The Official Status Thread

  • @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Lorne-Kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    cold weather makes me hibernation-level hungry.

    What cold weather ? it's still above zero, that's not cold 🍁

    Their 🍁 zero isn't cold. Our zero is cold.


  • @mott555 0 degrees Urist is approximately -5282.4 Kelvin. Water freezes at 10000 degrees Urist.

  • Garbage Person

    @On Heads up, Startcom is on Mozilla's shitlist real soon now. They were acquired by a Chinese CA that has a ton of nasty strikes against it, and Mozilla is RFCing the blacklisting of their roots.

    You might be renewing again sooner than you think.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Weng said in The Official Status Thread:

    You might be renewing again sooner than you think.

    Well, damn. But at least OpenVPN won't be revoking it, right? Updating web server certs seems to be massively easier than what I ended up doing last night...

  • @Weng I've used StartCom, but only because they were a vendor of free certificates. They had a horrible UI and I'm very glad that Let's Encrypt is a thing now so I never have to interact with a human again.

    On a semi-related 🚛 note, I was watching CBS news last night between the debate and Stephen and they said something along the lines of "if you want to make sure a [sportsball team] jersey vendor is legitimate, make sure the address bar has 'https' in it".

    Which is great logic if you want to make sure is legitimate, but somewhat less valid advice if the domain name in question is, since all that https tells you is that you're at the correct website.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    They had a horrible UI and I'm very glad that Let's Encrypt is a thing now so I never have to interact with a human again.

    Yeah, I was ever so grateful they stopped hosting thier stuff like web 0.9 technology. Postbacks everywhere!

  • Status: Why can't anything be simple?

    (?!{\S+}){ on some{} { {0} trees {1} is that one lone brace.

    (?!{\S+})} on some{} } {0} trees {1} is all four closing ones.

  • @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Why can't anything be simple?

    (?!{\S+}){ on some{} { {0} trees {1} is that one lone brace.

    (?!{\S+})} on some{} } {0} trees {1} is all four closing ones.

    In the first case, you're saying "find me a { that isn't the start of a {foo}". In the second case, you're saying "find me a } that isn't the start of a {foo}", which is much less useful.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    They had a horrible UI and I'm very glad that Let's Encrypt is a thing now so I never have to interact with a human again.

    Yeah, I was ever so grateful they stopped hosting thier stuff like web 0.9 technology. Postbacks everywhere!

    Although, I do have to say, for the only place I've ever seen client certificates for HTTPS used, the browser support was pretty good.

  • @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Why can't anything be simple?

    (?!{\S+}){ on some{} { {0} trees {1} is that one lone brace.

    (?!{\S+})} on some{} } {0} trees {1} is all four closing ones.

    In the first case, you're saying "find me a { that isn't the start of a {foo}". In the second case, you're saying "find me a } that isn't the start of a {foo}", which is much less useful.

    Lookahead is specifically startswith? I was led to believe it was 'if its in something that looks like this, it's not a match'. In fact, if you know what's wrong, why not just say it?

  • :belt_onion:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Weng I've used StartCom, but only because they were a vendor of free certificates. They had a horrible UI and I'm very glad that Let's Encrypt is a thing now so I never have to interact with a human again.

    On a semi-related 🚛 note, I was watching CBS news last night between the debate and Stephen and they said something along the lines of "if you want to make sure a [sportsball team] jersey vendor is legitimate, make sure the address bar has 'https' in it".

    Which is great logic if you want to make sure is legitimate, but somewhat less valid advice if the domain name in question is, since all that https tells you is that you're at the correct website.

    I mean, you've also got the fact that theoretically, you can blacklist a bad domain more easily by revoking the cert.

  • :belt_onion:

    @sloosecannon But that's not much of anything honestly, especially given LetsEncrypt is now a thing (how does LE deal with malicious stuff? Are they quick to respond?)

  • @sloosecannon said in The Official Status Thread:

    how does LE deal with malicious stuff?

