No Man's Sky

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in No Man's Sky:

    the toasts

    ... your game is a lot weirder than mine

    I don't know the proper name for the little boxes with text that appear in the upper portion of the screan when something of note happens that isn't necessarily a resource transaction or other entity action, so sue me.

  • @lucas1 said in No Man's Sky:

    It is a real shame because I think the game is kinda cool.

    From what I gather, it's Freelancer on steroids. And I'm a sucker for this kind of grindfest games.

    But it all looks like one of those million-dollars Kickstarters - great ideas brought down by the harsh reality.

  • Game is getting into a grinder.

    • Collect minerals (found a planet with loads of gold)
    • Sell Gold
    • Buy a better spaceship so I can buy more gold
    • Build Warp Core
    • Continue.

  • @Maciejasjmj It is a triple AAA indie game.

    I think it would be ace after some stuff is added. I been enjoying myself, but it is flawed for sure. I won't pretend it isn't

    It is kinda like Dune Movie ... some bits are ace but there was Sting in a Codpiece.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @lucas1 Okay but where is the problem with Sting in a codpiece.

  • @lucas1 said in No Man's Sky:

    Buy a better spaceship so I can buy more gold
    Build Warp Core

    Where are you buying spaceships without warp cores? Every one I've seen has one equipped.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat I bought mine on like the second or third planet I visited, in my starting star system. Cost me 1.1m units for a 25-slot but it had no hyperdrive, so I had to build my own. Seems like hyperdrives drive up the price another 2 mil or more.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Fox said in No Man's Sky:

    Okay but where is the problem with Sting in a codpiece.

    He's appropriating Aquaman's culture.

  • @Fox My first couple ships were salvaged wrecks, you have to repair the shit but it's a lot cheaper than buying new.

    The current one is a 24-slot ship I found for only like 800,000 units, so I snapped it up.


    My second ship in the foreground, that amazingly cheap ship in the background on the pad.

    Also this guy:


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    My second ship in the foreground

    It looks like your ship is missing some landing gear on the farside front, and/or might have double landing pads on the near side, but the red jewel flower makes it hard to tell.

  • sekret PM club

    I've found it difficult to play this for more than an hour or so at a time. Every planet I've been to (only 5) has been the same stuff:

    • Same plants, with different species names
    • Roughly similar animals, with different species names
    • Same batch of crappy outposts, installations with a single dude in them, and monoliths
    • Same space station interiors

    The only differences I've come across are the random ships I occasionally see, and the variety of ways that each planet has been trying to kill me. One via cold, one via heat, two via radiation. I've finally come across one planet that doesn't seem to be actively hostile in terms of environment.

  • @e4tmyl33t Are you sure you aren't playing Mass Effect?

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned


  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    So last night I found an abandoned red-headed-stepchild-of-an-X-wing with one slot more than my current ship. Everything was broken, but the one slot and the vague resemblance to an X-wing made it worth it.

    a crappy x-wing

    One of these, except mine has purplish highlights.

  • sekret PM club

    @NedFodder If it weren't for the fact that the game is first-person and plays hell with the Youtube videos I play on a second monitor while I play games, I'd possibly be hard-pressed to tell the difference.

    Except there's no chest-high walls to take cover behind...

  • @e4tmyl33t said in No Man's Sky:

    and plays hell with the Youtube videos I play on a second monitor while I play games

    How do? Works fine for me.

    I do have it on Fullscreen (Windowed) or whatever they call it in this game.

  • sekret PM club

    @blakeyrat I've got mine on borderless window and I think at unlimited FPS. That last one might be what's doing it, now that I think about it, since the audio from the videos keeps playing just fine but the video part of it just goes stuttery or occasionally just locks up on one frame for a while. I'll have to go play with that option to see if lowering it to 60 or something fixes it.

  • @Gurth said in No Man's Sky:

    you don’t even know something exists, and then you hear about it from two directions within half an hour of each other.

    That's not surprising. Internet means information travels exponentially fast.

    It's been advertised on Steam for a while though.

    The one bad thing about Steam, is that nothing is a discovery anymore. Leaving physical game stores feeling empty and even browsing Steam itself somewhat soul sucking.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @xaade said in No Man's Sky:

    The one bad thing about Steam, is that nothing is a discovery anymore.

    Sounds like Steam has just the game for you! With 18 quintillion planets, everything is a discovery!

  • @xaade said in No Man's Sky:

    Leaving physical game stores

    Why would you even enter one?

    On the slim odds I want a physical game (like for my Xbone which doesn't have enough disk space), I'd just go to a department store which is closer and the guy at the checkout is less likely to try and hawk 47 pre-orders at me. (Do they still do that? The pre-order thing?)

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    (like for my Xbone which doesn't have enough disk space)

    You can play Xbox One games directly from a physical disk? How?!

