The Official Status Thread

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dcon If @DogsB has a 5 year-old Herbert Hoover in his room, things just got really weird, and I don't want to go there.

    I'll go. How the hell did you do that, and why?

  • @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    Thought there was a small hoover in my room and it turned out to be the laptop installing updates.

    More proof that (Windows up)dates suck.

  • Banned

    Although the bikes that race in the MotoGP and the Superbike World Championship might look pretty similar, under the hood they are very different machines.


    under the hood


  • Banned

    Status: I just had the weirdest knee pain ever. It started suddenly, and it felt like someone was poking a needle in it, about 1-2 times per second at very irregular intervals. It was going on for about a minute or two, then I started poking the knee and twisting it in every way I could, eventually I heard a sound like knuckles cracking and the pain stopped.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    It is very quiet now.

    The power supply has been replaced and the noise has returned in earnest.

    Also, I should spread some love I think.


    Now to play "shoot the sector bullseye" on three disks to figure out what sector the drive thinks is unreadable...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek I've had that too.

    Turned that shit off since it was clear it was worse than useless.

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Overheard in scrum:

    error is really really fast, so make sure there's plenty in the backlog for him.

    :fuuuu: that's exactly the reputation I didn't want to have.

    It's perhaps the consequence of consistently over-estimating the level of effort when assigning points to stories.

    Spend more time here on the daily :wtf: without telling them. Then you'll seem to be not so extremely productive, and you'll have more fun.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I need a higher noise floor

    What? No cicadas near your home?

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    1. Dates (the dried fruit) suck because, well, :vomit:

    I'm very fond of them when they're made into date-and-walnut cake. Otherwise, they're typically meh at best.

    What about wrapped in bacon? Accompanied by some good wine?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Status Thread:

    What about wrapped in bacon? Accompanied by some good wine?

    "In fact, forget about the dates"

  • 🚽 Regular



    I didn't need this in my mind right now.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I need a higher noise floor

    What? No cicadas near your home?

    Having respite once every 13 years is rather silly. Stupid Fuckin' Pon Farr...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zecc the ghost of @Ben-L shouts, "no spoilers!"

  • Java Dev

    Status: Windows updated to who-knows-what. Required a next, a cancel, and two skip-for-nows to get around a microsoft account this time.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status shaking a fist to the heavens

    I'm buying concert tickets and they're offering me the option of using an app to display the tickets when I get to the venue. So I've to install someone's security hole on my phone to gain entrance to a gig I bought tickets too. What fucking bullshit is this. Does anyone remember when we had paper tickets that fulfilled the same fucking function.

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:




    Situation Normal: All Fucked Up

  • Considered Harmful

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    status shaking a fist to the heavens

    I'm buying concert tickets and they're offering me the option of using an app to display the tickets when I get to the venue. So I've to install someone's security hole on my phone to gain entrance to a gig I bought tickets too. What fucking bullshit is this. Does anyone remember when we had paper tickets that fulfilled the same fucking function.

    :belt_onion: Remember when people used to wave lighters at concerts instead of smartphones?

    Filed under: Pepperidge Farm remembers

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    status shaking a fist to the heavens

    I'm buying concert tickets and they're offering me the option of using an app to display the tickets when I get to the venue. So I've to install someone's security hole on my phone to gain entrance to a gig I bought tickets too. What fucking bullshit is this. Does anyone remember when we had paper tickets that fulfilled the same fucking function.

    :belt_onion: Remember when people used to wave lighters at concerts instead of smartphones?

    Filed under: Pepperidge Farm remembers

    Belt Onion Club is

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: 12 hours until the jobpocolypse

  • @DogsB

    Story checks out

  • @Zecc said in The Official Status Thread:

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Status Thread:

    What about wrapped in bacon? Accompanied by some good wine?

    "In fact, forget about the dates"

    Seems like you have not ever had any real quality dates.
    Try them:

  • 🚽 Regular

    @BernieTheBernie I'm not a fan of dates. I'm very picky with my choice of fruits.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    :belt_onion: Remember when people used to wave lighters at concerts instead of smartphones?

    I remember thinking it was hilarious the first time I saw someone wave a phone with a picture of a lighter.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    using an app

    On ours it's just a website, no install needed. Or you can display a printed copy of the confirmation email, which is literally the same thing....

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    using an app

    On ours it's just a website, no install needed. Or you can display a printed copy of the confirmation email, which is literally the same thing....


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    using an app

    On ours it's just a website, no install needed. Or you can display a printed copy of the confirmation email, which is literally the same thing....



  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I need a higher noise floor

    What? No cicadas near your home?

    Having respite once every 13 years is rather silly. Stupid Fuckin' Pon Farr...

    There are larger primes.

  • Status: People need to stop calling me about buying my house. Especially when they're not even halfway serious. These people are in a market where new construction starts at $300K (jobs do not seem to support this but whatever). They're flabbergasted that I would even suggest less than that but more than I paid, like I'm ripping them off.

