The Home Stretch

  • @Arantor said:

    I would wager that @PJH doesn't have much control of the knobs in that context...

    I think Jeff had a go at controlling the knobs but it hasn't really worked out as he would have hoped

  • Is that was he was trying to do?

  • This is an explanation. It's not a good one, but it's still an explanation.

  • :belt_onion:

    @Weng said:

    idObject[idObject.Length-1] (no need to ToCharArray - you can do that implicitly) and used Char.IsNumeric().

    Intesting, because that was my first instinct - but I wasn't sure if that is legal in C# like in C++ and I don't have a C# compiler on this PC to test with, so I removed it for the one I knew should work in c#.

  • Garbage Person

    Re: The memory leak.

    Apparently the Semantic Logging module was the source. Not sure how you can leak entire megabytes per request just doing logging, but that's what happened.

    Best part: The logging has been in prod for 1.5 years. Nobody has ever noticed that the fucking app pool is blowing up and requests dropping on the floor every 15 minutes while it resets.

    (And yes. Requests are dropping on the floor. None of the clients bother with things like 'retry on failure'. The best one logs it... But only if it occurs after the connection is established. If the connection fails, it fails silently)

  • This is why I suggested ignore lists, so the 5 whiners can have their echo chambers and the rest of us can have our forums back.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @darkmatter said:

    I don't have a C# compiler on this PC to test with

    If you don't know about this it works really well for testing C# quickly on a device that doesn't have the tools installed.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Weng said:

    Not sure how you can leak entire megabytes per request just doing logging, but that's what happened.
    Probably doing logging to memory for starters. That's so easily done, yet always dead wrong. If the logging level is turned up high, that could cause real problems. (I've crashed machines that way in the past. I'm more careful now.)

    @Weng said:

    Semantic Logging module

    Is it doing logging by building an RDF model?! That would do it with a detailed logging level, as RDF is a wasteful hog (by “virtue” of being implemented usually by the very worst of ivory tower CS types). Anything for parsing log files needs to be entirely separate — separate process, possibly even separate machine — from the producer of the logs.

  • Reboot.

  • It's working now but it wasn't working then.

  • :belt_onion:

    @Cursorkeys said:

    If you don't know about this it works really well for testing C# quickly on a device that doesn't have the tools installed.

    cool, thanks for the link.

  • @sam said:

    Also, being a cruel to people who take time away from their family to sort out issues on your forum on the weekend is uncool.

    And this is why most places I have worked have a policy against doing releases on a Friday. And if anyone did release something on a Friday, they were responsible for any fires that popped up over the weekend.

  • I prefer the whiners, and, the forums as we used to know them, are not coming back.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Waiter, wine for my friends!

  • And a side order of cheese for me please.

  • the forums as we used to know them, are not coming back.

    I know. It's great.

    I've been posting on and off since 2006. There was a long stretch when I stopped, because the old forum was turned into an echo chamber of whinging and stupid.

    Discourse had been the best thing that happened to the forums for a long time, even if it's technically inferior, because it drove that crapfest away.

  • @Arantor said:

    Something about how discussions here on Discourse end up being discussions about how broken Discourse is.

    Discourse is a barrier to discourse.


    From my quotes file:

    What does that mean that something is "more enterprise-oriented" than
    something else?!?

    It means someone actually wrote the code to check for error conditions.

    If you log the error, it moves you up to "enterprise ready".

    If you actually do behavior based upon the error you get the the rarified echelon of "enterprise class".

  • 🍿

    Well, that was a fun Monday morning read.

  • Garbage Person

    So the guy who walked out is back. To help transition.

    And the database dropped. From prod. And even more importantly, from the test environment where I was about to do an executive demo.

    These two events are clearly unrelated. He should totally be in charge of the restore.

  • Garbage Person

    And of of course by restore I mean "recreate the structure from scripts"

  • :belt_onion:

    @abarker said:

    And this is why most places I have worked have a policy against doing releases on a Friday. And if anyone did release something on a Friday, they were responsible for any fires that popped up over the weekend.

    This a thousand times over?

