The Official Woody Woodpecker Thread

  • @kt_ said:

    Yeah, I thought about doing that, but then I realized, that even Google isn't that fast at indexing new results.

    Blakeyrat says that the old forums actually did have magical Google juice that made things get indexed instantly.

  • Dupa

    @LaoC said:

    Just a moment ago, some people were "feeling raped" and "traumatized" by the deeply disturbing experience of having had pleasurable sex with a transsexu

    Yup. Honestly, if only she was from Iran instead!

    IT Crowd - Iran - A man – 02:16
    — Pedro Gomes

  • @boomzilla said:

    You're still on the "incredulous at people's sexual orientation stage," I guess

    That is not, and never has been, a thing. Not on this side of the argument at any rate.

  • @boomzilla said:


    we should start a flamewar about those!

  • Dupa

    @aliceif said:

    the old forums

    But I was just a toddler when it existed.


    @aliceif said:

    Blakeyrat says

    blakey says also a lot of stuff about Microsoft software that makes me doubt him, whatever he says.

    So let me ask you: did it have the magical Google juice that you can only get by fornicating with Matt Cutts and a hundred of unicorns during the full blue moon on a flowery springy meadow in mountains with a nice waterfall nearby? 😄

  • Considered Harmful

    @boomzilla said:

    @LaoC said:
    You mentioned the word that hardly anyone in the world has ever heard a couple of times, people were mostly like :wtf: and somehow that makes you think "we" had "established" it.

    Yeah, at the time, I said that I was making it up as far as I knew. But it filled a gap in the communication for a lot of people. You're still on the "incredulous at people's sexual orientation stage," I guess.
    As I said, the point you are trying to refute is not necessary for the argument, even though it still holds:

    @LaoC said:
    indicating that he sees trans people basically as male.
    ...indicating that you didn't understand the post you replied to here and quoted parts of.
    Ah. Mind explaining me where his visions of male primary sexual characteristics on his partner come from then?
    @LaoC said:
    The "slur" being what exactly?
    Transphobic. How did you forget that?
    That's not a slur, that's a diagnosis. You must have missed the comparison with claustrophobics which I don't think you could construe as a slur either.

  • If you've somehow managed to fuck someone without noticing they've got a cock, you've got problems somewhere. But probrbaly not all your own - y'know, trannies are like that. Cunningly hiding their cocks until after you've had sex, and then pulling them out later to taunt you with.

    If you've had sex with somebody and then get freaked out by subsequently finding out they used to have a cock, the problems are entirely in your own head.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    Considering a prospect of a homosexual encounter when applied to yourself disgusting and terrifying is called "a heterosexual orientation". Not homophobia.

    I have a heterosexual orientation, and consider the prospect of a homosexual encounter neither disgusting nor terrifying; merely unlikely on the basis of my experiences of attraction. I would certainly consider a person who expressed disgust and terror at the prospect of a homosexual encounter to be exhibiting homophobia, and would recommend to any such person that they seek counselling for it. Unlike gender orientation, phobias respond extremely well to psychological intervention.

  • I was a front page girl.
    Not part of the forums.

  • @tufty's viewpoint is agreeable.

  • @aliceif said:

    I was a front page girl.

    Took a while before I realized you're talking about TDWTF.

  • Dupa

    And you still are a cover girl, if I'm not mistaken?

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    So what you're saying is, "they liked it, so it's okay". Fuck, even rape apologists don't generally step that low.

    Strawman and ad hominem and personal incredulity fallacies, and all in two short sentences! I stand in awe of your debating skills.

  • Dupa

    @flabdablet said:

    I have a heterosexual orientation, and consider the prospect of a homosexual encounter neither disgusting nor terrifying;

    Good for you!... I guess?...

    @flabdablet said:

    I would certainly consider a person who expressed disgust and terror at the prospect of a homosexual encounter to be exhibiting homophobia, and would recommend to any such person that they seek counselling for it. Unlike gender orientation, phobias respond extremely well to psychological intervention.