    They also seem to think realtors should take 10% of the sale price. I really don't remember since I didn't consider it when buying but I thought it was actually in the range of 3% or 4%. Because if you're taking 10% of crazy prices, don't you only need to sell 1 to beat minimum wage and 2 or 3 to make (local) IT money?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: People need to stop calling me about buying my house. Especially when they're not even halfway serious. These people are in a market where new construction starts at $300K (jobs do not seem to support this but whatever). They're flabbergasted that I would even suggest less than that but more than I paid, like I'm ripping them off.

    They also seem to think realtors should take 10% of the sale price. I really don't remember since I didn't consider it when buying but I thought it was actually in the range of 3% or 4%. Because if you're taking 10% of crazy prices, don't you only need to sell 1 to beat minimum wage and 2 or 3 to make (local) IT money?

    People keep calling me about a house that was maybe associated with my phone number in some way, which I have never seen and do not, so far as I know, own. I ask them if they are prepared to take up the duty to guard the gate.

  • status It's time to do our year-end self assessment crap. Wait. 3rd Q isn't even over yet. It's due by Oct 8.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    They're flabbergasted that I would even suggest less than that but more than I paid

    I say 2 million and they hangup.

  • @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    status It's time to do our year-end self assessment crap. Wait. 3rd Q isn't even over yet. It's due by Oct 8.

    Thank you for reminding me of one of the advantages of being a contractor. I don't have to do that 🐄💩.

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    status It's time to do our year-end self assessment crap. Wait. 3rd Q isn't even over yet. It's due by Oct 8.

    Thank you for reminding me of one of the advantages of being a contractor. I don't have to do that 🐄💩.

    Yeah, your shit doesn't even have to work after the check clears.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    They're flabbergasted that I would even suggest less than that but more than I paid

    I say 2 million and they hangup.

    That might not even be too unrealistic for the house I used to own in Silly Valley. Unfortunately, we sold it for less than 1/4 of that at the bottom of the market in 2010.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    They're flabbergasted that I would even suggest less than that but more than I paid

    I say 2 million and they hangup.

    That's the going price in my neighborhood. (ok, the upper end - lower is 1.5)

    Besides, why would I want to sell direct to a caller? I want it on the open market so I can have a bidding war! Sellers market baby!

  • @dcon I just wanted to see what the deal with them was. I thought maybe prices had exploded enough I could sell, quit my job, and live in a motel for a year while I figured out next steps.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status: fucking hole was too small so I had to twist and shove in and out with a screwdriver until I could fit it in.

    Now I'm all sweaty and tired and I still have four more to go.... 😭

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    fucking hole was too small so I had to twist and shove in and out


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    fucking hole was too small so I had to twist and shove in and out


    Hey I'm tired, need a break.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: 12 hours until the jobpocolypse

    Status: On video game suicide watch

  • @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: 12 hours until the jobpocolypse

    Status: On video game suicide watch

    Which part? SMN looks... Different. Worried that SCH won't hold up.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: 12 hours until the jobpocolypse

    Status: On video game suicide watch

    Which part? SMN looks... Different. Worried that SCH won't hold up.

    My current main classes are RDM and WHM. RDM is going to lose power budget to that defensive buff and it kind of makes them worse as the "prog on RDM, farm on SMN/BLM" caster slot since if you prog while depending on that defensive buff now you have to reprog the healing plan when you switch (not that I'm looking for a static there but still). WHM probably won't be impacted that severely, depending on how much activity the new single target buffs wind up requiring, but the fact that they turned all healer filler skills into AST filler makes me concerned that the buff is going to be a 30s or less cooldown which will make for a lot more target whack-a-mole, casting errors, and annoyance.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Sattus: Huh.


    Some of the other petitions I've apparently signed.

    MatPat for Jeopardy
    Petitioning Jeopardy , Sony Pictures Entertainment, Harry Friedman, Michael Davies
    Make MatPat The Next Jeopardy Host!
    For a decade, MatPat has brought entertainment and education to viewers as the creator/host of Game Theory. Along with Film Theory, Food Theory, and his gaming talk show GTLive, he's assembled a

    Petitioning Apple
    Save Networking Tools on iOS 11
    Petition Apple to allow approved network utility apps to access MAC address information on iOS 11 Apple made a change to iOS 11 which has impacted millions of iPhone users’ who use mobile apps to
    Network Tools Alliance

    Petitioning Satya Nadella
    Microsoft needs to allow Windows 10 users to opt out of telemetry data collection!
    Under the leadership of new CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft has changed their company policies to violate the trust of their customers by collecting personally identifiable data without our knowledge or
    Jerry Berg