    Short answer: "they don't"

    Long answer:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: found a Dragonfly.


  • :belt_onion:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @sloosecannon said in The Official Status Thread:

    how does LE deal with malicious stuff?

    Short answer: "they don't"

    Long answer:

    That's good to know. Awesome -.-

  • 🚽 Regular

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 0 degrees Urist is approximately -5282.4 Kelvin. Water freezes at 10000 degrees Urist.

    Why do you know these things??? O.o

  • @Mikael_Svahnberg said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I did this:


    Can I go home now?

    Wait, I sense that "scapegoat" is missing in the chart. If that's not a good goat, you have to replace it with a scapegoat. 🚎

  • @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I had to write my own string.Format-ish thing, because the replace identifiers thing that one does gets confused about extra curly braces (an operator in the language i'm converting from). That was easy. Getting a C# regex that ignores {0} but takes {? Ugh...

    Just make it double like what you do to escape ' in t-sql when preparing dynamic SQL statements.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: Well, at least the $100+ keyboards are fairly simple to get the keys off of to clean. But apparently I've damaged my Enter key's right side support bracket somewhere along the way. :sadface:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Well, at least the $100+ keyboards are fairly simple to get the keys off of to clean. But apparently I've damaged my Enter key's right side support bracket somewhere along the way. :sadface:

    Ouch. That's not something a replacement keycap can help with... :(

  • Status: It may sound crazy but somehow I missed the days in one of my ex-companies where I have to work on 100+ workhours week.

    At least at that time I'm entitled to not "listen phone calls / check email" from "customers / PMs of customers" that's not my current customer on that day I'm working on, (Yep, you read that right. On each of the 5 workdays I'm working with different customers on different projects using different technologies) and those contact person of customer generally have other duties so will not bother me after the brief progress meeting in the morning.

  • Status: When the feature I am working on was quoted for mandays, we originally quoted 30 and my boss got dismayed. So in the end we cut it to the "absolute minimum" of 19 days.

    Yet suddenly he told me to "enrich the feature" and add another 7 mandays worth of work to that because "these will be useful for the demo this Friday".

    Now let's assume I can really do it by this Thursday, I assume the deadline can be postponed, right?

    It had better be that way or I'll simply reject these and quit the next time.

  • @cheong said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: When the feature I am working on was quoted for mandays, we originally quoted 30 and my boss got dismayed. So in the end we cut it to the "absolute minimum" of 19 days.

    Yet suddenly he told me to "enrich the feature" and add another 7 mandays worth of work to that because "these will be useful for the demo this Friday".

    Now let's assume I can really do it by this Thursday, I assume the deadline can be postponed, right?

    It had better be that way or I'll simply reject these and quit the next time.

    Btw, last week he just told me to create the page with "look and feel" quality so he can printscreen and submit to customer for verification. Nothing regarding the demo has been mentioned before.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    Although, I do have to say, for the only place I've ever seen client certificates for HTTPS used, the browser support was pretty good.

    Mostly, except a user must be involved and know a bit about what they're doing. It's not vastly hard, but it's impossible to script for them (because that would be subject to massive abuse if it were).

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    Lookahead is specifically startswith?

    It's a little bit stupider than you were expecting. ;)

    With (?!{\S+})} there are several pieces:

    1. (?!…) is the “negative lookahead for this” which means “match at any point in the string where my contents don't match”.
    2. {\S+} is just a bunch of non-spaces between { and }.
    3. The final } is just that.

    Unfortunately, items 2 and 3 will never match at the same place (because they start with different literal characters) so the negative lookahead is trivially true at all points where the third item matches and so can be optimised out by the RE engine. That's a huge simplicity bonus, as it allows the RE to be converted into a literal string search, and that's stupendously fast nowadays.

