WTF Bites

  • @Luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    Advantage? You are taking away all the fun!

    You should talk to Ben. He can tell you all about "fun" in Dwarf Fortress.

  • Youtube wtf

    Youtube has notifications kind of similar to the ones on NodeBB, except they also expand inline inside the notification panel, allowing you to figure out wtf comment of yours from half a year ago someone upvoted. Great, very convenient, you can open it up and continue watching the vid-- Oh, it pauses the video when you expand for context. You can unpause the video, but that closes the notification panel, and the next time you open it you have to drill down to whatever you wanted to see, which pauses the video again.

    They've snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


    Pfff his fun doesn't even make you dirty

  • Considered Harmful

    @hungrier You can't watch ads while you're reading notifications.

    (if you ever watch videos on Youtube, you need Grammarly. I watch Youtube pretty much every day all day. Therefore Grammarly.)

    Filed under: Grammarly

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    Youtube wtf

    Youtube has notifications kind of similar to the ones on NodeBB, except they also expand inline inside the notification panel, allowing you to figure out wtf comment of yours from half a year ago someone upvoted. Great, very convenient, you can open it up and continue watching the vid-- Oh, it pauses the video when you expand for context. You can unpause the video, but that closes the notification panel, and the next time you open it you have to drill down to whatever you wanted to see, which pauses the video again.

    They've snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

    At least you don't have to actually go to the video the comments are on anymore, likely mucking up your watch history in the progress and reverting your recommendations to whatever you used to get years ago.

  • @LB_ said in WTF Bites:

    reverting your recommendations to whatever you used to get years ago

    As opposed to recommending the video you just finished watching 5 minutes ago.

  • Got an Amazon notification saying I had a delivery only two stops away. I pulled up the app, it showed the driver right outside my apartment building. I looked out the window, saw an Amazon delivery van, and thought "Oh cool, it's here."

    The next notification a few minutes later was, "Your package is running late. Now expected tomorrow." I look out the window and the Amazon delivery van was gone. The Amazon app showed it on the main road away from my apartment complex. What a lazy starhole.

  • @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    Got an Amazon notification saying I had a delivery only two stops away. I pulled up the app, it showed the driver right outside my apartment building. I looked out the window, saw an Amazon delivery van, and thought "Oh cool, it's here."

    The next notification a few minutes later was, "Your package is running late. Now expected tomorrow." I look out the window and the Amazon delivery van was gone. The Amazon app showed it on the main road away from my apartment complex. What a lazy starhole.

    Let us know what happens tomorrow.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    What the... 100% discount?


    That immediately looks suspicious to me.

    It's likely a repackaged OBS Studio, don't get it.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Company designs a way to watermark STL files to prove ownership. Their watermark is defeated by running it back through their software and re-watermarking the STL file. Absolutely no check in place to see if there is an existing watermark.

    How to defeat an STL Watermark (but would anyone really do this?) Watermark3D Round 2 – 12:08
    — Maker's Muse

    The mind boggles.

  • It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

  • @Polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Or click, but don't complain.

    What about bitching? Is bitching allowed?

    Enlightenment thread is :arrows:


    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    MoronsCool. I can order now. Finish the order, get forwarded to the order complete form, which is just a blank page.

    I guess whether I've ordered something or not will be "surprise mechanics".

    And of course the order did not go through, as I confirmed by checking my CC balance.
    Great. Still enough time before Christmas, I guess?

    So I go back to that page, try to order the same things and now suddenly "free shipping over 35€" doesn't apply for a 41€ order anymore, so it's 8€ more. Gee, thanks. Enter my CC details again and get the same blank order confirmation page. You fuckers!

    One last try, I switch from Firefox to Safari... and suddenly it works. :headdesk:

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    One last try, I switch from Firefox to Safari... and suddenly it works.

    : See? Stay in the Garden and life is good.

  • Not that it makes it less WTF, but why do you need CUDA CMYK JPEG decoding in the first place?

  • @Zerosquare He needs all the help he can get due to his colour blindness. 🚎

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

    I don't think so. I would have to watch the video again to be sure, but I think that he started each attempt with a fresh copy of the watermarked object. At the very least he used a STL file that it had previously recognized the watermark on.

  • WTF of my day: My school's art room has an older iMac which still had Lion installed. Now, due to its age, this things arrived at my current school before I did. And due to the usual affinity of art teacher for technical matters, no one had a clue what the password was like (the colleage who set that up vanished into retirement (again before I arrived). And for some godforsaken reason, the thing now wanted a password always.