    Petitioning United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
    USDA: BAN Stacks and Chains
    We are calling upon the Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to change The Horse Protection Act´s regulations:U.S. Code Title 15 -- Commerce and TradeChapter 44 -- Protection of HorsesSections
    Equus Society

    Petitioning Kandie Morrison
    Free Jeb from Animal Control
    I came home from work yesterday to see tears streaming down my husband's face as he was reading the newspaper. He is an almost 80-year-old disabled veteran we were training an emotional support
    Tayler Morrison

    Petitioning Donald J. Trump
    End Predatory Healthcare Pricing
    I recently served as president of a Miami hospital and got an insider’s view of the healthcare system. The lack of “legitimate” healthcare pricing has destroyed the system. Ask the price of any healthcare service
    STEVEN I. WEISSMAN, A Former Hospital President

    Petitioning Dean Spanos
    Reverse Eric Weddle's $10k fine for watching his daughter's halftime dance
    Eric Weddle, a player for the San Diego Chargers, was recently fined $10,000 for his actions during a game. Was it for bad behavior? A questionable play? Nope. Weddle was fined $10,000 for
    Joseph Koechling

    Petitioning Jared Chizek
    Don't take championship away for an act of kindness
    On October 22nd, 2015,17-year-old Zachary Hougland sprinted across the finish line and into the record books as Davis County High School's first cross country district champion. He was thrilled. But when he
    kelly hall

    Petitioning Pharmaceutical Companies
    Pull All Drug Ads from TV
    Pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars a day to air drug ads on television -- $4.5 billion last year -- an investment which results in higher drug prices and keeps much-needed medication out of
    Denise Kinney

    Petitioning George Brauchler
    Save Our Dog Sophie from a Death Sentence
    On June 30th, 2015, our 7-month-old Husky puppy Sophie was shot four times by our neighbor. It happened while we were building a fence for Sophie, so she could play safely in our yard. I can still vividly
    Save Sophie

    Petitioning David Minthorn
    Stop Using the Term "Child Prostitute"
    There is no such thing as a child prostitute. This picture was taken around the time of my 17th birthday. What it does not tell you is that from the ages of 10 to 17 I was sexually exploited throughout the western
    Human Rights Project for Girls (Rights4Girls)

    Petitioning Michael Sepic
    Justice for Zachery Anderson
    When my son Zach met a girl through an online dating app, she said she was 17 years old and lived about twenty minutes away. The two decided to meet up and had consensual sex. Zach was a typical
    Les Anderson

    Petitioning Tennessee State House
    Pass an Animal Rescuer Protection Law
    I am being punished for trying to save horses from slaughter. My wife and I buy neglected, often abused horses at auction to keep them from going to slaughter. We have successfully cared for and re-homed
    mike sullivan

    Petitioning Chris Nocco
    Drop the charges against Domanik Green
    A 14-year-old pranked his teacher and now an overzealous sheriff wants to make him a felon. Domanik Green, a student at Paul R. Smith Middle School, is being charged for “hacking” into the school’s
    Frank Trezza

    Petitioning Anita Alvarez
    Clear Tyrone Hood's name, an innocent man.
    After spending 21 years behind bars for a murder I did not commit, I walked out of prison a free man on January 12, 2015, after Illinois Governor Pat Quinn commuted my sentence. But even though I'm free and
    Tyrone Hood with the Exoneration Project

    Petitioning Habersham County Police Department
    Pay the $1 million medical bill from nearly killing my baby.
    At 2:30 AM on May 28th of last year, heavily armed officers from the Habersham County Police Department broke down the door of our home without warning. They were looking for a suspect who didn’t
    Alecia Phonesavanh

    Petitioning U.S. Department of Justice
    Drop the unjust charges against Jamal Jones and open a federal investigation into the Hammond Police Department
    It was already one of the worst days of my life. I, my two children and my friend Jamal jumped into the car to get to the hospital to visit my mother, who was near death. In the rush, I didn’t think to put on my
    Lisa Mahone

    Petitioning Judy Robinson
    Compassion toward animals got this teacher fired. Help him get his job back.
    Keith Allison was removed as a teacher by the Green Local Schools in Smithville, Ohio in August 2014. Why? Because of a Facebook post in which he shared his personal beliefs about the treatment of dairy
    Jeff Hirst

    Petitioning Sergey Brin
    Respect the efforts of small and indie Android Developers.
    Dear Google Team, Android has given a lot of technologists and independent innovators a ray of hope. Because of its openness and wide spreadness. But now lots of small and indie developers are
    new motive

    Petitioning John Holden
    Save Beau's life and return him to his owner with no fees
    Beau is a 2 and 1/2 year old Golden Retriever/White German Shepard mix with no history of aggression or biting. But after Beau allegedly killed a duck that wandered on to his own property, he was seized by
    Karol Wilcox

