Vote of No Confidence

  • Maybe it only shows up if you're logged in but I see:

    right at the bottom.

  • FoxDev

    @hungrier said:

    Maybe it only shows up if you're logged in

    I see it too, and I've never had an account there

  • That's weird. I see:

    Why would that change from user to user? Are you looking at any specific page? That's snipped from the home page. I think I also looked at an article page and saw the same thing, but I CBA to check again.

  • FoxDev

  • :facepalm: Of course the non-forum part of the site wouldn't mention the forum software, and somehow last night I missed the big button staring me in the face.

    Filed under: E_NO_CAFFEINE

  • That was the joke, your point 3 was:

    Maybe that point has already been abandoned in the thread and going back to it would just piss off people who are already in the thread.

    Having to explain it ruins the joke

  • @fbmac said:

    Having to explain it ruins the joke


  • @blakeyrat said:

    I know SA's using a toxic hellstew forum but I don't know which one.

    @SA said:
    Hello, TwelveBaud! Clicking here makes all your wildest dreams come true.

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  • I reaffirm my vote of no confidence last cast on July 16th.

  • In case it wasn't clear: I still have no confidence in Discourse.

    I would also like to nominate Jeff as the alpha-tester for our new purple dildo. It's made from purple cholla!

    [spoiler] [/spoiler]

    Edit: apparently, spoilers no longer work on light box images.
    Filed Under: Days Since Last Discobug: -1

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    You (still) seem rankled.

  • Who, me? 👼

    Whatever would give you that idea?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    I'm reaffirming my Vote of No Confidence first cast about 6 months before Discourse came online.

  • I would like to make my view explicitly known. While Discourse might have its small victories in concept, CDCK, and its creators have thoroughly lost my vote on both this poorly implemented mess, and any other codebase they may ever touch.

  • ...but, even a poorly implemented mess can be saved if the people responsible for it don't behave like babies when handling bug reports.

  • Not if it has been broken thoroughly from the ground up. Discourse needs a complete redesign to be even slightly okay. See Flarum and NodeBB

  • @mrguyorama said:

    complete redesign

    But we both know that's never going to happen because reasons.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Still, Discourse does some things* that they don't do (or don't do as well). It remains to be seen if they can keep the things that make them attractive when they get closer to feature parity.

    * e.g., read tracking, expanding replies, updating notification indicators.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @tar said:

    @mrguyorama said:
    complete redesign

    But we both know that's never going to happen because reasons.

    Implementation-wise, anyway.


    I have to change my vote at this point.

    As long as we've been on Discourse, it still feels almost as broken as it was before. Given the time we have been using it, and considering the version number, this is barely any progress at all.

    I have confidence in Discourse. I'm confident it will remain as broken within its 10 year plan.

  • @Onyx said:

    I have confidence in Discourse. I'm confident it will remain as broken within its 10 year plan.

    I don't know... that implies it won't get worse, and I can't agree with that...

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    For the hell of it, I decided to look back at the first 100 posts of this thread... ~10% of the entire discussion. Because remember, Jeff said that the only useful part of a discussion happens in the beginning and the end, so users don't NEED the middle part. (Except that it was talking about how idiots read articles, but aside from that).

    Of the top hundred, here are ALL the positive, "Confidence" posts. Commentary mine**emphasized text

    @apapadimoulis said:

    I like the endless scrolling, esp on mobile. That's a pretty minor gripe, and i'm sure someone can submit a patch for it as a user setting. Maybe it already is a setting.

    Did anyone ever submit a patch to turn off imfinimsldf snicker... okay, even I can't finish this joke with a straight face

    @boomzilla said:

    I think I'm starting to get used to the infinite scrolling thing.

    This is the most positive thing mentioned. Someone maybe, somehow, might get used to the worst feature.
    Current disposition: Fuck discourse

    @dhromed said:

    Anyway, how do we dump all of these obvious bugs into Atwood's public bug tracker in a civil, productive manner? (assuming there is one)

    Yes, where is Atwood's public bug tracker again? I'm still not sure if dhromed meant "assuming there is a public bug tracker", or "assuming there is a civil, productive way to interface with Atwood"?

    @mjmilan said:

    Everything takes a little getting used to, and such a shift away from the traditional BB format was always going to be something we would have to get accustomed to - personally, I don't think it's had it's full crack of the whip yet...

    Mjmilan loves Discourse. It's amazing. It's easy to use, and will be perfect for this forum! (last posted: July '14)

    And of course...
    @end said:

    PhpBB? Seriously?
    Meme****strong text
    The actual founders of the project are here interacting with you and listening to your feedback.

    Wait wait hold on. Guys, I just got a message from the PHPBB devs and they told me to relay it to you, because they care deeply about you, this forum, and your happiness. Here it is:
    Here at Discourse, we actually pretend to care about you "users" and your "needs". Your happiness is job.. #45:

    1. play Battlefield 444) pay our taxes45) listen to user feedback

    Note: Jeff manually typed 43 44 and 45 because Discourse doesn't do lists.

