The Official Status Thread

  • :belt_onion:

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    Windows Server 2016

    *2012 [R2]

    2016 puts it all in the start menu like 10

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @lucas1 said in The Official Status Thread:


    I assume you have seen this?

    Nope. What does that have to do with it transparently erasing character sequences?

  • @Tsaukpaetra It is the Unreal engine looking "Real".

  • @lucas1 What's great is that it demos real-time reflections but also that it gives free advertising to the Disney GigantoMegaCorp, which badly needs all the help it can get.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @lucas1 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra It is the Unreal engine looking "Real".

    ... And that has what to do with it transparently erasing character sequences?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I think that all my mods to make the Game server, chat server, master server, website, and game client all use LocalDB (those that talk to the database) and localhost (those that necessarily talk to the website) are all working.

    Only thing that's missing is a nice Easy button to flip all the configs to the right places.

    Oh, and Azure Blob storage. Not sure if there's a portable version of that available...

  • area_can


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @bb36e said in The Official Status Thread:


    Interesting things happen when I try to select that text...

  • area_can


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    transparently erasing character sequences?

    Apparently, if it's surrounded in double-quotes, isn't \\, \0, \", \u????, \n, it assumes it's a 2-character hex value. So, \Ti gets interpreted as... I have no idea, and basically messes up the string by two characters.

    So, the proper thing to do is \\Ti and all is well. 🤦♂ Argh, if only that were documented somewhere...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

  • 0_1521687828860_DY2X1W1XcAAUU8X.jpg

    That's some high quality Razum Dar.

  • Status: Loan cleared for closing day. Goodbye to being debt-free. :( I guess 4 years was a good run, right?

    In other news, my wonderful ex-realtor from last year sent me an email to check up on things, closing it with "Please respond." I have been giving her the silent treatment for the past several months, but it seems she can't take a hint. In hindsight, I find it particularly satisfying that she was shilling so hard for some overpriced new construction luxury homes last year, saying at the time, "you need to understand that you won't be able to find anything lower than this," while next week I'm about to close on a house that's literally $100k lower than "this."

  • Considered Harmful

    Status: Moddability is coming along wonderfully. However, saving/loading... isn't. C# has some quirks to its serialization procedure, notably that ISerializable is not sufficient to actually be serialized and anything you want to be serialized also needs SerializableAttribute, which can't be inherited. Either I'm doing a lot of runtime checking for serializability of types, or there's going to be some wild and woolly exceptions if something fucks up. I think I'm going with the latter, since that's already shaping up to be an API theme (I really need to reevaluate what should be public and what should be internal).

  • @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    But why would you expect it to be there? Simply because "it's always been that way"?

    Principle of Least Astonishment. Don't move the cheese unless the benefits substantially outweigh the problems caused by not being able to find the cheese.

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    it assumes it's a 2-character hex value.

    Why would it do that if neither character is a hex digit? 😕

  • @hardwaregeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    it assumes it's a 2-character hex value.

    Why would it do that if neither character is a hex digit? 😕

    It should just give you a hard error when you try to load the file. 😕

  • @hardwaregeek But the cheese was under a dripping sewer pipe before. It was in a place where no sane person would look for cheese.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hardwaregeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    it assumes it's a 2-character hex value.

    Why would it do that if neither character is a hex digit? 😕

    I think the intent was to emulate how c++ escapes strings in code, but then they went off into lala land instead of parsing correctly.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @hardwaregeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    it assumes it's a 2-character hex value.

    Why would it do that if neither character is a hex digit? 😕

    It should just give you a hard error when you try to load the file. 😕

    You'd think that, wouldn't you? Nope, since parsing the two bytes as hex characters just returns zero if it fails, it happily continues. I'm just wondering why it doesn't spit null characters in the middle. Bah, not important...

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I think the intent was to emulate how c++ escapes strings in code

    AFAICT from a quick google, a \ followed by anything that isn't a valid escape sequence is UB in C++, but the set of valid escape sequences is rather larger than UE4's. (Also, implementations may provide additional, implementation-defined escape sequences with implementation-defined behavior.) However, since it's UB, UE4's behavior is as valid as any other. Stupid, but valid.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hardwaregeek said in The Official Status Thread:


    That's one of the problems I had. Literally nowhere in any documentation at all does it say ini files interpret quoted strings in this manner. But that's par for the course with regard to Unreal documentation...


    The US outsourcer is coming back to us after talking with my ex-Microsoft enterprisey CEO.

    " we estimate our interface will have to support 2 trillion different user groups..."


  • Java Dev

    @cartman82 Ah, so the product is to be used by every sentient being in the galaxy? Maybe a bit ambitious, but I suppose it's good to be prepared!


    Outsourcer Chief: Hey cartman, I talked with CEO. I have some feedback regarding the new user system you've designed.

    Me: Ok.....


    Me: So it turns out the design covers all your use cases. We are clear now, you guys start designing the backend.

    5 minutes later

    My boss: Cartman, lets talk about the new user system.

    Me: But I thought outsourcers are talking with CEO and working on that...

    Boss: Forget about them, I spoke with CEO, here's the latest feedback.


  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Just respond with a cropped version of your HUD-1.

    Filed under: #bestServedCold

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: jellypotato has been a bit worse than normal for some reason...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Tired. Just been comparing serialisation and deserialisation procedures running in two different languages on two different platforms (possibly with two different endiannesses) to make sure that they actually transfer data correctly. Including dealing with the fact that one end doesn't have floats or enough memory to deal with something more standardised like protocol buffers (because the code in question is very tight for space). All appears to be working now, but I'm really short of attention now.

  • :belt_onion:

    "Please log out to accept our new terms and conditions"

    sloosecannon Fuck you too.