    What you wanted is not what you asked for. Perhaps you wanted (?!.*{\S+})} (“match a } that doesn't have a {\S+} anywhere later”) or maybe something more restrictive. I find that writing a good RE is usually a matter of knowing exactly what you're looking for, exactly what you're looking in, and how to take advantage of greediness (or otherwise). There's definitely an art to it. There's also an art to knowing when to stop trying to use an RE to Solve All The Things! and to instead switch to code that knows more about the semantics of what is going on…


    When you buy a washing machine, and they tell you "wait an hour before turning it on", I bet that's just so they are far away if something breaks.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Fed up with all the banging at work, and the erections in the quadrangle are blocking a lot of light.

    (There's building work going on due to a monumentally stupid refit going on the ground floor of this building, and part of it involves putting up covering on all the internal windows to protect them from flying dust and particles, reducing the amount of daylight that can filter into the core of the building. This building is weird and becoming weirder.)

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:



    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    blocking a lot of light

    Fewer reflections on the screen, then.

  • FoxDev

    /me is tired, grumpy, and in no mood to fucking play games.

    /me also has to deal with a customer service rep from a vendor that we integrate with that is notorious for trying to give us the run around and implies constantly that there's no way their service could be faulty, we must be using the service wrong.

    /me just has one thing to say to that today.

    Fucking bring it. I will end you.

    (also, i'm sorry if i make the first and second tier support people cry, they're just know nothing peons. I am not sorry for tier three onwards.)

  • @dkf I basically have strings that look like bla{h.blah} { {0}blah or with that lone curly the other direction, maybe with no whitespace, and need to see if there is one and then split on it.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus So what pieces do you want to end up at the end with from these cases:

    1. abc
    2. a{b}c
    3. a{0}bc
    4. a{0}b{1}c
    5. a{}bc
    6. a{bc
    7. ab}c
    8. a{0}{bc
    9. a{0}{{1}bc
    10. a{0}}bc
    11. a{0}}{1}bc
    12. a{0} { bc
    13. a{0} { {1}bc
    14. a{0} } bc
    15. a{0} } {1}bc
    16. a{0}{bc
    17. a{0}{{1}bc
    18. a{{0}}bc
    19. a{0}}{{1}}bc

    And so on. Only by understanding this sort of thing can you figure out what you've really got to do. I'm guessing that it's the {\d+} sequences that you want to split out and turn into substitutions, and the other bits that you want to apply quoting rules to if necessary. I'd want to have REs to pick out the substitution areas, then subject the other substrings to a simple-but-thorough de-fang-ing. Any RE engine worth the name can be told to give you all the substrings that match an RE, and that simple RE above is probably matching the right things anyway. For the de-fang-ing, it's on a character-by-character basis and is what I'd think of as basic string processing…

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Bleh.

    // base and f are Files, ub is a UriBuilder...
    String nm = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(base.getAbsolutePath().length() - base.getName().length());
    String[] bits = nm.split("/");
    StringBuilder pathPattern = new StringBuilder();
    String sep = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
        sep = "/";
    URI uri = ub.clone().path(pathPattern.toString()).build((Object[]) bits).toString();

  • Status: Before I go home today, I sent a email to my boss CC-ed my teammate outlining things that I'm not happy and keeping me from "functioning properly", then end it with the lines:

    If you decide you're not going to change, please tell me early so I can submit my resignation because that'll be the best for the interest of the company (there's no point in keeping a low performing staff) and me.

    Let's see what will the action bring tomorrow.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    STATUS Waiting for the piano to drop.

    Finished up all the jiras and a build has being released to test. I might actually meet a deadline with this product for once.

  • @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    STATUS Waiting for the piano to drop.

    Finished up all the jiras and a build has being released to test. I might actually meet a deadline with this product for once.

