The Official Status Thread

  • Status: I just got this popup while reading this thread.

  • @EvanED said:

    How does an OS X-style session restore thing help this one iota?

    I don't know how things work on OSX. I suspect they just start app anew instead of dumping/restoring RAM, but I'm not sure.

  • @accalia said:


    ow you're going to start freefall?

    This made me think: It's quite a shock once you've caught up on an active comic (web or otherwise). One moment, you're reading dozens of strips per day. The next, you're restricted to one per day, at most. In extreme cases, it might be as bad as one per week!

    The whiplash really hurts.

  • FoxDev

    @abarker said:

    One moment, you're reading dozens of strips per day. The next, you're restricted to one per day, at most. In extreme cases, it might be as bad as one per week!

    yep. that is the downside to getting caught up. that's why some strips languish for months before i read them in a big burst just so i can get the flow of the story. but then, the comics that make you want to read them at dozens of dozens of strips per day are generally worth the wait.

  • Two days ago, I started a 4-koma manga called Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko in which a tomboyish girl is trying to get noticed by her male best friend, and hasn't been having much luck. It's been really entertaining, and they seem to be releasing a set of 10 pages each day. It only took me an hour or so to get caught up, and now I have to hope that when they catch up with the author, who apparently updates daily, they keep translating regularly.

  • FoxDev

    @Magus said:

    Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko

    :-( it's not on comic-rocket


  • I was reading it on so it should be there, but I'm at work right now. Interestingly, if I post links to it to my friends on steam, steam replaces the link with {LINK REMOVED}! They must have the whole site blocked.

  • Incidentally, @accalia, I found the page about the friends and the umbrella to be quite funny, and it might be worth pasting here.

  • FoxDev

    you have my attention.

    /me sits down to wait.

  • Oh, I just meant that if you indeed read it, and reach that point, it'd be cool if you posted it. I don't know how far in it is, and am at work. It's SFW, but it looks less like working than this forum.

  • FoxDev

    likewise. i'll give it a look when i'm at home though.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: I got back on Twitter for a few minutes, realized that the majority of people on there are still batshit crazy when I saw someone I know re-tweeted something about Thimerosal...I am good. Maybe try again in a few more months?

  • FoxDev

    @Polygeekery said:


    hmmmm... that's Ethyl(2-mercaptobenzoato-(2-)-O,S) mercurate(1-) sodium

    huh. well it does have mercury in it.

    of course it's bound in a pretty stable molecule so the mercury is essentially biologically unavailable and so the active mercury concentration is far, far, far, far, far ,far, far

    ten hours later

    far below the threshold that would present any risk to bioaccumulate, let alone create any measurable affect that could be related to mercury.

    why are we still talking about this?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @accalia said:

    why are we still talking about this?

    Good fucking question. Another good question is why pointing out that there is sodium in table salt but that sodium does not explode your head and pointing out that the same thing is happening with Thimerosal does not shut them up.

  • @cartman82 said:

    I suspect they just start app anew instead of dumping/restoring RAM, but I'm not sure.
    And then, I suspect, the app has to restore it's state. But that's a proactive thing it has to do just like dealing with disconnects and/or hibernate gracefully, and I'm 100% positive it would be very easy to find OS X programs that don't do that. (I can't actually check, because I don't have one. If you feel like it... let's guess terminal. Open a terminal, cat some file. Reboot. The terminal will presumably re-open, but it probably isn't displaying the file any more.)

  • It probably doesn't shut them up for the same reason pointing out that it isn't used in most of the vaccines people are complaining about doesn't.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    That was brought up, and then people brought up the flu vaccine which is given to mothers.

    For me, the big deal is that all of these fucking morons have made our vaccines less effective and shelf stable by complaining about something that is non-point.

    Oh, and one asshole said it was no big deal to get measles. That was the point that I had to bow out.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    Oh, and one asshole said it was no big deal to get measles.

    (Yes, yes, I know where the badevil ideas thread is...)

  • wait... what?

    from the author of the best seller "enjoying polio" ??

  • Botulism, Bot-u-fun!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Polygeekery said:

    Status: I got back on Twitter for a few minutes, realized that the majority of people on there are still batshit crazy when I saw someone I know re-tweeted something about Thimerosal...I am good. Maybe try again in a few more months?

    Sounds like the problem is the people you know, not twitter.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: In other news, the next time someone asks me why I am atheist, I will send them this as proof that there is no god.