  • @Weng said:

    Us and our bosses (when's the last time you saw one of them work more than 40 hours?) are the only white collar exemptions.

    However, Section 13(a)(1) of the FLSA provides an exemption from both minimum wage and overtime pay for employees employed as bona fide executive, administrative, professional and outside sales employees. Section 13(a)(1) and Section 13(a)(17) **also** [emphasis added] exempt certain computer employees. ... **Learned professional Exemption** To qualify for the learned professional employee exemption, all of the following tests must be met: • The employee must be compensated on a salary or fee basis (as defined in the regulations) at a rate not less than $455 per week; • The employee’s primary duty must be the performance of work requiring advanced knowledge, defined as work which is predominantly intellectual in character and which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment; • The advanced knowledge must be in a field of science or learning; and • The advanced knowledge must be customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction. [Goes on to define those terms]
    What you were referring to is the additional exemption for certain computer employees, but general "Learned professional Exemption" includes a lot of white collar occupations besides "us" and our bosses.

  • 240 unpaid hours translates to $4800 if an assumed $20/hr is done. At the rate quoted ($26 and change, lazy, so i'll use $26.33) that's $6319.20

    OP, do you feel that the minimum payment to you as a salaried person was correct, knowing the base of not-less-than vs actual hours spent (and more importantly, recorded)?

    Knowing that your company cannot legally go below that wage?

  • Garbage Person

    Assuming my heavily whiskeyed mind is doiNg the math right, my regular salaried rate is sufficiently high that overtiming across the statutory minimum would involve a sleeping bag.

    Of course, I recently I have alleged colleagues for whom it would involve time travel.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    It's stupid to work that much. Your ability to do good work (as opposed to redoing the same old shit over and over, making idiotic mistakes each time) drops through the floor when you work too long.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    This post is deleted!

  • Garbage Person

    Database is back as of now. Now I get to sit here waiting for my demo transactions to process through our as/400 systems.

    This company is so perverse that all our small batch time critical work flows through IBM big iron, and all our long run large batch stuff runs on commodity OLTP systems.

  • @Weng said:

    OLTP systems

    I am unlearned, hence I read this as "One Little Tiny Processor".


    @Weng said:


    ...shudder...You have my condolences...

  • Garbage Person

    Anyone know if there are any RPG libraries for calling SOAP services? Seems we roll our own. For every service that has to be consumed.

    Including the HTTP client.

  • @algorythmics said:

    I am unlearned, hence I read this as "One Little Tiny Processor".

    Online transaction processing. The sort of thing MySQL is more geared towards (great on selectivity, not hot on huge aggregation) vs OLAP (online anaytical processing, much better on aggregation, not so hot on lots of little changes and stuff)

    OLTP is not geared to batch processing, just as time-critical stuff is possibly not the venue for OLAP systems... Wrong tool for the job as far as I can see.

  • @dkf said:

    It's stupid to work that much. Your ability to do good work (as opposed to redoing the same old shit over and over, making idiotic mistakes each time) drops through the floor when you work too long.

    To the point where you're actually doing more harm than good...

  • Garbage Person

    "More harm than good" is a good analysis of all the code I've written in the past few weeks.

    Fortunately I've only really had to do debugging, testing, analysis and management tasks. For the actual forward progress I've managed to keep my team fresh.

  • Garbage Person

    A production management system makes a bugfix today. Next round of testing ensues. The core screen where the system's entire purpose is carried out no longer loads. Therefore my system fails our dog and pony show executive visible test.

    "we didn't write it" isn't an excuse.

  • Garbage Person

    And then network connectivity at the datacenter took a dump.

  • Garbage Person

    So the next stage in Testing Herpdederp involved a user doing some actions in an unrelated system and seeing them reflected in ours via the wonders of RPC.

    The change wasn't reflected. Because it was 9PM and dog-and-pony testing is the most important thing in the world., we dragged people away from dinner and family to investigate across a half dozen systems.

    As it turns out, the change doesn't happen when you click the cancel button on the activity window BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY DO THE ACTION.