    @error said:

    Several times we've attacked a piece of software and gotten the author to come defend himself, but this is the first time said author has brought real snark.

    I approve.

    Error is willing to give Discourse the benefit of the doubt, and welcomes the interaction with the author of the forum. Last post: Feb 8th, 2015

    @error said:

    Do you really think ~23k posts is more manageable with the infinite scroll thing?

    (Damn it's hard to quote a link, it keeps trying to follow it even though highlighting links on most sites doesn't do that.)

    Hang on, wait-- he immediately shits on the infiniscroll thing while questioning the decision of one of the forum authors

    And that's it, folks. That's 100% of the "positive" feedback given to Discourse to counter the vote of no confidence, in the first 100 replies.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    I'm still not sure if dhromed meant "assuming there is a public bug tracker", or "assuming there is a civil, productive way to interface with Atwood"

    It hardly matters; neither exist.

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    @Lorne_Kates said:
    I'm still not sure if dhromed meant "assuming there is a public bug tracker", or "assuming there is a civil, productive way to interface with Atwood"

    It hardly matters; neither exist.

    Not entirely true. You can civilly, productively interface with Twatwood. You just have to give him money first. He's kind of like a hooker that way.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    For the hell of it, I decided to look back at the first 100 posts of this thread... ~10% of the entire discussion. Because remember, Jeff said that the only useful part of a discussion happens in the beginning and the end, so users don't NEED the middle part. (Except that it was talking about how idiots read articles, but aside from that).

    Of the top hundred, here are ALL the positive, "Confidence" posts. Commentary mine**emphasized text

    So, I clicked to the "Top ^" of the topic, and saw "blakeyrat ........ May '14" as the heading, and thought "well, it's only been 5 months, how much does Lorne reaaaally expect in ----"

    Aaaaand then I realized "May '14" was not referring to "May 14th", but "May 2014". I don't ... even.... errr... like ... um .... I .... WHAT THE FUCK!?

    I'd like to blame JavaScript, but I know that it doesn't understand dates... and I'd like to blame that on some formatting fuckery with Ruby, but I suspect all the rendering is done in JavaScript... so that means, a human being decided to abbreviate /May 2014/ as /May '14/. Why!?!?

    I hereby give myself a vote of no confidence, and request someone competent to deal with the forums. Though, to be fair, this will have been an entertaining and memorable forums experience, and will go down in history like the wonders of CS... amiright?

    Aaaand now my CPU fan is starting to spin up, so I'm going to end this rant...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @apapadimoulis said:


    It's a forum for the next ten years. The bikeshedder-in-chief must think that that's the abbreviation everyone will use in 2025'25


    But hey, imagine all the money we could make on fixing Discourse installs when Y2k100 hits!


    There is a reason Jeff only claims to make a forum for the next 10 years

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @apapadimoulis said:

    I hereby give myself a vote of no confidence

    I am officially no longer a grumpy cat. =)

  • Banned

    Mission Succesful or something?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    I am officially no longer a grumpy cat. =)

    Only took ' 18

  • @apapadimoulis said:

    So, I clicked to the "Top ^" of the topic, and saw "blakeyrat ........ May '14" as the heading, and thought "well, it's only been 5 months, how much does Lorne reaaaally expect in ----"

    Aaaaand then I realized "May '14" was not referring to "May 14th", but "May 2014". I don't ... even.... errr... like ... um .... I .... WHAT THE FUCK!?

    Here's a year old conversation on that:

    The post from @anon25879736 ( 👋 ) to try and bring in points from a duplicate topic is our contribution to the discussion. @riking issued a PR to change the dates to DD Mmm and Mmm 'YY, but it wasn't merged with the core.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @abarker said:

    Here's a year old conversation on that:

    Oh, my bad. I didn't realize that ... I'll just let @CodingHorrorBot say it.

  • 🔀

    @‍apapadimoulis Is Doing It Wrong™

  • But remember—you're looking at Discourse dates as a developer, so how can you possibly say that a user will find it confusing?

  • area_deu

    @apapadimoulis said:

    I'm friends with the Discourse guys, I believe in them, and all that...

    A propos of nothing, are you and do you still? (I'm genuinely interested if this disaster had any fallout to your personal relationship.)

    File under: I'm much wiser now

  • @tar said:

    But remember—you're looking at Discourse dates as a developer, so how can you possibly say that a user will find it confusing?

    How dare you accuse me of being a discodev! I challenge you!

  • Now steady on; I said developer not discoveloper.

    Surely we're familar with TCoCKDiCK scripture which dictates that developers and users are different species, which interact with websites in entirely different ways?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    @boomzilla said:
    I think I'm starting to get used to the infinite scrolling thing.

