The Official Status Thread

  • Java Dev

    Such mechanisms can be very annoying. Gets even worse if saving is completely free, because then it can feel like the 'right approach is:

    1. Save the game.
    2. Try to repair the car N times. Probably N=1.
    3. If the car is not repaired, load the game and goto 2.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    There's no "I" in team

  • There is no explicit save, but if you close the app at the right moment you can get another try.

    Of course, I'm way too lazy for that.

    EDIT: after starting a new game, and spending another 40 scrap, I can safely say that the percentage is probably closer to 5% than to 20%.

    Plus, I bought an expensive upgrade that said "never lose a gas can". Shortly later "you just lost 5 gas cans, oops!". Well you just got uninstalled, you piece of shit.


    Contractor: Hey cartman, I'm having problems connecting to your git server on Windows.
    Me: Pfff, no sweat. Share your screen through Skype and we'll set it right up.

    After 1 hour of dealing with Git For Windows, TortoiseGit, non-standard ports, Git Bash and Putty saved sessions.

    Me: Err, I'll have to call you back once I figure it out.

    I'm setting up a fresh Windows 7 VM right now.

    Git sucks on Windows.

  • FoxDev

    @cartman82 said:

    Git sucks on Windows

    It's OK for little hobby projects. Sometimes. So long as nothing goes wrong. Which it will.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    It's OK for little hobby projects. Sometimes. So long as nothing goes wrong. Which it will.

    It's OK once you set everything up. But it's fucking hell until you do. ESPECIALLY if it's set up on a nonstandard port. You won't believe shit you have to pull to get that working.

  • BTW I just noticed ServerFault now has fugly banner adds above the answer.

    StackOverflow is still clean, but I bet their VC funded grace period is almost out and we'll soon start seeing some monetization strategies beginning to creep in. You think SO sucks now, wait till they add blinking "CLICK TO CLAIM PRIZE" banners above their "plz do my homework" questions.

  • @boomzilla said:

    @blakeyrat said:


    I think that Linux should be mentioned first, i.e. Linux/GNU, because the kernel seems more fundamental than the GNU utilities.

  • FoxDev

    Except it GNU over Linux, so GNU/Linux is correct 😛

    Similarly, GNU/Hurd is GNU over Hurd ;)

  • @RaceProUK said:

    Except it GNU over Linux, so GNU/Linux is correct 😛

    Similarly, GNU/Hurd is GNU over Hurd ;)

    Then it should be pronounced, "GNU divided by Linux".

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @anonymous234 said:

    The car broke down. OK, no problem, use scrap to repair it. Each scrap has a 20% chance of successfully repairing it, so the came says. So it should take on average 5 to repair the car.

    I had 23. All of them failed. Complete fucking bullshit that is.

    May I introduce you to the Gambler's Fallacy?'s_fallacy

  • @cartman82 said:

    Me: Err, I'll have to call you back once I figure it out.

    I'm setting up a fresh Windows 7 VM right now.

    Git sucks on Windows.

    79 easy steps to get git working:

    1) Install tortoisegit
    - Go to
    - Click the link under "for 64-bit OS"
    - Run setup, check all default options (make sure to check “TortoiseGitPlink” on “Chose SSH client” screen 
    2) Install Git for Windows
    - Go to
    - Click "Download"
    - Run setup, select all default options
    3) Setup special port for the company's git
    - Go to
    - Click the first "putty.exe" link. Download putty.exe
    - Copy putty.exe to permanent dir (eg. C:\Utils) and run it
    - Enter:
    	Host Name:
    	Port: 12345
    - Under saved sessions, enter:
    - Click Save. COMPANY_GIT should appear in the list below.
    - Click Cancel or close the window
    4) Create the SSH keys
    - Open the application "PuTTYgen" (can be found through start menu)
    - Click Generate
    - Move the mouse around until the key is generated
    - Select the text in the read-only text box and copy it (Ctrl+C)
    - Go to (login with given username / password, if needed)
    - Click "Add New"
    - Under the title, enter the name of your computer or something
    - Paste the stuff from clipboard into the "key" textbox
    - Click Save
    - Back in the "PuTTY Key Generator" app, click "Save public key"
    - Select a directory to keep your keys, for example "My Documents"
    - Enter "company.key" as the file name and click Save
    - Click "Save private key"
    - Click “Yes” when asked are you sure you want no passphrase (or enter a passphrase above and repeat)
    - Enter "company" as the file name (extension will be auto-applied) and click Save
    - Close the "PuTTY Key Generator" app
    4) Clone the repository
    - Open your projects folder in Explorer or Total Commander
    - Right click the target folder or empty space, select "Git Clone..." from the context menu
    - Under url, enter:
    Replace "<name_of_the_repository>" with the name you get from the gitlab site. On the project home page, look for something like “”. “my_project” is the name of the repository.
    - Check "Load Putty Key" checkbox, if it’s not already checked
    - Click "..." to the right of the checkbox and select your private key file (company.ppk inside "My Documents")
    - Click OK
    - If you get a security alert, click Yes
    - The repository should be cloned now. You can manipulate it through the right-click context menu from now on.
    5) User name and email
    - The first time you try to commit, tortoise will ask you to enter username and email. You can enter whatever name you want and email you used to create the gitlab account.
    - You can change these by right-clicking anywhere, TortoiseGit > Settings, then under “Git” tab, click “Global” radio button.

