The Official Status Thread

  • Status: Jesus Christ, Samsung is hooked on stupid pills too.

    So back in February, I ordered a Galaxy Tab Active2 for my business. This is basically the tablet version of my phone so it has, among other features, a replaceable battery. Well I decided since I was buying all of this other stuff I should add a spare battery or two to my list. The tablet only hit the US market late last year, touted four years of support, called out the replaceable battery in the feature list, and...their crap storefront's catalog doesn't list them.

    I went to the US site, where I bought the tablet in the first place, and filled out the form to contact support. Simple question. When do you plan to sell spare batteries for this tablet? A few days later, I get a garbled e-mail asking me where I bought it. I told them I bought the US model directly from Samsung's US storefront.

    Kindly take note that you have reached to Samsung Singapore and we are unable to
    support for your request. Kindly refer to Samsung US as below link:"

  • Banned

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:


    Turns out "there was internet service from our company previously at this address" means "the junction box has been ripped of the wall and we have to install a new one, we have no idea where this dangling cable goes or if it's any good to start with, we need to consult wiring maps in our office, we might get this done, but we're definitely not going to do this today".

    Fucking 12-month contract.

    Status: The next day I called them and they told me that they're absolutely, definitely going to do it by the end of the week. The day after that they called me to tell me that it turned out they can't do this after all. I mean, yeah, it happens. But if they've just SAID IT TWO MONTHS AGO WHEN I FIRST ASKED!!!

    At least they're not making any problems terminating the contract. They even waived early termination fee! Now, to find another provider...

    wait, a 12 month contract and they've been violating their end for 2 months and all they did was waive the early termination fee?

    They weren't violating it because moving the service wasn't in the contract (and the service was suspended in the meantime, so no charge either). The contract was signed for the old address, and the service at the old address was working perfectly. Poland is a bit different from USA in that handing out freebies isn't part of the standard protocol when service provider royally screws up.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Poland is a bit different from USA in that handing out freebies isn't part of the standard protocol when service provider royally screws up.

    Is it a freebie for them to not charge you to stop providing service that they are literally unable to provide?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Given that your contract was for service at 123 Anywhere Street, BigCityVille and you're now at 234 Anywhere Road, BumFukEgypt, the service provider isn't the one in violation of the contract. Ergo, yes, it's a freebie for them to let you out because you moved out of their service area.

  • Banned

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Poland is a bit different from USA in that handing out freebies isn't part of the standard protocol when service provider royally screws up.

    Is it a freebie for them to not charge you to stop providing service that they are literally unable to provide?

    That's not what they did. I signed a contract for service at a specific address. I've decided that I don't want service at this address anymore, and wanted to move it to a different address, which wasn't part of the contract. They agreed anyway (but only last week because coronavirus), and then they called it off. Except they've never put it in writing that they would provide service at the new address, so legally speaking, they did nothing wrong.

  • Banned

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Given that your contract was for service at 123 Anywhere Street, BigCityVille and you're now at 234 Anywhere Road, BumFukEgypt, the service provider isn't the one in violation of the contract. Ergo, yes, it's a freebie for them to let you out because you moved out of their service area.

    It was more like moving from 123 Some St., Townsville to 789 Some St., Townsville. And they did say multiple times that the service is available - they just never did so in writing.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    they just never did so in writing.

    Are verbal contracts nonbinding in Poland?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    they just never did so in writing.

    Are verbal contracts nonbinding in Poland?

    Only if you're a gentleman.

  • Banned

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    they just never did so in writing.

    Are verbal contracts nonbinding in Poland?

    Theoretically or practically?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: You have 36 hours...


    Let's see where it is!



    :thonking: Either it's already in my state and they just need to find it in the warehouse (there's apparently only 7 of these left!) or someone is being very optimistic...

  • @Tsaukpaetra A lot of my recent orders have been/are currently in this state of "Shipment confirmed, definitely arriving on <date>" with the line anywhere from 10% to 80% of "Shipping" status

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    123 Some St., Townsville to 789 Some St., Townsville


  • Status: The Outlook webmail that I use for work email kicks me out with an error after showing my inbox for a second. I've managed to logout and back in, but it's still the same

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Poland is a bit different from USA in that handing out freebies isn't part of the standard protocol when service provider royally screws up.

    Is it a freebie for them to not charge you to stop providing service that they are literally unable to provide?

    I worked for an ISP based on cable in Germany and this issue popped up regularly. Now, while we did let people who moved out of our area terminate the contract early, legally we were not under any obligation to do so.