  • @Fox Well the theory is they use less HD space if the disk is in the drive.

    The reality is I'm not sure that theory is true at all.

    But let me dream.

  • @Fox said in No Man's Sky:

    Sounds like Steam has just the game for you! With 18 quintillion planets, everything is a discovery!

    I've played Spore... that concept doesn't play out well.

    When everything is different in the same way, everything starts to end up being exactly the same.

  • area_can

    After playing it for a couple of hours, I have one major complaint: flying your ship feels fucking awful.

    It's just so painful

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @bb36e said in No Man's Sky:

    After playing it for a couple of hours, I have one major complaint: flying your ship feels fucking awful.

    It's just so painful

    Also, yes.

  • area_can

    @Fox I guess that's because the game isn't for me, Sean never said it was going to be about flying etc... 😑

  • @bb36e On a planet: the trick is to realize you're not really flying it, it's on ground-following radar all the time.

    In space: the ship flies ok but the HUD is terrible for combat.

    Both: the fact that your ship has like 17 different kind of engine all of which have different controls is confusing as fuck. You use the VTOL engine to take-off, then the normal engine to fly unless you use the booster engine to fly faster, then you have the pulse engine to fly at lightspeed-ish, then the warp engine if you want to leave the solar system.

    Ok 17 was an exaggeration, but there are five different kinds of engine, of which 4 require refueling.

  • @xaade said in No Man's Sky:

    you don’t even know something exists, and then you hear about it from two directions within half an hour of each other.

    That's not surprising. Internet means information travels exponentially fast.

    True, but I don’t do social media, don’t keep up to date on computer games, and don’t use



  • sekret PM club

    @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    there are five different kinds of engine, of which 4 require refueling.

    This throws me off as well. Why the hell do I need to fuel my launch thrusters (which don't seem to take fuel when taking off from an immobile landing pad) but not my normal engine? Why also do my cannons, which needed some form of "fuel" or ammunition to be loaded, not seem to ever expend any ammunition when I'm firing it? (For the last part, I've only been in one space dogfight, but I tend to spend flights that will take more than 10 seconds or so taking potshots at whatever I find falling under my reticle, plus the occasional extra couple accidental shots if I'm trying to mine an asteroid but forget to switch over to the shitty ship mining laser first)

  • @e4tmyl33t Refuelling the launch thrusters is just annoying busy-work. None of the upgrades I've found so far make them more fuel-efficient. (And even if there was one, I don't think I'd waste the valuable inventory space on building it.)

    The cannon in my ship also doesn't appear to expend ammo, nor do any of the upgrades for it imply it should. (Instead it has a heat mechanic.) However, when it's selected, there's a tooltip that implies it should. (BTW, the equivalent weapon while on-foot has both ammo and a heat/reload mechanic simultaneously, go figure.)

    I assume they tore our the energy requirement for ship cannon at the last minute and missed the tooltip?

    The game doesn't explain half its own mechanics. (Did you know, for example, that upgrades stack? Did you know that row of stars in the upper right is a GTA-esque "anger meter" showing how dedicated your enemy is to killing you? Took me ages to figure that one out.)

  • sekret PM club

    @blakeyrat Refueling EVERYTHING is just annoying busywork. Why does my mining tool's boltcaster have a reload button, but not the actual mining laser? Why can the grenades auto-recharge, but not my environmental protection?

    For that matter, why can't the mining laser deform terrain, yet grenades can? (Note: I haven't spent a whole lot of time testing this, but I did spend a couple minutes with the laser pointed at a piece of flat ground and it did nothing, but a single grenade blew a chunk out of it.)

  • @e4tmyl33t Yah. I know they were probably getting pressure from Sony and all, but the game really needed another month at least of playtesting and QA to stew before release.

  • @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    The game doesn't explain half its own mechanics. (Did you know, for example, that upgrades stack? Did you know that row of stars in the upper right is a GTA-esque "anger meter" showing how dedicated your enemy is to killing you? Took me ages to figure that one out.)

    Not only do they stack, you want to place them right next to each other. It is actually worthwhile to completely strip your ship / exo suit / tool once in a while and arrange everything so that, for example, pulse cannon related upgrades are next to the actual pulse cannon.

    However, it doesn't matter whether you arrange them in a row, zig-zag or whatever. They just have to share a border.

    When you did everything right you'll see a coloured border around properly arranged upgrades.

  • sekret PM club

    @Rhywden What? How the bloody fuck was anyone supposed to figure that out?

  • @e4tmyl33t said in No Man's Sky:

    @Rhywden What? How the bloody fuck was anyone supposed to figure that out?

    Well, someone noticed some upgrades getting a coloured border when next to each other and also noticed that the effect of those upgrades exceeded their nominal sum.

  • @Rhywden Except you can't move them, so if you build them in the "wrong place" you have to spend half again the resources you used to build it in the first place to move it! What a crock of shit.