    Oh my fucking God...You can't be serious, please tell me that you aren't serious...

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @LaoC said:

    That coupled with the delusion that they knew better than a bunch of MDs and psychologists what defines a male

    Spell Syllables
    Synonyms Examples Word Origin
    a person bearing an X and Y chromosome pair in the cell nuclei and normally having a penis, scrotum, and testicles, and developing hair on the face at adolescence; a boy or man.
    an organism of the sex or sexual phase that normally produces a sperm cell or male gamete.
    Botany. a staminate plant.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @LaoC said:

    Which coincidentally was the initial point: it's a phobia.

    So every male that would not have sex with a man is a homophobe? Alllllrighty then.

  • What do you mean?
    I post in the article section, yes.

    But I'm not a writer for TDWTF or anything.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @boomzilla said:

    sexual orientation as "intolerance."

    No, I equate ridiculing, assaulting, beating, and/or murdering trans people, or justifying such behavior based on your sexual orientation, as "intolerance".

  • No, just men that are disgusted by it. Apparently? Maybe?

    It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

    Then again, trans women aren't men, so whatever.

  • @kt_ said:

    Oh my fucking God...You can't be serious, please tell me that you aren't serious...

    Quite serious. If you react to circumstances that do not threaten your personal safety in a manner appropriate only to circumstances that do, then you have a psychological problem of a class for which effective treatment is known to be available. Why would I not be serious?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @flabdablet said:

    The claim is that the only class of people likely to suffer actual trauma as the result of such a discovery are those who do consider the prospect of a homosexual encounter so genuinely terrifying and/or disgusting as to constitute a real, medically diagnosable phobia.

    And that claim is false. Gay people do not cause me any trauma. The thought that gay people have sex causes me no trauma or distress. Two men expressing a tasteful PDA does not cause me any trauma or distress. Gay people marrying does not cause me trauma or distress (that one actually causes a little bit of schadenfreude due to the way that hardcore Republicans react to it).

    None of those things cause me trauma or distress.

    But, I would be mildly traumatized and certainly distressed if I were deceived in to a homosexual encounter. I would never knowingly consent to having sex with a man, and I believe that is a choice that I should be allowed to make and not one that should be made for me.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    So every male that would not have sex with a man is a homophobe? Alllllrighty then.

    Strawman, personal incredulity. Do better.

  • Dupa

    @aliceif said:

    But I'm not a writer for TDWTF or anything.

    Yeah, I think I wooshed myself there.

    @Fox said:

    I equate ridiculing, assaulting, beating, and/or murdering trans people

    Wow! That escalated fast! 😉

  • @Polygeekery said:

    I would never knowingly consent to having sex with a man, and I believe that is a choice that I should be allowed to make and not one that should be made for me.

    Nobody is stopping you making that completely-textbook-homophobic choice. A choice, by the way, which has nothing to do with heterosexuality, which is a matter of attraction, not of choice.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @LaoC said:

    No, Biology. You're excused for confusing them. All that sciency egghead shit.

    All that sciency egghead shit disagrees with you also. All the sciency egghead shit that I looked up on the subject said either, "No the biological sex is still the same" or "We are not really sure at this point in time".

    @LaoC said:

    I keep hearing stuff like "penis on a pretty girl" and analogies with being blown by a man particularly from @Maciejasjmj that I was replying to, indicating that he sees trans people basically as male.

    But sure, make that "transphobia" if it makes you happy, then the delusion part is obsolete, the phobia remains.

    I can't speak for him, but when I said a lot of that it was in regard to the Idiot Fox's assertion that a man could fellate a penis and that not be gay as long as the receiver felt like a female.

  • Dupa

    @flabdablet said:

    If you react to circumstances that do not threaten your personal safety

    OK, you don't think that threatens personal safety, because, heck!, only beating threatens personal safety. I get it.

    Why can't I feel disgust when thinking about a penis in my rectum? OH GOD WHY?!