    Grab yourself a cupcake then. 🍰

    @ben_lubar : E_CUPCAKE_ICON_NOT_FOUND

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    abc - nothing
    a{b}c - nothing
    a{0}bc - nothing
    a{0}b{1}c - nothing
    a{}bc - this won't happen, there's a lot of cleanup before this, but even if this showed up, nothing i think
    a{bc - { at index 1
    ab}c - } at index 2
    a{0}{bc - { at index 4
    a{0}{{1}bc - { at index 4
    a{0}}bc - } at index 4
    a{0}}{1}bc - } at index 4
    a{0} { bc - { at index 5
    a{0} { {1}bc - { at index 5
    a{0} } bc - } at index 5
    a{0} } {1}bc - } at index 5
    a{0}{bc - { at index 4
    a{0}{{1}bc - { at index 4
    a{{0}}bc - nothing
    a{0}}{{1}}bc } at index 4

    And really, an example of what it's for is:
    _^(Variable)>_{_Thing_Thing2_Thing3_ which should be translated to:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus Hmm. Sounds like it might be best to just build a proper parser. Which is rather like work. :(

  • @dkf That's essentially what I'm doing. I've already got large parts of it working, but this is the one outlier operator, that isn't a logical operator. I've got tokens translated partially by making them into {0} or whatever. It's REALLY close. But that one last thing is driving me mad.

  • @Magus A new day is all it took.


  • @Magus

    Status: I got excited and wrote that solution on a whiteboard. I came back to my laptop frozen - ctrl+alt+del made it bluescreen.

    Good thing I use SaveAllTheTime?

  • @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    I came back to my laptop frozen - ctrl+alt+del made it bluescreen.

    Good thing I use SaveAllTheTime?

    Impossible. Windows never bluescreen, it's perfect ! (or so I've been told)

    Do they make SaveAllTheTime for Linux and Mac ?

    Oh, right, only Windows need something like this. Nevermind.

    The shit you Windows user cope with is impressive amazing unbelievable

  • @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm very glad that Let's Encrypt is a thing now so I never have to interact with a human again.

    I wish I could not interact verbally with people at my work. There is always some idiot that wanna spend 1h talking about something that could be said in a short e-mail.

  • @TimeBandit Dude, this system was horribly broken from the start. They gave me this machine while it was in the middle of encryption, IN SLEEP MODE, and it's bluescreened more times in the past year than any machine I've ever seen, has had hardware and software issues constantly, and they haven't replaced it yet because ???. Plus it's Win7, so it's awful.

    My desktop bluescreened a couple times right after the anniversary update, because of driver issues, but that takes seconds before it's usable again. This horror of a laptop? TWENTY MINUTES.

  • @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    it's bluescreened more times in the past year than any machine I've ever seen, has had hardware and software issues constantly

    Stop using Linux hardware :trollface:

  • kills Dumbledore

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    Oh, right, only Windows need something like this. Nevermind

    This is 100% true. No Linux or Mac computer has ever crashed, ever. There is no such thing as a kernel panic

  • Also SaveAllTheTime is just a VS addon - but one that is enormously helpful imo.

  • Garbage Person

    @cartman82 Uhhh. I've bought a washing machine recently and received no such warning. Hell, if they'd done the installation (they wouldn't because I hadn't bought a new set of hoses because I had a set new in bag sitting there), they'd have started a cycle before leaving.

    I can't think of any reason on earth for such a warning.

  • @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    Oh, right, only Windows need something like this. Nevermind.

    Yup, I've never had to hard-boot my Mac before... Oh wait... And xcode never crashes...

  • @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    @TimeBandit Dude, this system was horribly broken from the start. They gave me this machine while it was in the middle of encryption, IN SLEEP MODE, and it's bluescreened more times in the past year than any machine I've ever seen, has had hardware and software issues constantly, and they haven't replaced it yet because ???. Plus it's Win7, so it's awful.

    My desktop bluescreened a couple times right after the anniversary update, because of driver issues, but that takes seconds before it's usable again. This horror of a laptop? TWENTY MINUTES.

    Sounds like time for a complete nuke/pave. And no shortcutting with a quick-format!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Erufael said in The Official Status Thread:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 0 degrees Urist is approximately -5282.4 Kelvin. Water freezes at 10000 degrees Urist.

    Why do you know these things??? O.o


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