    Naturally, I went totally naively at the whole thing - Command-R, wipe the disk (which I had done a backup from before, thankfully the Terminal in the installer lets you do that!) and then simply select: "Reinstall MacOS", right?

    Nope. (Of course!)

    The installer began with: "Checking your eligibility..." and then running into a timeout. No, it was not a problem with the network on our end (for once).

    Great. So, let's see, where do we get an installer from? Long story short, I found a page in the official MacOS App Store where I could buy a copy of Lion for ~24€. So I did. And after only two days I received ...

    ... a voucher code.

    Which you're supposed to redeem in the MacStore. Only that there's no "Redeem" button anywhere. And the other links in that PDF go precisely nowhere.

    Upon further reading I thought that maybe I could try to install El Capitan, because that one you can actually find download links for. The only problem is that you actually need to install the installer (:wtf:) and Catalina doesn't let you do that. Because older versions of MacOS can fuck right off. Oh, and trying to do all that under Windows or Linux, you can bugger right off.

    But there's now a command line tool which lets you download older versions! And it actually works... the only snag: You can only download OS versions which are marked as compatible with your current Mac. So if you have a MacMini 2018 you can get Mojave. Nothing older.

    At that point I turned to the Support. While being very helpful (or at least trying to), they send me a download link for ElCapitan which ultimately ran into the same problems: You need to install the installer!

    But at least they're returning those 24€. You take what you can get.

    So, back to square 1.5 - I mean, at least I now had an installation file from a reputable source. Maybe I could simply plonk that onto the USB drive somehow?

    Yeah, "somehow" is right: You first need to unpackage the installer, then unpack (again) the resource data, then edit the "compatible hardware IDs" in the installer to let the Mac accept the whole thing, then copy one file into another directory, crossing packages and finally move the installer app into the programs folder.

    Now you can use the terminal to create a bootable USB. Finally!

    ... almost. (Of course!)

    Because when you then boot from the USB and try to install from that, you'll run into the final insult:


    It's from a certificate expiring.

    But you can circumvent that if you instead go into the installer's terminal and do this instead:

    installer -pkg  /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg -target /Volumes/"XXX"

    But now it works. Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Pogostick.

  • @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

    Which is still a fundamental flaw in the process, since someone can just take a watermarked file, put it back through the thing and effectively destroy the original watermark.

  • @Rhywden I think their preferred solution is "Throw that old computer in the dumpster and buy a new one. Did you know that a maxed-out Mac Pro only costs $75000 (Canadian)?"

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden I think their preferred solution is "Throw that old computer in the dumpsterRecycle that old computer responsibly or returin it to Apple for recyclingGrind the old computer into a fine powder and rent a crop duster to spread it as far as possible and buy a new one. Did you know that a maxed-out Mac Pro only costs $75000 (Canadian)?"


    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    The speed advantage of NVJPEG is worthy messing with it.

    I'm curious how relevant that actually is (besides "because I can"). Isn't JPEG decoding itself faster than loading the file from disk? Can't imagine it being much of a bottleneck.

    Also, "it shouldn't fail for dumb reasons" is a good enough rationale on your side, but who the hell uses CMYK JPEG in the first place? I'd naively assume that the people who care enough about print color accuracy to use CMYK also don't use lossy compression formats.


    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

    Which is still a fundamental flaw in the process, since someone can just take a watermarked file, put it back through the thing and effectively destroy the original watermark.

    But, as can be seen in the video, just remeshing the thing also (quite obviously) destroys the watermark. So what gives...
    It seems useful against people who don't know the watermark is there and that's good enough. For anyone more determined, it's useless.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    But now it works. Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Pogostick.

    Mac. It Just Works. ™

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    But now it works. Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Pogostick.

    Mac. It Just Works. ™

    When it feels like it. But only if you do it the way.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    But now it works. Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Pogostick.

    When I got my MacMini I upgraded it with a SSD and I remember when I was looking in to how to do that you could either clone your drive or do a full reinstall, and the full reinstall was a small part of what you went through. But the retarded part of the process is that basically to reinstall the OS you had to have a Mac to get the installer files.

    So what happens if the drive fails in your only Mac?

    I guess you either have a friend with a Mac take care of it for you, or you're just fucked. Or go to an Apple store, but I would rather get a hydrofluoric acid enema than deal with the people in those places.

  • @Polygeekery Yeah, but the fun part is that with Catalina now you only get the installer for Catalina through the App Store, Every other version is only available through the CLI if the Mac you're doing that on is downwards compatible to that version.