  • Considered Harmful

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Considering a prospect of a homosexual encounter when applied to yourself disgusting and terrifying is called "a heterosexual orientation". Not homophobia.

    A crucial difference is that homophobes aren't okay with other people engaging in such acts.

    By which definition, pray tell? Certainly not the APA's: "homophobia -- the fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for gay individuals".

    @LaoC said:

    I keep hearing stuff like "penis on a pretty girl" and analogies with being blown by a man particularly from @Maciejasjmj that I was replying to, indicating that he sees trans people basically as male.

    Pre-operation and for sexual intents and purposes, yes, I'm sorry, that penis runs contrary to my sexual orientation no matter if you're legally or mentally female.[/quote]Thanks. @boomzilla, can we just drop that monocisheteroydyssexualorsomething bullshit now?

    @LaoC said:
    Just a moment ago, some people were "feeling raped" and "traumatized" by the deeply disturbing experience of having had pleasurable sex with a transsexual
    So what you're saying is, "they liked it, so it's okay". Fuck, even rape apologists don't generally step *that* low.
    I'm saying no such thing, I'm merely pointing out that you, like quite a few others here, move the goal post between those rather distant extremes as it fits you.

    A: If I eat brussels sprouts, I have to puke so hard, it almost turns me inside out. Serving me brussels sprouts is tantamount to poisoning me because I'm sure I'll die.
    B: That sounds more like a serious allergy, you should get that checked.
    A: What?! Are you calling me allergic for not liking brussels sprouts like pretty much any kid out there? That's fucking insulting, fuck off you asshole and oppress someone else, cunt!!!111

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @flabdablet said:

    That is not, and never has been, a thing. Not on this side of the argument at any rate.



    You don't think it is OK for a person to be in the slightest bit upset if they are deceived in to having a homosexual experience and you deny others their right to be heterosexual.

    I get it, you are basically pansexual as far as definitions go. That's perfectly fine, just don't try to impose your sexual orientation on others.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @aliceif said:

    we should start a flamewar about those!

    They are perfectly legal to own in the USA, as long as you purchase a tax stamp for them. 😛

  • Considered Harmful

    @Polygeekery said:

    @LaoC said:
    That coupled with the delusion that they or reference.comknew better than a bunch of MDs and psychologists what defines a male


  • Considered Harmful

    @Polygeekery said:

    @LaoC said:
    Which coincidentally was the initial point: it's a phobia.

    So every male that would not have sex with a man is a homophobe? Alllllrighty then.


  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    So what you're saying is, "they liked it, so it's okay". Fuck, even rape apologists don't generally step that low.

    In the context of actual hape, "they liked it" is an obvious lie. You cannot change your "consent" after the fact, for receiving some new information. If it was mostly good one week ago you can't transform it into something comparable to rape because you have some new information and enjoying that breaks your taboos. Be annoyed because you were deceived is fine. Comparing it to rape means you either have no idea of how bad real violent rape, or you're overestimating how hard you would coupe with it, or :crazy:

  • Considered Harmful

    @Polygeekery said:

    @flabdablet said:
    The claim is that the only class of people likely to suffer actual trauma as the result of such a discovery are those who do consider the prospect of a homosexual encounter so genuinely terrifying and/or disgusting as to constitute a real, medically diagnosable phobia.

    And that claim is false. [...] But, I would be mildly traumatized and certainly distressed if I were deceived in to a homosexual encounter.

    You need to look up "prospect".

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @LaoC said:

    That's not a slur, that's a diagnosis. You must have missed the comparison with claustrophobics which I don't think you could construe as a slur either.

    Being labeled a claustrophobe is not generally something people object to. Being labeled a transphobe for disagreeing with an Idiot Fox is.

    You may as well have made a comparison between being labeled a ginger and being labeled a racist.

  • Disgust at the prospect of receptive anal sex is a separate issue; it's off the table for many homosexual men as well for precisely that reason.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @aliceif said:

    @boomzilla said:

    we should start a flamewar about those!