    Petitioning Edith Ramirez - FTC Chair
    Allow consumers to opt-out of receiving phone calls from political and charitable organizations and individuals.
    It's time to eliminate "phone spam" -- unwelcome phone calls from political and charitable organizations and individuals. You may not be aware, but the current legislation and rules allow political organizations
    Stephen Ban

    Petitioning Jessica Rosenworcel
    Fix wireless 9-1-1 without delay
    In 2008, my wife, Denise Amber Lee, was kidnapped from our home and forced to leave our two small children. For several hours, her assailant held her hostage. She was able to reach 9-1-1 on
    Denise Amber Lee Foundation

    Petitioning Fountain Hills Unified School District Board
    Overturn decision to fire Pam Aister
    The Fountain Hills Unified School District board decided to fire Pam Aister, a teacher of 24 years, after being accused of telling a group of students to shut up after they taunted another student with racist
    Andie Mistler

    Petitioning Madison County School Board
    Fire Jeanne Dunaway and Ronnie Blair and initiate legal and criminal investigation of School Administration for the Sparkman Middle School Rape 'Bait' Incident of 2010
    Knowingly sending anyone into a situation where they may be sexually assaulted in order to catch a rapist ‘in the act’ is reprehensible. When the bait is a special needs teenage girl, it’s criminal. In 2010, a
    William Bailey

    Tell Republicans: Act on the Student Loan Crisis
    Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have once again filibustered a bill introduced by Democrats to ease crippling student loan debt. Join the DSCC and demand that Republicans stop putting politics
    Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

    Petitioning Nerlande Anselme and Kenneth Graham
    Allow Madyson Siragusa to bring her Service dog to school.
    Madyson is a Type 1 Diabetic She has a diabetic alert dog that helps her control her diabetes. Madyson does not always feel the changes in her blood sugar and her service dog has been trained to sense
    Keri Siragusa

    Petitioning Facebook
    Stop Autoplaying Videos That Eat Up Mobile Phone Data Allowance
    As a mobile customer I know my contract with AT&T allows 2GB of data use per month and I use it responsibly so I don’t have to pay overage fees. However, this month, I received a message from my
    Sue Williams

    Petitioning Timothy J. McGinty
    Prosecute students who covered autistic boy with feces and urine
    In Bay Village, Ohio, a group of high school students tricked their 14-year-old autistic classmate into doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Instead of filling the bucket with ice water they filled it with feces, urine
    jennifer white

    Petitioning Eric Holder
    Clemency for Roderick Walker - Life for LSD
    My best friend, Roderick “Rudd” Walker has been sentenced to spend the rest of his life behind bars - a life sentence without the chance of parole - for the non-violent offense of Conspiracy to Distribute LSD
    Jeremy D

    Petitioning U.S. House of Representatives
    Protect Internet Privacy: Stop CISA
    In 2012 and 2013, some members of Congress tried to pass the privacy killing bill CISPA. But Americans pushed back and defeated it. Now CISPA is back - only it's being called CISA - and it's even worse than
    Student Net Alliance

    Petitioning L.A. County Sheriff's Department/District Attorney
    Prosecute Deputy Andrew Wood for texting while on duty and causing the death of Attorney Milton Olin Jr.
    Milton Everett Olin Jr., 65, a former chief operating officer for Napster, was struck and killed Dec. 8 while riding in a bike lane in the 22000 block of Mulholland Highway. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy
    Judy Ronco

    Petitioning U.S. Senate
    Don't tax the internet
    Since 1998, there has been a ban on taxing Internet access. But that ban is set to expire on November 1, 2014 unless the Senate passes the Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act - which will permanently extend the
    Student Net Alliance

    Petitioning Kamala Harris
    Prosecute California Highway Patrol CHP officer caught on camera beating a woman
    On July 1st, a CHP officer was caught on camera beating a woman off the 10 freeway. The officer had already pinned the woman to the ground, and then proceeded to viciously punch her more than 11 times in
    Merry Ying

    Petitioning State Rep. Chris Holden
    Pass Audrie's Law, (Audrie Pott), Senate Bill 838
    This bill would increase the penalties for a juvenile that sexually assaults a person who is in a defenseless state—unconscious or developmentally disabled. Additionally, Audrie’s Law would create a crime
    The Pott Family

    Petitioning US Senate Commerce Committee, Majority
    Congress: Don't Let Airlines Advertise Deceptive Prices
    Congress wants to remove regulations that protect you from deceptive airline ticket advertising. Don't let it. The House Transportation Committee acted with alarming speed last week to move its bill out of
    Charles Leocha, Travelers United

    Petitioning Hasbro
    We bronies are shocked by the untimely death of Twilight's tree library. We would like Hasbro to reconsider their decision and to bring back a beloved part of the show

    Petitioning Governor Andrew Cuomo
    Freedom, Leniency and Pardon Cecily McMillan NOW!
    Justice betrayed! Cecily McMillan is a young woman who was sexually assaulted and then falsely arrested by a NYC police officer! She is a committed social justice advocate with no prior criminal
    Dr. Linda Busch-Somach

