The Official Status Thread

  • The problem was people assumed the amount you spent was distributed proportionally to the channels you watch.

    It's not.

    It's put in a huge pool, then divvied among all content creators based on their total views. All content creators on the entire site.

    Which yes, means idiots with a ton of views, like PewDiePie get a huge amount of cash from Red subscribers. EVEN IF NONE OF PEWDIEPIE'S SUBSCRIBERS ARE USING RED!

    It's awful. Like everything YouTube. They basically made a modern version of the RIAA's shitty-ass system which already has been criticized by pretty much everybody except Metallica.

  • @blakeyrat said:


    That's not what the post I quoted said.

  • Well Accalia has a different opinion on how it works than I do and I don't know which of us is correct and I don't give enough of a shit to look it up.

    The point is it's incredibly broken.

  • FoxDev

    @ben_lubar said:

    What exactly is the difference?

    okay... let's set this up.

    There's three youtubers, Alice, Barbara, and Cindy

    Alice makes gaming videos,
    Barbara does animation,
    Cindy does political analysis.

    Alice's average video length is 30 minutes
    Barbara's is 5 minutes
    and Cindy's is 90 minutes

    these three content creators get exactly equal views (this makes the math easier)

    I watch only alice and barbara, and don't watch cindy.

    what would be correct: I watch barbara and Alice equally (video count) so my creator share of youtube red is split 50/50 between them.

    what would be less correct but okay: i watch Barbara and Alice equally so Barbara gets once cent for every 6 the Alice gets (5:30 ratio)

    what actually happens is: I watch Barbara and alice equally and don't watch any of Cindy. Cindy gets 18 cents for every cent Barbara gets and for each of those payouts Alice gets 6 cents (1:6:18 ratio (5:30:90))


    that is bad and wrong.

  • Yeah, I agree. I'd go as far as saying that all of the TNG villain traces were wasted one way or another. The Romulans had a lot of potential, but then the cold war ended out of nowhere. The Borg got nerfed in the movies and Voyager. The Ferengi were laughable and literally became a running joke on DS9. The Cardassians are an exception, but they hardly showed up until the Maquis arch.

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    Well Accalia has a different opinion on how it works than I do and I don't know which of us is correct and I don't give enough of a shit to look it up.

    even if you had fucks to give, good luck getting information out of youtube on the matter....

    i've been trying to get it straight for the past half hour or so (i found out about red about half an hour ago) and the amount of information out there is practically nil.

    I've gleaned what i know mostly from creator reaction blog posts and videos because if anyone has even a prayer of getting tat information it's the content creators. and being honest theyr prayers are tiny.....

  • @Captain said:

    The Romulans had a lot of potential,

    The best thing about the Romulans is in that one frozen-time episode where they just casually-ass state that Romulan Warbirds, instead of using matter-antimatter interaction for power, TRAP SINGULARITIES IN THEIR ENGINE ROOMS! FUCKING BLACK HOLES!

    And they just casually mention it, like the difference between Starfleet and them is just the difference between gasoline and diesel.

    @Captain said:

    The Borg got nerfed in the movies and Voyager.

    One of the many many great decisions DS9 made was to not feature the Borg. (Or Q, with that one exception.)

    @Captain said:

    The Ferengi were laughable and literally became a running joke on DS9.

    One of the many many great decisions DS9 made was to pivot the Ferengi to a more comedic role.

    Note that even in the comedic role, the Ferengi during DS9 get WAY more and better character development than the Romulans ever did. Nog's speech about why he wants to join Starfleet. Quark's speech about how despite their greed, the Ferengi at least never had world wars like humans used to. Nog's speech about the "Great Material Continuum" which as it happens is a pretty good introduction to economics.

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    Or Q, with that one exception.

    and that exception was pretty well done actually.

    Q was basically "yeah i'm here... what of it? i'm not here for you so leave me alone please"

  • Uff but Vash.

    @blakeyrat: agreed. I liked that one Romulan subcommander, but he was over used. The only internal conflict we ever saw was with the Tal Shiar, which was even more secretive than the Romulan military. I did like the episode with Troi as a spy, but that was just about the only clear look at the Romulans we ever saw.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @accalia said:

    There's three youtubers, Alice, Barbara, and Cindy

    Alice makes gaming videos,Barbara does animation,Cindy does political analysis.

