The minor rants thread.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    You can try to use something like Autohotkey. The issue is that there's enough different kinds of dialogs you can't guarantee you'll get them all. Plus, a lot of the tools I have seen--I don't know them all--do things like poll for windows on a one-second basis. It's possible, I suppose, that that one-second holdup (of the entire web server, for example?) could be unacceptable.

    It's easier for MS to just say "don't do it because we can't guarantee it will work in all situations".

  • @Yamikuronue said:

    We're on Office 2010.

    Wow. Why?

    Excel hasn't been MDI for awhile.

    @RaceProUK said:

    Excel can't open two workbooks with the same filename, an issue that's both pathetic and still present in Excel 2013

    Because of an unfortunate VBA design decision.

    @RaceProUK said:

    IIUC, Office Automation doesn't require a GUI

    It requires a desktop to exist, IIRC (which disqualifies Windows Services). It doesn't actually need to draw windows though.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @blakeyrat said:

    Wow. Why?

    My former boss has been put on a project to find out what versions of what software we're using on our servers across the application and address where we're out of compliance with our standards.

    We're at the point where we're seriously worried everything will break when we upgrade to Exchange 2012.

    We just this past month got on Windows 2008 servers.

    I no longer am concerned about our version of Office. I'm more concerned about our metaphorical roof being on fire

    Tl;dr: I'll probably not see an upgrade this decade, lol

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Yamikuronue said:

    We just this past month got on Windows 2008 servers.

    One of the lead devs at my company pitched a shit-fit this morning because a new web server, which is only supposed to run Tomcat and a Java application, is Server 2012 instead of 2008 R2 like all the other servers, because we might, at some point, want to put other software on it which might not work with '12. (He said they'd run into incompatibilities but didn't elaborate.)

    The VM is being rebuilt, but I don't care because I don't have to do it. (The application, according to the vendor, should be fine on '12.

  • @Yamikuronue said:

    We just this past month got on Windows 2008 servers.

    You mean the 2008 whose mainstream support ended in January? That Server 2008?

    I can't even comprehend with my brain why a company would bother deploying servers that are already past their mainstream support date. If you're not going to get any support anyway (or have to pay the premium to MS for it) why not just stick with 2003? Or NT4? Or whatever the fuck they were on before?

    EDIT: actually it looks like reading more carefully, 2008 SP2 is still in mainstream support for awhile. Not a long while, but. EDIT EDIT: Nope, I did not read carefully. SP2 support ended 24 months after the SP was released, which was in 2009. So yeah. You're fucked.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    You mean the 2008 whose mainstream support ended in January? That Server 2008?

    Lots of companies are too cheap to update servers on a regular basis. Mine still has a couple of 2003 servers, but we're mostly on 2008 R2.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    @Yamikuronue said:
    We're on Office 2010.

    Wow. Why?

    Office 2007 Enterprise here :)

    I'm sure we'll update some day. It doesn't bother me though - I haven't seen anything new in later versions of Excel that I particularly care about, whereas the 2007 update did have several improvements that I use on a near-daily basis. (It's possible some of them were in the 2003 update, I'm not sure any more.)

  • @FrostCat said:

    Lots of companies are too cheap to update servers on a regular basis. Mine still has a couple of 2003 servers, but we're mostly on 2008 R2.

    I think the pertinent part of Blakey's post is:

    @blakeyrat said:

    I can't even comprehend with my brain why a company would bother deploying servers that are already past their mainstream support date.

    All the companies I've worked for have out-of-support apps and OS. But why would you bother deploying new machines with out of data software?

  • It's cheaper for the server provider when you're not running the machines yourself in a datacenter?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @RTapeLoadingError said:

    But why would you bother deploying new machines with out of data software?

    You underestimate the power of cheap-ass-ness.

  • When you know you're going to miss the bus you want to catch, but it is so late that you "miss it" when you go early to ensure you catch the next one.

    Important but absent information: The buses are supposed to be every 10 minuets.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @loose said:

    The buses are supposed to be every 10 minuets.

    How many minuets to the gavotte? 😛 💃

    If they're every 10, why bother going for a specific one? Just get the next.

  • @dkf said:

    How many minuets to the gavotte?

    If there is one word I hate in the English language, it would be this one 😄

    @dkf said:

    If they're every 10, why bother going for a specific one? Just get the next.