    Petitioning Wireless Carriers
    #AbolishOverages @ATT, @VerizonWireless and @Sprint!
    In 2013, more than 20 million Americans were hit with punitive overage charges by U.S. wireless companies, and all Americans have known the fear of wireless bill shock. Overage penalties from AT&T
    John Legere

    Petitioning Tom Horne
    Protect victims of rape, domestic violence and stalking. Remove the names and addresses of victims from Maricopa County website.
    When my husband and I bought a home late last year in Arizona I was proud of our journey. I was brutally raped that left me with lifelong injuries so the process to get into the position where we can buy a
    P B

    Petitioning President
    Blue Cross Blue Shield: Don't Take Away My Meds to Prove I'm Sick
    I was diagnosed with CVID nearly 2 1/2 years ago. I get a medication delivered via a pump once or twice a week to help give me antibodies to fight infection. While the treatment is inconvenient, it does
    Malea Wilson

    Petitioning White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault
    Hold accountable colleges that refuse to protect survivors of sexual violence
    You’ll never find rape advertised in a glossy college brochure. Yet the past two years have brought a deluge of evidence that sexual violence is a staple of U.S. higher education, with one in five women --
    Know Your IX

    Petitioning U.S. Senate
    Pass TEACH Act: Equal Access to Educational Materials for Students with Disabilities
    As a blind college student, I know firsthand what it's like to go to class and not have the accessible materials needed to learn. Each day blind college students are dropping out of classes, abandoning long-held
    Jamie Principato

    Petitioning U.S. House of Representatives, New York State House, New York State Senate, President of the United States, New York Governor
    Free my innocent father, Daryl Kelly Sr.
    My father, Daryl Kelly Sr., has been in prison since 1998 for a crime he never committed - based on a lie I told. When I was just 8 years old, my drug addicted mother forced me to make an accusation of
    Chaneya Kelly

    Petitioning Adam Warren
    Livingston County Prosecutor: Drop the charges against Mark Woodworth
    Mark Woodworth spent nearly 20 years of his life behind bars for a murder he did not commit. He’s free now, but he may be tried a third time. Mark's fate lies in the hands of the Livingston County Prosecutor
    Liz Ramsey

    Petitioning Congress
    Over the summer, we were alarmed to learn that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will allow four Chinese facilities to process poultry raised and slaughtered in the United States
    Bettina Siegel and Nancy Huehnergarth

    Petitioning Daniel J. Cabral
    Drop charges against transgender teen defending herself!
    My sister, Jewlyes Gutierrez, is a 16 year old teenager, who identifies as a transgender female. Her gender identity has caused her to be a victim of taunting, harassment, and bullying by her peers. On
    Valerie Poquiz

    Petitioning U.S. House of Representatives
    Stop the King Amendment to the 2013 Farm Bill
    Right now, a House and Senate conference committee is hashing out the details of the 2013 Farm Bill. Within the House version of the bill is an amendment offered by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) that has the
    Campaign for Safe Food

    Petitioning Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
    The Department of Veterans Affairs: Change Medical Debt Policies; Stop Punishing Veterans with Debt
    The way that the Department of Veterans Affairs collects medical debts from veterans is unacceptable. As a disabled veteran trying to pay my medical bills and get treatment, I struggle every day to
    Bob Gardner

    Petitioning Ronald Faris
    Bank of America/Ocwen Loan Servicing: Stop refusing to accept my payment. Be a leader and help change this practice.
    UPDATE for Lawmakers: Why don't the laws better protect the little guy from these massive entities with their armies of lawyers? They have protection. It's us who are vulnerable. It's us who need your
    Revka Lee

    Petitioning Tyson Foods
    Tell Tyson to Stop Torturing Pigs
    For three weeks I lived a lie to expose the truth while working undercover at a Tyson hog factory farm in Oklahoma. What I saw was a living nightmare. Thousands of pregnant pigs spent nearly their
    Mercy For Animals

    Petitioning Google
    Change the Youtube comment section back to its original form.
    Google is forcing us to make google+ accounts and invading our social life to comment on a youtube video and trying to take away our anonymous profile. They are also trying to censor us unless we share the same worldview as they do. New information has been brought to me by one
    John Doe

    Petitioning Tempe City Council
    Arizona Corporation Commission: Save Rooftop Solar!
    Solar energy is hot in Arizona. We’re the number one state in per-capita solar panel capacity in the country [1]. This is thanks in huge part due to the booming rooftop solar industry and the policies that
    Kevin Hengehold

    Petitioning Congress
    Revoke the Tax-Exempt Status of the National Football League
    Despite the fact that it is a $10Billion/Year industry, the National Football League (NFL) continues to enjoy status as a non-profit organization -- meaning it doesn’t have to pay federal corporate taxes. The
    Lynda Woolard