    Ugh...then blakey will just lecture us about how the cone of silence wan't a cone.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @flabdablet said:

    Strawman, personal incredulity. Do better.

    It is what you said, reworded a little. And not even how the Idiot Fox rewords things. Like, this was a legitimate rewording.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @LaoC said:

    That's not a slur, that's a diagnosis. You must have missed the comparison with claustrophobics which I don't think you could construe as a slur either.

    I guess it depends on if you're backing away from people not wanting to have sex with a trans person or someone being "traumatized," which could plausibly be accurate.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @flabdablet said:

    @boomzilla said:
    You're still on the "incredulous at people's sexual orientation stage," I guess

    That is not, and never has been, a thing. Not on this side of the argument at any rate.

    Oh....except you're actually still doing it:

    @flabdablet said:

    I would certainly consider a person who expressed disgust and terror at the prospect of a homosexual encounter to be exhibiting homophobia, and would recommend to any such person that they seek counselling for it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Polygeekery said:

    Being labeled a claustrophobe is not generally something people object to. Being labeled a transphobe for disagreeing with an Idiot Fox is.
    You could just as well object to your ebola diagnosis. It doesn't go away because you do.

    You may as well have made a comparison between being labeled a ginger and being labeled a racist.
    False analogy. A diagnosis is a "label" only if pretty much any adjective is a label.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Fox said:

    @boomzilla said:
    sexual orientation as "intolerance."

    No, I equate ridiculing, assaulting, beating, and/or murdering trans people, or justifying such behavior based on your sexual orientation, as "intolerance".

    Indeed, you do that, too.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @flabdablet said:

    Nobody is stopping you making that completely-textbook-homophobic choice.

    Are you fucking serious? My assertion that:

    @Polygeekery said:

    I would never knowingly consent to having sex with a man, and I believe that is a choice that I should be allowed to make and not one that should be made for me.

    Is a:

    @flabdablet said:

    completely-textbook-homophobic choice

    And yet you still claim that you do not make claims that being heterosexual is also homophobia?

    I would be very surprised if any other person on the planet (aside for the Idiot Fox and Laoc Zedong) would disagree with my statement.

  • Considered Harmful

    @boomzilla said:

    @LaoC said:
    That's not a slur, that's a diagnosis. You must have missed the comparison with claustrophobics which I don't think you could construe as a slur either.

    I guess it depends on if you're backing away from people not wanting to have sex with a trans person or someone being "traumatized," which could plausibly be accurate.

    That traumatization happens to be exactly what @Maciejasjmj was arguing.

  • @tufty said:

    If you've somehow managed to fuck someone without noticing they've got a cock, you've got problems somewhere.

    Who said anything about fucking? Getting them into bed, engaging in various lewd acts reserved for people compatible with your orientation and then finding out they're not quite who you took them for is still a rather terrible prospect.

    Look, if you're okay with it, that's fine. Some people are not. And it's literally resolved by a simple "by the way, I have a penis" "oh, sorry then, that's not okay/oh, that's fine" conversation. But for folks around here asking a transsexual person to expose this bit of information is somehow pure evil and they'd rather deal with the fallout.

    @tufty said:

    If you've had sex with somebody and then get freaked out by subsequently finding out they used to have a cock, the problems are entirely in your own head.

    What if you had sex with somebody and then get freaked out by subsequently finding out they're your first cousin?

    @flabdablet said:

    I have a heterosexual orientation, and consider the prospect of a homosexual encounter neither disgusting nor terrifying; merely unlikely on the basis of my experiences of attraction.

    Good... for you? I guess?

    @flabdablet said:

    I would certainly consider a person who expressed disgust and terror at the prospect of a homosexual encounter to be exhibiting homophobia,

    Then you're fucking crazy. It's not homophobia when you won't get into bed with men, for fuck's sake!

    @flabdablet said:

    Unlike gender orientation, phobias respond extremely well to psychological intervention.