    And since of course the game doesn't tell you:

    1. Upgrades work better if next to each other
    2. Upgrades can't be moved in your inventory one created

    My inventory is just a random mess of shit, inventory and upgrades all mixed-up. Sure I could fix it-- at the cost of hundreds of thousands of units and 20 minutes worth of resources and repairs!

  • @e4tmyl33t I found it by Googling, there was a good article that was like "game mechanics No Man's Sky never bothers to explain" which explained the mechanics but was pretty spoiler-free.

    I think the ideal ship layout is like:

    Dam +3Dam +3Def +1
    Dam +2Dam +2Def +1
    Dam +1Dam +1Def +1
    Cooldown +3Cooldown +3
    Cooldown +2Cooldown +2


    This forum doesn't draw lines around table items, but imagine they're there. There's no +3 shield upgrade, AFAICT, but there's 3 +1 upgrades which stack.

  • @blakeyrat Hmmm.... then they should just make the ship have two inventories. One for junk, and one that's a page that has rows where a device goes at the left.

    Once the device is placed, only upgrades can be placed to the right of a corresponding device.

    Then you can justify having to use resources to change it.

  • @xaade The real problem with this whole mechanic is that the odds a user will stumble upon it in the course of normal play are minimal, which means the only way to discover it is to Google it which ruins the mystery.

    I was avoiding Googling or talking about the game at all because I didn't want spoilers or the experience to be diminished, but it seems the makers of the game just decreed that you have to to advance.

    (What made me finally hit Google? The question: what the fuck do I have to do to get the Atlas level 2 card? I've been playing for like 20 hours after getting Atlas level 1, and still Nada and Polo won't say jack about level 2.)

    Not to mention my confusion about Nada's options. So when you meet with him, he says he can give you something to help your exploration (at this point an upgrade I certainly already have), I can "rejoin the Atlas path" (???), or he can point me to a shortcut to the center of the galaxy. I got the "shortcut" but it's still like 10 warp jumps from where I'm at. I have no idea what "the Atlas path" is because at the beginning of the game I just chose "I want to explore". I guess eventually I need to start a new game from scratch to do the Atlas thing? I guess? I dunno.

    At least Polo's straightforward.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    @Rhywden Except you can't move them, so if you build them in the "wrong place" you have to spend half again the resources you used to build it in the first place to move it! What a crock of shit.

    And since of course the game doesn't tell you:

    1. Upgrades work better if next to each other
    2. Upgrades can't be moved in your inventory one created

    My inventory is just a random mess of shit, inventory and upgrades all mixed-up. Sure I could fix it-- at the cost of hundreds of thousands of units and 20 minutes worth of resources and repairs!

    My favorite is that some of them can't even be Discarded, so the slots they're in are locked in forever.

  • @Fox said in No Man's Sky:

    My favorite is that some of them can't even be Discarded, so the slots they're in are locked in forever.

    Those are the ones that come with the ship, that's "normal". It's only the starter ship where you build those yourself, and you swap that one out pretty quick.

  • @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    The real problem with this whole mechanic is that the odds a user will stumble upon it in the course of normal play are minimal

    And that's ok, if it's done right. Like Minecraft's crafting, which is obviously set apart from inventory, and people are left to discover how to do things by trying.

  • @xaade There's absolutely no hint that the location of the upgrade block matters one iota in the actual game.

    My cannon +3 upgrade required like 100 Omegon, which took like an HOUR to find. AN HOUR. If I destroyed it to move it, I'd only get 50 back and have to spend another HOUR finding another 50 to buy. That's shit.

  • @blakeyrat So we basically agree. I just gave a solution and you don't care what the actual solution is.

  • @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    My cannon +3 upgrade required like 100 Omegon, which took like an HOUR to find. AN HOUR. If I destroyed it to move it, I'd only get 50 back and have to spend another HOUR finding another 50 to buy. That's shit.

    From what I understand so far, it's remaining practical application is only to consume a spot in your inventory, a digital paperweight of sorts, right?

  • @xaade The point isn't that there's a "solution", the point is that the game mechanic is so obtuse that it's impossible to discover before I've spent tons of time and money on doing the thing the wrong way. And that makes me angry.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said in No Man's Sky:

    There's absolutely no hint that the location of the upgrade block matters one iota in the actual game.

    Sure there is. The colored borders. I figured they were important, actually, but stopped worrying too much about it once I realized that upgrades worked at least a little bit without them. But now I know why there's two colors on the stat bars for your multi-tool and whatnot. The desaturated section is the plain stats, and the 100% saturation section is the nearby bonus from the borders.

  • @Fox said in No Man's Sky:

    Sure there is. The colored borders.

    I've played the game for 20 hours or so and haven't seen one.

  • @Fox

    So proximity just lets the mod work at full potential?
    Otherwise the bonus is penalized?

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