    Basically, a contract is an agreement between to parties for a mutual exchange of goods. Party A provides something, party B gives something in return, for a mutually agreed upon duration.
    Now, here's the thing: It's not A's fault that they cannot provide B with something when B moves somewhere out of range. They still uphold their end of the bargain. Thus, under contract law, A is not at fault and is under no obligation to let you out of the contract early. Same goes for gyms or other locale-based services.

    However, most companies usually recognize that the layman does not understand this, will raise a huge stink and so on. So most will let you cancel early if you ask for it. Some even add this as a right into their contracts.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    I worked for an ISP based on cable in Germany and this issue popped up regularly. Now, while we did let people who moved out of our area terminate the contract early, legally we were not under any obligation to do so.
    Basically, a contract is an agreement between to parties for a mutual exchange of goods. Party A provides something, party B gives something in return, for a mutually agreed upon duration.
    Now, here's the thing: It's not A's fault that they cannot provide B with something when B moves somewhere out of range. They still uphold their end of the bargain. Thus, under contract law, A is not at fault and is under no obligation to let you out of the contract early.

    At the ISP I work for, once Party C moved in to the property we'd be unable to provide services to them unless we'd stopped providing them to Party B, so it's really in our interest to let Party B out of the contract.

  • Java Dev

    @loopback0 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    I worked for an ISP based on cable in Germany and this issue popped up regularly. Now, while we did let people who moved out of our area terminate the contract early, legally we were not under any obligation to do so.
    Basically, a contract is an agreement between to parties for a mutual exchange of goods. Party A provides something, party B gives something in return, for a mutually agreed upon duration.
    Now, here's the thing: It's not A's fault that they cannot provide B with something when B moves somewhere out of range. They still uphold their end of the bargain. Thus, under contract law, A is not at fault and is under no obligation to let you out of the contract early.

    At the ISP I work for, once Party C moved in to the property we'd be unable to provide services to them unless we'd stopped providing them to Party B, so it's really in our interest to let Party B out of the contract.

    Once Party B no longer owns the house, they are no longer able to hold up their end of the contract by keeping the line available, so you could potentially even force them to pay termination fees. It would be a dick move, of course.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    so you could potentially even force them to pay termination fees

    Yes and AFAIK we do in some scenarios. Just not when they move out of our serviceable area.

  • @loopback0 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    I worked for an ISP based on cable in Germany and this issue popped up regularly. Now, while we did let people who moved out of our area terminate the contract early, legally we were not under any obligation to do so.
    Basically, a contract is an agreement between to parties for a mutual exchange of goods. Party A provides something, party B gives something in return, for a mutually agreed upon duration.
    Now, here's the thing: It's not A's fault that they cannot provide B with something when B moves somewhere out of range. They still uphold their end of the bargain. Thus, under contract law, A is not at fault and is under no obligation to let you out of the contract early.

    At the ISP I work for, once Party C moved in to the property we'd be unable to provide services to them unless we'd stopped providing them to Party B, so it's really in our interest to let Party B out of the contract.

    I remember times where a rather infamous German ISP regularly let someone moving in know that there was still another party recognized as the owners of the connection.

    And then did nothing to resolve the issue.

    When I moved into my students' dormitory (everone had his own separate appartment), I wanted to connect the telephone line (it was 1998 so there were not many alternatives to staying connected!). So, off to said Telco's shop I went and asked to be connected.

    "Well, what's the name of the previous resident?"

    Umm, I don't know it because that's a dormitory with the usual expected moderate turnover? Also, data protection laws even back then didn't allow the dorm's admins to tell me. Plus, how was I supposed to know if my predecessor even had the line connected?

    "Yeah, we can't help you then!"

    One of the times in my life where asking for a manager actually did something, namely getting that lazy slob off his ass and doing his job (he just did not want to do a search by appartment!)

  • Java Dev

    I'm sure we have a random links thread but I can't find it so I'll drop this here.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: You have 36 hours...
    :thonking: Either it's already in my state and they just need to find it in the warehouse (there's apparently only 7 of these left!) or someone is being very optimistic...

    My last set of Amazon orders was similar: it indicated three different arrival dates from three different places up until last Friday. I got a shipping notice and saw that they'd all been combined into one shipment from one place. It arrived yesterday, so no time travel involved.

  • Banned

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    123 Some St., Townsville to 789 Some St., Townsville


    I absolutely would if I could. But the government doesn't like random cables running above streets for kilometers. And when I asked the ISP if I can do the installation myself (back during lockdown when they couldn't send a technician), they refused too.

