half an hour after I commented amusedly on the downvote, a comment that didn't ask who it was that downvoted.

    this criticism was a list of basic statistics on the issues on github and a story about a issue you filed that is still open. I honestly fail to see how that is constructive, except compared to the post of yours i was actually replying to...

    Speaking of.... another two hours later you dropped the "news" that you were the one who downvoted me, at least a full two and a half hours after you downvoted the post. Your post explaining this said this was basically "You raised a point that needed explanation and also I downvoted you because you're unfunny".

    well 1) i did not actually care who downvoted me. could have been the great goddess Amaterasu herself what did it for all I cared. and 2) you said in your post that the downvote was for the humor and 3) constructive criticism is not "be funnier"

    Thus you got "I don't care. downvote me for the humor. it is actually literally impossible for me to care less about your opinion of my humor.." and because you have shown that you care who downvoted you i posted proof that i didn't because your post was already at negative votes.

    and you got offended at my "dismissiveness" of your opinion on my humor..... soo...... yeah. My brutal honesty is "I don't care you don't like my humor." which is dismissive because the fact you don't like my humor has zero relevance to me.

    but, you know what.... maybe it's better this way. if you want to think of me as a "Holier than Thou" asshole of a manager.... fine. I can live with that, but in return you'll have to live with the fact that i think the same about you. Except for the part about being a manager, because that's not factually true now, I reserve the right to add that bit back in if you ever start managing a team.

    Also you wanted an essay? sure, I can do that:

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly sint pork chuck, capicola sed prosciutto. Pig sausage anim turducken ut dolore. Lorem labore short ribs consequat elit qui veniam fatback aliquip ribeye turkey. In andouille laboris nostrud, qui ground round labore deserunt.

    Exercitation consequat incididunt meatloaf kevin. Fatback dolore labore laborum boudin. Chicken bresaola sed, buffalo shankle anim nisi cillum. Pig consectetur incididunt magna lorem pork chop pastrami swine ham hock quis culpa pork. Do short ribs occaecat mollit, bresaola shank fugiat velit proident. Hamburger tail esse, tempor kielbasa biltong jowl dolore bresaola t-bone qui. Rump nulla jowl pork chop do.

    Buffalo flank sausage esse do fugiat veniam jowl anim ham hock beef ribs enim. Aliquip do dolore, pastrami porchetta ea pariatur ut jowl officia incididunt tri-tip. Venison laboris in, ex buffalo labore mollit proident quis reprehenderit bacon minim beef esse. Irure prosciutto pork jowl brisket. Dolor ut salami ham est bresaola in short loin meatloaf short ribs veniam.

    Hamburger pork loin aliqua meatball bresaola landjaeger pork belly commodo nisi. Do pork loin ullamco t-bone kielbasa mollit drumstick pariatur filet mignon. Aute sint frankfurter, lorem jerky eiusmod shoulder alcatra ham hock fatback kevin id swine. In tongue shankle alcatra strip steak ground round cillum shoulder sint boudin fugiat qui drumstick tenderloin beef. Tenderloin officia chislic picanha mollit boudin sint qui ullamco commodo beef ribs. Sunt hamburger pork loin picanha quis kevin esse dolore cow ground round. Cupidatat doner corned beef, alcatra sausage id shankle kielbasa boudin chuck brisket salami hamburger ball tip nulla.

    Fugiat esse porchetta beef ribs pancetta turkey, bresaola in proident ribeye quis. Tempor sausage proident, buffalo exercitation ham dolor kielbasa doner frankfurter. In dolor mollit, excepteur t-bone ut frankfurter pork belly spare ribs tail. Drumstick buffalo eu porchetta, veniam shank cupidatat beef ribs nostrud ham hock.

    Ut tenderloin incididunt adipisicing nisi et alcatra. Esse sint biltong pancetta pariatur jerky. Id ham hock chicken fugiat cow eiusmod drumstick eu ea dolor porchetta incididunt officia andouille prosciutto. T-bone pancetta laborum ad laboris. Sirloin pancetta deserunt, shoulder ipsum pork chop brisket shank hamburger sint quis. Pork chop eu kevin consectetur ribeye culpa aute occaecat dolor shank bresaola jowl.

