Steam bug

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @Kurt.C.Pause said:

    if you have more than 50 Games.

    Or if you buy bundles. "Is 'A lost twilight for sad people' the point-and-click adventure game or the puzzle game?"

  • @Yamikuronue said:

    "Is 'A lost twilight for sad people' the point-and-click adventure game or the puzzle game?"

    With that title? It doesn't matter, because it's gonna be crap anyway.

  • yeah, bundles and impulse buys that you dont install directly; this leaves you with a looong list...

    so in a list of 100+ games, you go: ... I think it was somthing with "S". Definitly came after GTA in the list... Something that a friend recomended to be really good

    Ah yes, there it is: Xcom... meh, don't want to play that anymore, would have to download first.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Kurt.C.Pause said:

    meh, don't want to play that anymore, would have to download first.

    FWP thread is :arrows:

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Kurt.C.Pause said:

    steam is completely unsuitable to manage a game library

    Fuck, if only we had the technology to display a game library on the web, with controls to sort and filter by various categories-- and even the ability to display it as a visual-friendly grid, or an information-friendly list.

    Something like (and this is just my wild imagination), this:

    Fucking impossible. And even beyond impossible would be for me to post a direct hyperlink to that filtered view

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Fuck, if only we had the technology to display a game library on the web, with controls to sort and filter by various categories-- and even the ability to display it as a visual-friendly grid, or an information-friendly list.

    I once spent like 2 months of free time building that, only to give up because Steam's API is so fucking terrible and I refused to do page-scraping without permission, and Steam never replied to my question about whether it's ok to page-scrape to get stuff not in their API. Then I was gonna make a browser plugin so my site could view their game page from "their perspective", but I gave up on that because even a year and a half ago it was obvious browsers were doing as much as possible to shut down plugins and I don't think anybody would have installed it anyway.

    I really should get back to it. Everybody else who tries to interact with Steam, like Steam Sales Tracker, does page scraping and hasn't been shut down yet. I guess.

    Anyway, point is: Steam is really shitty in a lot of fundamental ways, and they don't give a fuck because they have a practical monopoly. I really wish the Windows AppStore had taken off the way GabeN feared it would, because then they'd actually have to work for their supper for once.

    (BTW, note how since it's obvious EA is unwilling or uncapable of improving Origin, and Windows AppStore isn't going anywhere, suddenly all the talk over SteamOS and SteamBox has ceased almost entirely. Hm! It's almost as if nobody at Valve gave a flying fuck about Linux, they were just making a back-up plan in case their distribution channels disappeared!)

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    You forgot to mention UPlay :trollface:

  • No I didn't.

    I also didn't "forget" to mention Desura, because someone else makes another lame joke of that same type.

    Honestly at this point, is probably Steam's biggest competitor, on PCs.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I installed that last night for the first time and have had only one incident where my name was changed to Russian some how.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    The reason I'm making fun of it is that it's completely unnecessary, and Ubisoft should know that. Nobody wants a publisher-specific social network for PC gamers. If it didn't work for EA, then it sure as hell won't work for Ubisoft either.

  • I'm guessing visual novel.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I suspect that they have tried and failed to tie games exclusively to their service cunt fuckery. I'm not fucking kidding about the russian thing though but it was a couple months but I'll never tie any money to that account.

    If origin made it easier to buy games I would probably make more use of it except as a battlefield 3 loader. A click add all dlc button would be nice. That and not having 90mb updates every fucking five minutes. As long as ea keep making their games origin only people will keep using it and its not the worst thing in the world. The problem is that ea is tied to it and that will always bring criticism.

    Given the choice and prices being even I would probably pick GOG every time but steam/origin usually undercuts them by about 10% - 15% at least.

    Amazon sometimes has a better offer though but you usually end up tied to shit like uplay. They had rainbow 6 seige for £25 last night but they must of noticed because its back to £50 now.

  • @Kurt.C.Pause said:

    yeah, bundles and impulse buys that you dont install directly; this leaves you with a looong list...

    so in a list of 100+ games, you go: ... I think it was somthing with "S". Definitly came after GTA in the list... Something that a friend recomended to be really good

    Ah yes, there it is: Xcom... meh, don't want to play that anymore, would have to download first.

    I have a list of over 500 games with at least two dozen categories. I should have more than that, but I'm too lazy to sort most of them.

    While there were some bugs a bunch of years ago (5+ years?) where categories would disappear, my current categories have been around for years since then. This includes the first categories I created after that: ZZZ Sucky Games and ZZZ Dead Multiplayer Games, which are named such to sort them at the end of the categories list.

    Side note: Steam lets you put games in multiple categories and has for some time now.

    As for finding a specific game, the Steam Library has a search box.

  • I lost all my categories back in December, IIRC.

  • @powerlord said:

    As for finding a specific game, the Steam Library has a search box.

    Right but you can't for example say, "show me all the games I own tagged as RPG". Super simple query, impossible in Steam.

    Or, for populating that "Sucky Games" category, you can't search "all games I own tagged with 'RPGMaker'".

    They added tags like 4 years ago, and you still can't do SHIT with them outside the Store pages. Which is a shame, because Steam users do a pretty good job of tagging stuff.

  • My problem with steam is not the store pages, which are pretty good.
    Its about the games you own, where the Hovertext (short game description) is nowhere to be found once you own the game (unless you go back to the store page). Or that the categories aren't really useful as blakey so eloquently explained.

    its almost as if steam/valve were in the business of selling games, and not in the business of providing a means to the customer to manage those games < shock >

    On the other hand, at least they warn you when you already own a game.

  • There's a third-party tool (can't recall the nameSteam Depressurizer) that can organize and tag games in your library en masse, and it's pretty good for exactly that use case.

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