    (FYI: in USA, it's typical to have the same street running for many miles - sometimes streets are longer than the cities they're in. The same street but 600 numbers up can mean 20 intersections inbetween.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    STATUS: clicked the wrong button in the Xbox app and now rather than downloading a 38GB update for Halo: Master Chief Collection I get to redownload like 70GB of the full thing. At like 10MB/sec rather than the 40MB/sec my connection is capable of because the downloads from Xbox are (relatively) slow.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @loopback0 said in The Official Status Thread:

    STATUS: clicked the wrong button in the Xbox app and now rather than downloading a 38GB update for Halo: Master Chief Collection I get to redownload like 70GB of the full thing. At like 10MB/sec rather than the 40MB/sec my connection is capable of because the downloads from Xbox are (relatively) slow.

    At least it won’t randomly restart while you’re shouting aliens. 🚎

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    At least it won’t randomly restart while you’re shouting aliens.

    I don't recall ever shouting that.

  • Banned

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    However, most companies usually recognize that the layman does not understand this, will raise a huge stink and so on. So most will let you cancel early if you ask for it. Some even add this as a right into their contracts.

    Note that this isn't true at all in Poland. Companies of all kinds shit all over their customers on regular basis, and it's so common that raising stink doesn't work because - unless the money involved is really high - it's not newsworthy enough to even make an article in local press.

    If you want a warranty repair of, say, a shoe that split in half a week after buying, then the seller will first try to trick you into waiving your right to statutory warranty by offering the manufacturer's warranty (which is basically wild west - they can do whatever they want, including taking the item for repair and not returning it for 6 months, and you can do nothing about it.)

    If you don't fall for that trick and insist on statutory warranty, they will try every reason they can think of to refuse repair. In case of shoes, the most common one is that they were improperly used - e.g. by getting them wet. Like, my mom was literally told by a cashier that her knee boots aren't meant for rainy weather and that's the reason the heel snapped off. In case of electronics, they usually say that the device was physically damaged by the user, even if it's brand new and doesn't have a single scratch. And don't even get me started on telecoms.

    That they decided to not charge the termination fee is very noteworthy. Most ISPs wouldn't.

  • @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm sure we have a random links thread but I can't find it


    @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm sure we have a random links thread but I can't find it so I'll drop this here.

    Shirley Elon installed the self driving functionality, right¿

  • @M_Adams said in The Official Status Thread:

    @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm sure we have a random links thread but I can't find it so I'll drop this here.

    Shirley Elon installed the self driving functionality, right¿

    In space, there are no fire trucks.


    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @M_Adams said in The Official Status Thread:

    @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm sure we have a random links thread but I can't find it so I'll drop this here.

    Shirley Elon installed the self driving functionality, right¿

    In space, there are no fire trucks.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: So there's the code fonts that fuck around when you do != and <> and all that, right?

    How about a censoring font?

    Secondary Status: I need to adjust my browser by 3.5 pixels or something...


  • Considered Harmful

    Status: I love online final exams. You always have way more time than you need, so you can just work your way through at your leisure.
    6a19359a-596d-43f6-adf0-f90108ba81e0-image.png 2b17002e-da07-4160-a890-80160ba64b90-image.png


  • @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm sure we have a random links thread but I can't find it so I'll drop this here.

    Does it simulate rapid unscheduled disassembly?

  • Java Dev

    @hungrier said in The Official Status Thread:

    @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm sure we have a random links thread but I can't find it so I'll drop this here.

    Does it simulate rapid unscheduled disassembly?

    I think you are looking for

  • Banned

    Status: This automatic air freshener I've got the other day sounds like there's someone in the house, sneezing and unscrewing a water bottle.

  • Status: Boy I wish Dockerized applications would behave deterministically. Sometimes this one thing with log4j stops logging to the console after initialization, and I don't know what causes that or how to prevent it (aside from just trying again)

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Netflix and chill with Layla tonight, and with Alisha tomorrow evening.

    Status: content, but worn out and sore

    Will spend the weekend recuperating.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @hungrier I have one where sometimes Apache doesn't start, or sometimes it starts but some modules don't and sometimes it's fine. It's not important enough to put any effort into resolving it beyond just restarting the container.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Netflix and chill with Layla tonight, and with Alisha tomorrow evening.

    Status: content, but worn out and sore

    Will spend the weekend recuperating.

    ....but it's only Thursday...

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Netflix and chill with Layla tonight, and with Alisha tomorrow evening.

    Status: content, but worn out and sore

    Will spend the weekend recuperating.