    CURE ALL GAYS! They'll be just fine getting around with women, they won't feel bad or anything, it's just a phobia that's easily dealt with. Here, hits closer to home?

    @flabdablet said:

    Strawman and ad hominem and personal incredulity fallacies, and all in two short sentences! I stand in awe of your debating skills.

    It's nice when you can be snarky, then when someone calls you out that what you're snarking about is stupid, you just back out with "STRAWMAAAN".

    @aliceif said:

    No, just men that are disgusted by it. Apparently? Maybe?

    It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

    For most males, a prospect of being in contact with a male penis is rather disgusting. That's how we work on the sexual level, that's not any sort of prejudice or conscious hate, it's just not right, period.

    @aliceif said:

    Then again, trans women aren't men, so whatever.

    Still, their sexual characteristics (at least pre-op) are male, and that's what counts in bed for many people. Outside of bed? Fine, you're a girl, knock yourself out. But when you get a girl into bed, suddenly somewhat different traits get into play than when you're dealing with her, say, in a workplace.

    And even post-op, it's still up to the other person whether they're comfortable with it. That's it. One person asks the other whether they're comfortable with it, and the other either is or isn't. That's the whole discussion resolved with one, simple, fucking question. But no.

    @Polygeekery said:

    I can't speak for him, but when I said a lot of that it was in regard to the Idiot Fox's assertion that a man could fellate a penis and that not be gay as long as the receiver felt like a female.

    ISTR the discussion starting with the situation where the man did find out the genital incompatibility the hard way.

    @LaoC said:

    "homophobia -- the fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for gay individuals".

    Precisely my point. We don't hold fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort or aversion for gay individuals. Some of us do hold some discomfort or aversion for homosexual acts, but since we're civilized people that doesn't actually mean anything unless it concerns us and our sexual experiences directly.

    For you and your team, apparently, there's no difference between "I don't want a gay man in my bed" and "I don't want a gay man alive".

    @fbmac said:

    If it was mostly good one week ago you can't transform it into something comparable to rape because you have some new information and enjoying that breaks your taboos.

    Again, let's say you learn a week later that the girl is your first cousin. Is that still okay? If she did it knowing the relationship, is that still okay?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @LaoC said:

    By which definition, pray tell? Certainly not the APA's: "homophobia -- the fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for gay individuals".

    You might want to tell that definition to @flabdablet. That is not the definition that he uses.

  • @kt_ said:

    Yeah, I think I wooshed myself there.

    @Yamikuronue is the only female forumgoer who writes articles.

    At least I don't recall having seen Ellis Morning post on here.

  • @boomzilla said:

    @flabdablet said:
    @boomzilla said:
    You're still on the "incredulous at people's sexual orientation stage," I guess

    That is not, and never has been, a thing. Not on this side of the argument at any rate.

    Oh....except you're actually still doing it:

    @flabdablet said:

    I would certainly consider a person who expressed disgust and terror at the prospect of a homosexual encounter to be exhibiting homophobia, and would recommend to any such person that they seek counselling for it.

    How is recommending proven psychological treatment for a psychological issue "incredulity"? I'm not seeing it.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @LaoC said:

    You need to look up "prospect".

    The prospect of me having a homosexual encounter is one of me being raped, because I have never had any homosexual inclinations.


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @LaoC said:

    @boomzilla said:
    @LaoC said:
    That's not a slur, that's a diagnosis. You must have missed the comparison with claustrophobics which I don't think you could construe as a slur either.

    I guess it depends on if you're backing away from people not wanting to have sex with a trans person or someone being "traumatized," which could plausibly be accurate.

    That traumatization happens to be exactly what @Maciejasjmj was arguing.

    I'll take your word for it, then (because I'm not going to go back and verify now). I know I brought a lot of baggage from before.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    And even post-op, it's still up to the other person whether they're comfortable with it. That's it. One person asks the other whether they're comfortable with it, and the other either is or isn't. That's the whole discussion resolved with one, simple, fucking question. But no.

    I never said otherwise.

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