The Official Status Thread

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @locallunatic said:

    How would you use left over leave when you don't work there anymore? Oh wait, you are in one of those places that pays for unused leave aren't you?

    Upon termination of employment, US employers are required to pay out any unused vacation or leave. If you quit a job, they have to cut you a check for any vacation days you could use on that day. Even if you are fired for cause or quit.

  • Elder Scrolls Online doesn't have memory leaks. Or perhaps does but runs in 64-bit and they don't lead to crashes.

    It does crash for a myriad of other reasons, though.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    Status: Another crash from running out of memory in Guild Wars 2. I sent support a request for a 64-bit client, and instead of having a human respond with boilerplate vaguely related to my query, I received an automated message asking for two files:

    Back in the day, Supreme Commander had that same problem, and the "official" solution was to hex-edit the binary to change the user-mode address space from 2 GB to 3 GB. Which didn't help us in practice, because we always played the 81km maps with a maxed-out unit cap of 1000.

  • Does ESO have fights between a few hundred players and a boss with crazy amounts of particles and sound effects?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @loopback0 said:

    We can roll 5 and sell 5.

    Getting paid for unused leave is not really something here in the states. It is generally believed that if they were to pay you for them in lieu of you using them, they would have to be paid as overtime.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    So, let's imagine I start on January the 1st and that's the start of the holiday year.
    If I left on March 31st, do I get 3/4 of my annual leave back as money for the 9 months remaining that I didn't take off because I didn't work there any more?

  • @ben_lubar said:

    Does ESO have fights between a few hundred players and a boss with crazy amounts of particles and sound effects?


    EDIT: although it has some kind of LOD for particle effects, because I've noticed in Tamriel battles it'll frequently not display them for people who are more than a few meters away from you.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    Getting paid for unused leave is not really something here in the states.

    Well we get taxed on the 5 sold, and the value is spread across the 12 months of the following year.
    It's far from perfect but if, like me, you regularly end the year with 5-10 days left because you get more than most people then it's better than losing it.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @loopback0 said:


    So, let's imagine I start on January the 1st and that's the start of the holiday year.If I left on March 31st, do I get 3/4 of my annual leave back as money for the 9 months remaining that I didn't take off because I didn't work there any more?

    If you were given full access to all of those vacation days on that day, then yes.

    To get around that, a lot of companies only dole out vacation days on a schedule. So, typically you may have to be there for 6 months or a year before you get any vacation days. But, let's say you get to the year + a day and then quit, if they give you all the vacation days at once then they have to pay them out.

    It is looked upon as pay that is owed to you.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @loopback0 said:

    Well we get taxed on the 5 sold, and the value is spread across the 12 months of the following year.It's far from perfect but if, like me, you regularly end the year with 5-10 days left because you get more than most people then it's better than losing it.

    Lots of places here in the states will let you roll over a small amount of vacation days for that exact reason. The ones that don't are assholes, and they also have empty offices at the end of the year.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    But isn't it the height of aspirations for a business to completely shutdown from Thanksgiving through New Years' because they're running at like 20% staff, meaning the ones who do come in because they scheduled their vacation throughout the year like normal people are just faffing around unable to accomplish anything of consequence because of all the absenteeismvacation days that must be used or losed?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    If you were given full access to all of those vacation days on that day, then yes.

    It's ripe for abuse (as suggested already) but I like this.

    If I leave, I lose everything not taken. I get the full amount on Jan 1st, so if I've used more than I should have (to keep the numbers simple, let's assume I used more than 50% and I left on June 30th) then I'm officially required to pay the difference back under company rules, but it's not exactly enforced as far as I can see.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @loopback0 said:

    It's ripe for abuse (as suggested already) but I like this.

    Meh, perhaps. But let's says you make $104K (for nice round numbers) and you get 20 days of vacation. If you would quit your job in order to get a payout of $8K, then I would give you the $8K gladly in order to not have someone that would make such a stupid decision on my team.

    More than a few US companies have the last portion of their vetting process for employees be them offering them a check to not take the job. The values vary from $500-$2,000. The thinking is, if they will take that easy money they don't want them on their team. Zappos and Amazon are two of the big ones there.

    @loopback0 said:

    If I leave, I lose everything not taken.

    Well, there is at least one way that the US is more "fair" to employees. That really is pay that is owed to you, depending on your viewpoint I guess.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    US employers are required to pay out any unused vacation or leave

    Uh, those are state not federal (though IIRC to be a federal contractor you also need to do it) laws. You don't get paid for them in many states.

    @Polygeekery said:

    Getting paid for unused leave is not really something here in the states.

    Yeah actually there are places that let you sell PTO. But rules about it vary by location.

  • @mott555 said:

    @blakeyrat said:
    @mott555 said:
    Shared file servers among friends and family are now simply Linux systems and they connect via WinSCP and a private key. It works so much better than everything else I've tried.

    You should try DropBox.

    I'm a Luddite who prefers the files remain under my direct control.

    Never heard of OwnCloud? Or, if you want a professional encrypted solution without having to bother hosting yourself, something like TeamDrive (though you can also host a TeamDrive server on your own if you want to).