  • What, the continued popularity of soap operas didn't give it away? Get with the program, man!

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Well, to be honest, the fact that he makes that kind of money is only one nail in the coffin. But, that dipshit making that kind of money for videos that damned stupid is wholly incompatible with there being a just and loving god. A just and loving god would not allow shit like that to happen.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    I will send them this as proof that there is no god.

    Using that as proof requires that deities must be just which not all faiths claim.

    And :hanzo: by your next post, :­(

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    You just enjoy shitting all over my humor don't you?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Polygeekery said:

    Well, to be honest, the fact that he makes that kind of money is only one nail in the coffin. But, that dipshit making that kind of money for videos that damned stupid is wholly incompatible with there being a just and loving god. A just and loving god would not allow shit like that to happen.

    Now you just sound like @flabdablet. 😷

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @boomzilla said:

    Now you just sound like @flabdablet.

    No need for insults.

  • Status: Discovered BungeeCord, it's like NGINX but for Minecraft servers. Mainly, it allows a multiworld configuration where each world is actually a separate server process possibly on different machines, some of which can be vanilla Minecraft and others can be modded, and BungeeCord acts as a sort of reverse proxy and adds a few commands Man-in-the-Middle-Attack-style to switch players between servers rather seamlessly.

    I think it's time to revamp my Minecraft server setup and start that Factions PvP server I always wanted.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: I know what to do with my spare angle grinder.

  • @RTapeLoadingError said:

    Part B tomorrow but the threat of more mandatory modules to follow depending on my "path".

    Aaaaaagh. Part B has 5 sub-sections, each 1 hour in duration.

    Seriously, do the people who demand this sort of thing not realise I have work to do1?

    1 I'm a DBA2 2No, I'm not being sarcastic

  • @mott555 said:

    Status: Discovered BungeeCord, it's like NGINX but for Minecraft servers. Mainly, it allows a multiworld configuration where each world is actually a separate server process possibly on different machines, some of which can be vanilla Minecraft and others can be modded, and BungeeCord acts as a sort of reverse proxy and adds a few commands Man-in-the-Middle-Attack-style to switch players between servers rather seamlessly.

    I think it's time to revamp my Minecraft server setup and start that Factions PvP server I always wanted.

    Ugh...I can't just download a JAR...I have to have GIT installed, and download their JAR from their Jenkins server that apparently has code to checkout the real source code then build it. :wtf:

    EDIT: This is for Spigot, which is a Minecraft server wrapper by the same guys but is required by BungeeCord. BungeeCord is simple, just download a JAR and run it. Spigot expects you to be a software release engineer.

  • @dkf said:

    runtime code generation. In a mixture of assembler, C and (a little) C++…)

    Ouch. I think my head just broke.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    I can't even tell the name of the window open behind Mahjong

    It's readable in the full-sized screenshot: Amarok. Only the Dicsource-reduced preview image is unreadable. However, I agree the color scheme would be better with more contrast.

  • @accalia said:

    @abarker said:
    One moment, you're reading dozens of strips per day. The next, you're restricted to one per day, at most. In extreme cases, it might be as bad as one per week!

    yep. that is the downside to getting caught up.

    So true.

    Status: Shelved Pibgorn, at least temporarily; caught up on Freefall — 2676 strips since 13:24 PDT Friday, including time out for a 245-strip detour into Sequential Art, which my son recommended. My son tells me Sequential Art is now updating irregularly, so when I get caught up (only about 8 years to go), who knows how long I'll have to wait between strips.

    Status: Phone interview tomorrow morning for a contract job in Milpitas — I think; it's a bit confusing, with two layers of recruiters involved, maybe. I got a phone call from recruiter A, whose client is company B. I later got a call from company B, whose client is company C. The job description I got from company B is pretty vague, but what little I have is not the same as I got from recruiter A. First order of business: Find out what I'm actually interviewing for.

  • FoxDev

    @HardwareGeek said:

    , who knows how long I'll have to wait between strips.

    they seem to come in spurts, five or six weeks of one a week separated by some span of time without updates. i think his day jo is getting to him.

  • @accalia said:

    it's bound in a pretty stable molecule so the mercury is essentially biologically unavailable

    Metabolizes to ethyl mercury, which is less toxic than the methyl mercury typically associated with mercury toxicity. It is less bioavailable than methyl mercury, so it is more likely to be excreted. However, the concentration in vaccines is, at most, about 25μg/dose, and about 0.25μg/dose in vaccines used for infants and children.