    Alice is a fake geek girl whore who sucks dicks for views.
    Barbara is a poser who rides off of Oatmeal's popularity and produces fake looking shit my cat could pissbarf out.
    Cindy is the wrong political view and should keep her whore mouth shut before I rape it.

    Hmm-- Discourse seems like a sane place vs. Youtube comments.

    @accalia said:

    Alice's average video length is 30 minutes
    Barbara's is 5 minutes
    and Cindy's is 90 minutes

    EVEN MORE FUN! Alice's video only takes 30 minutes to make because it's a free-form unscripted reaction blog.
    Barbara's takes weeks of edition, special effects and research to make.
    Cindy can throw together the video in a couple days, even though a more skilled editor could get it done in 1 day. A lot of her footage is loops and reuse, so there's actually less than 90 minutes of content.

    Who is more valuable now?

    What if Barbara's videos are cheap to produce, because they're 3D animations of public domain PSAs?
    What if Alice's is really expensive to produce, because she reviews expensive art pieces, and pays for the licensing of music to accompany her.
    What if Cindy's videos are fully paid for by the University she teaches at?

    Now what's the distribution?


    Alice and Barbara get way more views, but from 12-14 year old females with low income.
    Cindy gets very few views, but it's mostly from high-income academics and other people with lots of influence (especially over decisions that can directly benefit YouTube and Google).

    Now who is more valuable?

    @accalia said:

    that is bad and wrong.

    Google: This is Bad and Wrong ™

    From the corporation who brought you Google+, killed Google Reader, and invented ContentID.

  • So lets upload lengthy garbage and kill it by taking their money.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Captain said:

    So lets upload lengthy garbage and kill it by taking their money.

    I bet I could hack together a script that uploads a 5 minute video, every day, of free-to-use licensed fart sounds over slides of public domain cat pictures.


    Does view count require watching full video or partially is fine?

  • Can't you just use a browser that doesn't have a running google session for watching their videos?

  • But then you don't get the nice features like YouTube stalking your every move.

    I've personally used the history feature when I wanted to figure out which Zero Punctuation I left off on.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    I've personally used the history feature when I wanted to figure out which Zero Punctuation I left off on.

    I use browser bookmarks for things like that.


    @blakeyrat said:


    Pedantic dickweed: not the same thing. A singularity is defined simply as a point at which laws of classic and relativistic physics go to hell in a handbasket. Yes, "centres" of black holes are such a place, so was the Universe just before the Big Bang.

    And yes, I'd still stay the fuck away from those things, no matter what actually caused them.

    More on topic, I don't remember if there was a justification for giving them the Defiant in particular? Was it the size so they can traverse the wormhole? Because, IIRC, the Defiant was designed to fight the Borg, was it not?


    Status: Hoping that UAT goes well today. I'm taking tomorrow off barring any fires and explosions, so fingers crossed for that.

  • STATUS: I'll let the ebay router return to sender and take the refund.

    @izzion said: - assuming that you don't need 5GHz Wi-Fi, this will be better in functionality and reliability than the "current gen champions." MikroTik also makes a unit that has an SFP cage if for some reason you need a router that directly interfaces with your provider's fiber or something (not that I would expect that to be a common use case).

    Their dual-band home wireless is still a timetable of Soon(TM). But the company itself is European (Latvian) and has a number of major European distributors, so I would expect you should be able to find a decent price.

    My interest: I use one at home, and I'm a MikroTik Certified Trainer (though sort of inactive, since I switched jobs out of the ISP industry).

    Looked into this one. I'd like to get 5ghz. Also, I can find zero "real" reviews. Especially concerned with wi-fi coverage.

    And of course, price in Serbia: $100. Yay 30% markup!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: It's user training day! Today, we give them a run through of how we expect them to use the various services we've erected for them with each other. That'll help ease them into Doing It Right, and give us some more steer for what sort of glue we have to put in place so that they don't have to fill out megaforms on each service. (No, we do not want to make them responsible for filling out 30 mandatory irrelevant fields just because. Let's try to not get Garbage In in the first place, yes?)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dkf said:

    Let's try to not get Garbage In in the first place, yes?