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @loopback0 said:

    So, let's imagine I start on January the 1st and that's the start of the holiday year.If I left on March 31st, do I get 3/4 of my annual leave back as money for the 9 months remaining that I didn't take off because I didn't work there any more?

    I addressed that, specifically, above. The answer is yes, if you accrued it all on Jan 1. That's why so many companies have rewritten their rules. Essentially they take your total amount of days you earn, divide by the number of pay periods, and you accrue that many hours per pay period. IOW a person who is paid monthly and allowed 24 days PTO accrues two a month, on the period end.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @FrostCat said:

    Essentially they take your total amount of days you earn, divide by the number of pay periods, and you accrue that many hours per pay period. IOW a person who is paid monthly and allowed 24 days PTO accrues two a month, on the period end.

    Yeah, that's how it's worked out here.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    let's says you make $104K (for nice round numbers) and you get 20 days of vacation. If you would quit your job in order to get a payout of $8K, then I would give you the $8K gladly in order to not have someone that would make such a stupid decision on my team.

    I'm going to guess it's not people who make six figures who tend to do that. My experience, which is second-hand, comes from dealing with people who've told me about employees where they worked that do things like claim one hour of FMLA PTO so they can come in late without getting docked an attendance point.

    Interestingly, during the recession, the company laid off a lot of people. Later, they re-hired most of them, except that the kind of person who'd ask for an hour of FMLA usually didn't get asked back.

    [if anyone needs me to unpack that a bit I'm willing to do so.]

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @FrostCat said:

    [if anyone needs me to unpack that a bit I'm willing to do so.]

    Please. Because them claiming FMLA to get out of being late deserves a :wtf:.

  • No, because even though you may spend your vacation early you technically earn it every paycheck.

    If you use up all your yearly vacation but leave two months in, you're probably gonna get that time deducted from your last paycheck.

    Though, like you said, whether that is enforced or not IDK.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    Please. Because them claiming FMLA to get out of being late deserves a :wtf:.

    Ok. Factory-type places have picked up (or so I was told) "attendance point" systems from Japan. The way it works is, you don't show up for work, you get a point. You are tardy or leave early, you get half a point (say). Go three months without accruing a point, you lose one. If your point totals hit, say, 3, you get a verbal warning. 5, you get a written warning. 7, you're terminated for cause.

    So maybe you tied one on Sunday night, and wake up a bit late Monday morning, and you realize you don't need another half-point for a tardy, so you ask for an hour of PTO, starting at when you were due in. Now generally you can't do that for obvious reasons, but HR departments are not willing to police FMLA leave requests as tightly, so they'll give you the hour, and hey presto, by the time you get a couple of cups of coffee into you, you're technically not late!

    I was told this by an HR directory for a factory, who says her workers actually did that. Well, until the mass layoffs, that is.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    if they give you all the vacation days at once then they have to pay them out.

    Nope. Depends on the state. NC for instance does not require an employer to pay out unused leave.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @JazzyJosh said:

    If you use up all your yearly vacation but leave two months in, you're probably gonna get that time deducted from your last paycheck.

    I covered that:
    @loopback0 said:
    if I've used more than I should have (to keep the numbers simple, let's assume I used more than 50% and I left on June 30th) then I'm officially required to pay the difference back under company rules, but it's not exactly enforced as far as I can see.

  • A double :hanzo: You :hanzo:ed me, my edit :hanzo:ed you

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @JazzyJosh said:

    Nope. Depends on the state. NC for instance does not require an employer to pay out unused leave.

    You appear to be correct. I will ask my wife for further clarification, but the strange thing is that I have always been paid vacation when I left and even lawyers have told me that it had to be paid out.

  • Yeah, our employee docs are very explicit that they will pay unused vacation where required, but they won't unless they are.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @JazzyJosh said:

    A double :hanzo: You :hanzo:ed me, my edit :hanzo:ed you

    YO DAWG I heard you like :hanzo: ...

  • @Polygeekery said:

    I have always been paid vacation when I left and even lawyers have told me that it had to be paid out

    It could have been due to policy says they will, can't change terms just cause you are leaving. That or you were in a state that requires it (IIRC it's something like 50+% of them).

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @locallunatic said:

    It could have been due to policy says they will, can't change terms just cause you are leaving. That or you were in a state that requires it (IIRC it's something like 50+% of them).

    I asked the HR mistress (my wife). She said that unless a state has a rule on the books explicitly saying that it does not have to be treated as earned pay, best practice (to avoid lawsuits) is to pay it out on termination of employment.

    She also said that the risk of being successfully sued is pretty low, but the risk is very large as a class-action lawyer could go back through your employee list and if they won get every single one of them back pay plus penalties, etc. So, even though our state does not have a law one way or another (lists put us in a "no law" category) most companies pay it out.

    She also said that there was a gigantic settlement against a major healthcare company in our state for not paying it that sort of set precedent where it was ruled that it was earned pay. So, no law, but precedent. Also, if you do business in multiple states they could file for change of venue to a state more amicable to a lawsuit.