    I especially like setting up port in putty and then just closing it and never using it again. I mean, WTF!?

  • Status (from 15 minutes ago): say, I do feel lightweight. Wasn't I supposed to be carrying something?

    Oh yeah, my big travel bag...

    ...full of important, expensive things...

    ...that I just left on the train...


    I'm an idiot.

    [spoiler]But I turned around just in time to get it back ☺ [/spoiler]

  • @Polygeekery said:

    May I introduce you to the Gambler's Fallacy?

    No fallacies here, the probability of something with probability 0.2 failing 23 times in a row is just 0.590%. That's why I'm annoyed it had to happen to me.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Polygeekery said:

    Mix Everclear with blue toilet water. It will taste better.

    And if you get the mixture right, it won't matter because you won't remember!

  • Status: written some Javascript to add tribbles to a page and, each time any tribble is hovered, every tribble on the page generates a new tribble. They soon add up, or rather, exponentiate.

    Not quite perfect - it relies on initial hidden elements being installed to place the first tribbles. Ideally it would only need a trigger button which would place a number of tribbles at random points in the page.

    I also need to fix the tribble image so that the background is transparent, if I can.

  • FoxDev

    @CarrieVS said:

    Not quite perfect - it relies on initial hidden elements being installed to place the first tribbles. Ideally it would only need a trigger button which would place a number of tribbles at random points in the page.

    Look at how works ;)

  • @RaceProUK said:

    Look at how works

    I want it in the page, not on top, though. I expect cornify just adds new ones to the end and then positions them randomly, but I need to add new nodes at random points in the middle.

  • FoxDev

    Yeah, Cornify uses top-z-order divs that have a fixed position; sounds like you want your tribbles to scroll with the page though.

  • I generally don't like fixed position things. But I think I could come round to the idea of tribbles entirely blotting out the page after a few goes - but still being able to see the new tribbles generating on top of them every time you move the mouse, layers and layers deep.

    I put quite a bit of effort into tribblify() and it would hurt to scrap it more or less entirely, though.


    Status: 😀 🕶
    Just got a positive evaluation ... bonus come to daddy ... I'll take very good care of you ... before I spend you until the last cent.

  • @Cursorkeys said:

    Some of the American engines have fittings that are nearly impossible to get to

    I had to replace the fuel injectors on my Chevy pickup last year, and I want to cock-punch whoever thought it was a good idea to require you to remove the wheel well liner and blindly reach over the tire, through two hard fuel lines, around the steering column, past the master brake cylinder, and to the very rear of the engine bay with an Allen wrench to remove a LocTited valve cover bolt you can't even see in a space with room to twist the wrench only 20° at a time.

  • I'll take the all-metric Chevy -- dealing with a random mix of metric and SAE fasteners sounds like a recipe for trouble.

    @Cursorkeys said:

    Two of my engines use Russian Metric which is neither (integer) Metric nor Imperial. I've had to resort to molesting spanners in the mill.

    Ick! Tool Abuse!

    @blakeyrat said:

    Actually Russia's military equipment was probably exactly on par with ours the entire time. And they've always been damned good with tanks. And submarines, although they never had enough of them in service.

    They do know how to build some damn good kit these days -- the Flanker and Fulcrum are both very, very good fighter jets to this day.

    @Cursorkeys said:

    Some of the American engines have fittings that are nearly impossible to get to, definitely a case of design without consulting production.

    Yeah...that seems to be endemic these days -- design neither consults production nor service, and prides themselves on it.

  • @tarunik said:

    Yeah...that seems to be endemic these days -- design neither consults production nor service, and prides themselves on it.