    Petitioning James Lamerson, Councilmember of Prescott
    Our fallen hero Andrew Ashcraft: get the family Andrew's benefit package that they were promised
    My name is Tom Ashcraft, father of Andrew Ashcraft and fallen Granite Mountain Hot Shot. He was a full time employee working for the City Of Prescott, Az. on June 30th, when the fire overcame him and
    Tom Ashcraft

    Petitioning McDonald's
    McDonald's: Stop paying employees with debit cards loaded with fees
    I was looking forward to my new job when I started working at a McDonald’s location in Pennsylvania in April, but I was disappointed to find out that in order to be paid, I would have to activate a JP
    Natalie Gunshannon

    Petitioning Instagram (Facebook)_
    Instagram (Facebook): Make default settings PRIVATE and geolocation DISABLED for 13-17 year olds.
    Protect our kids! Make default settings private and disable geotagging for 13-17 year olds. Unbelievable. That was my first thought when I clicked on the Instagram site belonging to one of my daughter’s friends
    Kristin Geiser, Mary Hofstedt, & Robin Connell Privacy as Default for Minors

    Petitioning Thomas J. Curry
    Wells Fargo and HUD: Don’t foreclose on Hurricane Sandy victims
    I live in New Jersey and my home was almost completely destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Now, I’m at risk of losing it all over again. This time because of Wells Fargo. And I’m not alone. In the wake of the
    Kathleen Murphy

    Petitioning Beth Mooney
    Key Bank and American Educational Services (AES): Forgive my dead son's student loan
    My son Cameron was my firstborn child and very special to me. He was handsome, a Division I athlete, and brave. He was also brilliant -- when he left school to serve his country in the Air Force after 9/11, he
    Kimberly Akers

    Petitioning Brenda Raney
    Verizon: Get rid of contracts for wireless service
    Getting rid of carrier contracts is a win for customers. Verizon's CEO, Lowell McAdam, has already expressed his willingness to do away with them if consumers speak loud enough about it. So here's your
    Mike Beauchamp

    Petitioning The Governor of CO
    Dan Hotsenpiller: Drop Charges Against Jamie Dowling
    On March 9th, Jamie Dowling lost both of her young children in a horrific car accident on a snow packed road in Colorado. Both children were wearing seat-belts properly when Jamie lost control on a
    Bernadette Bifano

    Petitioning Dennis M. Walcott
    Remove all New York students from the Judge Rotenberg Center
    The Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Massachusetts tortures children and adults with disabilities and calls it treatment. Any students from New York City should be removed once and for all. I enrolled my
    Cheryl Mc Collins

    Petitioning The U.S. Senate
    Protect Internet Privacy: Stop CISPA!
    Under the guise of cyber-security, CISPA (the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) is a bill that would grant corporations the power to share our emails, Facebook messages, and other sensitive
    Daniel Jabbour

    Petitioning Farmers Insurance
    Leave breed discrimination out of your policies!
    My dogs are part of my family. They love nothing more than snuggling on the couch, playing with tennis balls and making new friends. My pit bull knows many tricks and wows everyone he meets. But now
    Nicole Edwards

    Petitioning Brian Moynihan
    Bank Of America: Offer a disabled vet and his family an opportunity to stay in their home
    My husband, William, was diagnosed with end stage kidney disease in 2010. He lost his job and health care coverage shortly afterwards. Facing increased health costs and lower income, we fell behind in our
    Kathryn Jones

    Petitioning Massachusetts Parole Board
    Massachusetts Parole Board: Please Release Donald Perry Immediately!
    In August 2011, Donald Perry -- a soup kitchen manager and homeless outreach worker -- picked up a homeless man and gave him a ride to a nearby town. Along the way they were stopped by a state
    Elaine Arsenault

    Petitioning District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department
    DC Fire and EMS: Drop the $780 bill for the ambulance that never came
    On January 1, my family called 911 when my 71-year-old father was having trouble breathing. The ambulance took more than 30 minutes to arrive and by the time it did, my father had already passed away. Still
    D. Ford

    Petitioning Maureen Richmond
    Greyhound: Don’t Put Customers at Risk for Hypothermia and Frostbite
    Recently, I took a Greyhound bus ride where the company put me and other passengers at serious risk for hypothermia and frostbite by leaving us outside a closed station in the middle of the night in
    Ankur Singh

    Petitioning Lisa Sodeika
    HSBC Bank: Stop the eviction of horse farm therapy center for autistic children
    I sold my home in Norcross, GA to build the Parkwood Farms Therapy Center 11 years ago to provide non-traditional therapy for children suffering with autism- like my 16 year old son, Julian, through
    Marilyn Peterson

    Petitioning State of Arizona
    State of Arizona: Remove opt-in requirement for sexual education from Parent's Bill of Rights
    Opt in education creates additional points of failure in our battle to prevent teenage pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Children with neglectful parents will be even more
    Anthony Bradford