    Ball tip tongue nostrud sint, sunt officia aliquip sausage voluptate chuck shankle est. In capicola cow dolore, swine rump t-bone pariatur filet mignon eu cupim. Dolore boudin proident ipsum minim. Ham hock ex ipsum, velit burgdoggen et cupidatat tempor leberkas duis chicken. Tri-tip cupim meatloaf, quis mollit ground round cupidatat picanha.

    Eiusmod chicken nisi fatback dolor andouille deserunt. Irure bacon nostrud, hamburger do pork chop qui jowl. Kevin sint consectetur, pig shankle buffalo commodo nulla ut t-bone quis. Cillum tempor hamburger sed in non consequat meatloaf.

    Aliquip anim proident, sirloin corned beef burgdoggen beef alcatra cillum est adipisicing in eiusmod rump picanha. Tempor frankfurter nostrud dolor enim, pig ball tip. Doner shank jowl exercitation do. Dolore nulla leberkas, ham hock et pork belly mollit.

    Andouille commodo lorem adipisicing elit, turkey id short loin voluptate. Pork chop nulla fatback esse, filet mignon turducken dolore kevin. Sed brisket quis minim frankfurter strip steak nisi ham pork boudin swine irure esse. Proident cupim chislic quis, sirloin nostrud chuck boudin short loin ut tongue hamburger sint drumstick.

    .... Hungry yet?

    Verbosity is the soul of wit.

    @richard_feinman said:

    Never say in one word what can be expounded, explained, and elucidated in a score or more utterances.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    Never say in one word what can be expounded, explained, and elucidated in a score or more utterances.

    Bullshit 🐠

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    when neither of them has changed

    Two words: Planned obsolescence.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    Never say in one word what can be expounded, explained, and elucidated in a score or more utterances.

    Bullshit 🐠


  • 🚽 Regular

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    How can two devices that used to work together no longer work together when neither of them has changed?!

    Expired certificate? 🤷♂

    Edit: oh, this probably connects via something like USB. That's different.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    status: getting increasingly cfurious that the way we did websocket reconnects is by refreshing the thread.

    I'm wondering why we haven't resolved the "edited posts don't correctly re-render" issue in the same way...

    Edit: thanks, anti-slavery...

    I think it has to do with something @ben_lubar put in as a cache.


    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    How can two devices that used to work together no longer work together when neither of them has changed?!

    Expired certificate? 🤷♂

    Edit: oh, this probably connects via something like USB. That's different.

    Bluetooth. Does that need certificates that can expire? I don't know.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Bluetooth. Does that need certificates that can expire? I don't know.

    That can disconnect just because it's become a bit bored…


    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    Bluetooth. Does that need certificates that can expire? I don't know.

    That can disconnect just because it's become a bit bored…

    But you don't usually need software updates to reconnect.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    How can two devices that used to work together no longer work together when neither of them has changed?! :wtf_owl:

    Did Fitbit recently get acquired by NVidia or AMD?

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    At this point, the only option seems to be taking the drives out and booting live Linux to try to recover data.

    Helpful suggestion:

    deleted important files

    Don't do that.

  • :belt_onion:


    @El_Heffe said in WTF Bites:



    Filed under: I have questions

  • @topspin It was a psychology class, and supposedly the rant was a demonstration of something other than the prof being crazy

  • @Vixen Corrected headline:

    BREAKING: Bernie Sanders wins the New Hampshire Democratic primary, narrowly beating off Pete Buttigieg

  • WTF Bite: Sites that change the URL on you after the page loads. I read a local news article about Def Leppard and ZZ Top, copied the URL to forward it to my sister, and she ended up getting a link on something with Totes for Tots and wondering what the heck I was going on about.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    I'm wondering why we haven't resolved the "edited posts don't correctly re-render" issue in the same way...

    I assume because zero effort has been expended in solving that issue.