    A Douglas Adams quote comes to mind (paraphrased):

    The difference between a machine that can fail and a machine that can't possibly fail is when the machine that can't possibly fail inevitably fails, it's impossible to get into or fix.

    Maybe those engineers think they're building engines that can't possibly fail.

  • STATUS: Doing node.js <> C++ interop, like a big boy!

  • Guh. How about we move it to "no thread at all", that's awful.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Status: A couple of weeks ago we were becoming low on space so I requested some new 6TB drives. This was denied while a global email went out asking everyone to delete what they don't need, on the assumption that at least some of the 300GB that has appeared since the start of the year is junk.

    Usage has actually increased by 3GB after the request. My drives have been approved 😄

  • That one was relatively clean. There were others with the baby's head emerging (complete with details of the opening from which it was emerging) covered with "blood" (strawberry or raspberry jam).

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    For once, I agree with blakey. As a father who was there for the birth of his child, I can say that if it is your wife and your son child, it is a beautiful event.

    If it is not, the experience would be worse than witnessing an alien autopsy.

    Edit: FTFE, including @abarker

  • ♿ (Parody)

    I birthed a post to an existing family: 🎂The cupcake thread of celebrations.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    For once, I agree with blakey. As a father who was there for the birth of his child, I can say that if it is your wife and your sondaughter, it is a beautiful event.

    If it is not, the experience would be worse than witnessing an alien autopsy.


  • Status: good thing Sam did all that perf work, now it only takes 9 seconds to open my own goddamned notifications.

    Oh wait, that's how long it took before.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: Why the fuck do I have a hymn stuck in my head. I think I'm losing it.

  • A lot of the hymns in the Church I grew up going to were adapted from drinking songs centuries ago, so it's reasonable to expect them to be memorable.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    This one's just irritatingly catchy. I haven't been to church since I got old enough that my parents couldn't force me, but the songs still get stuck in my head sometimes.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    Status: good thing Sam did all that perf work, now it only takes 9 seconds to open my own goddamned notifications.

    Mine have been much faster than that on the notification drop down thing. Are you going to your profile page? That shit takes for ever still.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Cursorkeys said:

    a global email went out asking everyone to delete what they don't need, on the assumption that at least some of the 300GB that has appeared since the start of the year is junk.

    Yeah, because people just save terabytes of random, unneeded shit, to company servers for the hell of it...

  • @Yamikuronue said:

    This one's just irritatingly catchy.

    All I'm saying is that that's the idea. You're supposed to have them stuck in your head. They are also designed to be easy to sing, usually.

  • Also GET! (Couldn't resist. Just look at this number!)

    EDIT: For posterity, the newlevator called it 21012 for the day.

  • FoxDev

    mu hu huhuhuhuh.....

    let's see how long that lasts.

  • I will definitely not race for them here. That would be evil. The racing over in the likes thread made me give up on it, because it grows too fast now. But this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up, since I was already there.

  • FoxDev

    @Magus said:

    I will definitely not race for them here. That would be evil.

    t-23:45 until; your get is wrong.... 😛

    i could get help from a TL4 to increase that... but nah.... i can wait

  • Hmm, I see some kind of awful is going on with the numbers.


  • 🚽 Regular

    @Polygeekery said:

    Yeah, because people just save terabytes of random, unneeded shit, to company servers for the hell of it...

    Yep. We have new cost management measures here which means that everything must be justified to the accounting team. I used to have purchase authority for that kind of thing.

    I was expecting a reduction of some small size though. At least it made my argument very easy once I had the results.

  • The email probably just reminded people they should put more local files on the file server to be backed-up.

  • FoxDev

    @Magus said:

    Hmm, I see some kind of awful is going on with the numbers.

  • Yes, well, the fact that the newlevator is wrong is firmly 's fault. (The chip comes in 3 colors, but only this one is Discord, and the enemy comes in four colors. While there are technically two more colors, only the third game exists)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus said:

    They are also designed to be easy to sing, usually.

  • Not easy to sing, but also very much not a hymn (despite being sung in this case by two boys from a choir that may or may not have a religious affiliation1):

    1The choir was founded by Catholic clergy, and initially had a purely religious repertoire, but secular music was added not many years after its founding. The choir is currently operated by an Association; it is not clear from their website whether the Association has any religious affiliation, and the names of recent leaders have no religious titles given.

  • Status: Just used Sleipnir's bookmark feature for the first time, on the pasted image of the Discord battlechip, for no other reason than to paste it here.

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