    Petitioning Dr Russell Katz
    FDA: Please, approve the medicine my boys need to survive -- both of my sons deserve to live
    My two oldest children, Max and Austin, have a lethal genetic disease called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Right now, only one of my sons has access to a new "miracle drug,” and it has changed
    jenn mcnary

    Petitioning Chief Kim Vickers
    Texas Police: Stop using deadly force on family pets!
    Imagine if your family pet was killed by a police officer? It happened to us. In May of 2012, our border collie Lily was killed on our front porch, right in front of us, by a Fort Worth police officer who came to the
    Cindy and Mark Boling

    Petitioning Gatorade
    Don’t put flame retardant chemicals in sports drinks!
    The other day, I Googled "brominated vegetable oil." It was the last time I drank Orange Gatorade. I found out that this "BVO" is a controversial flame retardant chemical that is in some Gatorade drinks! Who
    Sarah Kavanagh

    Petitioning No one.
    Erick Warner

    Petitioning Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell
    Count all the votes in Maricopa County
    Unlike many Americans, I didn't spend Election Day worried about which candidates would win -- I spent it worried about whether my community's votes would all be counted. Folks in Maricopa County faced
    Chandra Narcia with

    Petitioning Gregg W. Steinhafel
    Target: Take the high road and save Thanksgiving
    I have worked at Target for six years and I really enjoy my job. Thanksgiving, though, is one of the three days us retail workers get off a year: a day most all of us spend with family we only get to see
    casey stclair

    Petitioning President Obama
    FEMA's first responders to Hurricane Sandy deserve federal health care benefits
    Once again, in the aftermath of yet another natural disaster -- Hurricane Sandy -- we see the sacrifice of first-line FEMA employees and how much we as a nation depend upon their expertise and commitment
    Dena Patrick

    Petitioning Daniel Meyers, Gary Santo, James Preston, Nathan Hench, James M. Thompson
    National Collegiate Trust/American Education Services: Forgive my deceased son's student loan
    My name is Ella Edwards. My only son, Jermaine Edwards, was a wonderful young man and the light of my life. When he went to college to study music production, I was happy to cosign his student loans -- he
    Ella EDwards

    Petitioning Tom Vilsack
    Scabs, Pus, and Feces in Chicken? USDA, Keep It Off My Plate!
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is proposing to implement a new rule that will change the poultry inspection process, making it easier to allow unsavory and potentially unsafe chicken onto our
    Phyllis McKelvey

    Petitioning Wells Fargo
    Wells Fargo: Don't break the law -- leave cancer patients alone
    Wells Fargo and the Orange County Sheriff’s Department pulled a gun on a sick cancer patient, my good friend Niko Black, and evicted her from her home in California -- in violation of a court order saying she
    Linda Rife

    Petitioning The District Attorney's Office
    Justice for Ehud Halevy: Drop all Charges!
    We members of the Aliya Congregation are calling upon the Brooklyn District Attorney's Office to immediately drop all charges against Ehud Halevy, a member of our congregation who was attacked by
    Congregation Aliya

    Petitioning H. Frank Grainger
    Stop Discriminating Against Student Veterans
    After I served in the United States Army for 4 years, I decided to continue my education and study to become a physicians assistant. Little did I know that the UNC system would ignore the GI Bill tuition benefits I
    Hayleigh Perez

    Petitioning John Stumpf
    Wells Fargo: Stop the foreclosure on a stage 4 cancer victim's home
    Cindi Silvers Davis and her husband, have tried very hard to work with their bank, Wells Fargo, but they say they have been mislead, they have been treated poorly, and now Wells Fargo is trying to put an
    Kate Livingston

    Petitioning Cigna Insurance
    CIGNA: Don't deny my 13-y-o brother the drug he needs to grow
    Cigna Insurance is holding the life of my little brother Seth in its hands. Seth needs a very specific medication in order to live and grow into a healthy young man but Cigna refuses to cover that
    morgan blake

    Petitioning Donald Layton
    Freddie Mac: Stop selling former meth labs to unsuspecting buyers
    When my wife and I learned that we could afford a home, we thought it was too good to be true. It turned out that it was. Within weeks of moving in, my wife, my two year old son, and I all started experiencing
    jonathan hankins

    Petitioning John G. Stumpf
    Wells Fargo: Stop the foreclosure on my dead mother's home
    Like vultures, Wells Fargo waited.The house that my mother, Marjorie Gibson, owned is the only home our family has had for over two generations. I know she wanted me to have the house to live
    Jora Trang

    Petitioning Department of Veterans Affairs
    Support ALL Vets Applying for PTSD Benefits
    In 1986, at age 18, I joined the Navy eager to fight for my country. I had no idea that two and a half months into my first assignment, I would be raped – twice – by my supervisor. That was the first betrayal -
    Ruth Moore