    That is my normal attitude, and generally I don't GAF. But it is the absurdity / futility of the situation and decision making process:

    1. Damn!. If I leave now I will miss my bus.
    2. Do I wait here, or at the bus stop.
    3. If I miss the next one, I will be late.
    4. Ok, I will leave in 7 (that word, again) - 5 @~%^&# walk, and a couple to wait.
    5. 04:30 into walk, bus stop in sight; when the bus I missed goes screaming by and nothing short of a "body check" is going to stop it (which is not a real option as it then nullifies the entire operation).

  • My brother has an exasperatingly sanguinistic approach to this:

    "If I'm late, the bus is probably also late."

    ...The most infuriating thing about it is that he is right so often.

  • @dkf is absolutely right though. With busses being that frequent, and traffic conditions (for the time of day) being what it is. It's a Schrodinger's Bus anyway - The bus will almost certainly not be exactly on time; you have no idea if the bus that does arrive is the one you were aiming for; it's the interval between them that counts.

    It only ever becomes an issue when it's pissing down with rain.

  • @Mikael_Svahnberg said:

    "If I'm late, the bus is probably also late."


    Nothing to do with whether you're late, buses are just usually late.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @loose said:

    it's the interval between them that counts.

    The same thing has been apparently found with metro systems and trains: if you can get the interval between services down to 10 minutes or below, people stop learning the schedule, and just turn up and wait for whatever is the next service. (I don't remember where I read about this.)

  • Yeah, but to add some excitement to the mix:

    I have a 10 mile, 1 hour bus trip from where I live to the centre of the City (not London) where I work. There exists in the center of this City, a time dependant Black Hole.

    Up to that time, the buses are regular, and because I get on near the start of the route, reasonably on time.

    When the Black Hole activates, it starts sucking the buses in. Some manage to escape and return to their nest. But, it is an ever decreasing number of them. There comes a time (about 10:30), when you could wait up to an hour for one of the survivors.

    Of course, by that time, the Black Hole has sated it's appetite and long gone to do whatever it is they do between feeding times. But that's relativistic time effects for you.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @loose said:

    When the Black Hole activates, it starts sucking the buses in. Some manage to escape and return to their nest. But, it is an ever decreasing number of them. There comes a time (about 10:30), when you could wait up to an hour for one of the survivors.


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @RaceProUK said:

    @boomzilla said:
    You said you can imagine, but I've worked with Office at the COM level. It might actually be starting up another instance of Excel.

    IIUC, it does start up a fresh instance of Excel; that's why it's such a bad idea to use it on servers

    I don't think that's the reason at all.

  • Hey, I still have the post box open on the front page (after switching pages without explicitly cancelling my post). I wonder whether it will post something, and where to.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @RTapeLoadingError said:

    All the companies I've worked for have out-of-support apps and OS. But why would you bother deploying new machines with out of data software?

    Supposedly some of our software, or software we use, doesn't work properly on 2012 R2. I didn't get anything more than that.

    But in the ERP world I've seen plenty of instances where people use an ancient OS ("we never install OS updates. The system works the way it is and we don't know if an update would break it") or outdated version of software ("who knows how long it would take to fix whatever problems happen if we upgrade the OS").

    And sometimes they're just cheap--at least one of our customers doesn't even have a domain, because server OSes cost more or something--I was afraid to ask.

  • @dkf said:

    You underestimate the power of cheap-ass-ness.

    Is Windows 2008 cheaper than 2012? I don't think it is.


    I assume that they are either re-using windows or third party application licenses.
    Other shitty applications, and application versions, are the major reason you might be stuck on a certain OS level. Moving and updating LOB applications is a cost at his own.

  • @PaulaBean Get your act together! I've been waiting all afternoon to post this for today's Front Page:

    Or maybe.... (Re: Mike S's unexpected find)
    They were right about the location of the Computer to answer the Ultimate Question, and it's made by Apple (Connection to Original Sin?).
    So, we just have to find the rest of the keyboard and hack in.

  • How come I don't have the 2^13 badge yet?

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • I swear I'd already hit 8k before 😦 mumbles something about excluded threads

  • ♿ (Parody)

    There was that one day where @PJH had a bug in the 2^n badge queries that caused a lot of people to get badges before their time. Basically, the topics that had been marked not to count were being counted.

    Bonus WTF:

    I've never seen Discourse screw up capitalization that way before.

  • FoxDev

    @boomzilla said:

    I've never seen Discourse screw up capitalization that way before.

    i think it's another parser difference. it doesn't show up in cooked, just in "precooked"

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Yeah, because ultimately it was as I typed it. But...why? WHY?

  • @PleegWat said:

    I always end up forgetting whether 12:00 AM is leading midnight, noon, or trailing midnight.