    When I was a kid, we routinely used 2% tincture of thimerosal (brand name Merthiolate) as a topical antiseptic, similar to, but less common than, tincture of merbromin (brand name Mercurochrome), with similar bright red skin stain. I'm sure I got more mercury through skin contact with Merthiolate than I did from all the vaccinations I've had in my life.

  • Status: a friend of a friend got his house raided by the police because he reported a flaw that made possible to allow fraud on an election.
    and the only comment from the vast majority is "but voting was so much easier this time, i like the new system!"


  • @Polygeekery said:

    one asshole said it was no big deal to get measles.

    What? I don't even....

    Most people who get measles recover, but it killed 96000 people in 2013; the mortality rate can be as high as 10% in malnourished populations. As recently as 1980, it was killing around 2600000 people per year, mostly children under 5. Yeah, no big deal, unless you or your kid happen to be among the 96000, or the ones who develop complications such as hearing loss.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said:

    What? I don't even....

    Most people who get measles recover, but it killed 96000 people in 2013; the mortality rate can be as high as 10% in malnourished populations. As recently as 1980, it was killing around 2600000 people per year, mostly children under 5. Yeah, no big deal, unless you or your kid happen to be among the 96000, or the ones who develop complications such as hearing loss.

    Ctrl + F and search for measles. See the stupidity, by a man who has his credentials in his profile:

    Naturopath. Bachelor of Health Science, University of New England. Master of Herbal Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sydney University.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @accalia said:

    they seem to come in spurts


  • Status: I made a big batch of hot tea in a pitcher, and put it in the refrigerator to chill. There is now ice floating on top of the tea. I think my refrigerator is set a little too cold.


    @cartman82 said:

    I just can't trust it.

    So we all should stop using a feature of Windows that has been fine since XP just because there is some shitty software out there? WTF?

    @cartman82 said:

    inspect a remote database

    MSSQLM just throws me a connection error. Perfectly fine solution. Click reconnect. Authentication is established again if needed.

    @cartman82 said:

    crappy GUI app

    I fail to see why a crappy CLI app wouldn't be crappy at this. This is not a GUI/CLI discussion.

    @cartman82 said:

    on software makers investing time and effort

    I would have thought you figured this out by now: making good software isn't easy. And as far as I can see that's even rather platform independent. Some platforms might be easier then others but there is no golden solution.

    @cartman82 said:

    it's a badly conceived system.

    It isn't, I'm been using it daily for almost 10 years since I got my first XP work laptop. Close laptop, take laptop with me, open it up and start working again. I see people all around me working like that constantly, without even knowing how it works. Sometimes there might be an issue but nothing compared to the usage and usefulness of this feature.
    Additionally you do realize that Windows since 8 does a hibernate instead of just shutting down in most cases? E.g. what you think is a shutdown might be just a close apps, logoff, hibernate cycle.


    Status: Bikeshedding! The color of today is #fafafa
    The color of tomorrow might be #lalala !


    Wait ... why you no like my #fafafa ?

    Nothing that some good ol' !important can't fix!

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Polygeekery said:

    one asshole said it was no big deal to get measles.

    There's now this idea that measles is basically chickenpox. People my age and younger (and probably a fair bit older, not sure when widespread MMR came in) have no experience of what a dangerous disease it was

    @Polygeekery said:



    @Polygeekery said:

    Bachelor of Health Science

    Bachelor of Bullshit

    @Polygeekery said:

    Master of Herbal Medicine

    progressing to Master of Bullshit, nice

    @Polygeekery said:

    Sydney University

    Didn't realise Sydney had a bullshit univesity

  • @Polygeekery said:

    that dipshit making that kind of money for videos that damned stupid is wholly incompatible with there being a just and loving god.

    Why do you hate rich people?

  • @Luhmann said:

    Additionally you do realize that Windows since 8 does a hibernate instead of just shutting down in most cases? E.g. what you think is a shutdown might be just a close apps, logoff, hibernate cycle.

    That's impossible because Hibernate doesn't work in Windows! SO SAYS CARTMAN82 THE EXPERT! Who is not at all a huge tool!

  • kills Dumbledore

    Is that the one that @boomzilla turned off because Linux doesn't work properly?

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