  • @Polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

    I don't think so. I would have to watch the video again to be sure, but I think that he started each attempt with a fresh copy of the watermarked object. At the very least he used a STL file that it had previously recognized the watermark on.

    I'm reasonably sure he started with the watermarked object with no further modifications. After he watermarked it the second time, it clearly had two watermark modifications to the mesh. The website detected the second watermark but not the first one.

    There are two plausible explanations. Either adding the second watermark modified the first watermark so that it was no longer detectable, or the website detected the second watermark and stopped looking for any further watermarks. There is insufficient data to determine which of these is true, but either could be.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    adding the second

    Picture with me, if you will, embedding file objects as watermarks in meshes...

  • @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

    Which is still a fundamental flaw in the process, since someone can just take a watermarked file, put it back through the thing and effectively destroy the original watermark.

    Yes, it should either refuse to watermark a mesh that is already watermarked, or display all watermarks that can be found. Ideally, the date/time (on the server side, so resistant to user tampering) it was watermarked should be encoded as part of the watermark, to establish priority between watermarks, if it allows more than one, which it probably shouldn't.

  • Banned

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

    Which is still a fundamental flaw in the process, since someone can just take a watermarked file, put it back through the thing and effectively destroy the original watermark.

    Yes, it should either refuse to watermark a mesh that is already watermarked

    This works only as long as no one else knows how to make the watermark. Which is a few hours after the ability to create watermarks is first published. The point of the watermark is to make it hard to remove without significantly altering the image. It works for pictures because pictures are very information-dense (3 bytes in every pixel) and small alterations are highly visible. Compare to models, where vertices are usually more than one texel apart, slight changes aren't immediately apparent, and you can even have many different models in completely identical shape - just wiring the vertices in a different order. Because of this, any attempt to truly watermark a 3D model will always fail.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    newer Macs

    He said he already tried that, as literally the first thing he tried:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Naturally, I went totally naively at the whole thing - Command-R, wipe the disk (which I had done a backup from before, thankfully the Terminal in the installer lets you do that!) and then simply select: "Reinstall MacOS", right?
    Nope. (Of course!)
    The installer began with: "Checking your eligibility..." and then running into a timeout. No, it was not a problem with the network on our end (for once).

    Try reading harder.

  • @Watson said in WTF Bites:

    @mott555 said in WTF Bites:

    Got an Amazon notification saying I had a delivery only two stops away. I pulled up the app, it showed the driver right outside my apartment building. I looked out the window, saw an Amazon delivery van, and thought "Oh cool, it's here."

    The next notification a few minutes later was, "Your package is running late. Now expected tomorrow." I look out the window and the Amazon delivery van was gone. The Amazon app showed it on the main road away from my apartment complex. What a lazy starhole.

    Let us know what happens tomorrow.

    Nothing. Nothing happened.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @Polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    It appears that's the object that's been watermarked two times has two different sets of alterations. So it's possible that instead of a fundamental flaw in the watermarking process, it's just that the website stops when one watermark is found, instead of searching for multiple ones.

    I don't think so. I would have to watch the video again to be sure, but I think that he started each attempt with a fresh copy of the watermarked object. At the very least he used a STL file that it had previously recognized the watermark on.

    I'm reasonably sure he started with the watermarked object with no further modifications. After he watermarked it the second time, it clearly had two watermark modifications to the mesh. The website detected the second watermark but not the first one.

    There are two plausible explanations. Either adding the second watermark modified the first watermark so that it was no longer detectable, or the website detected the second watermark and stopped looking for any further watermarks. There is insufficient data to determine which of these is true, but either could be.

    I get what he was saying now. I read too quickly earlier.

    Either way, they broke their own watermark, and watermarking a waternarked STL file should not be possible without the owner of the original watermark giving permission.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Pogostick.

    The alternate lifestyle thread is...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    For larger images difference is quite obvious. For example CPU+GPU hybrid = 100ms, CPU alone = 350ms (times include loading, decoding and transfering to OpenGL texture) -- that translates to folder browsing speed of 10 instead of 3 images per second.

    The suspicion remains there that the actual key bottleneck is I/O. For the folder browsing case, the reading of the full file might be slow, but it won't matter as long as the thumbnails can be pulled in quickly (and there's a bunch of ways to do that; they're smaller and can be cached in ways that cut that load on the disk nicely).

    You are mostly right, professionals will use TIFF or PSD.

    However, JPEG saved by Photoshop Save As (not Save for Web) at quality 10-12 (which disables chroma subsampling) is good enough for most printing provided that you are not making very large prints.