    Petitioning Richard S. Moskowitz
    Release Daniel Larsen, Ruled Innocent
    In 2010, after spending more than 10 years in prison, a federal court found my fiance Daniel Larsen innocent. His 1999 conviction for possession of a concealed weapon was overturned and he was ordered
    christina combs

    Petitioning Surgeon General John H Armstrong
    Stop the Abuse of Brain Injured Patients--Investigate FINR
    The Florida Institute for Neurological Rehabilitation (FINR) markets itself as a treatment center with country club-like accommodations for brain injured patients from around the country. But what FINR
    Jessica Alopaeus

    Petitioning Nick Clegg MP
    .@ukhomeoffice: Stop the extradition of Richard O'Dwyer to the USA #SaveRichard
    Richard O'Dwyer is a 24 year old British student at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. He is facing extradition to the USA and up to ten years in prison, for creating a website – – which
    Jimmy Wales

    Petitioning Albert Lord
    Sallie Mae: Defer service members’ loans while they are on active duty
    I joined the Army three years ago to serve as a nurse and was assigned to work on the Wounded Warrior unit. For more than two years, I took care of the brave men and women recovering from grave injuries in
    L M

    Petitioning James Rohr
    PNC Bank and Freddie Mac: Negotiate and keep our family in our home
    Please ask PNC Bank to negotiate and keep our family in our home. My family and I have lived in our South Minneapolis home for the past 7 years, but now, because of a bank error, we fell into foreclosure and
    Alejandra Cruz

    Petitioning Nevada District Attorney Steven Wolfson
    Allow DNA Testing for Kirstin Blaise Lobato
    Kirstin Blaise Lobato is an innocent woman stuck in prison while evidence in her case goes untested for DNA. In 2002 at 19 years old, Kirstin was convicted for the murder and sexual assault of a homeless
    Michelle Ravell

    Petitioning President Obama
    Give Health Care to Firefighters Who Battle Wildfires
    Right now, wild fires are raging in New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona. And more are sure to come. I'm a part of a hotshot crew of firefighters. We are on call to go anywhere, at any time to fight fires in our
    John Lauer

    Petitioning Jeffery Smisek
    United Airlines: Keep Family Boarding!
    I travel frequently with my husband and my soon-to-be nine month old son, Dex. We fly from New York to the DC area almost every month to visit my parents and we’re planning a big West Coast trip this summer
    Kaja Meade

    Petitioning Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    Don’t set us back half a century! Give stay-at-home moms credit.
    In 1974 Congresswoman Bella Abzug realized something: she could make laws in Congress, but she couldn’t get her own credit card without her husband’s permission. Now, almost 40 years after
    Holly McCall

    Petitioning Steven A. Burd
    Give Safeway employee Ryan Young his job back with back pay
    Success! May 24, 2012 The support for Mr. Young was immense as the petition gathered more thatn 180,000 signatures of people who believed Mr. Young acted in the most appropiate manner given the
    N A

    Petitioning Kay Khan
    Judge Rotenberg Educational Center: Please Stop Painful Electric Shocks on Your Students
    At a “special needs school” in Canton, Massachusetts, children and teenagers with autism and other disabilities are being administered electric shocks as a means of controlling their behaviors. As
    Gregory Miller

    Petitioning Beth Mooney
    Key Bank: Stop forcing my family to pay my dead brother's student loans
    On June 17, 2004, my brother Christopher Bryski sustained a severe traumatic brain injury in a tragic accident. He remained in a persistent vegetative state for two years before passing away on July
    Ryan Bryski

    Petitioning The Pokemon Company
    Keep PokeDroid and Other Applications Like It!
    I remember my first encounter with Pokemon. It was on the back of a Nintendo Power magazine, a collection of strange but somehow fascinating creatures with the famous slogan, “Gotta Catch Them All” on the page. Of those on it, the one that stood out most to me was the dragon
    Amber Riley

    I know about eight of these. What the fuck....
    • MatPat
    • Networking on iOS
    • MS Telemetry
    • USDA Ban stacks and chains
    • Stop using "Child Prostitute"
    • #savetree
    • Change YouTube accounts to stop forcing Google+
    • Keep PokeDroid

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Now I'm all sweaty and tired and I still have four more to go.... 😭

    Status: Upgrade complete. Representative Before/After:



    Will provide a daytime shot if anyone is curious, but I think even now there's an obvious improvement...

  • Considered Harmful

    @izzion Hey guys, want to talk about BAB, CMB and CMD? :tro-pop:

    Filed under: Three-letter acronym salad thread is...

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra sattused in The Official Status Thread:

    Change YouTube accounts to stop forcing Google+

    We did it, guys!

  • 🚽 Regular

    This post is deleted!

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra Why are there two timestamps off by 2 seconds on the first one?

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