    She also said more on the subject, but after that it all sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher. But, that is why she gets the big bucks in HR. She knows her stuff.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: It is a little chilly tonight, so I grabbed a blanket from the cedar chest. My wife hates the smell of a blanket straight from the cedar chest, but it reminds me of my grandma's house.

  • Status: grinning and bearing it through multiple battleship battles so I can finally unlock aircraft carriers. I gave up on the Japanese battleships, though, the Myogi is the worst ship ever.

  • Status:

  • Status:

    Fixed bug causing category info to be missing from the Library in Offline Mode, and sometimes cleared permanently when going back online

    HOLT SHIT Valve's finally fixing the bug that's made categories fucking useless for like 8 solid years?!??!??

    I can't wait to see how they fucked up the fix.

  • I see you found patch notes from like three months ago.

  • Are you on beta channel? I'm not.

  • Why not? Sure, you get more bugs, but you also get more bugfixes!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Oh hey, I got 31% attendance as of the last stats calc!

    Filed under: ⏱ You know you've been spending too much time on TDWTF when...

  • 🚽 Regular

    Status: Having to explain to a colleague with an EE degree why his 'high-side switch' is actually a voltage follower and will not work the way he thinks :wtf:

    Next up is embedded (8-bit) webserver fun, I wonder what horrors I'm going to find in that.


    @FrostCat said:

    Well, until the mass layoffs, that is.

    Why am I not surprised?

  • STATUS: Trying to debug SSH dropping connections. NOT a good sign:


    @cartman82 said:

    Trying to debug SSH dropping connections. NOT a good sign:

    # debsums -c


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Wat. Are they trying to connect and then start a server after?

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Wat. Are they trying to connect and then start a server after?

    No the server was working, it just crashed when any newly created user tried to log in ("connection closed" from the user's POV).

    Looks like an incompetent backdoor or a virus. No idea how they got in.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @antiquarian said:

    @FrostCat said:
    Well, until the mass layoffs, that is.

    Why am I not surprised?

    As I said above--the company experienced a downturn during the recession; it's not terribly surprising they laid a lot of people off. Later, when business picked up, they rehired most of them. But they used that as an opportunity to get rid of dead weight. I was given to understand that FMLA abuse was a decent proxy for "not a good employee". And make no mistake, taking an hour of FMLA to recover from a hangover is abuse. FMLA leave is intended to be "I need a couple of weeks off because my husband had a heart attack and I need to take care of him until he recovers."

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    I am rather surprised that HR did not have them complete the requisite paperwork that goes along with an FMLA claim. That whole situation is HR's fault for not getting off their ass and taking care of it.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    I am rather surprised that HR did not have them complete the requisite paperwork that goes along with an FMLA claim. That whole situation is HR's fault for not getting off their ass and taking care of it.

    Well, I am sure I didn't get all the details. Sometimes it's easier to let an employee build a case for their termination. Also the nice thing about a mass layoff and selective rehire is you don't need to worry about wrongful termination lawsuits. "Oh, sorry, business isn't back to old levels, and we just don't need as many people as we used to."

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @FrostCat said:

    Well, I am sure I didn't get all the details. Sometimes it's easier to let an employee build a case for their termination.

    Yeah, I have no doubt there. One of my wife's major job duties is to handle high-risk terminations. Basically, if a person belongs to one or more protected classes and there may be a need to terminate them in the future, they start building a case. Now, obviously this is information that they collect about everyone, or else it is discrimination. But, they take a closer look at it for the high-risk terminations and once she has deemed that there is enough evidence, then they can terminate.

    And yes, this means that shitty employees get to keep their jobs well past the point that they should. It also routinely means they get severance. So, they get a bonus for being a shitty employee. But, the company gets a document signed saying that they will not litigate, etc.

    HR is a fucked up world at times.

    @FrostCat said:

    Also the nice thing about a mass layoff and selective rehire is you don't need to worry about wrongful termination lawsuits. "Oh, sorry, business isn't back to old levels, and we just don't need as many people as we used to."

    The recession was an extremely positive thing for the construction industry here. The majority of the companies that relied on out-earning their own stupidity instead of sound business practices are now gone. The really shitty laborers went on to manufacturing and other industries. Now, the industry as a whole is a hell of a lot stronger. Just like a controlled burn can make the forest less susceptible to out of control wildfires, the recession cleared out a lot of the dead wood.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    One of my wife's major job duties is to handle high-risk terminations.

    I outsource that to Dale Gribble.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @FrostCat said:

    I outsource that to Dale Gribble.

    The other day I heard a guy who talked exactly like Boomhauer. It was eerie. And he was not doing it out of satire. That was how he talked. It was at a public event and I basically stalked the guy for a couple of minutes to hear him talk to his friend. It was surreal.

    And yes, I did wonder if he was the fellow who called to complain about Beavis and Butthead Porky's Butthole.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Dale Gribble.

    @Polygeekery said:


    Um. guys. Can we get together to mow lawns together, sometime, or something?

    Since a group hug would be way outta line....

    Filed under:

    "Do you know how to start a man's heart with a downed power line?"
    "No Dad"
    "Well, there really is no wrong way..."

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