    ....but it's only Thursday...

    Yes, I had a happy hump day. And again this morning.

  • Status: Just finished a test render of 10 seconds of animation in Blender. It only took 36 hours. Interestingly, it's faster using the GPU alone than having the CPU share some of the effort, at least in part because the render doesn't have to wait 30–60 seconds at the end of each frame after the GPU is finished for the CPU to finish its tasks, when the GPU could have finished up in an extra 5–10 seconds. And it doesn't make the CPU fan imitate an F/A-18 engine.

    Now, if I ever want to actually do anything with that animation, I have to redo about 1/3 of it, because I greatly improved one of the textures in the middle of it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Just finished a test render of 10 seconds of animation in Blender. It only took 36 hours. Interestingly, it's faster using the GPU alone than having the CPU share some of the effort, at least in part because the render doesn't have to wait 30–60 seconds at the end of each frame after the GPU is finished for the CPU to finish its tasks, when the GPU could have finished up in an extra 5–10 seconds. And it doesn't make the CPU fan imitate an F/A-18 engine.

    Now, if I ever want to actually do anything with that animation, I have to redo about 1/3 of it, because I greatly improved one of the textures in the middle of it.

    GPU is optimized for heavy parallelism; CPU is better for serial tasks (where the output of the previous step is an input to the next step).

    Sounds like the CPU was a bottleneck, but I'm surprised they designed them to be interdependent.

    I'd expect a queue of tasks, and GPU/CPU both grab tasks off the queue, or something.

  • @error Not interdependent. Blender divides the scene into 64x64 pixel (programmable, IIRC, but that's the default) tiles. Optionally, you can render using CPU, GPU, or both. Both assigns some tiles to the CPU and some to the GPU. It turns out this is less than optimal. Perhaps, if the algorithm considered how long it takes, on average, for each to render a tile and stopped assigning tiles to the CPU when there are few enough left that there is no advantage to sharing the load, but it doesn't do that. Also, it probably doesn't help that the time to render each tile can vary widely, even for very similar tiles. 🤷♂ Using GPU alone seems to give the best results. That may even be the default, but sometime in the past I thought, why not get a little help, even if it's not much, from the CPU?

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:


    Also, why the fuck does this program throw out decades of standard UI conventions and just make up its own bullshit? I fucking hate the UI in Blender.

  • Considered Harmful

    This post is deleted!

  • @error Yeah, it's kind of the poster child of bad UI design. On one hand, it does a lot of complex tasks with complex user interactions, so a complex UI is kind of unavoidable. OTOH, they've done at least two major UI redesigns since I've been using it, necessitating relearning a bunch of stuff, including keyboard shortcuts. 💢

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    , for each to render a tile and stopped assigning tiles to the CPU when there are few enough left that there is no advantage to sharing the load, but it doesn't do that.

    That's what I meant about a queue. One shouldn't be sitting idle while the other has a backlog.

    I don't know, though. I'm sure there's something way more complicated that I'm not understanding about the whole process.

    As an aside, I'm pretty sure the big studios use distributed render farms. Got any boxes sitting around with spare cycles?

  • Considered Harmful

    error Hm, I want to work on this project from this machine, but all the code is on my remote workstation.
    error I'll just open the directory on a network share and then I'll set up SSH, generate some keys, some shell scripts, reconfigure the firewall, set up iptables, and reconfigure the web server....
    error :facepalm: Oh, right, the code is in git. I can just clone it locally.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    error Hm, I want to work on this project from this machine, but all the code is on my remote workstation.
    error I'll just open the directory on a network share and then I'll set up SSH, generate some keys, some shell scripts, reconfigure the firewall, set up iptables, and reconfigure the web server....
    error :facepalm: Oh, right, the code is in git. I can just clone it locally.

    Toby Faire, standard policy is to do code development on internally hosted VM servers, and access them via thin clients over VPN. It does let you work from almost anywhere, but that shit is slow.

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm pretty sure the big studios use distributed render farms. Got any boxes sitting around with spare cycles?

    Nope. I do have some other boxes, but this is the only one that I've set up since I moved, and the other ones are all much older and much slower, so not helpful. Now if I could pick up some bankrupt Bitcoin miner's old GPU-based mining rig for pennies on the dollar ... it'd still be beyond my budget, but I can dream.

    There's also an online render farm, but I've only ever found instructions on how to volunteer your box(es) to be part of the farm, not how to submit jobs to it. Maybe you have to volunteer to be able to submit, but if I had anything worth volunteering, I wouldn't need to use the farm.

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