  • @Weng said:

    So the next stage in Testing Herpdederp involved a user doing some actions in an unrelated system and seeing them reflected in ours via the wonders of RPC.

    The change wasn't reflected. Because it was 9PM and dog-and-pony testing is the most important thing in the world., we dragged people away from dinner and family to investigate across a half dozen systems.

    As it turns out, the change doesn't happen when you click the cancel button on the activity window BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY DO THE ACTION.


  • In these situations I start preparing my cv.

  • Fake News

    Time to bring in the clue-by-four, or lend @snoofle's clue bat as a stylish alternative.

    Filed under: Please check your local LART policy before use.

  • I personally equip a +2 Cold Hard Iron Bar of Reality, to be applied liberally and judiciously to the back of the head.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    (240 hours now. Unpaid, naturally, because "Computer programmers" and "Farmers" are covered by the same exemption to labor laws in the US).

    Huh? What are you talking about?

    One assumes he's adding up all the unpaid overtime he had to work as an FLSA-exempt employee.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Don't know what's more amusing - the utterly broken chain of posts, Jeff's passive agressiveness or Blakey's agressive agressiveness.

    Still, I fucking love this thread.

    And here Jeff was saying nobody likes seeing hate posted in the internet.

  • @FrostCat said:

    And here Jeff was saying nobody likes seeing hate posted in the internet.

    Yeah, just like nobody likes watching gory trainwreck videos.

    Filed under: or obscenely naked women

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Weng said:

    But after this, they're going to need to pay up quite heavily (and a month's vacation ain't paying anything off - that's just ensuring I need to work OT for 2 more months to catch up). Payment in 5-figure cash bonus or a large pay bump only.

    Just to make sure, you do realize that that's not going to happen, right? If you like what you're doing and don't mind the unpaid overtime, that's one thing. At some point, you realize having a life is more important, though.

    The last time that happened to me was when I put in two 60+-hour weeks, took a couple of days off, and my boss DIDN'T charge it against my PTO balance...until the day they mass laid off every programmer who wasn't in Mexico, and handed me a check on the way out the door for my unused PTO balance...where they had subtracted out those two days right before cutting the check, and couldn't be bothered to tell me that until I called HR to complain.

    On the positive side I found my jerkwad boss got laid off soon after, probably for the same reason, so at least there's some karma. And the next place he happened to work (which, amusingly, was a local business that used the software my next place wrote) went bankrupt a couple years after that.

    My current job I basically never work more than 40 hours, and I would strongly avoid going back to long hours unless I was being paid hourly.

    TLDR: Weng is dumb.

    Hopefully it's just because you're relatively young. Seriously, don't let companies do that. You'll look back later and be sorry. Find a new job that won't make you work for free, and in your exit interview, tell them why you're leaving (because they're scumbags.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Weng said:

    I've also never seen an extended crunch project like this outside the games industry, so negotiating for the extreme wasn't a priority - I spent all my chips on regular pay.

    My current company made a point, during the interview process, of stating they were a 40hr/wk shop, with the acknowledgement that it might be necessary to put in extra hours, rarely, if a customer needed it. (For example, someone's trying to meet a payroll. Obviously you don't go home until they manage to finish.) I almost never have to put in extra time.

  • Garbage Person

    We make exactly the same promises to our interviewees.

    We (as in the interviewer team) have decided to stop, because it is clearly no longer true under this VP.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Weng said:

    We make exactly the same promises to our interviewees.
    Snort. That's what you call a lie.
    We (as in the interviewer team) have decided to stop, because it is clearly no longer true under this VP.

    Someone needs to quit to the VP's face and tell him to FOAD.

    Hey, has anyone else noticed that highlighting text to do a quoted reply suddenly stopped producing nested quote tags? I would swear that worked a couple days ago.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Hey, has anyone else noticed that highlighting text to do a quoted reply suddenly stopped producing nested quote tags? I would swear that worked a couple days ago.

    I would swear it was working a couple hours ago. I think it's a v1.0 change.

  • Amongst other things, I've also noticed that instead of "You were granted Nice Post" it now says "Earned Nice Post" since 1.0.

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