    Here's an easy way of remembering it:

    • The 12 hour time system is stupid.
    • But not stupid enough to move midnight to the other end of the day.
    • AM is before PM.


    • 12:00 AM is actually 00:00.
    • 12:00 PM is actually 12:00.

  • FoxDev

    @boomzilla said:

    Yeah, because ultimately it was as I typed it. But...why? WHY?

    because discourse.

  • Discourse is practically the ideal forum software for us, on an ironic level. What better than a forum software that makes us say to on a daily basis?

    It really epitomises "TDWTF"

  • Java Dev

    I usually remind myself as "12:00 AM is 1 minute before 12:01 AM, because 12h time isn't THAT stupid".

  • kills Dumbledore

    I avoid using 12:00 am or pm. If I set an alarm I'll do it for 12:01 or 11:59

  • AM = antimeridian
    PM = postmeridian

    Which, loosely translated before and after (respectively) midday.

    As time is a measure of experience or endurance, it can only be 12pm after you have experienced the time between it and 11:59am. As the Meridian is a construct of a finite width (approaching, if not actually) 0. 12pm is the first instance of measurable delta time post meridian. 😛

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    We can measure time down to the femtosecond level (IIRC) so the moments of midnight and midday and going to be only the slightest sliver of the 12:00AM and 12:00PM minutes. 👽

  • OMG, they're getting shorter!!

  • Google Keep: type a note in your computer, and you can watch it appear in your device before you finish typing the third word, even in the home screen widget without the app being running.

    Microsoft OneNote: type a note in your computer. Hours later, open the app in your device. Wait upwards of 30 seconds for it to synchronize the 3 notes I have before being able to use it. Every time.

    :wtf: Microsoft? You can do better than that.

  • @loose said:

    With busses being that frequent, and traffic conditions (for the time of day) being what it is. It's a Schrodinger's Bus anyway - The bus will almost certainly not be exactly on time; you have no idea if the bus that does arrive is the one you were aiming for
    Depends on where you catch the bus. I catch mine from a stop that's only about five minutes downstream from the start of the service, so the times are usually pretty accurate (though there's a noticeable frequent delay during the school year on the services that get to the local high school around 8:30 am).

    I also catch it from a timed stop, meaning that if the bus gets there early, it has to wait until the time it's supposed to leave. Helps a lot with knowing exactly when to get there.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Pet peeve: I launch a new game. I go to the menu and turn on subtitles in the settings. I start the game. No subtitles. I pause and open the menu. Subtitles are off. WTF?

  • I bet they are there when your not looking 😆

  • @Yamikuronue said:

    Pet peeve: I launch a new game. I go to the menu and turn on subtitles in the settings. I start the game. No subtitles. I pause and open the menu. Subtitles are off. WTF?

    At least you have the game in English anyway. I have quite a bunch of games on Steam where they decided I get the Polish dub, and can't do shit about it.

    It's okay when it's Witcher (though I think this one you can configure), but Tomb Raider was teeth-clenchingly bad.

  • Sometimes changing the Steam language works.

    TF2 for example used that to pick its language until recently, despite having an explicit "language" setting.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    I wanted to get the desktop kindle app. So I went to Amazon and they have you put in your email so they can send you a link. I clicked on the emailed link and it took me right back to asking for my email. :wtf:

    I'm sure this is because I'm not on Windows and it crapped out. I emailed them and they sent me the link for the Windows version, which works fine under WINE. I fucking hate when they hide those links. one ever installs it on some other machine. Meh.

    Windows privilege is what it is.

  • That's systemist!

  • Using,my mobile to access and contribute to this forum, is not a pleasant experience. Namely the popup menus /navigation and fucking infiniscroll. Where it waits to load it (every single post if seems) with a blank screen and THEN it takes a leisurely stroll from the start to then end. Yes, I know the speed of the scroll is (probably) dependant on the phone.

    Now, to piss on anybody's potential bonfire or otherwise dampen a flame war. Allow me to explain:

    My phone is a Nokia Lumia 630 with 8GB SMD. Running 8.1

    My decision to use a Windows Phone is down to me maximising my Office 365 license and installs. My choice of phone (limited at the the outset) was down to battery life and screen size.

    Disclaimer: That I use MS products does not mean that I support MS Products, other than financially, only that there is little real choice (other than Mac) at the end of the day.

  • FoxDev

    Ah, a fellow WinPhone user! Mine's a Lumia 920 😄

  • That makes 3. You, me and the guy that recommended it to me and then traded it in for aiPhone :laugh:

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