    Revolutionary idea.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dkf said:

    erected for them with each other


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @loopback0 said:

    Revolutionary idea.

    What can I say? We're supposed to be an institution that does cutting edge research.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dkf said:

    What can I say? We're supposed to be an institution that does cutting edge research.

    Unfortunately the idea seems lost on pretty much everyone here.
    We tried to lock down some of the stuff so that less shit gets entered in, but then the users came up with piles of reasons they need to be able to put shit in places shit shouldn't go. We can't control them or their processes so, well, we have to leave it alone.

    There's a project the company has on the biggest systems which is taking the shitty data, cleaning it up, and reimporting it - but they're putting in 0 extra measures to stop the data becoming shitty again despite being the ones who do have the ability to make the users clean up their act.


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Our theory is that making it easier to put the data in right than the :wtf: it up will increase data quality. Amazing insight, yes?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dkf said:

    Amazing insight, yes?

    Well it shouldn't be...

  • @dkf said:

    Our theory is that making it easier to put the data in right than the :wtf: it up will increase data quality. Amazing insight, yes?

    Or, you can let the users enter data into random fields and let topic models sort it out later. 😄


    Status: Fucking Mac. Every fucking day I walk by it the update manager is jumping up and down like a Jack Russel fucking Terrier. So I click it and... "Update manager has found no updates at this time".

    In that case, STOP BOUNCING!

  • FoxDev

    Status: Discourse... What the Fuck are you doing?

  • Why do you keep it in your dock?

  • @Mikael_Svahnberg said:

    Why do you keep ita mac in your dockhouseanywhere, for any reason??!


  • We haven't had an outage this big in ages!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Couldn't even ping it. It might have been a digital ocean problem.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: Barely survived my WTDWTF withdrawal

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    But at least I managed to get to see the servercooties error page. 😄


    Status: found a fun bug on servercooties, emergency fix didn't go well, looking into it 😛


  • Nothing on Digital Ocean's status page, although I didn't think to check my servers during that time...

  • 🚽 Regular

    @rc4 said:

    Nothing on Digital Ocean's status page, although I didn't think to check my servers during that time...

    I saw an nginx gateway error briefly before it started serving pages again. Guess the entire droplet was restarted.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Onyx said:

    bug on servercooties

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    You should start a site to track the performance and availability of

    I'm sure such a society changing action would make somebody think "Belgium me, I need to pay @Lorne_Kates"

  • FoxDev

    @dkf said:

    But at least I managed to get to see the servercooties error page.


    @todo add /500 as a public endpoint for servercooties so anyone can see the 500 error page at any time.

  • FoxDev

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    @Onyx said:
    bug on servercooties

    yeah. two bugs actually. one was causing the site to crash outright (it assumed laoding avatars wouldn't fail.... OOPS!) and one was causing it to show the 500 error when it shouldn't have. we need to sort that one out.

  • kills Dumbledore

    But how will you be able to test it without the forum going down again?
    Oh, right...


    Pretty sure we know what causes it, should be able to repro even if forums work.

  • FoxDev

    @Jaloopa said:

    But how will you be able to test it without the forum going down again?

    patience. all we need is patience. :-D

  • Against the AdSense Terms.

  • @JazzyJosh said:

    Against the AdSense Terms.

    How does that work?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    STATUS I am TRWTF. Just introduced a faulty abstraction. There goes three days work. On the bright side I can reduce the LOC count by about 40%

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Captain said:

    Well yeah, Sisko misused the defiant. But who's going to tell him to stop?

    In the real world, his boss at Starfleet.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @cartman82 said:

    Especially concerned with wi-fi coverage.

    Me and my family recently got absolutely fed up with the shitty coverage we were getting around our house, so we picked up this beast of a router and haven't had any issues since, at least with the 5GHz bands. Our router's placed upstairs up against the exterior wall of our 2600ft² house, and we get strong signals even downstairs at the opposite wall, 30 or 40 feet away diagonally through two walls and the floor/ceiling, and with the 2.4GHz band we even get a decent signal out on the street, through the brick exterior wall. If you have coverage issues, I think this would probably solve them. For a price.

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