    The other format I've seen professionals use is JPEG2000. The loading isn't very fast, but the format is lossless and compact. For some, those are the key metrics.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    Not that it makes it less WTF, but why do you need CUDA CMYK JPEG decoding in the first place?

    So that the image viewer I am writing doesn't fail to display CMYK JPEGs when you tell it to use CUDA for JPEG decoding?

    "I need it to use CUDA for decoding JPEG, so that when I tell it to use CUDA to decode JPEG it can use CUDA to decode JPEG."

    Edit to clarify: I did read the rest of your post, and if you really want that acceleration then that's a fair point.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I keep a cmd.exe reference in Steam so I can stream it, for kicks and giggles.


    Apparently it's kinda broken and I can install it, but the button is disabled so I can't actually.

    I don't know what the fuck is going on so I'm going to ignore it.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    But now it works. Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Pogostick.

    Mac. It Just Works. ™

    When it feels like it. But only if you do it the way.

    You mean: works: verb Whatever Apple defines this to mean. Subject to change without prior notice.

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in WTF Bites:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @Rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    But now it works. Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Christ on a Pogostick.

    Mac. It Just Works. ™

    When it feels like it. But only if you do it the way.

    You mean: works: verb Whatever Apple defines this to mean. Subject to change without prior notice.

    PR accepted. Push to production.

  • @Polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    Or go to an Apple store

    Well, duh! That's the "only" answer. Assuming the answer you want is "that's too old, you need to buy this newer version"

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @Polygeekery said in WTF Bites:

    Or go to an Apple store

    Well, duh! That's the "only" answer. Assuming the answer you want is "that's too old, you need to buy this newer version"

    I'm pretty sure that Apple stores don't actually have any special access except with a few pieces of hardware. If it's not a supported installation path and they're not shipping physical media, then they probably can't do it either.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    There are two plausible explanations. Either adding the second watermark modified the first watermark so that it was no longer detectable, or the website detected the second watermark and stopped looking for any further watermarks


    the website could have scanned the file for watermarks and each time it found one it created a new watermark object and wrote it to the place it stores watermark information from the file, overwriting the previous watermark if one had already been found and processed.

    its not much different from only finding the second one..... it has the same effect after all, but it is possible. and an explanation.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen Let's see:

    void MyUberSecurity(MyStupidUser u, My3DObject o)
        Watermark wm = DetectWatermark(o);
        if (!wm.Present() || (wm.Present() && wm.Owner == u)) {
        } else {
            </del>YellAtUser(u, "NO!!! BAD USER!!!");</del><ins>CallHitmanForUser(u);</ins>

    Did I get that right?

    FTFY. clearly for uber security it must be defended with extreme prejudice.

    and by extreme prejudice i mean by a team of elite assassins that make Agent 47 look like a tame pet dog that couldnt' hurt a butterfly...

  • @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    a team of elite assassins that make Agent 47 look like a tame pet dog that couldnt' hurt a butterfly...

    Just call Agent 86.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I want to unsubscribe.


    Why do I need to provide my name and select which lists (that I may or may not be subscribed to). To do so? Just unsubscribe me from whatever lists sent me the message I clicked the unsubscribe link from!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    The suspicion remains there that the actual key bottleneck is I/O.

    1. Why? What are you basing that suspicion on?


    1. Given that even a HDD can reach 100 MB/sec sequential read speeds (not to mention SATA SSDs up to 550 MB/sec and M.2 SSDs up to 3200 MB/sec), that would be worst case 100 ms for a 10 MB JPEG file. If decoding time can be either 350 ms or 100 ms on top of those 100 ms, are you saying that cutting down decoding time is useless?

    The seek times are what usually kills with HDDs. The sequential read times are not a governing factor except with very large files (which 10MB is not, not in this millennium).

  • Considered Harmful

    Fucking Citrix environment wipes out my IE settings (which is the only browser I can access the Intranet with via Citrix :trwtf:).

    Which means I see this dialog every time I go to an https site in a new session (it won't persist the setting to remember):


    What the fuck purpose does that alert serve?

    <blink>WARNING: everything's fine!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    What the fuck purpose does that alert serve?

    <blink>WARNING: everything's fine!

    Movie Man Voice: in a world of VPN fiascos and crypto scarencies...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    To do so?

    well at this point i basically forward screenshots like that above the full email to:

    • - From throwaway email address, something like
    • - From throwaway email address, something like
    • - From throwaway email address, something like
    • - From throwaway email address, something like
      and finally
    • post to twitter tweeting @darkpatterns (

    i even have an autohotkey script for doing that. Shift-Control-Meta-Alt-SPAM

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