  • @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Just respond with a cropped version of your HUD-1.

    Filed under: #bestServedCold

    301 Moved Permenantly

  • :belt_onion:

    Yay, took the last midterm I'll ever take. Got an A even though the professor tested us on material we haven't been taught yet, from which I guess I can only conclude that I'm just a really good guesser. No one else got above a B. *gets stabbed to death by classmates for blowing the curve*

  • Considered Harmful

    status: god fucking dammit webassign why do you accept pasting in arcsec(x) but only actually work with sec-1(x)

  • Status:

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates did you know adblock works on ads

    That's a hypothesis that's impossible to test because I don't have any ads.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Wow! The exec meeting only took 2:13 this time!

    Not bad, considering it's the last one before the con...

  • 🚽 Regular

    @cursorkeys said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: In a duel to the death with a Raspberry Pi.

    Trying to get a fully hardware-accelerated video pipeline up is like pulling teeth.
    First I could only get hardware accelerated H.264 decoding working but rendering to the framebuffer was using most of the CPU. An exercise in 'why the bloody hell can't I make any existing video player consume a pipe properly' followed. Then I decided I should use RSTP on a local port. Nothing wanted to consume that properly either. Now I'm discovering the joys of KMS and trying to render to an OpenGL surface.
    I had OpenGL working, briefly, then after a reboot it was mysteriously back on the software renderer and I can't work out why :headdesk:

    I won. Fully hardware accelerated decoding and video playback of H.264 in a DASH transport on a tiny Pi. And I have a NGINX/ffmpeg/rtmp-niginx-module live-transcoding server up and functioning. Thank god for that.

  • @tsaukpaetra Which con?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @twelvebaud said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra Which con?


    Edit: ugh that doesn't iFramely? Guess what's going on in todo list...

  • @hardwaregeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    That's why those questions now get answers like "jGugTiigGFfiojazmsdzldnajdhlAduaVCkcaSdsdfzjchnayczshdkhHasxhscJ" and KeyPass gets to remember them.

    I use random dictionary words.

    Much easier, in the event that I ever have to provide the answer to one over the phone... again.

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: that's right, in order to apply a 7mb update, I need to have more than 350mb free... Of course...


    I fucking hate that about Android. I cannot for the life of me imagine why it takes so much space to install updates.

    This morning I had the "unable to install updates" notification. My phone reports 480 MB available... it says it needs 157 MB (more). It needs 637 MB to install updates.

    So what's the total size of all 7 updates it says it needs to install, you might ask?

    96 MB.

    The least it could fucking do is automatically delete cached data before complaining about not having enough space. It'd have enough space then!

    After clearing the cached data (458 MB), there's 0.91 GB available now, more than enough for whatever bizzare unpacking it needs to do that makes it take over half a gig to install a hundred megs worth of updates.

    Also, I'm pretty sure it caches the downloaded updates and doesn't delete them ever. So just installing updates gradually fills up the cache with crap that will only ever be needed once, and doesn't get automatically deleted afterward. :wtf:

  • @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra Most people, when they think that the screen is the computer, think that the big box is a modem. I know of no one who thinks that it's a hard drive.

    They exist. I've encountered them.

  • Java Dev

    @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra Most people, when they think that the screen is the computer, think that the big box is a modem. I know of no one who thinks that it's a hard drive.

    They exist. I've encountered them.

    I've never heard anyone call the big box a modem. Harddrive has happened several times. At least all of my family now uses the correct terminology, thanks to a few years of being corrected by me. Even my mother knows that the screen is a screen, the computer is a computer and the harddrive is inside the computer, and even has a vague idea of what everything does.

  • @gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra I call bullshit. ℒ and ∫ aren't numbers.


  • @atazhaia said in The Official Status Thread:

    Even my mother knows

    The ultimate test of one's skill and/or perseverance as an IT educator.


    @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra I call bullshit. ℒ and ∫ aren't numbers.


    See? He was right!

    Filed under: ⛏

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: doing an Internet .

    0_1521821518290_Screenshot_20180323-091012.png 0_1521821531917_Screenshot_20180323-091022.png 0_1521821541525_Screenshot_20180323-091026.png

  • @lucas1 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @gąska He doesn't know what he is talking about. You can literally cut and paste the SVG XML into most browsers and it will render it. I have no fucking idea about being "rendered into the DOM".

    var svg = document.createElement('svg');
    svg.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
    svg.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
    //proceed to create other elements and append them to svg...

    Except that's Javascript, and he's doing it in Typescript which is then compiled to Javascript.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: ah, wonderful ads that redirect you to a phishing site...


    Edit to add: No I didn't click on anything, the Explosm site just loaded and a moment later redirected to this due to the ad loading.

  • @anotherusername I have no idea why it would be important that he was doing it with JS. The DOM is still be interacted with. I can't even remember what this was about it was like a week ago or something. It again some super special @blakeyrat I will bitch about something rather than do the job rants.

  • I solved a problem today that required AES cypher, some IDs and a but in ASP.NET MVC itself. I figured out a good workaround, the only downside is I have to amend the documentation again :(

    Basically ASP.NET will decode %2b as a space rather than a plus. I hit stack overflow and found an old workaround while the author posted code that didn't work, and described it wrong. Most of these guys were Indian so the comments on the post (from over 10 years ago) was in poor English at best (if it was English, I can read and understand some urdu from hanging around with lots of Indians and Pakkistanis at uni).

    Anyway It I implemented what I thought was the right that they were describing. It worked. But it only worked for like the first 10000 ints. I needed it to work for 64bit ints. so It took a whole evening to run the program to cypher and decypher the contents. To my surprise not one error.

    Was quite pleased with my programming for once.

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