  • An "off by :3px:" issue in sale pricing:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

  • @loopback0 Coca Cola and Pepsi products both cost $5.99 per 12 pack after the limit and/or three day window. But within the 3 day window, and within the first 6 items purchased, one costs $4.05 and the other $3.99

  • 0baa326d-7248-4a90-a43d-6f82723dac9d-image.png

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @hungrier Oh.

  • @loopback0 I had thought about creating a "Bite bites" thread for stupid trivial stuff even more stupider and trivialer than any of our existing threads, but

  • @levicki Off by :3bits:

  • WTF Bite: Why do I need to sign in and go through 2-factor authentication crap with my smartphone just to use the free Community edition of Visual Studio??? 😡

  • @mott555 So they can track if you might be using it for $job and come down on you or the company.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Juul was a one of those "play fast and loose" California startups which is now owned by Altria (aka Philip Morris).

    Their office is very near my CA home; I've driven past it many times. So when I saw a job listing for a "hardware verification engineer" I was interested. (I recognized the name as a nearby company, but not as to the nature of their business.) I don't remember whether it was sent to me by a recruiter or just an automated recommendation from LinkedIn or whoever based on the job title, but I was interested enough to read more.

    It has nothing to do with chip verification. It doesn't even have anything to do with electronic hardware, unless you consider a heating element electronic. And hell no, I wouldn't work for your company even if the job were a good match for my skills, FUVM.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    WTF Bite: Why do I need to sign in and go through 2-factor authentication crap with my smartphone just to use the free Community edition of Visual Studio??? 😡

    You don't sign in with a toss away account?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:


    Emoji suggestion: middle-finger-with-ring

    🖕 :zwj: 💍


    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:


    Emoji suggestion: middle-finger-with-ring

    🖕 :zwj: 💍

  • @PleegWat said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    You can try if faking activity with “Staying Alive for Google Chrome™” plugin (or corresponding plugin for whatever browser you use) helps…

    The real policy is login expires after 1 hour of inactivity or 2 hours of activity. It's dumb.

    Our product logs you out on any activity if you've been idle for an hour before that.

    Ours is set to something like 5 or 10 minutes. But then again, we deal with people's medical information, so... 🤷🏻♂

    It also does this when the new activity is on the login page.

    In at least some versions of our web program (we have several in production right now for different clients and different studies for the same client), switching between the admin console and the end user system can cause the login to fail once with a message "<other system> account detected, logging out" after entering correct credentials, despite having already logged out (manually or automatically) of the other system.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    How can two devices that used to work together no longer work together when neither of them has changed?!

    Server update?

  • @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    WTF Bite: Sites that change the URL on you after the page loads. I read a local news article about Def Leppard and ZZ Top, copied the URL to forward it to my sister, and she ended up getting a link on something with Totes for Tots and wondering what the heck I was going on about.

    Did it use an index into the list of articles, starting from the newest?
    Sometimes, they'll offer an alternate link directly to the article using a URL that has the article title encoded therein. Sometimes.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    we don't even have proof that vaping is safer

    With appropriate regulation (e.g., of composition and concentrations and so on of the liquids), it appears to be definitively safer than smoking. I make no claim that it is either actually safe — the list of things safer than smoking is a very long one! — or that anywhere in the US is necessarily applying appropriate regulation. I do note however that vaping users in the UK have significantly less lung and throat irritation than smokers, and they're a hell of a lot more pleasant to be near as a non-user of any nicotine-based product.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    they're a hell of a lot more pleasant to be near

    They often have other deficiencies such as being insufferable eejits.

    And that strawberry thing...

    Applied-Mediocrity: Ooh, smells like candy. Mmm, I like candy.
    : *comes round the corner*
    Applied-Mediocrity: Fuck, Flying Scotsman's here again. Choo-choo!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Why is it so damn impossible to take an image with (for example) two colors, and say "See this color? Mark every piece of the picture that has this color TRANSPARENT"?

    Sure, there's Magic Wands that try to intelligently select shit, but if I already know this specific color is meant to be invisible, why should I fuck around with that?

    Am I missing something here?

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