    This is the most positive thing mentioned. Someone maybe, somehow, might get used to the worst feature.
    Current disposition: Fuck discourse

    I am a glass half full kind of guy. Probably because we have really big glasses at my house, so you don't really need to fill them all the way up.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @apapadimoulis said:

    I'd like to blame JavaScript, but I know that it doesn't understand dates... and I'd like to blame that on some formatting fuckery with Ruby, but I suspect all the rendering is done in JavaScript... so that means, a human being decided to abbreviate /May 2014/ as /May '14/. Why!?!?

    Yeah, but the color was OK, wasn't it? Didn't distract you from important stuff or anything? Or maybe it needs to fly in from the side? But only when your mouse moves over the post? Jeez, this could be made sooo much better. I get the feeling that this platform is just waiting to take off, once we get the little details like that correct.

  • @tar said:

    Surely we're familar with TCoCKDiCK scripture which dictates that developers and users are different species, which interact with websites in entirely different ways?

    Sounds familiar, but I CBA to check. After all, I got banned from the online reference. :P

  • @boomzilla said:

    Yeah, but the color was OK, wasn't it?

    Colour was OK, but perhaps #70ffbb might be better, hint towards the green end of the blue spectrum, make the user feel everything's going to be alright. And also, maybe the date should be on the lefthand side, rather than being all isolated there on the right...

  • @tar said:

    And also, maybe the date should be on the lefthand side, rather than being all isolated there on the right...

    Obviously some people like it better one way, and some people like it the other way. It should be a user setting:
    Don't not put the date opposite the right* side.

    * right means correct, TBD by Jeff

  • #Blakeyrat.




    You're all so stuck on one colour. Clearly, dates should be coldmapped, with older ones going towards red to warn you against reading all that old guff.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @ChrisH said:

    @apapadimoulis said:
    I'm friends with the Discourse guys, I believe in them, and all that...

    A propos of nothing, are you and do you still? (I'm genuinely interested if this disaster had any fallout to your personal relationship.)

    Yes, and yes. I think the quality (or lack thereof) of the software itself is such a small factor in trying to build a viable, sustainable business. Everything else (marketing, packaging, service, etc.) is far more important, as is recognizing who your target audience is and isn't.

    I mean, look at their customers; if they're providing them with the same hands-on service, and providing advice on how to build/foster a community, then it's a huge value. Plus the hipster factor of using pure JavaScript RUby Docker Bullshit is far more important to those communities than the fact that it's .............. a little buggy...........

    @boomzilla said:

    Yeah, but the color was OK, wasn't it? Didn't distract you from important stuff or anything? Or maybe it needs to fly in from the side? But only when your mouse moves over the post? Jeez, this could be made sooo much better. I get the feeling that this platform is just waiting to take off, once we get the little details like that correct

    ... and I feel my previous comment has lost all credibility.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @apapadimoulis said:

    look at their customers
    I can't but notice something incestious about the relationship between some of their customers and their software stack... Reminds me of geocity web circles for some reason.

    *edit : Highing to quote doesn't quote links. Am I the only person who thinks that this isn't just a QA problem but rather thinking a feature out properly problem.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @DogsB said:

    I can't but notice something incestious about the relationship between some of their customers and their software stack.

    The choice of a technology stack can be an important marketing decision. If we were to build our new product in, uh, Rust or one of those new hipster languages, just imagine all the WHOAAAAA I GOTTA TELL ALL MY BUDDIES AND PUT A STICKER ON MY LAPTOP, AND FORK IT ON GITHUB.

  • FoxDev

    @apapadimoulis said:

    Plus the hipster factor of using pure JavaScript RUby Docker Bullshit is far more important to those communities than the fact that it's .............. a little buggy...........

    honestly what's more important to me is the behavior of the founders. @sam has been consistently professional, @riking as well.

    Jeff? not so much.

    I've not gone through all of his interactions on meta.d but most of the ones that i have observed i would categorize as unprofessional.

    Banning most of us in this latest round, including @faoileag who had not logged into meta.d for over a year prior to bangate I would categorize as highly unprofessional.

    Responding to a legitimate bug report with an image meme, i would categorize as unprofessional.

    Removing bug reports that are CLOSED-WONTFIX from their "bug tracker" i would categorize as borderline unprofessional as it removes the ability for bug reporters to search for past bugs and see that their bug has already been reported and resolved.

    removing posts in bug reports that raise dissenting opinions, even when the dissent is polite and in the spirit of continuing discussion, i would categorize as unprofessional.

    All of this and more i have seen from Jeff in the past year or so I've been an active user of discourse.

    We here on WTDWTF are no angels and our actions contributed in large part to the current schism, I'll admit and own up to that, while at the same time I'll say that I believe that Jeff needs to at this point in time stop participating in a professional capacity in meta.d. his actions are not professional and are causing him a lot of reputation damage amongst the group of people who will be installing, and supporting the end users on his forum software.

    I think that most of us that are here on WTDWTF would be willing to accept the bugginess on discourse more if our interactions with meta.d had been handled in a more professional manner. As it is I know my advise to anyone asking me about using discourse would be simple: "Run"

    That's not a recipe for long term growth of his company....


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